38 research outputs found

    A western boundary current eddy characterisation study

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    The analysis of an eddy census for the East Australian Current (EAC) region yielded a total of 497 individual short-lived (7-28 days) cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies for the period 1993 to 2015. This was an average of about 23 eddies per year. 41% of the tracked individual cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies were detected off southeast Queensland between about 25 oS and 29 oS. This is the region where the flow of the EAC intensifies forming a swift western boundary current that impinges near Fraser Island on the continental shelf. This zone was also identified as having a maximum in detected short-lived cyclonic eddies. A total of 94 (43%) individual cyclonic eddies or about 4-5 per year were tracked in this region. The census found that these potentially displaced entrained water by about 115 km with an average displacement speed of about 4 km per day. Cyclonic eddies were likely to contribute to establishing an on-shelf longshore northerly flow forming the western branch of the Fraser Island Gyre and possibly presented an important cross-shelf transport process in the life cycle of temperate fish species of the EAC domain. In-situ observations near western boundary currents previously documented the entrainment, off-shelf transport and export of near shore water, nutrients, sediments, fish larvae and the renewal of inner shelf water due to short-lived eddies. This study found that these cyclonic eddies potentially play an important off-shelf transport process off the central east Australian coast

    Is the East Australian Current causing a marine ecological hot-spot and an important fisheries near Fraser Island, Australia?

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    The distributions of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) blooms near the Fraser Island continental shelf along the east coast of Australia were analysed for the period 2002–2012. The blooms were found to exhibit two distinct quasi climatological patterns. The first pattern was a broad near-coast mid-shelf distribution that prevailed from about March to July each year. The second pattern was established due to re-occurring outer-shelf Chl-a blooms southeast of Fraser Island from about August to February. The outer-shelf Chl-a bloom concentration maxima appeared to be higher than those associated with the near coast pattern. Both distributions were found to be characterised by significant year-to-year variability in the number of total blooms, the length of blooms and the Chl-a bloom concentration maxima. The physical cause of the outer-shelf Chl-a concentration maxima was of particular interest, since this location overlaps with a region previously identified as a key eastern Australian marine ecological site and important fisheries. In this analysis, we found that the area also overlaps with a hot-spot in EAC-generated bottom layer stress, which appears to be the main driver of the 'Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System'

    Upwelling and eddy activity in the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone, Australia

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    Coastal upwelling systems are characterised by high primary productivity caused by the supply of nutrients into the surface layer of the ocean. These areas are key locations in global fish production despite their smaller size when compared with larger oceans. Another coastal mechanism that enhances primary productivity is eddy activity. It has been shown that eddies have three key features in the formation of the favourable reproductive habitat: enrichment, larval concentration and retention. Additionally, near-coastal eddies enhance primary production upon the neighbouring shelf as well as being mechanisms for the off shore transport. In this thesis, the results from an analysis of upwelling and eddy activity in the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone off eastern Australia are presented. Firstly, the analysis includes the quantification and characterisation of upwelling events using chlorophyll-a data as a proxy. Secondly, a census of near-coastal eddies from a study of sea surface height data, along with the quantification of the potential impact of eddies over the shelf is presented. Finally, the analysis includes an examination of the role of upwelling events and eddies in the general circulation upon the shelf, through the examination of numerical representations. The analysis of chlorophyll-a data results in the identification of two characteristic patterns. One pattern is associated with upwelling events driven primarily by bottom stress, as well as a less significant wind stress. This pattern is evident during the September to March period each year. From the days related to this particular chlorophyll-a bloom formation, approximately 87% and 60% of these days show upwelling conditions favoured by bottom stress and wind stress, respectively. The periodicity of hese events leads to the identification of the Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System. The second pattern was associated with upwelling events displaying an offshore transport not associated with wind stress, prompting the examination of the eddy activity in this region. It is suggested that the latter pattern is the result of a secondary upwelling system. It is proposed that this upwelling system is referred to as the Sunshine Coast Upwelling System. The analysis of the sea surface height data using an eddy detection and tracking tool, results in the identification of three coastal regions. Each region is characterised by ts latitudinal distribution of eddies, as well by the main eddy features. The Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone is strongly dominated by cyclonic eddies of short (7-24 days) and long (>24 days) life spans, with approximately 31% and 29% of the total number of eddies, respectively. It is shown by quantifying an event in 2012, that near coastal eddies have the potential to extract offshore a high percent of the shelf water. The 2012 eddy extracted approximately 64% of the shelf water, which was replaced by slope water, resulting in a chlorophyll-a bloom. It is suggested, that the eddy activity has a significant role in the generation of chlorophyll-a blooms that are not associated with the Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System. Further insight into the ocean circulation of the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone is gained from the analysis of ocean reanalysis data as well as through the implementation and application of a regional ocean model. The examination of ocean reanalysis data describes the role of eddies and upwelling events in the general circulation upon the shelf. The East Australian Current and wind drive most of the coastal circulation. The high variability of ottom stress resulting from the current, enhances the inshore bottom layer transport. The implementation of a numerical model identified high vorticity associated with sub-mesoscale features as contributing to the existence of the Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System. The numerical results highlight the key role of the Breaksea Spit shallow waters in defining the source of upwelling water off Fraser Island. The Ekman transport by wind stress is significant in the Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System (Spring and Summer). The northward transport by wind stress (Winter) could be significant in the generation of mesoscale eddies, potentially creating upwelling events by entraining shelf water. Simultaneously, the high concentration of cyclonic ear-coastal eddies enhances a northward inner shelf current, supporting the reports of a northward transport of sand, ending at the north of Fraser Island. In summary, a key finding of this research is the identification of the Southeast Fraser Upwelling System. The examination of the Sunshine Coast Upwelling System leads to the characterisation of the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone as being strongly dominated by cyclonic eddies. The analysis of numerical representations suggests that sub-mesoscale eddies have a significant influence on arine dynamics along the shelf break. It is suggested that the findings of this research should guide the future design and implementation of oceanographic surveys examining the Southern Queensland Coastal Marine Zone. The irst objective of these surveys would be to observe upwelling events driving the Southeast Fraser Island Upwelling System as well as surveying the sub-mesoscale activity in this region. Improved knowledge of this region’s physical oceanography would be extremely beneficial in the management of sustainable fishery and would result in clear economic benefits

    Psychometric properties of the SDM-Q-9 questionnaire for shared decision-making in multiple sclerosis: item response theory modelling and confirmatory factor analysis

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    Background: Shared decision-making is a cornerstone of patient-centred care. The 9-item Shared Decision-Making Questionnaire (SDM-Q-9) is a brief self-assessment tool for measuring patients’ perceived level of involvement in decision-making related to their own treatment and care. Information related to the psychometric properties of the SDM-Q-9 for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients is limited. The objective of this study was to assess the performance of the items composing the SDM-Q-9 and its dimensional structure in patients with relapsing-remitting MS. Methods: A non-interventional, cross-sectional study in adult patients with relapsing-remitting MS was conducted in 17 MS units throughout Spain. A nonparametric item response theory (IRT) analysis was used to assess the latent construct and dimensional structure underlying the observed responses. A parametric IRT model, General Partial Credit Model, was fitted to obtain estimates of the relationship between the latent construct and item characteristics. The unidimensionality of the SDM-Q-9 instrument was assessed by confirmatory factor analysis. Results: A total of 221 patients were studied (mean age = 42.1 ± 9.9 years, 68.3% female). Median Expanded Disability Status Scale score was 2.5 ± 1.5. Most patients reported taking part in each step of the decision-making process. Internal reliability of the instrument was high (Cronbach’s α = 0.91) and the overall scale scalability score was 0.57, indicative of a strong scale. All items, except for the item 1, showed scalability indices higher than 0.30. Four items (items 6 through to 9) conveyed more than half of the SDM-Q-9 overall information (67.3%). The SDM-Q-9 was a good fit for a unidimensional latent structure (comparative fit index = 0.98, root-mean-square error of approximation = 0.07). All freely estimated parameters were statistically significant (P < 0.001). All items presented standardized parameter estimates with salient loadings (>0.40) with the exception of item 1 which presented the lowest loading (0.26). Items 6 through to 8 were the most relevant items for shared decision-making. Conclusions: The SDM-Q-9 presents appropriate psychometric properties and is therefore useful for assessing different aspects of shared decision-making in patients with multiple sclerosis.The study was funded by Roche Farma SA, Spai

    Panorama de la Economía de Ecuador desde 1994 hasta 2014 // Overview of the Economy of Ecuador from 1994 to 2014

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    El presente documento es el resultado de una investigación exploratoria, que tiene como finalidad analizar la evolución de la economía ecuatoriana desde el origen de su última gran crisis en 1994, que ocasionó su dolarización a principios del año 2000, y que ha dado origen a un gobierno (que al año 2014) ha establecido como eje central la educación, aunque sin consecuencias óptimas hasta el momento, de acuerdo a los datos macroeconómicos. La metodología utilizada ha sido a partir de fuentes secundarias y de estadísticas provenientes de datos de diferentes organismos internacionales y de Ecuador. La principal conclusión ha sido que las políticas económicas deben estar orientadas a mejorar la calidad de vida de la sociedad, más que a privilegiar solamente intereses económicos de un sector, como ocurrió a finales de los años noventa en Ecuador. AbstractThis document is the result of an exploratory research, whose purpose is to analyze the evolution of Ecuadorian economy since the beginning of the economic crisis in 1994, which caused its dollarization at the beginning of 2000, and a government that has established education as priority in the year 2014, although the consequences are not optimal, according to macroeconomic data. The methodology used has been from secondary sources and statistics based on data from different international and national organizations. The main conclusion has been that economic policies must be oriented to improve the quality of life of society rather than privileging only the economic interests of a sector, as happened in the late 1990s in Ecuador

    El secreto financiero como factor de la inversión directa extranjera

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    Due to the scandals of corruption related to the offshore accounts of different people linked to the public and private sphere, which have been discovered in recent years, this research aims to verify the predictive capacity of an alternative methodology to the classification that divides jurisdictions into tax havens or not, that notoriously has not been effective. Specifically, it has been analyzed whether the Financial Secrecy Index (FSI), which is calculated every two years, turns out to be a determinant factor on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) of positive net inflows. The method with which it has worked has been a multiple linear regression at global level, and from developed and emerging jurisdictions (separately), in the period after the global economic crisis (2011-2015). The main conclusion obtained from the study is that there is a positive and significant relationship between the value of the FSI and the positive net inflows FDI, only on a global scale.Debido a los escándalos de corrupción relativos a las cuentas offshore de personas vinculadas al ámbito público y privado, que han sido descubiertos en los últimos años, esta investigación pretende comprobar la capacidad predictiva de una metodología alternativa a la clasificación que divide a las jurisdicciones en paraísos fiscales o no y que notoriamente no ha resultado ser eficaz. Específicamente, se ha analizado si el Índice del Secreto Financiero (ISF), que se calcula cada dos años, resulta ser un factor determinante sobre la Inversión Directa Extranjera (IDE) neta de entrada positiva. El método con el cual se ha trabajado es una regresión lineal múltiple, que permite efectuar análisis a nivel global, de jurisdicciones desarrolladas y emergentes, en el período posterior a la crisis económica mundial (2011- 2015). La principal conclusión obtenida del estudio es que existe una relación positiva y significativa entre el valor del ISF y la IDE de entrada neta positiva, solo a escala mundial

    The HPC next door: enabling research outcomes using QCIF HPC facilities

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    The paper begins with a background of the problem, a description of the research projects requiring use of HPC, followed by the problems with accessing the HPC resources required, and an account of the approach taken to solve the problem. A description of the solutions is provided, followed by a discussion on the research outcomes and a reflection on lessons learnt

    Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Relapses

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    Metilprednisolona; Esclerosi múltiple; RecaigudaMetilprednisolona; Esclerosis múltiple; RecaídaMethylprednisolone; Multiple sclerosis; RelapseMinimizing the risk of relapse is essential in multiple sclerosis (MS). As none of the treatments currently available are capable of completely preventing relapses, treatment of these episodes remains a cornerstone of MS care. The objective of this manuscript is to reduce uncertainty and improve quality of care of this neurological process. This article addresses definitions of key concepts, recommendations for clinical examination, classification criteria, magnetic resonance imaging, biomarkers, and specific therapeutic counsels including special populations such as pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children. An algorithm for treating MS relapses is also provided.This research was funded by NOVARTIS FARMACÉUTICA, SA, for the two expert panel meetings held and the recording and transcription of the content of the first meeting performed by the contract research organization, Dynamic

    Cooperación entre la Unión Europea y América del Sur: enfocado en la I+D+i // Cooperation between the European Union and South America: focused on R+D+i

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    En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, con productos que son el resultado de una cadena global, las alianzas entre países ha pasado a ser sustancial, dándole prioridad a la I+D+i, que está directamente relacionada con los niveles de desarrollo de los países. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo central analizar el desarrollo de la cooperación entre la Unión Europea (UE) y los países sudamericanos, focalizándose en la I+D+i. La metodología empleada ha sido a través de la revisión de la literatura, y la realización de análisis estadísticos desde datos provenientes de ambas partes analizadas. Principalmente, se puede concluir que ha existido un acercamiento de los países del bloque europeo con los de América del Sur, posterior a la incorporación de España a la UE; aunque en temas de I+D+i, alrededor de las tres cuartas partes de la cooperación ha sido efectuada con Argentina, Brasil y Chile. AbstractIn an increasingly globalized world, with products that are the result of a global chain, alliances between countries have become substantial, giving priority to R+D+i, which is directly related to the levels of development of the countries. The main objective of this study is to analyze the development of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the South American countries, focusing on R+D+i. The methodology used has been through the literature review, and the accomplishment of statistical analysis obtained from data of secondary sources, coming from both analyzed parts. Mainly, it can be concluded that there has been a rapprochement of the countries of the European Union with those of South America, after the incorporation of Spain to the EU; although around three quarters of the cooperation has been carried out with Argentina, Brazil and Chile, related to terms of R+D+i