524 research outputs found

    Classification of Algebraic Function Fields with Divisor Class Number Two

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    AbstractIn a previous paper we proved that there are 11 quadratic algebraic function fields with divisor class number two. Here we complete the classification of algebraic function fields with divisor class number two giving all non-quadratic solutions. Our result is the following. Let us denote bykthe finite field withqelements. Up to isomorphism, there are exactly 8 non-quadratic algebraic function fields of one variableK/khavingkfor full constant field and with a divisor class number equal to two

    Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement patterns in central Moldavia (Romania)

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    International audienceDespite a long tradition of studies of the Moldavian Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures, the analysis of the territorial behaviour of human communities remains underexploited. This work combines concepts used in landscape archaeology with the potential of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to mobilise archaeological artefacts in a large-scale setting and for many thematic purposes. This paper aims to compare the spatial and temporal distributions of archaeological evidence in central Moldavia. Applying integrated approaches through GIS analysis, it explores the natural, economic and social phenomena involved in territorial trajectories during the Later Prehistory (6000-3500 BC). In the chronological framework of the Starcevo-Cris, Linear Pottery, Precucuteni and Cucuteni cultures, different types of spatial analysis are computed in order to underline territorial control and supply strategies in an area well known for its density of its fortified settlements, extremely rich soils and abundance of salt spring

    Landscape archaeology in the Venetian plain (Northern Italy)

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    This study underlines the links between environmental sciences and social sciences and aims for a better understanding of the landscape dynamics in the Venetian plain. The geodynamic constraints resulting from natural forces and the historical land occupation patterns are approached jointly. The analysis of the agrarian morphology of the plain is integrated with the geomorphological data. The prevalence of the irrigation networks constructed in order to control the hydrous flows, by irrigation or draining is highlighted. This includes 1) centurial forms, understood as a remarkable tool for agrarian improvement, 2) patterns of land planning, dating from the 12th and 13th centuries AC, 3) modern networks accompanying the Venetian nobility’s colonisation campaign of the plain. These agrarian dynamics allow us to pinpoint the complexity of the historical heritages, closely combined with the natural components, while restricted to the Venetian plain landscape


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    International audienceThis paper presents the first results of the spatial analysis concerning the dynamics and interaction betweensettlement patterns from the Neolithic to Chalcolithic times (6000-3500 BC) and a particular mineral re-source exploited since the Early Neolithic, the salt springs in the Oriental Carpathian Mountains. Using kernel densities and viewsheds, we propose some natural and anthropological factors which structure this regionalterritor

    Centuriations romaines dans la plaine alluviale du Brenta (Vénétie)

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    RésuméRobin Brigand, Centuriations romaines dans la plaine alluviale du Brenta (Vénétie)Dès la seconde moitié du xixe siècle et, plus précisément, au cours de la première moitié du xxe, la très forte matérialité des centuriations de la plaine de Venise est avérée grâce à l’utilisation de la photographie verticale et de la carte topographique à moyenne échelle. Dès lors, le discours se construit dans une optique géohistorique qui prend en compte le contexte de la romanisation et la question agraire dans l’Antiquité romaine. Les résultats récents de l’archéogéographie, de la géoarchéologie et de l’archéologie préventive proposés en France et en Italie invitent désormais à revisiter la nature même de cet objet fort de l’histoire agraire. Dans la plaine alluviale du Brenta, il ne s’agit plus de rechercher une forme originelle mais plutôt de comprendre les mécanismes sociaux et environnementaux qui ont participé pleinement à la construction des paysages centuriés.AbstractRobin Brigand, Roman centuriation in the Brenta alluvial plain (Venetia)In the second half of the 19th century and (more specifically) in the first half of the 20th century, the materiality of centuriations in the plain of Venice was measured using vertical photography and medium-scale topographic mapping. The discourse surrounding this issue was thus shaped by a geohistorical perspective that incorporated the broader context of romanization and the agrarian question in Roman Antiquity. Recent findings in archaeogeography, geoarchaeology and preventive archaeology in France and Italy suggest that the nature of this key aspect of agrarian history needs to be re-examined. In examining the Brenta alluvial plain, the issue is not to seek for an original form but to understand the social and environmental factors contributing to the construction of centuriated landscapes

    La recherche juridique sur les prélèvements biologiques réalisés dans le cadre des autopsies et objets de scellés judiciaires. Nécessité d'une adaptation législative

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    Currently, it is legally impossible to conduct scientific research on tissue and organ samples taken from forensic autopsies. In fact, the law schedules the destruction of such samples at the end of the judicial investigation, and the common law rules governing cadaver research cannot be applied to the forensic context. However, nothing seems in itself to stand in the way of such research since, despite their specific nature, these samples from forensic autopsies could be subject, following legislative amendments, to common law relating to medical research on samples taken from deceased persons. But an essential legislative amendment will have the goal firstly to allow the Biomedicine Agency to become authorized to issue a research permit and secondly, to change the research conditions in terms of the non-opposition of the deceased to the said research. Such an amendment would be a true breakthrough because it would allow teams to continue to move forward calmly in research, and allow this research to be placed within a legal framework, which would promote international exchanges

    Visitor Use observation and monitoring in Mediterranean marine protected areas.: A handbook for managers.

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    International audienceIn all natural protected areas, irrespective of the type, it is the managers' role to reconcile environmental protection with their sites' opening to the public. Visitor impacts on protected habitats and species must be restricted, while fostering the positive effects of tourism on a social, cultural and/or economic level. To implement sustainable, balanced management, managers need to define the ecological conservation status of their site, and quantify and qualify the human activities to which it plays host. Knowledge of the natural environment has traditionally been the priority focus in protected areas. Managers have long used environmental conservation monitoring tools. Tools for monitoring visitor uses and the related socio-economic aspects, however, are less extensively developed and respond to more recent concerns. Today, managers are in search of standardised visitor use monitoring tools that will provide the data required to render visitor use compatible with site conservation, improve visitor and local community wellbeing, boost the positive effects of tourism, improve internal management and plan for future changes. This guide is the result of work carried out in cooperation by Mediterranean MPA managers and a team of scientists which has tested methods for studying visitor use with Port-Cros National Park in France.Afin de développer un tourisme écologiquement responsable, il est souhaitable de planifier la gestion des activités touristiques dans le cadre d'un plan de gestion qui est généralement associé aux aires marines protégées. Dans cette perspective, la connaissance et le suivi scientifique de la fréquentation et des impacts du tourisme sont une nécessité pour les gestionnaires soucieux de conserver un bon état environnemental à l'aire marine protégée. Les AMP doivent se donner les moyens, même minimum, pour suivre l'évolution des pratiques touristiques, avec la même conviction et des moyens comparables à ceux qui sont engagés pour le suivi du patrimoine naturel. L'observation régulière des usages, touristiques ou non, est une composante aujourd'hui incontournable pour une bonne gestion des espaces. La connaissance fine des activités touristiques permet au gestionnaire de mettre en œuvre les mesures de gestion nécessaires telles que le contingentement des visiteurs, l'aménagement des sites (mouillages organisés par exemple), les politiques tarifaires, la gestion des déchets, etc. Produit par le projet européen MedPAN Nord, coordonné par le WWF-France sous l'égide du réseau MedPAN des gestionnaires d'aires marines protégées de Méditerranée, le présent guide " Observer et suivre la fréquentation dans les aires marines protégées de Méditerranée " a pour vocation d'aider les gestionnaires à connaître et à mettre en œuvre les suivis des usages touristiques dans leur aire marine


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    In questo studio viene presentata una procedura di tipo Monte Carlo per la derivazione delle curve di frequenza delle portate al colmo e dei volumi corrispondenti basata sull\u2019accoppiamento di un modello di generazione delle forzanti pluviometriche tramite copule e un modello di trasformazione afflussideflussi di tipo distribuito. Tale procedura \ue8 stata applicata ad un caso di studio siciliano; i risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la bont\ue0 del modello a riprodurre le statistiche complesse delle grandezze idrologiche a fronte di un basso numero di parametri modellistici e di un ridotto sforzo computazionale
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