19 research outputs found

    Main threats and prospects of providing economic security of higher education institutions

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    The article deals with the main aspects of functioning of higher education institutions in modern conditions, special attention is paid to the issues of quality of the higher education and economic security of modern universities in system unity and objective grounds for it. The main negative tendencies are identified both in the field of higher education and economy in general, their increasing leads not only to the impairing of Ukrainian higher education and reduce the level of economic development in the country but threat the economic security of modern universities thus the country and the state economic security and national security on the whole. Particularly it is claimed that implement an idea of increasing quality of the higher education will level or decrease the negative influence of treats to the economic security at all. In future it can also have positive impact on the level of training and unite the education, science and production. Taking into account that one . of the principal aim of higher education institutions is to provide training competative specialists both in internal labor market and international labor market. The paper focuses on training a world-class specialists will favor state economic growth


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    In the article the model of economic security of institutions of higher education is developed using regression analysis based on multiple regression,it takes into account the relationship between aggregate indicators (integral indicators) by groups and an integral indicator of the economic security of higher education institutions.The instrument for development evaluationmodelof economic security of higher education institutions are methodical approach are methodical approach(taking into account the principles of development balanced scorecard) designed hierarchically using factor analysis(method of principal component), using weighted valuesfor calculating the integral index of groups and integral indicator of economic security institutions of higher education.Taking into account the necessity of interaction of the state, higher education institutions and employers on the labor market the use of the model evaluation of economic security of higher education institutions of not the higher education institutions as separate entities, but as important elements of the socio-economic system hierarchically provides an opportunity to assess the impact indicators on economic security of higher education institutions and promote the effectiveness of the use of state regulation instruments in the field of higher education.В статье разработана модель экономической безопасности заведений высшего образования с использованием регрессионного анализа на основе множественной регрессии, она учитывает зависимость между агрегированными показателями (интегральными индикаторами) по группам и интегральным индикатором экономической безопасности высших учебных заведений. Инструментом для разработки модели оценки экономической безопасности высших учебных заведений является методический подход (с учетом принципов разработки сбалансированной системы показателей), разработан иерархически с помощью факторного анализа (метода главных компонент) с использованием весовых значений показателей.Использование разработанной модели дает возможность провести оценку влияния показателей на состояние экономической безопасности заведений высшего образования и способствовать повышению эффективности использования инструментов государственного регулирования в сфере высшего образования.У статті розроблена модель економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти з використанням регресійного аналізу на основі множинної регресії, вона враховує залежність між агрегованими показниками (інтегральними індикаторами) за групами та інтегральним індикатором економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти. Інструментом для розроблення моделі оцінювання економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти є методичний підхід (з урахуванням принципів розробки збалансованої системи показників), розроблений ієрархічно за допомогою факторного аналізу (методу головних компонент) із використанням вагових значень показників.Використання розробленої моделі дає можливість провести оцінювання впливу показників на стан економічної безпеки закладів вищої освіти й сприяти підвищенню ефективності використання інструментів державного регулювання у сфері вищої освіти

    Дослідження ризику в діяльності вищих навчальних закладів у контексті забезпечення їх економічної безпеки

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    The object of research is the process of ensuring the economic security of higher education institutions (HEIs) in the context of the effective management of their intellectual capital.The conducted research of the change in the integral index and the place in the rating of TOP-200 Ukraine HEIs, displaced from temporary occupied territories for 2013–2017 indicates that the first group of 6 HEIs did not leave the limits of their fifty in the top 200 HEIs. At that, the first 5 managed to retain and even improve the value of the integral indicator.The «risk» concept as a detailed elaboration of the threats to the activity of the university, which can result as a result of the negative influence of the factors of the external and internal environment in financial and economic losses, is concretized in the conceptual-categorical apparatus of economic security, in particular in higher education institutions.The directions of reducing the risks of the functioning of higher education institutions have been determined, they have been moved from the temporarily occupied territories in the context of the positive impact of the reliability of the protection of intellectual assets on their economic security, followed by the transfer of trends to Ukrainian higher education institution:– implementation of international business integration and academic mobility programs;– development and implementation of development programs for scientific and pedagogical workers;– creation of entrepreneurial and innovative structures within the framework of projects for the development of regions of different types, types and scales.It is determined that further research involves the development of a methodical approach to assessing the HEIs economic security by using integrated indicators of their ratings as intermediate, in particular, in the formation of a balanced system of indicators adapted to the HEIs needs.Проведен анализ понятия «риск», при этом учтено его значение в контексте обеспечения экономической безопасности и надежности защиты интеллектуального капитала высших учебных заведений, перемещенных с временно оккупированных территорий. Рассмотрены экономические последствия от их перемещения путем анализа изменения рейтинговых позиций этих ВУЗов за 2013–2017 годы со сравнением надежности защиты инновационного и человеческого капитала.Проведено аналіз поняття «ризик», при цьому враховано його значення у контексті забезпечення економічної безпеки та надійності захисту інтелектуального капіталу вищих навчальних закладів, що переміщені з тимчасово окупованих територій. Розглянуто економічні наслідки від їх переміщення шляхом аналізу зміни рейтингових позицій цих ВНЗ за 2013–2017 роки з порівнянням надійності захисту інноваційного та людського капіталу

    Efficiency of functioning and development of exhibition activity in international entrepreneurship

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    The article is devoted to the issue of increasing the efficiency and participation of entrepreneurs in the exhibition activities. The peculiarities of exhibition activity in international entrepreneurship are suggested, the methodological approach in the form of units of an estimation of image efficiency and economic efficiency of exhibition activity has been described. Structures of the formation of Cluster of exhibition at the International level. The recommendation is formed in the incision that the exhibition measure, which are held in the middle of the country, can have a cartoon impact on the economy of the host Country, which is determined, in addition to meeting the economic needs of the subjects of exhibition activity, as well as the development of service infrastructures and additional and income to the State budget. International companies and businessmen with the experience of exhibition participation have the result that the participants of the exhibition are very much engaged in business and are decisive in the strategic plan of development

    Organization of a strategic management accounting in an innovative economy

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    An efficient and practical strategic management accounting system to meet the needs of the main information user groups is determined by systematic and comprehensive approach to its organization at a business entity level. The proposed approaches to organization of a strategic management accounting, taking into consideration specifics of organizational and management structures of a business entity, contribute to transition to a whole new level of organization of its activities, determine the most effective form of organization of work of specialists in strategic management accounting. Strategic management accounting as a part of management accounting and analytical system contributes to reducing uncertainty in shaping the economic behavior of business entities and requires reconstruction of the entity's specific presence to achieve the desired results. The complex of organizational and methodological quality assurance of strategic management accounting in accordance with the competences of specialists has been developed, will promote development of intellectual potential and spreading strategic management accounting as a practical activity

    Entrepreneurship development model under conditions of business social responsibility

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    The retrospective analysis of the international experience in implementing models of socially responsible business and entrepreneurship has allowed to trace the sequence of views on the nature, role, importance of this institute in developing the national concept of business social responsibility. The analysis of the theoretical points of the draft concept of strategic development of business social responsibility and international experience in the implementation of national models allowed formulating conceptual foundations of the model of entrepreneurship social responsibility. The development and supplementation of the basic principles of the draft concept should be seen as the stages of further theoretical understanding and broadening of the narrow disciplinary framework of the concept of “social responsibility of entrepreneurship”. Entrepreneurship social responsibility management is seen as a system of measures to regulate the interactions between the subjects and objects of social responsibility taking into account the levels of responsibility and management. That is, the subjects are distinguished by the levels of management, size of economic entities and types of social behavior, and the objects – by the levels of responsibility

    Strategic management of deployment of innovation projects at the enterprise

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    The input methodological approach to the application of strategic management in the deployment of innovative projects at the enterprise is defined in the article. The model of strategic support of the progress of innovation process at the enterprise in the context of development and commercialization of innovative ideas was proposed. The expediency of using the criteria matrix to evaluate the position of the enterprise on the market with the purpose of making profitable strategic decisions was developed and methodologically substantiated