1,443 research outputs found

    The Metaphysical Subject as Background to the Early Wittgenstein"s Epistemology

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    Proposition 4.1121 of the Tractatus states that epistemology is the philosophy of psychology. What should we take this to mean? Philosophy, on Tractarian terms, is an activity by which thoughts are clarified. This activity ranges from checking terms to see if they have meaning to investigating a network for its regularity. Epistemology, then, would be the philosophical analysis and clarification of any possible psychology, although it is not clear what a psychology on Tractarian terms would be. Understanding what such a psychology might be is necessary if we are to understand better what this epistemology would demand of us; however, to approach such an understanding, we will need to attend to the notion of subjectivity at work in the Tractatus and to the way it is related to thought and logic

    Financial management in the Scottish Executive proposals for further refinement

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    At face value these recent press headlines are a cause for concern. The alleged £400 million under funding amounts to 1.9% of the Executive’s total discretionary spend and, if accurate, would indicate yet more pressure on Scotland’s already tight finances. However, the drive for efficiency savings announced in 2004 is testament to the Executive’s desire to free up scarce resources and get better value for money for every pound spent in the public sector. What then do we make of the potential for added pressures implied by these two headlines

    Dubai outbound tourism: An exploratory study of Emiratis and expatriates

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    This research investigates the perceptions of residents of Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) towards the state of Victoria, Australia as a destination and assesses their knowledge of Victoria’s tourism attributes. Focus groups were undertaken with UAE nationals (referred to as Emiratis), expatriate residents and travel agents. In the case of the former group it was found that the previous travel experiences of most respondents involved travelling in family groups with the wife and mother making the key travel-related decisions. The responses appeared to be broadly representative of attitudes prevalent more widely within their relevant families. Of the expatriate respondents, all were experienced travellers who had previously visited Australia. Their tourism interests, in such things as outdoor activities and music, differed from those of the Emiratis. All but one of the respondents in the focus group of travel agents had previously visited Australia. The study fills a gap in researching immature markets. The use of the focus group method illustrates how investigating the perceptions of emerging target markets can provide a useful input to shape future industry development

    Error Estimation of Bathymetric Grid Models Derived from Historic and Contemporary Data Sets

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    The past century has seen remarkable advances in technologies associated with positioning and the measurement of depth. Lead lines have given way to single beam echo sounders, which in turn are being replaced by multibeam sonars and other means of remotely and rapidly collecting dense bathymetric datasets. Sextants were replaced by radio navigation, then transit satellite, GPS and now differential GPS. With each new advance comes tremendous improvement in the accuracy and resolution of the data we collect. Given these changes and given the vastness of the ocean areas we must map, the charts we produce are mainly compilations of multiple data sets collected over many years and representing a range of technologies. Yet despite our knowledge that the accuracy of the various technologies differs, our compilations have traditionally treated each sounding with equal weight. We address these issues in the context of generating regularly spaced grids containing bathymetric values. Gridded products are required for a number of earth sciences studies and for generating the grid we are often forced to use a complex interpolation scheme due to the sparseness and irregularity of the input data points. Consequently, we are faced with the difficult task of assessing the confidence that we can assign to the final grid product, a task that is not usually addressed in most bathymetric compilations. Traditionally the hydrographic community has considered each sounding equally accurate and there has been no error evaluation of the bathymetric end product. This has important implications for use of the gridded bathymetry, especially when it is used for generating further scientific interpretations. In this paper we approach the problem of assessing the confidence of the final bathymetry gridded product via a direct-simulation Monte Carlo method. We start with a small subset of data from the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) grid model [Jakobsson et al., 2000]. This grid is compiled from a mixture of data sources ranging from single beam soundings with available metadata, to spot soundings with no available metadata, to digitized contours; the test dataset shows examples of all of these types. From this database, we assign a priori error variances based on available meta-data, and when this is not available, based on a worst-case scenario in an essentially heuristic manner. We then generate a number of synthetic datasets by randomly perturbing the base data using normally distributed random variates, scaled according to the predicted error model. These datasets are next re-gridded using the same methodology as the original product, generating a set of plausible grid models of the regional bathymetry that we can use for standard deviation estimates. Finally, we repeat the entire random estimation process and analyze each run’s standard deviation grids in order to examine sampling bias and standard error in the predictions. The final products of the estimation are a collection of standard deviation grids, which we combine with the source data density in order to create a grid that contains information about the bathymetric model’s reliability

    Unsteady flow over bluff bodies

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D67654/86 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Scene-based nonuniformity correction with video sequences and registration

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    We describe a new, to our knowledge, scene-based nonuniformity correction algorithm for array detectors. The algorithm relies on the ability to register a sequence of observed frames in the presence of the fixed-pattern noise caused by pixel-to-pixel nonuniformity. In low-to-moderate levels of nonuniformity, sufficiently accurate registration may be possible with standard scene-based registration techniques. If the registration is accurate, and motion exists between the frames, then groups of independent detectors can be identified that observe the same irradiance (or true scene value). These detector outputs are averaged to generate estimates of the true scene values. With these scene estimates, and the corresponding observed values through a given detector, a curve-fitting procedure is used to estimate the individual detector response parameters. These can then be used to correct for detector nonuniformity. The strength of the algorithm lies in its simplicity and low computational complexity. Experimental results, to illustrate the performance of the algorithm, include the use of visible-range imagery with simulated nonuniformity and infrared imagery with real nonuniformity

    Seafloor mapping in the Arctic: support for a potential U.S. extended continental shelf

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    For the United States, the greatest opportunity for an extended continental shelf under UNCLOS is in the ice-covered regions of the Arctic north of Alaska. Since 2003, CCOM/JHC has been using the icebreaker Healy equipped with a multibeam echosounder, chirp subbottom profiler, and dredges, to map and sample the region of Chukchi Borderland and Alpha-Mendeleev Ridge complex. These data have led to the discovery of several new features, have radically changed our view of the bathymetry and geologic history of the area, and may have important ramifications for the determination of the limits of a U.S. extended continental shelf under Article 76

    Statistical algorithm for nonuniformity correction in focal-plane arrays

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    A statistical algorithm has been developed to compensate for the fixed-pattern noise associated with spatial nonuniformity and temporal drift in the response of focal-plane array infrared imaging systems. The algorithm uses initial scene data to generate initial estimates of the gain, the offset, and the variance of the additive electronic noise of each detector element. The algorithm then updates these parameters by use of subsequent frames and uses the updated parameters to restore the true image by use of a least-mean-square error finite-impulse-response filter. The algorithm is applied to infrared data, and the restored images compare favorably with those restored by use of a multiple-point calibration technique

    Interpretations of Social Justice

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