175 research outputs found

    Rotational spectrum of cis–cis HOONO

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    The pure rotational spectrum of cis-cis peroxynitrous acid, HOONO, has been observed. Over 220 transitions, sampling states up to J(')=67 and K-a(')=31, have been fitted with an rms uncertainty of 48.4 kHz. The experimentally determined rotational constants agree well with ab initio values for the cis-cis conformer, a five-membered ring formed by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The small, positive inertial defect Delta=0.075667(60) amu A(2) and lack of any observable torsional splittings in the spectrum indicate that cis-cis HOONO exists in a well-defined planar structure at room temperature

    Rotational spectroscopy and dipole moment of cis-cis HOONO and DOONO

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    The rotational spectrum of cis-cis HOONO has been studied over a broad range of frequencies, 13–840 GHz, using pulsed beam Fourier-transform microwave spectroscopy and room-temperature flow cell submillimeter spectroscopy. The rotational spectrum of the deuterated isotopomer, cis-cis DOONO, has been studied over a subset of this range, 84–640 GHz. Improved spectroscopic constants have been determined for HOONO, and the DOONO spectrum is analyzed for the first time. Weak-field Stark effect measurements in the region of 84–110 GHz have been employed to determine the molecular dipole moments of cis-cis HOONO [µa=0.542(8) D,µb=0.918(15) D,µ=1.07(2) D] and DOONO [µa=0.517(9) D,µb=0.930(15) D,µ=1.06(2) D]. The quadrupole coupling tensor in the principal inertial axis system for the 14N nucleus has been determined to be chiaa=1.4907(25) MHz,chibb=–4.5990(59) MHz,chiab=3.17(147) MHz, and chicc=3.1082(59) MHz. Coordinates of the H atom in the center-of-mass frame have been determined with use of the Kraitchman equations, |aH|=0.516 Å and |bH|=1.171 Å. The inertial defects of HOONO and DOONO are consistent with a planar equilibrium structure with significant out-of-plane H atom torsional motion. Comparisons of the present results are made to ab initio calculations

    Submillimeter Spectrum of Formic Acid

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    We have measured new submillimeter-wave data around 600 GHz and around 1.1 THz for the 13C isotopologue of formic acid and for the two deuterium isotopomers; in each case for both the trans and cis rotamer. For cis-DCOOH and cis-HCOOD in particular only data up to 50 GHz was previously available. For all species the quality and quantity of molecular parameters has been increased providing new measured frequencies and more precise and reliable frequencies in the range of existing and near-future submillimeter and far-infrared astronomical spectroscopy instruments such as Herschel, SOFIA and ALMA

    Laboratory Spectroscopy of CH(+) and Isotopic CH

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    The A1II - X1(Epsilon) electronic band of the CH(+) ion has been used as a probe of the physical and dynamical conditions of the ISM for 65 years. In spite of being one of the first molecular species observed in the ISM and the very large number of subsequent observations with large derived column densities, the pure rotational spectra of CH+ has remained elusive in both the laboratory and in the ISM as well. We report the first laboratory measurement of the pure rotation of the CH(+) ion and discuss the detection of CH-13(+) in the ISM. Also reported are the somewhat unexpected chemical conditions that resulted in laboratory production

    Coupling Inductor Based Hybrid Millimeter-Wave Switch

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    A switch comprising a plurality of inductors and a plurality of shunt transistors is described. Each inductor can be electrically coupled between adjacent shunt transistors to form a distributed switch structure. At least two inductors in the plurality of inductors can be inductively coupled with each other. The plurality of inductors can correspond to portions of a coupling inductor, wherein the coupling inductor can have an irregular octagonal shape

    The High Resolution Infrared Spectrum of HCl+

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    The chloroniumyl cation, HCl+, has been recently identified in space from Herschel’s spectra. A joint analysis of extensive vis-UV spectroscopy emission data together with a few high-resolution and high-accuracy millimiter-wave data provided the necessary rest frequencies to support the astronomical identification. Nevertheless, the analysis did not include any infrared (IR) vibration-rotation data. Furthermore, with the end of the Herschel mission, infrared observations from the ground may be one of the few available means to further study this ion in space. In this work, we provide a set of accurate rovibrational transition wavenumbers as well as a new and improved global fit of vis-UV, IR and millimiter-wave spectroscopy laboratory data, that will aid in future studies of this molecule.Peer reviewe

    Multispectrum Analysis of the Oxygen A-band

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    Retrievals of atmospheric composition from near-infrared measurements require measurements of airmass to better than the desired precision of the composition. The oxygen bands are obvious choices to quantify airmass since the mixing ratio of oxygen is fixed over the full range of atmospheric conditions. The OCO-2 mission is currently retrieving carbon dioxide concentration using the oxygen A-band for airmass normalization. The 0.25% accuracy desired for the carbon dioxide concentration has pushed the required state-of-the-art for oxygen spectroscopy. To measure 02 A-band cross-sections with such accuracy through the full range of atmospheric pressure requires a sophisticated line shape model (Rautian or Speed-Dependent Voigt) with line mixing (LM) and collision induced absorption (CIA). Models of each of these phenomena exist, however, this work presents an integrated self-consistent model developed to ensure the best accuracy. It is also important to consider multiple sources of spectroscopic data for such a study in order to improve the dynamic range of the model and to minimize effects of instrumentation and associated systematic errors. The techniques of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) and Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) allow complimentary information for such an analysis. We utilize multispectrum fitting software to generate a comprehensive new database with improved accuracy based on these datasets. The extensive information will be made available as a multi-dimensional cross-section (ABSCO) table and the parameterization will be offered for inclusion in the HITRANonline database

    Water-Vapor Absorption Database using Dual Comb Spectroscopy from 300-1300 K Part II: Air-Broadened H2_2O, 6600 to 7650 cm−1^{-1}

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    We present broadband dual frequency comb laser absorption measurements of 2% H2_2O (natural isotopic abundance of 99.7% H216_2^{16}O) in air from 6600-7650 cm−1^{-1} (1307-1515 nm) with a spectral point spacing of 0.0068 cm−1^{-1}. Twenty-nine datasets were collected at temperatures between 300 and 1300 K (±\pm0.82% average uncertainty) and pressures ranging from 20 to 600 Torr (±\pm0.25%) with an average residual absorbance noise of 8.0E-4 across the spectrum for all measurements. We fit measurements using a quadratic speed-dependent Voigt profile to determine 7088 absorption parameters for 3366 individual transitions found in HITRAN2020. These measurements build on the line strength, line center, self-broadening, and self-shift parameters determined in the Part I companion of this work. Here we measure air-broadened width (with temperature- and speed-dependence) and air pressure shift (with temperature dependence) parameters. Various trends are explored for extrapolation to weak transitions that were not covered in this work. Improvements made in this work are predominantly due to the inclusion of air pressure shift temperature dependence values. In aggregate, these updates improved RMS absorbance error by a factor of 4.2 on average, and the remaining residual is predominantly spectral noise. This updated database improves high temperature spectroscopic knowledge across the 6600 7650 cm−1^{-1} region of H2_2O absorption.Comment: Database files available upon request. Will be included with published manuscript following review proces

    Rotational Spectrum of the Formyl Cation, HCO+, to 1.2 THz

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    A variety of high-quality spectroscopic studies have contributed to knowledge of the formyl cation, HCO+, and its rare isotopologues, but technical limitations have previously limited precise determinations of the far-infrared, or terahertz spectrum. This study extends the microwave, millimeter, and submillimeter spectroscopy of HCO+ into the terahertz range. The resulting measurements and predictions are of sufficient coverage to adequately address astrophysical questions about this species using the Herschel Space Observatory or the Atacama Large Millimeter Array
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