837 research outputs found

    Première évaluation du risque toxique lié aux cyanobactéries d'eau douce en France : le programme " EFFLOCYA "

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    Une enquête menée à l'aide d'un questionnaire couvrant l'ensemble du territoire français ainsi que l'étude spécifique d'écosystèmes aquatiques de type lacs et réservoirs ont permis de montrer que les proliférations de cyanobactéries toxiques pouvaient a priori affecter n'importe quel plan d'eau de l'Héxagone. Les genres rencontrés responsables de la production de toxines, le plus souvent hépatiques, sont Microcystis, Planktothrix, Anabœna et Cylindrospermopsis.Les efflorescences peuvent se produire tout au long de l'année car certaines espèces sont adaptées aux eaux froides et elles ne sont pas liées de manière univoque à un état eutrophe de l'écosystème.La production toxinique est la plus élevée lorsque les populations cyanobactériennes sont peu ou pas diversifiées et à la lumière de travaux récents, cette production serait favorisée, en ce qui concerne les microcystines, par un milieu riche en nitrate, pauvre en ammonium et fortement carencé en fer.La suite à donner à ce travail pourrait être la création d'un observatoire national des efflorescences toxiques.An inquiry covering the whole French territory together with specific studies of natural and artificial reservoirs has been made to assess the human health risk related to the prolifération of toxin producing blue green algae (cyanobacteria). The conclusions show that any lentic ecosystem can be affected like it has been shown already in other countries all over the world and more specifically within the EU. The main genus concemed are: Microcystis, Planktothrix, Anabœna and Cylindrospermopsis.Blooms can occur juring the whole year since some species are well adapted to cold water and are not clearly linked with the trophic status of the aquatic ecosystem.The toxinic production is the largest when the cyanobacteria populations contain only a few number of species. The results of recent works are well correlated with our findings which show that the production of toxic heptapeptides (microcystins) could be correlated with high levels of nitrate and depletions of ammonium and iron.The follow up of this work should now include the set up of a national observatory of toxic algal blooms

    Testing the Higgs Mechanism in the Lepton Sector with multi-TeV e+e- Collisions

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    Multi-TeV e+e- collisions provide with a large enough sample of Higgs bosons to enable measurements of its suppressed decays. Results of a detailed study of the determination of the muon Yukawa coupling at 3 TeV, based on full detector simulation and event reconstruction, are presented. The muon Yukawa coupling can be determined with a relative accuracy of 0.04 to 0.08 for Higgs bosons masses from 120 GeV to 150 GeV, with an integrated luminosity of 5 inverse-ab. The result is not affected by overlapping two-photon background.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J Phys G.: Nucl. Phy

    First test of a power-pulsed electronics system on a GRPC detector in a 3-Tesla magnetic field

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    An important technological step towards the realization of an ultra-granular hadronic calorimeter to be used in the future International Linear Collider (ILC) experiments has been made. A 33X50 cm2 GRPC detector equipped with a power-pulsed electronics board offering a 1cm2 lateral segmentation was successfully tested in a 3-Tesla magnet operating at the H2 beam line of the CERN SPS. An important reduction of power consumption with no deterioration of the detector performance is obtained when the power-pulsing mode is applied. This important result shows that ultra-granular calorimeters for ILC experiments are not only an attractive but also a realistic option.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Toward High Precision Higgs-Boson Measurements at the International Linear e+e- Collider

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    This report reviews the properties of Higgs bosons in the Standard Model (SM) and its various extensions. We give an extensive overview about the potential of the ILC operated at centre-of-mass energies up to 1 TeV (including the gamma gamma option) for the determination of the Higgs boson properties. This comprises the measurement of the Higgs boson mass, its couplings to SM fermions and gauge bosons, and the determination of the spin and the CP quantum numbers of the Higgs. The extensions of the SM that are analyzed in more detail are heavy SM-like Higgs bosons, heavy Higgs bosons in the framework of Supersymmetry (SUSY) and further exotic scenarios. We review recent theoretical developments in the field of Higgs boson physics. The important question what the ILC can contribute to Higgs boson physics after the LHC, the LHC/ILC interplay and synergy is discussed. The impact of Higgs boson physics on cosmology in several SUSY frameworks is analyzed. The impact of the accelerator and dector performance on the precision of measurements are discussed in detail. We propose a strategy to optimize future analyses. Open questions arising for the various topics are listed, further topics of study and corresponding roadmaps are suggested.Comment: 128 pages, lots of figures. One subsection added and other minor modification

    Performance of Glass Resistive Plate Chambers for a high granularity semi-digital calorimeter

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    A new design of highly granular hadronic calorimeter using Glass Resistive Plate Chambers (GRPCs) with embedded electronics has been proposed for the future International Linear Collider (ILC) experiments. It features a 2-bit threshold semi-digital read-out. Several GRPC prototypes with their electronics have been successfully built and tested in pion beams. The design of these detectors is presented along with the test results on efficiency, pad multiplicity, stability and reproducibility.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    WMAP-Compliant Benchmark Surfaces for MSSM Higgs Bosons

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    We explore `benchmark surfaces' suitable for studying the phenomenology of Higgs bosons in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM), which are chosen so that the supersymmetric relic density is generally compatible with the range of cold dark matter density preferred by WMAP and other observations. These benchmark surfaces are specified assuming that gaugino masses m_{1/2}, soft trilinear supersymmetry-breaking parameters A_0 and the soft supersymmetry-breaking contributions m_0 to the squark and slepton masses are universal, but not those associated with the Higgs multiplets (the NUHM framework). The benchmark surfaces may be presented as M_A-tan_beta planes with fixed or systematically varying values of the other NUHM parameters, such as m_0, m_{1/2}, A_0 and the Higgs mixing parameter mu. We discuss the prospects for probing experimentally these benchmark surfaces at the Tevatron collider, the LHC, the ILC, in B physics and in direct dark-matter detection experiments. An Appendix documents developments in the FeynHiggs code that enable the user to explore for her/himself the WMAP-compliant benchmark surfaces.Comment: Minor corrections, references added. 43 pages, 10 figures. Version to appear in JHE

    Pion and proton showers in the CALICE scintillator-steel analogue hadron calorimeter

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    Showers produced by positive hadrons in the highly granular CALICE scintillator-steel analogue hadron calorimeter were studied. The experimental data were collected at CERN and FNAL for single particles with initial momenta from 10 to 80 GeV/c. The calorimeter response and resolution and spatial characteristics of shower development for proton- and pion-induced showers for test beam data and simulations using Geant4 version 9.6 are compared.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, JINST style, changes in the author list, typos corrected, new section added, figures regrouped. Accepted for publication in JINS

    Infrastructure for Detector Research and Development towards the International Linear Collider

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    The EUDET-project was launched to create an infrastructure for developing and testing new and advanced detector technologies to be used at a future linear collider. The aim was to make possible experimentation and analysis of data for institutes, which otherwise could not be realized due to lack of resources. The infrastructure comprised an analysis and software network, and instrumentation infrastructures for tracking detectors as well as for calorimetry.Comment: 54 pages, 48 picture

    Performance of the first prototype of the CALICE scintillator strip electromagnetic calorimeter

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    A first prototype of a scintillator strip-based electromagnetic calorimeter was built, consisting of 26 layers of tungsten absorber plates interleaved with planes of 45x10x3 mm3 plastic scintillator strips. Data were collected using a positron test beam at DESY with momenta between 1 and 6 GeV/c. The prototype's performance is presented in terms of the linearity and resolution of the energy measurement. These results represent an important milestone in the development of highly granular calorimeters using scintillator strip technology. This technology is being developed for a future linear collider experiment, aiming at the precise measurement of jet energies using particle flow techniques
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