8 research outputs found

    Career Decision Self-Efficacy Assessment: Are scores consistent across two administration formats?

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    The correlations between the two different forms of the CDSE-SF were high, supporting, alternate form reliability between different administration formats

    Career Barriers Inventory-Revised Assessment: Are scores consistent across two administration formats?

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    Our results suggest that an Excel administered version of the Career Barriers Inventory--Revised is compatible with the standard paper-pencil format allowing for automated scoring.https://dc.swosu.edu/rf_2016/1071/thumbnail.jp

    Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Career Barriers: How are the Components Related?

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    In this study, we examined the relationship between the subscales of the Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form and the Career Barriers Inventory--Revised. This provides information on the relationships among the components of Career Decision Self-Efficacy and Career Barriers.https://dc.swosu.edu/rf_2016/1069/thumbnail.jp