25 research outputs found
Jewelry 3D Printing Applications
Témou bakalárskej práce je výroba šperku pomocou technológie SLA. V úvodnej časti sú popísané technológie SLA/DLP. V ďalšej časti práca obsahuje základné informácie k dodatočnému spracovaniu po vytlačení (post processing). Nasledujú materiály, ktoré sa najčastejšie používajú pre SLA tlač.
V ďalšej časti sa práca zaoberá už praktickým riešením a postupom pri navrhovaní experimentu. V poslednej časti sa nachádza zhrnutie a vyhodnotenie vytlačeného experimentu.The theme of the Bachelor thesis is the production of jewelry using SLA technology. The introductory part describes the technologies SLA / DLP. In the next section, the thesis contains basic information for post-processing. The following are the materials most commonly used for SLA printing.
In the next part the work deals with practical solution and procedure in designing the experiment. The last section summarizes and evaluates the printed experiment.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn
Research of Mechanical Properties of Models Produced by Additive Technologies Vat Photopolymerization
Témou diplomovej práce je výskum mechanických vlastností aditívnou technológiou Vat photopolymerization. V úvodnej časti sú popísané technológie Vat pohotopolymerization, súčasný stav. V ďalšej časti práca disponuje experimentálnou časťou, kde sa práca zaoberá 3D tlačou vzorkov z vybraných materiálov a skúmanie mechanických vlastností vzorkov pomocou ohybovej skúšky.
V ďalšej časti sa práca zaoberá vyhodnotením skúšok a celkovým zhodnotením a porovnaním medzi odporúčanými mechanickými vlastnosťami výrobcu a nameranými hodnotami.The topic of the diploma thesis is the research of mechanical properties by the additive technology Vat photopolymerization. The introductory part describes the technologies of Vat pohotopolymerization, the current state. In the next part, the work has an experimental part, where the work deals with 3D printing of samples from selected materials and examination of mechanical properties of samples using a bending test.
In the next part, the work deals with the evaluation of tests and the overall evaluation and comparison between the recommended mechanical properties of the manufacturer and the measured values.346 - Katedra obrábění, montáže a strojírenské metrologievýborn
The paper analyzes the possibilities of increasing the lifespan of rollers in continuous steel casting line. There are analyzed the causes of the surface rollers damage and the impact of degrading factors in metallurgical production. Three types of welding consumable electrodes designed for restoration layers formation applied by SAW surfacing technology were analyzed. There were analyzed microstructure, microhardness and properties of weld clads in tribological conditions
Founder`s financial project
The goal of this thesis is prepare founder's financial project, which will predict project's success or failure. The theoretical part explains methodical apparatus important in business praxis. The practical part proceed compilation of whole financial calculation in first five years of business and valuation of investment. In the summary I deal about realization of financial project and additional changes in project. Thesis uncover big risk of project because of probably low sales in domestic market. Success could be in bigger markets
Analysis of transportation in Slovakia
Tématem diplomové práce je analýza dopravy na Slovensku se zaměřením na nákladní dopravu. Výstupem jsou doporučení pro zlepšení dopravy na Slovensku. Teoretická část se zabývá teoretickými poznatky o dopravě, dopravní infrastruktuře, charakteristikou SWOT analýzy, metodou hodnocení variant a obecnou charakteristikou Slovenské republiky. Praktická část je orientována na samotnou analýzu dopravy a vytvoření doporučení na základě analýzThe theme of this thesis is the analysis of transportation in the Slovak Republic with a focus on freight transportation. The Output of the thesis is recommendations for improvements of transportation in the Slovak Republic. The theoretical part deals with theoretical knowledge on transportation, transportation infrastructure, principles of SWOT analysis, method for evaluation of alternatives and the general characteristics of the Slovak Republic. The practical part is focused on the analysis of transporation and creation of recommendations based on this analysis.Témou diplomovej práce je analýza dopravy na Slovenku so zameraním na nákladnú dopravu. Výstupom sú odporučenia pre zlepšenie dopravy na Slovensku. Teoretická časť sa zaoberá teoretickými poznatkami o doprave, dopravnej infraštruktúre, charakteristikou SWOT analýzy, metódou hodnotenia variant a všeobecnou charakteristikou Slovenskej republiky. Praktická časť je orientovaná na samotnú analýzu dopravy a vytvorenie odporúčaní na základe analýz
Why people overestimate their bullshit detection abilities: Interplay of cognitive factors, self-esteem, and dark traits
The main aim of this paper was to examine overconfidence in the domain of bullshit detection and the contributing factors that explain why some people have the blind spot about their own incompetence. To verify whether people's lack of metacognitive awareness of their bullshit detection abilities is the result of self-enhancement motivation, we exposed one group of participants to a self-esteem threat scenario (by providing them with negative feedback on their cognitive abilities, i.e. intelligence) and compared it with two control groups (no feedback and positive feedback). The sample consisted of 596 adult Slovaks (47.1 % of women) aged 18 to 70 (M = 43.92, SD = 14.11). However, our manipulation had an effect only on overplacement. Bullshit detection predicted both overestimation and overplacement. Overconfidence was slightly associated with worse cognitive abilities (the relationship was mediated by bullshit detection ability) and higher self-esteem, but no relationships with dark traits were found. This finding is yet another evidence of the double curse of the Dunning-Kruger effect, i.e. the lack of comprehension of people´s own cognitive limitations
Neuroendocrine responses to a psychosocial stress test for larger groups of participants: comparison of two test exposures
Objective. Individual stress tests characterized by social evaluative threat and uncontrollability are known to elicit strong neuroendocrine responses. We tested whether a psychosocial stressor submitted to a larger group of participants (up to 60) may elicit comparable stress responses
Innovation of Biomass Crusher by Application of Hardfacing Layers
This paper presents the innovation possibilities of the crushers functional parts and the results of layers’ renovation analyses of the surfaces worn by biomass crusher hammers. The worn functional surfaces of hammers made of Hardox 400 material were renovated by manual arc welding method (welded with a filled wire electrode with its own protection). As an additive material, Lincore 60-O tubular wire from Lincoln Electric was used. The quality of weld layers was assessed on the metallographic sections, where the presence of internal defects was monitored, and the microstructures of welds were identified. In addition to the metallographic analysis, the microhardness in terms of EN ISO 9015-2 was assessed. Based on the performed experiments, it is suitable for the crusher innovation to recommend the chain replacement with a shaped weldment made of Hardox 400 material, the weldability of which is very good, and to make at least one hardfacing layer on its functional surfaces. With this innovation, the service life of the crushing segment could be extended by more than ten-fold
Steel Surface Defect Classification Using Deep Residual Neural Network
An automated method for detecting and classifying three classes of surface defects in rolled metal has been developed, which allows for conducting defectoscopy with specified parameters of efficiency and speed. The possibility of using the residual neural networks for classifying defects has been investigated. The classifier based on the ResNet50 neural network is accepted as a basis. The model allows classifying images of flat surfaces with damage of three classes with the general accuracy of 96.91% based on the test data. The use of ResNet50 is shown to provide excellent recognition, high speed, and accuracy, which makes it an effective tool for detecting defects on metal surfaces