606 research outputs found
Policy Brief: An Interview with U. S. Department of Education Director of Rural Engagement Julia Cunningham
Julia Cunningham joined the Department of Education in March 2023 as Director, Rural Engagement in the Office of Communications and Outreach. Recently, Julia sat down with Devon Brenner, editor of The Rural Educator, to talk about her role and resources at the U.S. Department of Education for rural education
Assessing temporal behavior in lidar point clouds of urban environments
Self-driving cars and robots that run autonomously over long periods of time need high-precision and up-to-date models of the changing environment. The main challenge for creating long term maps of dynamic environments is to identify changes and adapt the map continuously. Changes can occur abruptly, gradually, or even periodically. In this work, we investigate how dense mapping data of several epochs can be used to identify the temporal behavior of the environment. This approach anticipates possible future scenarios where a large fleet of vehicles is equipped with sensors which continuously capture the environment. This data is then being sent to a cloud based infrastructure, which aligns all datasets geometrically and subsequently runs scene analysis on it, among these being the analysis for temporal changes of the environment. Our experiments are based on a LiDAR mobile mapping dataset which consists of 150 scan strips (a total of about 1 billion points), which were obtained in multiple epochs. Parts of the scene are covered by up to 28 scan strips. The time difference between the first and last epoch is about one year. In order to process the data, the scan strips are aligned using an overall bundle adjustment, which estimates the surface (about one billion surface element unknowns) as well as 270,000 unknowns for the adjustment of the exterior orientation parameters. After this, the surface misalignment is usually below one centimeter. In the next step, we perform a segmentation of the point clouds using a region growing algorithm. The segmented objects and the aligned data are then used to compute an occupancy grid which is filled by tracing each individual LiDAR ray from the scan head to every point of a segment. As a result, we can assess the behavior of each segment in the scene and remove voxels from temporal objects from the global occupancy grid.DFG/GRK/215
Classification and Change Detection in Mobile Mapping LiDAR Point Clouds
Creating 3D models of the static environment is an important task for the advancement of driver assistance systems and autonomous driving. In this work, a static reference map is created from a Mobile Mapping âlight detection and rangingâ (LiDAR) dataset. The data was obtained in 14 measurement runs from March to October 2017 in Hannover and consists in total of about 15 billion points. The point cloud data are first segmented by region growing and then processed by a random forest classification, which divides the segments into the five static classes (âfacadeâ, âpoleâ, âfenceâ, âtraffic signâ, and âvegetationâ) and three dynamic classes (âvehicleâ, âbicycleâ, âpersonâ) with an overall accuracy of 94%. All static objects are entered into a voxel grid, to compare different measurement epochs directly. In the next step, the classified voxels are combined with the result of a visibility analysis. Therefore, we use a ray tracing algorithm to detect traversed voxels and differentiate between empty space and occlusion. Each voxel is classified as suitable for the static reference map or not by its object class and its occupation state during different epochs. Thereby, we avoid to eliminate static voxels which were occluded in some of the measurement runs (e.g. parts of a building occluded by a tree). However, segments that are only temporarily present and connected to static objects, such as scaffolds or awnings on buildings, are not included in the reference map. Overall, the combination of the classification with the subsequent entry of the classes into a voxel grid provides good and useful results that can be updated by including new measurement data
Fatty acid metabolism in the calanoid copepod Paracalanus parvus: 1 : Polyunsaturated fatty acids
The metabolic fate of radioactive linoleate and α-linolenate administered to the South Atlantic copepodParacalanus parvus was studied. The wild copepod was able to incorporate the labeled acids dissolved in seawater. The radioactive linoleate was elongated to 20â¶2Ï6 and 22â¶2Ï6 and desaturated by a Î6 desaturase to 18â¶3Ï6. α-Linolenate was also desaturated by a Î6 desaturase to 18â¶4Ï3 and elongated to 20â¶3Ï3. The copepod was able to convert α-18â¶3 to 20â¶5Ï3 and 22â¶6Ï3.Facultad de Ciencias MĂ©dica
Die Effekte einer Ărzte-Kurzschulung zur Raucherentwöhnung in einer pneumologischen Akutklinik eines UniversitĂ€tsklinikums
Objective: The objective was to evaluate the effect of a short physician training in smoking cessation on the physiciansâ performance of smoking cessation interventions. The effects on patientsâ cessation rates were analyzed as well. A further aim was to identify barriers for providing cessation interventions. The study was conducted in an acute care pulmonology department of a German university hospital.
Methods: 24 physicians of the pulmonology department of a German university hospital received a two-hour training in smoking cessation. 109 pre- and 89 post-training group patients were compared with regard to the frequencies of received smoking cessation interventions (Ask, Advise, Assist) and three- and six-month abstinence rates. Physicians estimated their intervention frequencies and gave reasons for not providing cessation interventions.
Results: In a multivariable analysis (p<0.05), the physiciansâ application of âAskâ (OR 3.28, 95% CI 1.13â9.53) and the six-month abstinence rates (OR 2.70, 95% CI 1.24â5.84) were significantly higher in the post-training group. The univariate analysis also showed a significant effect on âAssistâ (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.09â3.87). No significant effect was seen on âAdvise to quitâ. Physicians overestimated their intervention frequencies and reported the patientsâ low motivation to stop, an oncological disease and palliative care situation as barriers to performing smoking cessation.
Conclusion: A short physician training in a hospital department of pulmonology increases the use of guideline-based cessation strategies and may improve cessation rates. The findings show that hospital-based strategies such as physician trainings could be useful in the improvement of smoking cessation. Strategies for overcoming barriers for providing smoking cessation interventions are needed.Ziel: Das Ziel war die Evaluation der Effekte einer Ărzte-Kurzschulung zur Raucherentwöhnung auf die AnwendungshĂ€ufigkeit der Entwöhnungsstrategien durch die Ărzte. Ebenso wurden die Effekte auf die Abstinenzraten der Patienten untersucht. AuĂerdem sollten die Barrieren fĂŒr die DurchfĂŒhrung von RaucherentwöhnungsmaĂnahmen ermittelt werden. Die Studie wurde in einer pneumologischen Akutklinik eines deutschen UniversitĂ€tsklinikums durchgefĂŒhrt.
Methoden: 24 Ărzte erhielten eine zweistĂŒndige Schulung zur Raucherentwöhnung. 109 Kontrollgruppenpatienten, die vor der Schulung in der Klinik behandelt wurden, wurden mit 89 nach der Schulung behandelten Studiengruppenpatienten hinsichtlich der HĂ€ufigkeit der Ă€rztlichen Raucherentwöhnungsinterventionen (Ask, Advise, Assist) und ihrer Abstinenzraten drei und sechs Monate nach Klinikaufenthalt verglichen. Die Ărzte schĂ€tzten ihre InterventionshĂ€ufigkeiten und gaben GrĂŒnde an, warum sie in manchen FĂ€llen keine Entwöhnungsinterventionen durchfĂŒhrten.
Ergebnisse: Die Anwendung von âAskâ (OR 3.28, 95% KI 1.13â9.53) durch die Ărzte und die Sechsmonats-Abstinenzraten (OR 2.70, 95% KI 1.24â5.84) waren in der Studiengruppe im multivariablen Modell signifikant höher (p<0.05). Bei âAssistâ zeigte nur das univariable Modell einen signifikanten Einfluss der Schulung (OR 2.05, 95% KI 1.09â3.87). Es wurde kein signifikanter Effekt der Schulung auf die Anwendung von âAdviseâ festgestellt. Die Ărzte ĂŒberschĂ€tzten ihre InterventionshĂ€ufigkeiten und nannten als GrĂŒnde fĂŒr die Nicht-DurchfĂŒhrung einer Raucherentwöhnung eine wahrgenommene geringe Aufhörmotivation der Patienten und das Vorliegen einer onkologischen oder palliativen Krankheitssituation.
Fazit: Eine Ărztekurzschulung zur Raucherentwöhnung in einer pneumologischen Akutklinik erhöht den Einsatz von leitlinienbasierten Raucherentwöhnungsstrategien und könnte einen positiven Effekt auf die Abstinenzraten haben.
Implikationen: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Krankenhaus-basierte Strategien wie Ărzteschulungen zur Verbesserung der Raucherentwöhnung nĂŒtzlich sein können. Strategien zur Ăberwindung von Hindernissen fĂŒr die Bereitstellung von MaĂnahmen zur Raucherentwöhnung sind erforderlich
Dynamics of glomerular ultrafiltration: VI. Studies in the primate
Dynamics of glomerular ultrafiltration: VI. Studies in the primate. Pressures and flows were measured in accessible surface glomeruli of the squirrel monkey under conditions of normal hydropenia. Mean glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure and the mean glomerular transcapillary hydrostatic pressure difference (ÎP) averaged approximately 45 mm Hg and 35 mm Hg, respectively. These findings are in close accord with recent direct estimates in the rat. The net driving force for ultrafiltration was found to decline from a maximum value of about 12 mm Hg at the afferent end of the glomerular capillary network essentially to zero by the efferent end, indicating that, in the monkey as in the rat, filtration pressure equilibrium is achieved under normal hydropenic conditions. The monkey differs from the rat in one important respect, however, in that, as has long been recognized, the monkey tends to have higher systemic total plasma protein concentrations (CA) than the rat. This is of interest since monkey, like man, is found to have lower filtration fractions than the rat. Since ÎP is found to be essentially similar in monkey and rat, and since, at filtration pressure equilibrium, filtration fraction is determined by ÎP and CA, these observed differences in filtration fraction between rodent and primate must therefore be due to these differences in CA
How do Malawian women rate the quality of maternal and newborn care? Experiences and perceptions of women in the central and southern regions
Background: While perceived quality of care is now widely recognized to influence health service utilization, limited research has been conducted to explore and measure perceived quality of care using quantitative tools. Our objective was to measure womenâs perceived quality of maternal and newborn care using a composite scale and to identify individual and service delivery factors associated with such perceptions in Malawi. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey in selected health facilities from March to May 2013. Exit interviews were conducted with 821 women convenience sampled at antenatal, delivery, and postnatal clinics using structured questionnaires. Experiences and the corresponding perceived quality of care were measured using a composite perception scale based on 27 items, clustered around three dimensions of care: interpersonal relations, conditions of the consultation and delivery rooms, and nursing care services. Statements reflecting the 27 items were read aloud and the women were asked to rate the quality of care received on a visual scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest score). For each dimension, an aggregate score was calculated using the un-weighted item means, representing three outcome variables. Descriptive statistics were used to display distribution of explanatory variables and one-way analysis of variance was used to analyse bivariate associations between the explanatory and the outcome variables. Results: A high perceived quality of care rating was observed on interpersonal relations, conditions of the examination rooms and nursing care services with an overall mean score of 9/10. Self-introduction by the health worker, explanation of examination procedures, consent seeking, encouragement to ask questions, confidentiality protection and being offered to have a guardian during delivery were associated with a high quality rating of interpersonal relations for antenatal and delivery care services. Being literate, never experienced a still birth and, first ANC visit were associated with a high quality rating of room conditions for antenatal care service. Conclusions: The study highlights some of the multiple factors associated with perceived quality of care. We conclude that proper interventions or practices and policies should consider these factors when making quality improvements
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