37 research outputs found
Sobrevivência tardia (cinco anos) após tratamento cirúrgico radical e quimioterápico adjuvante (FAM) em câncer gástrico avançado: estudo controlado
Várias são as drogas e associações propostas tanto para a quimioterapia adjuvante como complementar visando melhorar os resultados do tratamento do câncer gástrico. Com o objetivo de se analisar o impacto sobre o estado nutricional e o índice de sobrevivência no tratamento de 53 doentes com câncer gástrico do estádio III da classificação TNM, comparou-se um grupo controle composto de 28 doentes submetidos apenas a ressecção radical com outro grupo tratado com a mesma conduta operatória seguida de poliquimioterapia adjuvante pelo regime FAM (5-fluorouracil, adriamicina e mitomicina C) e composto de 25 doentes. Nestes últimos averiguou-se também a toxicidade das drogas antineoplásicas quanto à função hepática, renal, cardiológica, neurológica, hematológica, gastrointestinal e dermatológica. Por meio de análise estatística afastou-se desigualdade entre os dois grupos de estudo quanto ao sexo, raça, tipo tumoral macroscópico da classificação de Borrmann, localização da neoplasia no estômago, extensão da ressecção gástrica e resposta às provas cutâneas de sensibilidade retardada na admissão. O tratamento quimioterápico foi iniciado em média 2,3 meses após o tratamento cirúrgico. Os doentes foram acompanhados clínica e laboratorialmente pelo período de 5 anos tendo se chegado às seguintes conclusões: 1) Foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos de estudo a evolução nutricional e a incidência de manifestações gastrintestinais; 2) não ocorreu toxicidade cardíaca, renal, neurológica ou hepática e tampouco óbito em decorrência do método quimioterápico em si; 3) alterações dermatológicas e mielotoxicidade ocorreram exclusivamente nos doentes que se submeteram à poliquimioterapia; 4) não houve diferença significante entre o índice e a sede da recidiva tumoral, o tempo livre de doença e os índices de sobrevivência dos dois grupos de estudo após cinco anos de seguimento portanto, a quimioterapia pelo esquema FAM não incrementa o referido índice.Several drugs and their associations are being used for adjuvant or complementary chemotherapy with the aim of improving results of gastric cancer treatment. The objective of this study was to verify the impact of these drugs on nutrition and on survival rate after radical treatment of 53 patients with gastric cancer in stage III of the TNM classification. A control group including 28 patients who had only undergone radical resection was compared to a group of 25 patients who underwent the same operative technique followed by adjuvant polychemotherapy with FAM (5-fluorouracil, Adriamycin, and mitomycin C). In this latter group, chemotherapy toxicity in relation to hepatic, renal, cardiologic, neurological, hematologic, gastrointestinal, and dermatological functions was also studied. There was no significant difference on admission between both groups in relation to gender, race, macroscopic tumoral type of tumor according to the Borrmann classification, location of the tumor in the stomach, length of the gastric resection, or response to cutaneous tests on delayed sensitivity. Chemotherapy was started on average, 2.3 months following surgical treatment. Clinical and laboratory follow-up of all patients continued for 5 years. The following conclusions were reached: 1) The nutritional status and incidence of gastrointestinal manifestation were similar in both groups; 2) There was no occurrence of cardiac, renal, neurological, or hepatic toxicity or death due to the chemotherapeutic method per se; 3) Dermatological alterations and hematological toxicity occurred exclusively in patients who underwent polychemotherapy; 4) There was no significant difference between the rate and site of tumoral recurrence, the disease-free interval, or the survival rate of both study groups; 5) Therefore, we concluded, after a 5-year follow-up, chemotherapy with the FAM regimen did not increase the survival rate
Distribution of lymph nodes – how deep is it TME necessary?
Introdução: A excisão total do mesorreto teve grande impacto na diminuição das taxas de recidiva local no câncer retal. Entretanto o número e a distribuição de linfonodos pelo mesorreto permanecem controversos. Estudos indicaram maior prevalência de linfonodos no terço posterior médio e dois terços superiores do mesorreto. Para confirmar a baixa freqüência de linfonodos distais realizamos estudo em cadáveres com maior número de corpos. Métodos: Realizamos uma excisão total do mesorreto por incisão abdominal mediana em 18 cadáveres frescos. Dividimos o mesorreto em duas porções laterais e um posterior, e definimos 3 níveis de proximal a distal. Após dissecção dos linfonodos sem solução de limpeza específica, a confirmação histológica e a determinação de localização e tamanho dos linfonodos foi realizada. Resultados: Em média, encontramos 5.0±3.7 LN/peça, com tamanho de 3.0±2.7mm. Não houve associação entre número de LN e tamanho com sexo, IMC ou idade. Constatamos maior prevalência de LN posteriores (2.8 LN/paciente) quando comparados a laterais (0.8 e 1.2 LN/paciente;p=0.02). Não houve diferenças entre os níveis do reto. Conclusão: Linfonodos no tecido mesoretal são em sua maioria pequenos e de localização posterior. Não há diminuição no número de linfonodos no terço mais distal do mesorreto.Introduction: Standardization of TME had a great impact on decreasing local recurrence rates for the treatment of rectal cancer. However, number and distribution of lymphnodes along the mesorectum remains controversial. In order to confirm lower frequency of distal lymph nodes in the mesorectum we performed a cadaveric study. Patients and Methods:18 fresh cadavers were included in the study. The rectum was removed along with total mesorectal excision by an abdominal median incision. The fatty tissue of the mesorectum was divided into lateral-right, posterior and lateral-left portions. These segments were subdivided into proximal to distal levels (1-3). Histological confirmation was performed after complete lymphnodes dissection. Results: Overall, the mean number and size of lymph nodes/rectum was5.0±3.7 and 3±2.7mm. There was no association between the mean number or size with gender,BMI or age. There was a significantly higher prevalence of posterior LN location (2.8 LN/patient)as opposed to lateral locations (0.8 and 1.2 LN/patient; p=0.02). There was similar distributionof LN/patient between different rectal levels. Conclusions: Lymph nodes in the mesorectal tissue are predominantly small and posteriorly located. There is no decrease in the number of lymphnodes in the most distal third of the mesorectum
The influence of tumor invasion in anastomotic line on survival of patient with gastric stump cancer
RACIONAL: O câncer do coto gástrico desenvolve- se no remanescente gástrico de gastrectomia realizada há pelo menos 5 anos por doença benigna e os sítios mais comuns de acometimento são próximo à anastomose e na pequena curvatura. Considera-se que o coto gástrico é estado pré-canceroso. OBJETIVOS: Identificar o padrão de disseminação de linfonodos acometidos, quantificar a invasão tumoral da linha de anastomose e correlacionar: a invasão da linha de anastomose com o comprometimento linfonodal e mesenterial, o acometimento linfonodal com sobrevivência e o acometimento da linha de anastomose com sobrevivência. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo com revisão de prontuários, peças cirúrgicas e exames anátomo-patológicos de 113 pacientes com diagnóstico de câncer de coto gástrico definido como adenocarcinoma desenvolvido no remanescente gástrico de gastrectomia realizada há pelo menos cinco anos por doença benigna. RESULTADOS: A disseminação linfonodal não se mostrou específica; 75% dos pacientes apresentaram invasão tumoral da linha de anastomose; em 66,7% dos casos ocorreu invasão da linha anastomótica e linfonodal concomitantes; menos de 10% dos casos exibiam invasão mesenterial; houve óbito em 86,5% dos casos com invasão linfonodal e 64,7% com invasão da linha de anastomose e em 100% com invasão mesenterial. CONCLUSÕES: 1) O câncer de coto gástrico não tem padrão de disseminação linfonodal específico; 2) a linha de anastomose sofre freqüente invasão tumoral; 3) apesar de freqüente a invasão da linha anastomótica, não apresenta correlação estatística significante com o comprometimento linfonodal regional ou mesenterial; 4) a presença de invasão linfonodal implica em sobrevida menor, em especial a de linfonodos do mesentério; 5) a presença de acometimento neoplásico da linha anastomótica não se correlaciona com pior resultado de sobrevivência.AIM: To identify the lymph node metastatic pattern for gastric stump cancer; to quantify the anastomotic site invasion by tumor growth; to correlate the invasion of anastomotic site with metastasis in lymph node in general and mesenterial lymph node involvement and the survival. METHODS: One hundred and thirteen patients with gastric stump cancer were retrospectively analyzed along with their medical records, surgical specimens and histopathologic exams. RESULTS: seventy five percent of patients had tumoral invasion in the anastomotic site. In 66.7% there was invasion of the anastomotic site with metastatic lymph nodes. Nine percent had mesenterial lymph node invasion. Fatal cases occurred in 86,5% with metastatic lymph node, 64,7% with invasion of the anastomotic site and 100% with mesenterial lymph node invasion. CONCLUSIONS: Metastatic lymph node dissemination is not specific to gastric stump cancer and does not present a pattern in the lymph node dissemination. Although frequent the tumor invasion in anastomotic line, there is no significant statistical correlation with the invasion of regional or mesenterial lymph nodes. Lymph node invasion reduces survival, mainly when mesenterial lymph node dissemination is present. Tumor invasion in anastomotic line does not reduce survival
Fatal pulmonary thromboembolism in gastrectomy intraoperative procedures by gastric adenocarcinoma: case report
The case of a patient with gastric adenocarcinoma with indication for gastrectomy is reported. The surgery took place without complications. A palliative, subtotal gastrectomy was performed after para-aortic lymph nodes compromised by neoplasm were found, which was confirmed by pathological exam of frozen sections carried out during the intervention. At the end of the gastroenteroanastomosis procedure, the patient began to show intense bradycardia: 38 beats per minute (bpm), arterial hypotension, changes in the electrocardiogram's waveform (upper unlevelling of segment ST), and cardiac arrest. Resuscitation maneuvers were performed with temporary success. Subsequently, the patient had another circulatory breakdown and again was recovered. Finally, the third cardiac arrest proved to be irreversible, and the intra-operative death occurred. Necropsy showed massive pulmonary embolism. The medical literature has recommended heparinization of patients, in an attempt to avoid pulmonary thromboembolism following major surgical interventions. However, in the present case, heparinization would have been insufficient to prevent death. This case indicates that it is necessary to develop preoperative propedeutics for diagnosing the presence of venous thrombi with potential to migrate, causing pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE). If such thrombi could be detected, preventative measures, such as filter installation in the Cava vein could be undertaken.Relata-se um caso de paciente com adenocarcinoma gástrico com indicação de gastrectomia. O ato operatório transcorreu sem anormalidades. Foi realizada gastrectomia subtotal paliativa, pois encontrou-se linfonodos para-aórticos comprometidos pela neoplasia, confirmado por exame anátomo-patológico de congelação realizado no decorrer da intervenção. Ao fim da confecção da gastroêntero-anastomose o paciente passou a apresentar bradicardia intensa: 38 batimentos por minuto (bpm), hipotensão arterial, alterações do traçado do eletrocardiograma (Supra-desnivelamento do segmento ST) e parada cardíaca. Realizadas as manobras de ressucitação com sucesso temporário, já que a seguir o paciente apresentou novo colapso circulatório, sendo novamente recuperado, finalmente a 3a parada cardíaca foi irreversível e constatou-se o óbito intra-operatório
Intestinal intussusception and occlusion caused by small bowel polyps in the Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Management by combined intraoperative enteroscopy and resection through minimal enterostomy: case report
A síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers é uma doença de caráter hereditário que freqüentemente requer intervenções endoscópicas e cirúrgicas repetidas, levando a complicações secundárias como, por exemplo, a síndrome do intestino curto. RELATO DE CASO: Relatamos neste artigo o caso de paciente de 15 anos, masculino, com história familiar para a doença, que foi submetido ao procedimento cirúrgico para tratar oclusão devido a intussucepção de intestino delgado. DISCUSSÃO: Associou-se método fibroscópico intra-operatório com a finalidade de detecção e ressecção de numerosos pólipos distribuídos em todo o intestino delgado. Realizaram-se enterotomias para a retirada dos pólipos maiores, restringindo-se, portanto, a ressecção intestinal a segmentos menores. A evolução clínica foi boa. CONCLUSÃO: Ressalta-se a importância do manejo de forma conservadora dos pacientes portadores desta síndrome, principalmente naqueles cujas manifestações clínicas de importância cirúrgica aparecem precocemente.The Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a hereditary disease that requires frequent endoscopic and surgical intervention, leading to secondary complications such as short bowel syndrome. CASE REPORT: This paper reports on a 15-year-old male patient with a family history of the disease, who underwent surgery for treatment of an intestinal occlusion due to a small intestine intussusception. DISCUSSION: An intra-operative fiberscopic procedure was included for the detection and treatment of numerous polyps distributed along the small intestine. Enterotomy was performed to treat only the larger polyps, therefore limiting the intestinal resection to smaller segments. The postoperative follow-up was uneventful. CONCLUSION: We point out the importance of conservative treatment for patients with this syndrome, especially those who will undergo repeated surgical interventions because of clinical manifestation while they are still young
Instabilidade de microsatelites no cancer gástrico solitário e esporádico
Recently, the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI) has been reported in gastric cancer and associated with older age of presentation, distal tumor location, early disease staging, and better overall prognosis. Different characteristics in presentation and in tumor behavior may be explained by different genetic alterations during carcinogenesis of gastric cancer. Identification of specific genetic pathways in gastric cancer may have direct impact on prognosis and selection of treatment strategies. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All 24 patients were treated by radical surgery. Fragments of normal and tumor tissues were extracted from the specimen and stored at -80ºC before DNA purification and extraction. PCR amplification utilizing microsatellite markers was performed. Tumors presenting PCR products of abnormal sizes were considered positive for microsatellite instability (MSI+). RESULTS: Five patients (21%) had tumors that were MSI+ in at least 1 marker. In the group of patients with Lauren's intestinal-type gastric carcinoma, 3 had tumors that were MSI+ (23%), while in the group of diffuse-type gastric cancer, 2 patients had tumors that were MSI+ (19%). The mean age of presentation and the male:female ratio was similar in both groups. Tumors that were MSI+ were more frequently located in proximal portion of the stomach compared to microsatellite-stable (MSS) tumors (40% vs. 16%). Although there was a trend of patients with MSI+ tumors towards a proximal gastric tumor location, early staging, and negative lymph node metastasis, there was no statistical significance compared to those with MSS tumors (P >;.1). Comparison of overall and disease-free survival between gastric tumors that were MSI+ and those that were MSS found no statistically significant differences (P >;.1). CONCLUSIONS: Microsatellite instability is a frequent event in gastric carcinogenesis and shows a trend towards distinct clinical and pathological characteristics of gastric cancer.A presença de Instabilidade de microsatellites (IMS) tem sido relatada no cancer gastrico e associada a pacientes com idade mais avançada, localização mais distal do tumor, estadios mais precoces e melhor prognostico. Relatamos neste prospectivo estudo envolvendo 24 pacientes com cancer gastrico solitario e esporadico, a incidencia de IMS, sua correlação com parametros epidemiologicos, clinicos e anatomo patológicos e o seu impacto sobre a sobrevida geral e livre de doença. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Todos os pacientes haviam sido tratados com cirurgia radical. Fragmentos de tecido normal e tumoral eram extraidos das peças e armazenados a -80ºC antes da extração e purificação DNA. Realizava-se então a amplificação com PCR utilizando marcadores específicos de microsatelites. Os tumores que apresentavam produtos de amplificação anormais foram considerados positivos para IMS. RESULTADOS: Cinco pacientes (21%) apresentaram Instabilidade de microsatelites (IMS+) com pelo menos um marcador (primer) No grupo de pacientes com adenocarcinomas gástricos do tipo histológico de Lauren, três apresentavam IMS (23%) enquanto no grupo portador de cancar gástrico difuso, dois pacientes mostraram IMS (19%).. Embora haja uma tendência dos pacientes IMS+ apresentarem tumores de localização mais proximal, estadios mais precoces e ausência de metástases linfonodais, não se observou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p >; 0,1). A comparação entre as taxas de sobrevida geral e livre de doença não mostrou significância estatistica (p >; 0,1). CONCLUSÕES: IMS é um evento frequente na carcinogese gástrica e pode estar associado a caracteristicas clinicas e anátomo-patológicas do câncer gástrico
GLORIA - A globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for optical sensing of water quality
The development of algorithms for remote sensing of water quality (RSWQ) requires a large amount of in situ data to account for the bio-geo-optical diversity of inland and coastal waters. The GLObal Reflectance community dataset for Imaging and optical sensing of Aquatic environments (GLORIA) includes 7,572 curated hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance measurements at 1 nm intervals within the 350 to 900 nm wavelength range. In addition, at least one co-located water quality measurement of chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, absorption by dissolved substances, and Secchi depth, is provided. The data were contributed by researchers affiliated with 59 institutions worldwide and come from 450 different water bodies, making GLORIA the de-facto state of knowledge of in situ coastal and inland aquatic optical diversity. Each measurement is documented with comprehensive methodological details, allowing users to evaluate fitness-for-purpose, and providing a reference for practitioners planning similar measurements. We provide open and free access to this dataset with the goal of enabling scientific and technological advancement towards operational regional and global RSWQ monitoring
Absence of RKIP expression is an independent prognostic biomarker for gastric cancer patients
Gastric cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality, and the presence of lymph node metastasis an important prognostic factor. Downregulation of RKIP has been associated with tumor progression and metastasis in several types of neoplasms, being currently categorized as a metastasis suppressor gene. Our aim was to determine the expression levels of RKIP in gastric tissues and to evaluate its impact in the clinical outcome of gastric carcinoma patients. RKIP expression levels were studied by immunohistochemistry in a series of gastric tissues. Overall, we analysed 222 non-neoplastic gastric tissues, 152 primary tumors and 42 lymph node metastasis samples. We observed that RKIP was highly expressed in ~83% of non-neoplastic tissues (including normal tissue and metaplasia), was lost in ~56% of primary tumors and in ~90% of lymph node metastasis samples. Loss of RKIP expression was significantly associated with several markers of poor clinical outcome, including the presence of lymph node metastasis. Furthermore, the absence of RKIP protein constitutes an independent prognostic marker for these patients. In conclusion, RKIP expression is significantly lost during gastric carcinoma progression being almost absent in lymph node metastasis samples. Of note, we showed that the absence of RKIP expression is associated with poor outcome features of gastric cancer patients, this being also an independent prognostic marker.Olga Martinho was recipient of a PhD fellowship (SFRH/BD/36463/2007) from Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal