14,418 research outputs found

    Containerless low gravity processing of glass forming and immiscible alloys

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    Under normal one-g conditions immiscible alloys segregate extensively during solidification due to sedimentation of the more dense of the immiscible liquid phases. Immiscible (hypermonotectic) gold-rhodium alloys were processed in the 100 meter drop tube under low gravity, containerless conditions to determine the feasibility of producing dispersed structures. Three alloy compositions were utilized. Alloys containing 10 percent by volume of the gold-rich hypermonotectic phase exhibited a tendency for the gold-rich liquid to wet the outer surface of the samples. This wetting tendency led to extensive segregation in several cases. Alloys containing 80 and 90 percent by volume of the gold-rich phase possessed completely different microstructures from the 10 percent samples when processed under low-g, containerless conditions. Several samples exhibited microstructures consisting of well dispersed 2 to 3 microns diameter rhodium-rich spheres in a gold-rich matrix

    Ages of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics, western North Island, New Zealand, and some geological implications

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    The Alexandra and Ngatutura Volcanics are the two southernmost of the Pliocene-Quaternary volcanic fields of western and northern North Island, New Zealand, northwest of Taupo Volcanic Zone TVZ. The Ngatutura Basalts are an alkalic basaltic field comprising monogenetic volcanoes. The Alexandra Volcanics consist of three basaltic magma series: an alkalic (Okete Volcanics), calcalkalic (Karioi, Pirongia, Kakepuku, and Te Kawa Volcanics), and a minor potassic series. Twenty new K-Arages are presented for the Alexandra Volcanics and 9 new ages for the Ngatutura Basalts. Ages of the Alexandra Volcanics range from 2.74 to 1 .60 Ma, and the ages of all three magma series overlap. Ages of the Ngatutura Basalts range from 1 .83 to 1.54 Ma. Each basaltic field has a restricted time range and there is a progressive younging in age of the basaltic fields of western North Island from the Alexandra Volcanics in the south, to Ngatutura, to South Auckland, and then to the Auckland field in the north. Neither of the Alexandra nor Ngatutura Volcanics shows any younging direction of their volcanic centres or any age pattern within their fields, and there is no systematic variation in age with rock composition. Any correlation of age with degree of erosion of volcanic cones is invalid for these basaltic fields; instead, the degree of erosion may be controlled by the lithology of the cones and possibly by the extent of preservation offered by the thick cover deposits of the Kauroa, Hamilton, and younger tephra beds. Stratigraphic relations have enabled the earliest member of the Kauroa Ash Formation to be dated at 2.3 Ma. This formation represents a series of widespread rhyolitic plinian and ignimbrite eruptions probably derived from TVZ and initiated during the Late Pliocene

    Troubling Vulnerability: Designing with LGBT Young People's Ambivalence Towards Hate Crime Reporting

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    HCI is increasingly working with ?vulnerable? people yet there is a danger that the label of vulnerability can alienate and stigmatize the people such work aims to support. We report our study investigating the application of interaction design to increase rates of hate crime reporting amongst Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people. During design-led workshops participants expressed ambivalence towards reporting. While recognizing their exposure to hate crime they simultaneously rejected ascription as victim as implied in the act of reporting. We used visual communication design to depict the young people?s ambivalent identities and contribute insights on how these fail and succeed to account for the intersectional, fluid and emergent nature of LGBT identities through the design research process. We argue that by producing ambiguous designed texts, alongside conventional qualitative data, we ?trouble? our design research narratives as a tactic to disrupt static and reductive understandings of vulnerability within HCI

    Crossover from tunneling to multiphoton ionization of atoms

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    We present a theory illuminating the cross-over from strong-field tunnelling ionization to weak-field multiphoton ionization in the interaction of a classical laser field with a hydrogen atom. A simple formula is derived in which the ionization amplitude appears as a product of two separate amplitudes. The first describes the initial polarization of the atom by virtual multiphoton absorption and the second the subsequent tunnelling out of the polarized atom. Tunnelling directly from the ground state and multiphoton absorption without tunnelling appear naturally as the limits of the theory

    The Statistics of the BATSE Spectral Features

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    The absence of a BATSE line detection in a gamma-ray burst spectrum during the mission's first six years has led to a statistical analysis of the occurrence of lines in the BATSE burst database; this statistical analysis will still be relevant if lines are detected. We review our methodology, and present new simulations of line detectability as a function of the line parameters. We also discuss the calculation of the number of ``trials'' in the BATSE database, which is necessary for our line detection criteria.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, AIPPROC LaTeX, to appear in "Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Huntsville Symposium," eds. C. Meegan, R. Preece and T. Koshu

    Solid fuel use and cooking practices as a major risk factor for ALRI mortality among African children

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    Background: Almost half of global child deaths due to acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) occur in sub-Saharan Africa, where three-quarters of the population cook with solid fuels. This study aims to quantify the impact of fuel type and cooking practices on childhood ALRI mortality in Africa, and to explore implications for public health interventions. Methods: Early-release World Health Survey data for the year 2003 were pooled for 16 African countries. Among 32 620 children born during the last 10 years, 1455 (4.46%) were reported to have died prior to their fifth birthday. Survival analysis was used to examine the impact of different cooking-related parameters on ALRI mortality, defined as cough accompanied by rapid breathing or chest indrawing based on maternal recall of symptoms prior to death. Results: Solid fuel use increases the risk of ALRI mortality with an adjusted hazard ratio of 2.35 (95% CI 1.22 to 4.52); this association grows stronger with increasing outcome specificity. Differences between households burning solid fuels on a well-ventilated stove and households relying on cleaner fuels are limited. In contrast, cooking with solid fuels in the absence of a chimney or hood is associated with an adjusted hazard ratio of 2.68 (1.38 to 5.23). Outdoor cooking is less harmful than indoor cooking but, overall, stove ventilation emerges as a more significant determinant of ALRI mortality. Conclusions: This study shows substantial differences in ALRI mortality risk among African children in relation to cooking practices, and suggests that stove ventilation may be an important means of reducing indoor air pollution

    Time Dependent Clustering Analysis of the Second BATSE Gamma-Ray Burst Catalog

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    A time dependent two-point correlation-function analysis of the BATSE 2B catalog finds no evidence of burst repetition. As part of this analysis, we discuss the effects of sky exposure on the observability of burst repetition and present the equation describing the signature of burst repetition in the data. For a model of all burst repetition from a source occurring in less than five days we derive upper limits on the number of bursts in the catalog from repeaters and model-dependent upper limits on the fraction of burst sources that produce multiple outbursts.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, uuencoded compressed PostScript, 11 pages with 4 embedded figure