24 research outputs found

    Increasing concentrations of dichloromethane, CH2Cl2, inferred from CARIBIC air samples collected 1998–2012

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    Atmospheric concentrations of dichloromethane, CH2Cl2, a regulated toxic air pollutant and minor contributor to stratospheric ozone depletion, were reported to have peaked around 1990 and to be declining in the early part of the 21st century. Recent observations suggest this trend has reversed and that CH2Cl2 is once again increasing in the atmosphere. Despite the importance of ongoing monitoring and reporting of atmospheric CH2Cl2, no time series has been discussed in detail since 2006. The CARIBIC project (Civil Aircraft for the Regular Investigation of the atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container) has analysed the halocarbon content of whole-air samples collected at altitudes of between ~10–12 km via a custom-built container installed on commercial passenger aircraft since 1998, providing a long-term record of CH2Cl2 observations. In this paper we present this unique CH2Cl2 time series, discussing key flight routes which have been used at various times over the past 15 years. Between 1998 and 2012 increases were seen in all northern hemispheric regions and at different altitudes, ranging from ~7–10 ppt in background air to ~13–15 ppt in regions with stronger emissions (equating to a 38–69% increase). Of particular interest is the rising importance of India as a source of atmospheric CH2Cl2: based on CARIBIC data we provide regional emission estimates for the Indian subcontinent and show that regional emissions have increased from 3–14 Gg yr^-1 (1998–2000) to 16–25 Gg yr^-1 (2008). Potential causes of the increasing atmospheric burden of CH2Cl2 are discussed. One possible source is the increased use of CH2Cl2 as a feedstock for the production of HFC-32, a chemical used predominantly as a replacement for ozone-depleting substances in a variety of applications including air conditioners and refrigeration

    Een nadere inkleuring van achter de schermen van de Nationale ombudsman

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    In de vorige aflevering stond een artikel van Marc Hertogh waarin hij een analyse gaf van het werk van de Nationale ombudsman. Zijn conclusie was dat Brenninkmeijer de Nationale ombudsman succesvol op de kaart heeft gezet, maar dat door zijn succes als ‘belangenbehartiger’ en ‘criticaster’, zijn werk als ‘kwaliteitsbewaker’ steeds meer onder druk is komen te staan. Brenninkmeijer voorziet deze analyse van een nadere inkleuring

    Het recht om te escaleren. Het Pietendebat in de rechtszaal

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    De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State heeft uitspraak gedaan in de procedure tegen de evenementenvergunning voor de intocht van Sinterklaas in 2013 in Amsterdam. Het College voor de Rechten van de Mens heeft de week daarvoor een oordeel gegeven over de klacht van een moeder over de onwil van een school om ‘Zwarte Piet’ aan te passen en te ontdoen van racistische kenmerken. Deze juridische procedures vormen onderdeel van een escalatieproces in Nederland dat zelfs de voorpagina van kwaliteitskrant Le Monde haalde. Hoe aan te kijken tegen de gevoerde procedures vanuit het oogpunt van conflictescalatie en conflictoplossing

    Feedback for a better performing public sector

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    Informacja zwrotna wyrażona przez niezależne instytucje takie jak sądy, kontrolerzy i rzecznicy może być wykorzystywana przez sektor publiczny do poprawy jakości jego funkcjonowania oraz do zwalczania korupcji. Autor zwraca uwagę na to, że przepisy i kontrole nie stanowią skutecznej odpowiedzi na korupcję i rosnącą nieufność w społeczeństwie. W tym kontekście wyjątkową rolę może odegrać efektywność informacji zwrotnych. W nowoczesnym państwie, które jest tworem skomplikowanym, takie elementy systemu demokratycznego jak nadzór ze strony sądu, rzeczników i organów regulacyjnych dla rynku, kontrole oraz ewaluacja przez niezależne podmioty, a także zastosowania w świecie cyfrowym stanowią ważne przykłady informacji zwrotnych. Informacje zwrotne zależą nie tylko od przepisów i istnienia instytucji prawa, lecz także od współpracy, także międzynarodowej. Jeżeli np. organ kontrolny ma do czynienia z wrogo nastawionym podmiotem sektora publicznego, nieskłonnym do przyjmowania krytyki, wówczas skuteczność takich informacji może być ograniczona. W tym kontekście można mówić o istotnym rozróżnieniu między władzą i autorytetem. To samo dotyczy sądów, w tym trybunału konstytucyjnego oraz rzecznika praw obywatelskich. Systemy reagowania (informacji zwrotnych) w sektorze publicznym sprawdzają się jedynie w otwartym i współpracującym otoczeniu. W przypadku jego braku służby publiczne mają skłonność do zamykania się w sobie i braku uwrażliwienia na świat zewnętrzny. W konkluzji autor stwierdza, że o poprawie działania sektora publicznego stanowi proces uczenia się, w którym istotną rolę odgrywają informacje zwrotne. W tym sensie gotowość do prowadzenia trudnych rozmów jest ważną częścią tego procesu.Feedback by independent institutions such as courts, auditors and ombudsmen can guide the public sector on how to improve the performance of the public sector and suppress corruption. This article underlines that rules and checks are not an effective answer to corruption and growing distrust in society. The heart of the matter is the effectiveness of feedback systems. In (complex) modern states the whole range of democracy – judicial control, audit, supervision by ombudsmen and (market) regulators, and evaluation by independent bodies, and applications in the digital world – are all important examples of feedback. Feedback depends not only on rules and the existence of legal institutions, but also on (international) cooperation. If, for instance, an audit body is working with a hostile public sector not open to critical reflection, its effectiveness can be limited. In this respect, there is an important difference between power and authority. The same goes for (constitutional) courts and the ombudsman. Feedback systems in the public sector can only f lourish in an open and cooperative context. If not, public services have a tendency to become inward-looking and unresponsive to the outside world. To conclude, improvement of the performance of the public sector should be based on a learning process; feedback is highly relevant to this. In this context, a culture of difficult conversations is highly relevant as a part of the learning process

    Een nadere inkleuring van achter de schermen van de Nationale ombudsman

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    In de vorige aflevering stond een artikel van Marc Hertogh waarin hij een analyse gaf van het werk van de Nationale ombudsman. Zijn conclusie was dat Brenninkmeijer de Nationale ombudsman succesvol op de kaart heeft gezet, maar dat door zijn succes als ‘belangenbehartiger’ en ‘criticaster’, zijn werk als ‘kwaliteitsbewaker’ steeds meer onder druk is komen te staan. Brenninkmeijer voorziet deze analyse van een nadere inkleuring


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    We studied the consequences of differences in growth rate on the subsequent survival of Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus chicks. Fledging success increased sharply with growth rate, from zero in chicks growing at less than 6 g per day to about 85% in chicks growing at more than 10 g per day. The age at which chicks fledged varied from 27 to 52 days. Chicks which fledged at an early age displayed a much faster growth rate than later fledging chicks. Although slow growth resulted in a considerable prolongation of the period before fledging, slow-growing chicks fledged at a smaller size and with a lower body-weight than fast-growing chicks. After fledging, all chicks remained almost completely dependent on their parents up to an age of 3 months and often longer. Almost 40% of the fledglings eventually returned to the breeding area. This figure probably reflects post-fledging survival. Age and size at fledging had no effect on a chick's probability of return. Body-weight at fledging had a small positive correlation with the return probability, but this was not statistically significant. We conclude that although slow growth severely reduces a chick's chance of fledging, it probably does not result in irreversible damage causing an increased risk of mortality during the first years after fledging. Apparently, any possible disadvantage associated with small size or low bodyweight could be compensated for after hedging

    General Principles of EU Law and Audit Practice of EU Funds

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    status: publishe

    Transparency in the mult-jurisdictional setting of the EU

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    This chapter investigates the role of transparency in controlling the exercise of power by EU agencies. Transparency provides an important tool but offers no one-size-fits-all solutions. Transparency obligations can vary in form and function, and not all forms of transparency are equally appropriate for every type of agency: agencies with rule-making powers should be obliged to provide transparency to the general public, whereas agencies that take decisions affecting individuals should be transparent primarily to those individuals. On the other hand, transparency can have downsides as well. It can have adverse effects on decision-making or may cause harm to other interests, such as public safety or commercial interests. Some agencies operate in areas where transparency is likely to have more disadvantages than benefits. In these cases, alternative forms of control must be sought