1,328 research outputs found

    Black and White as Valence Cues

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    Replication efforts involving large samples are recommended in helping to determine the reliability of an effect. This approach was taken for a study from Meier, Robinson, and Clore (2004) , one of the first papers in social cognition guided by conceptual metaphor theory, which reported that evaluations were faster when word valence metaphorically matched (e.g., a word with a negative meaning in black) rather than mismatched (e.g., a word with a negative meaning in white) font color. The present investigation was a direct large-scale replication attempt involving 980 participants who completed an experiment using web-based software and were diverse in terms of race, age, and geographical location. Words with a positive meaning were evaluated faster when font color was white rather than black and words with a negative meaning were evaluated faster when font color was black rather than white, replicating the main results of Meier et al. (2004) . </jats:p

    Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder Presenting as Peritoneal Carcinomatosis

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    We report an unusual case of a 78-year-old Caucasian female, who presented with peritoneal carcinomatosis and hypercalcemia, and was found to have a rapidly progressive primary squamous cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Squamous cell bladder carcinoma is a rare malignancy in the United States, accounting for just 1–3% of bladder tumors. Interestingly our patient lacked the established risk factors, including exposure to the parasite Schistosoma haematobium, recurrent urinary tract infections, bladder calculi, radiation exposure, chronic indwelling catheter, neurogenic bladder, or tobacco abuse. Although hypercalcemia has been rarely described, an initial presentation of peritioneal carcinomatosis has not been previously reported

    Future research to underpin successful peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) eradication

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    Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a significant pathogen of small ruminants and is prevalent in much of Africa, the Near and Middle East and Asia. Despite the availability of an efficacious and cheap live-attenuated vaccine, the virus has continued to spread, with its range stretching from Morocco in the west to China and Mongolia in the east. Some of the world’s poorest communities rely on small ruminant farming for subsistence and the continued endemicity of PPRV is a constant threat to their livelihoods. Moreover, PPRV’s effects on the world’s population are felt broadly across many economic, agricultural and social situations. This far-reaching impact has prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to develop a global strategy for the eradication of this virus and its disease. PPRV is a morbillivirus and, given the experience of these organizations in eradicating the related rinderpest virus, the eradication of PPRV should be feasible. However, there are many critical areas where basic and applied virological research concerning PPRV is lacking. The purpose of this review is to highlight areas where new research could be performed in order to guide and facilitate the eradication programme. These areas include studies on disease transmission and epidemiology, the existence of wildlife reservoirs and the development of next-generation vaccines and diagnostics. With the support of the international virology community, the successful eradication of PPRV can be achieved

    Modeling Biphasic, Non-Sigmoidal Dose-Response Relationships: Comparison of Brain- Cousens and Cedergreen Models for a Biochemical Dataset

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    Biphasic, non-sigmoidal dose-response relationships are frequently observed in biochemistry and pharmacology, but they are not always analyzed with appropriate statistical methods. Here, we examine curve fitting methods for “hormetic” dose-response relationships where low and high doses of an effector produce opposite responses. We provide the full dataset used for modeling, and we provide the code for analyzing the dataset in SAS using two established mathematical models of hormesis, the Brain-Cousens model and the Cedergreen model. We show how to obtain and interpret curve parameters such as the ED50 that arise from modeling, and we discuss how curve parameters might change in a predictable manner when the conditions of the dose-response assay are altered. In addition to modeling the raw dataset that we provide, we also model the dataset after applying common normalization techniques, and we indicate how this affects the parameters that are associated with the fit curves. The Brain-Cousens and Cedergreen models that we used for curve fitting were similarly effective at capturing quantitative information about the biphasic dose-response relationships

    Modeling Biphasic, Non-Sigmoidal Dose-Response Relationships: Comparison of Brain-Cousens and Cedergreen Models for a Biochemical Dataset

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    Biphasic, non-sigmoidal dose-response relationships are frequently observed in biochemistry and pharmacology, but they are not always analyzed with appropriate statistical methods. Here, we examine curve fitting methods for "hormetic" dose-response relationships where low and high doses of an effector produce opposite responses. We provide the full dataset used for modeling, and we provide the code for analyzing the dataset in SAS using two established mathematical models of hormesis, the Brain-Cousens model and the Cedergreen model. We show how to obtain and interpret curve parameters such as the ED50 that arise from modeling, and we discuss how curve parameters might change in a predictable manner when the conditions of the dose-response assay are altered. In addition to modeling the raw dataset that we provide, we also model the dataset after applying common normalization techniques, and we indicate how this affects the parameters that are associated with the fit curves. The Brain-Cousens and Cedergreen models that we used for curve fitting were similarly effective at capturing quantitative information about the biphasic dose-response relationships

    Growth and Feed Efficiency of Juvenile Channel Catfish Reared at Different Water Temperatures and Fed Diets Containing Various Levels of Fish Meal

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    Channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus do not feed well at low temperatures. It is generally thought that a diet containing fish meal enhances feed palatability at low temperatures since fish meal is highly palatable to fish. There is a lack of information on the effects of fish meal levels on the growth performance of channel catfish reared at low temperatures. Therefore, a study was conducted in a recirculating system to examine the effects of fish meal levels on the feed consumption, weight gain, and feed efficiency of juvenile channel catfish reared at various temperatures. Fish with an initial weight of 9.6 ± 0.1 g were stocked in 23-L clear polycarbonate tanks maintained at approximately 17, 21, or 27 °C. The fish were fed with diets containing 0, 4, or 8% menhaden Brevoortia spp. fish meal for 9 weeks. There was a significant interaction between water temperature and fish meal level with respect to weight gain. At 27 °C, fish fed diets containing 4% and 8% fish meal gained significantly more weight than fish fed the all-plantprotein diet. However, the level of fish meal had no significant effect on the weight gain of fish at 17 °C or 21 °C. This suggests that the olfactory and gustatory responses of channel catfish to fish meal (up to 8% in the diet) may not be as sensitive at low temperatures as at optimum temperatures. The results also indicate that more than 4% fish meal in the diet is not beneficial for the optimum growth and feed efficiency of channel catfish fingerlings raised at 27 °C

    The Path to God is Through the Heart: Metaphoric Self-location as a Predictor of Religiosity

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    Metaphors linking the heart to warm intuition and the head to cold rationality may capture important differences between people because some locate the self in the heart and others locate the self in the head. Five studies (total N = 2575) link these individual differences to religious beliefs. Study 1 found that religious beliefs were stronger among heart-locators than head-locators. Studies 2 and 3 replicated this relationship in more diverse samples. Studies 4 and 5 focused on questions of mediation. Heart-locators believed in God to a greater extent partly because of empathy-related processes (Study 4) and partly because they tended to think in less analytic terms (Study 5). These studies extend our knowledge of how metaphors interact with personality processes

    On the structure of the new electromagnetic conservation laws

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    New electromagnetic conservation laws have recently been proposed: in the absence of electromagnetic currents, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor, HabH_{ab} is divergence-free in four-dimensional (a) Einstein spacetimes for test fields, (b) Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes. Subsequently it has been pointed out, in analogy with flat spaces, that for Einstein spacetimes the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator L\square_L acting on the energy momentum tensor TabT_{ab} of the test fields, i.e., Hab=LTab/2H_{ab}=\square_LT_{ab}/2. In this letter we show, for Einstein-Maxwell spacetimes in the full non-linear theory, that, although, the trace of the Chevreton superenergy tensor HabH_{ab} can again be rearranged in the form of a generalised wave operator G\square_G acting on the electromagnetic energy momentum tensor, in this case the result is also crucially dependent on Einstein's equations; hence we argue that the divergence-free property of the tensor Hab=GTab/2H_{ab}=\square_GT_{ab}/2 has significant independent content beyond that of the divergence-free property of TabT_{ab}

    Speckle Observations of Binary Stars with the WIYN Telescope. III. A Partial Survey of A, F, and G Dwarfs

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    Two hundred thirty nearby main-sequence stars with spectral types in the range of A to G have been observed by way of speckle interferometry using the WIYN 3.5 m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. The stars had no previous mention of duplicity in the literature. Of those observed, 14 showed clear evidence of a companion, and 63 were classified as suspected nonsingle based on a power spectrum analysis. The remaining stars discussed show no evidence of duplicity to the limit of the detection system in high-quality observations