11 research outputs found

    Étude de la relation entre la nature du traitement et la rĂ©ponse thĂ©rapeutique selon la forme clinique du syndrome SAPHO de l’adulte Ă  partir d’une cohorte multicentrique normande analysĂ©e rĂ©trospectivement

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    Le syndrome SAPHO (synovite, acnĂ©, pustulose palmo-plantaire, hyperostose et ostĂ©ite) est une entitĂ© radio-clinique associant des atteintes articulaires, osseuses et cutanĂ©es inflammatoires. La prĂ©sentation clinique de cette maladie est trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne rendant le diagnostic difficile. La stratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique dans le syndrome SAPHO est mal dĂ©finie. Le traitement de premiĂšre intention reste les AINS Ă  la demande qui s’avĂšrent efficaces pour traiter les poussĂ©es douloureuses mais deviennent rapidement insuffisants chez 60% des cas au cours de l’évolution de la maladie. Les anti-TNF alpha sont rĂ©servĂ©s aux formes rĂ©fractaires et leur efficacitĂ© est incertaine. Les bisphosphonates BPs semblent avoir un intĂ©rĂȘt potentiel. L’objectif principal de ce travail Ă©tait d’étudier la rĂ©ponse Ă  un traitement par BP et/ou immunosuppresseurs (DMARD Disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug) DMARDs conventionnels ou biomĂ©dicaments (b-DMARDs) selon la forme clinique rhumatologique de SAPHO (Ă  prĂ©dominance osseuse versus Ă  prĂ©dominance articulaire ou mixte). Patients et MĂ©thodes : Ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans les centres de Rouen (grĂące Ă  l’entrepĂŽt de donnĂ©es de santĂ©), Caen, Le Havre/Lillebonne et Dieppe, tous les patients ĂągĂ©s de 18 ans ou plus, atteints d’un syndrome SAPHO rĂ©pondant aux critĂšres de Benhamou dont les donnĂ©es cliniques, biologiques et radiologiques Ă©taient disponibles dans les dossiers et qui ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’au moins un traitement DMARD ou BP pour leur maladie. Chaque examen d’imagerie a Ă©tĂ© relu en aveugle des traitements par un radiologue ayant une expertise en ostĂ©o-articulaire. Les patients Ă©taient classĂ©s en 2 groupes (osseux versus articulaire/mixte) selon les donnĂ©es d’imagerie et l’histoire clinique. La rĂ©ponse au traitement Ă©tait considĂ©rĂ©e positive si les symptĂŽmes Ă©taient amĂ©liorĂ©s d’au moins 50% (cut-off retenu dans la littĂ©rature). Un test du χÂČ a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour les variables qualitatives, et un test de Mann-Whitney pour les variables quantitatives Ă  l’aide du logiciel SPSS. RĂ©sultats : 34 patients atteints de SAPHO et ayant bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un traitement DMARD ou BP ont Ă©tĂ© inclus et rĂ©partis de la façon suivante : 13 dans le groupe osseux et 21 dans le groupe articulaire ou mixte. Les 2 groupes Ă©taient comparables sur les donnĂ©es dĂ©mographiques, la durĂ©e de suivi, l’atteinte thoracique antĂ©rieure, l’existence d’une atteinte dermatologique ou d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin associĂ©e, l’exposition au tabac, la durĂ©e d’exposition Ă  un anti-inflammatoire prĂ©alable ou Ă  un antibiotique. Seul l’ñge des premiers symptĂŽmes diffĂ©rait dans les 2 groupes avec une entrĂ©e dans la maladie plus jeune dans le groupe osseux (p=0,043). L’attitude thĂ©rapeutique des prescripteurs diffĂ©rait significativement entre les 2 groupes (p=0,043) avec une prescription plus importante de BPs en premiĂšre ligne dans le groupe osseux (5/13 patients) et un DMARD dans le groupe articulaire/mixte (19/21). Concernant l’efficacitĂ© des traitements, 10/13 patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un traitement efficace sans Ă©chappement au cours de leur suivi dans le groupe osseux, ce qui n’était pas significativement diffĂ©rent du groupe articulaire ou mixte (17/21). Les BPs ont permis d’obtenir une efficacitĂ© sans Ă©chappement dans un nombre de cas significativement plus Ă©levĂ© dans le groupe osseux alors qu’il s’agissait des DMARDs dans le groupe articulaire ou mixte (p= 0,002). Le groupe osseux a eu recours Ă  un nombre de lignes de traitements spĂ©cifiques (DMARD ou BP) significativement plus faible que dans le groupe articulaire/mixte (1 ligne spĂ©cifique vs au moins 2) (p =0,046). Conclusion : Les BPs semblent plus efficaces dans le SAPHO avec atteinte osseuse prĂ©dominante. Celle-ci semble plus facile Ă  traiter comparativement aux formes articulaires ou mixtes de SAPHO

    Contribution à l'étude de la place des médicaments dans la littérature romanesque et théùtrale

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    Le médicament est le protagoniste de cette thÚse. Il sera abordé sous différents angles. Chaque discussion débute par l'allusion littéraire au remÚde et est étayée par des recherches historiques et culturelles. Sinoué, Yourcenar, J.-K. Rowling, Machiavel, MoliÚre, R. Merle, Boulgakov, Victor Cohen Hadria, M. Winckler, J. Le Carré, C. Caliari... Tous contribueront à montrer une image du médicament diverse et variée

    Contribution à l'étude de la place des médicaments dans la littérature romanesque et théùtrale

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    Le médicament est le protagoniste de cette thÚse. Il sera abordé sous différents angles. Chaque discussion débute par l'allusion littéraire au remÚde et est étayée par des recherches historiques et culturelles. Sinoué, Yourcenar, J-K Rowling, Machiavel, MoliÚre, R.Merle, Boulgakov, Victor Cohen Hadria, M. Winckler, J. Le Carre, C. Caliari...tous contribueront à montrer une image du médicament diverse et variée.ROUEN-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (765402102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Anti-Carbamylated Fibrinogen Antibodies Might Be Associated With a Specific Rheumatoid Phenotype and Include a Subset Recognizing In Vivo Epitopes of Its gamma Chain One of Which Is Not Cross Reactive With Anti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies

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    International audienceTo identify the targets recognized by anti-carbamylated protein antibodies (anti-CarP) in patients with early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), to study the cross-reactivity between anti-CarP and anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and to evaluate their prognostic value. 331 patients (184 RA and 147 other rheumatisms) from the Very Early Arthritis (VErA) French cohort were analyzed. We performed mass spectrometry analysis of RA sera displaying anti-CarP activity and epitope mapping of the carbamylated fibrinogen gamma chain to identify immunodominant peptides. The specificity of these targets was studied using competition assays with the major antigens recognized by ACPA. The prognostic value of anti-carbamylated fibrinogen IgG antibodies (ACa-Fib IgG) was compared to that of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) and anti-CarP using an in-house ELISA. Besides the alpha chain, the gamma chain of fibrinogen, particularly one immunodominant epitope that has a specific reactivity, was identified as a circulating carbamylated target in sera. The prevalence of ACa-Fib was 37% at baseline and 10.9% for anti-CCP-negative RA. In anti-CCP-negative patients, ACa-Fib positivity was associated with a more inflammatory and erosive disease at baseline but not with rapid radiological progression, which remains strongly related to anti-CCP antibodies. Fibrinogen seems to be one of the antigens recognized in vivo by the anti-CarP response, particularly 2 epitopes of the gamma chain, one of which is not cross reactive with ACPA. This specificity might be associated with a distinct clinical phenotype since ACa-Fib IgG were shown to be linked to systemic inflammation in very early RA but not to rapid radiological progression

    Intense nocturnal warming alters growth strategies, colouration and parasite load in a diurnal lizard

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    International audienceHigh species diversity is generally thought to be a requirement for sustaining forest multifunctionality. However, the degree to which the relationship between species-, structural-, and trait-diversity of forests and multifunctionality depend on the context (such as stand age or abiotic conditions) is not well studied. Here, we hypothesized that context-dependency of tree species diversity, functional trait composition and stand structural attributes promote temperate forest multifunctionality including above- and below-ground multiple and single functions. To do so, we used repeated forest inventory data, from temperate mixed forests of northeast China, to quantify two above-ground (i.e. coarse woody productivity and wild edible plant biomass), five below-ground (i.e. soil organic carbon, total soil nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur) functions, tree species diversity, individual tree size variation (CVDBH) and functional trait composition of specific leaf area (CWMSLA) as well as stand age and abiotic conditions. We found that tree species diversity increased forest multifunctionality and most of the single functions. Below-ground single and multifunctionality were better explained by tree species diversity. In contrast, above-ground single and multifunctionality were better explained by CVDBH. However, CWMSLA was also an additional important driver for maintaining above- and below-ground forest multifunctionality through opposing plant functional strategies. Stand age markedly reduced forest multifunctionality, tree species diversity and CWMSLA but substantially increased CVDBH. Below-ground forest multifunctionality and tree species diversity decreased while above-ground forest multifunctionality increased on steep slopes. These results highlight that context-dependency of forest diversity attributes might regulate forest multifunctionality but may not have a consistent effect on above-ground and below-ground forest multifunctionality due to the fact that those functions were driven by varied functional strategies of different plant species. We argue that maximizing forest complexity could act as a viable strategy to maximizing forest multifunctionality, while also promoting biodiversity conservation to mitigate climate change effects

    Netrin-1 promotes naive pluripotency through Neo1 and Unc5b co-regulation of Wnt and MAPK signalling

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    Netrin-1, via precise Neo1/Unc5B stoichiometry, promotes naive pluripotency, embryonic stem cell self-renewal in combination with leukaemia inhibitory factor, and the formation of the mouse epiblast in vivo. In mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), chemical blockade of Gsk3 alpha/beta and Mek1/2 (2i) instructs a self-renewing ground state whose endogenous inducers are unknown. Here we show that the axon guidance cue Netrin-1 promotes naive pluripotency by triggering profound signalling, transcriptomic and epigenetic changes in mESCs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Netrin-1 can substitute for blockade of Gsk3 alpha/beta and Mek1/2 to sustain self-renewal of mESCs in combination with leukaemia inhibitory factor and regulates the formation of the mouse pluripotent blastocyst. Mechanistically, we reveal how Netrin-1 and the balance of its receptors Neo1 and Unc5B co-regulate Wnt and MAPK pathways in both mouse and human ESCs. Netrin-1 induces Fak kinase to inactivate Gsk3 alpha/beta and stabilize beta-catenin while increasing the phosphatase activity of a Ppp2r2c-containing Pp2a complex to reduce Erk1/2 activity. Collectively, this work identifies Netrin-1 as a regulator of pluripotency and reveals that it mediates different effects in mESCs depending on its receptor dosage, opening perspectives for balancing self-renewal and lineage commitment