7 research outputs found

    Mejoramiento de las propiedades biológicas del suelo con la incorporación de microorganismos rizosféricos, para el incremento de la productividad en el cultivo de la cebolla en Llano Grande y Tierra Blanca de Cartago

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    Proyecto de Investigación (Código: 1510098) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Extensión (VIE). Dirección de Proyectos. Escuela de Biología, 2019Este proyecto de investigación cumple con el objetivo 2: Poner fin al hambre, lograr la seguridad alimentaria y la mejora de la nutrición y promover la agricultura sostenible y la meta 4: Asegurar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de producción de alimentos y aplicar prácticas agrícolas resilientes que aumenten la productividad y la producción, contribuyan al mantenimiento de los ecosistemas, fortalezcan la capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático, los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, las sequías, las inundaciones y otros desastres, y mejoren progresivamente la calidad del suelo y la tierra.La cebolla es un cultivo hortícola de mucha importancia para el país, en especial para las pequeñas economías y encadenamientos productivos de mercado interno. El proyecto consistió en la evaluación de varias especies de Trichoderma sp para observar el efecto sobre el rendimiento, elongación de las raíces y sus efectos sobre la interacción con las células del cultivo y su recomendación para futuras siembras de cebolla. En el proyecto se realizó un análisis microbiológico del suelo de las parcelas, en donde se evidencio la presencia de microorganismos patógenos al cultivo de la cebolla, además de una baja presencia de microorganismos benéficos, debido a la alta utilización de agroquímicos y al bajo porcentaje de materia orgánica. Además, se evaluó el efecto de la aplicación de varias especies de Trichodermas sp a almácigos de cebolla y a plantación, en donde se comprobó que T..asperellum es la especie que presentó los mejores rendimientos y mayor desarrollo radicular. En los ensayos in vitro T. harzianum es la especie que presenta la mayor elongación de raíz, seguido por T virens, pero a nivel de campo T. asperellum es la que presenta una mayor elongación radical. A nivel celular se demostró que los tratamientos con Trichoderma sp, las células alcanzan un mayor grosor y una mayor madurez que el control. El objetivo de esta investigación fue mejorar las propiedades biológicas del suelo con la incorporación de microorganismos rizosféricos para el incremento de la productividad en el cultivo de la cebolla en Llano Grande y Tierra Blanca de Cartag

    Impact of common cardio-metabolic risk factors on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease in Latin America and the Caribbean: An individual-level pooled analysis of 31 cohort studies

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    Background: Estimates of the burden of cardio-metabolic risk factors in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) rely on relative risks (RRs) from non-LAC countries. Whether these RRs apply to LAC remains unknown. Methods: We pooled LAC cohorts. We estimated RRs per unit of exposure to body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), total cholesterol (TC) and non-HDL cholesterol on fatal (31 cohorts, n=168,287) and non-fatal (13 cohorts, n=27,554) cardiovascular diseases, adjusting for regression dilution bias. We used these RRs and national data on mean risk factor levels to estimate the number of cardiovascular deaths attributable to non-optimal levels of each risk factor. Results: Our RRs for SBP, FPG and TC were like those observed in cohorts conducted in high-income countries; however, for BMI, our RRs were consistently smaller in people below 75 years of age. Across risk factors, we observed smaller RRs among older ages. Non-optimal SBP was responsible for the largest number of attributable cardiovascular deaths ranging from 38 per 100,000 women and 54 men in Peru, to 261 (Dominica, women) and 282 (Guyana, men). For non-HDL cholesterol, the lowest attributable rate was for women in Peru (21) and men in Guatemala (25), and the largest in men (158) and women (142) from Guyana. Interpretation: RRs for BMI from studies conducted in high-income countries may overestimate disease burden metrics in LAC; conversely, RRs for SBP, FPG and TC from LAC cohorts are similar to those estimated from cohorts in high-income countries. Funding: Wellcome Trust (214185/Z/18/Z)Fil: Carrillo Larco, Rodrigo M.. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Stern, Dalia. Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (insp);Fil: Hambleton, Ian R.. The University Of The West Indies; BarbadosFil: Hennis, Anselm. Pan American Health Organization; Estados UnidosFil: Cesare, Mariachiara Di. Middlesex University; Reino UnidoFil: Lotufo, Paulo. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Ferreccio, Catterina. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Irazola, Vilma. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria. Centro de Investigaciones en Epidemiología y Salud Pública; Argentina. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Sanitaria; ArgentinaFil: Perel, Pablo. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; Reino UnidoFil: Gregg, Edward W. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Miranda, J. Jaime. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Ezzati, Majid. Imperial College London; Reino UnidoFil: Danaei, Goodarz. Harvard Medical School; Estados UnidosFil: Aguilar Salinas, Carlos A.. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición; MéxicoFil: Alvarez Váz, Ramón. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Amadio, Marselle B.. Centro Universitario Senac Santo Amaro; BrasilFil: Baccino, Cecilia. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Bambs, Claudia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Bastos, João Luiz. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; BrasilFil: Beckles, Gloria. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Estados UnidosFil: Bernabe Ortiz, Antonio. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Bernardo, Carla DO. University of Adelaide; AustraliaFil: Bloch, Katia V.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Blümel, Juan E.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Boggia, Jose G.. Universidad de la República; UruguayFil: Borges, Pollyanna K.. Universidade Estadual do Ponta Grossa; BrasilFil: Bravo, Miguel. MELISA Institute; ChileFil: Brenes Camacho, Gilbert. Universidad de Costa Rica; Costa RicaFil: Carbajal, Horacio A.. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Castillo Rascón, María Susana. Universidad Nacional de Misiones; Argentin

    Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: A Synopsis of Coordinated National Crop Wild Relative Seed Collecting Programs across Five Continents

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    The Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change Project set out to improve the diversity, quantity, and accessibility of germplasm collections of crop wild relatives (CWR). Between 2013 and 2018, partners in 25 countries, heirs to the globetrotting legacy of Nikolai Vavilov, undertook seed collecting expeditions targeting CWR of 28 crops of global significance for agriculture. Here, we describe the implementation of the 25 national collecting programs and present the key results. A total of 4587 unique seed samples from at least 355 CWR taxa were collected, conserved ex situ, safety duplicated in national and international genebanks, and made available through the Multilateral System (MLS) of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Plant Treaty). Collections of CWR were made for all 28 targeted crops. Potato and eggplant were the most collected genepools, although the greatest number of primary genepool collections were made for rice. Overall, alfalfa, Bambara groundnut, grass pea and wheat were the genepools for which targets were best achieved. Several of the newly collected samples have already been used in pre-breeding programs to adapt crops to future challenges.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Build your own closed loop: Graph-based proof of concept in closed loop for autonomous networks

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    Next Generation Networks (NGNs) are expected to handle heterogeneous technologies, services, verticals and devices of increasing complexity. It is essential to fathom an innovative approach to automatically and efficiently manage NGNs to deliver an adequate end-to-end Quality of Experience (QoE) while reducing operational expenses. An Autonomous Network (AN) using a closed loop can self-monitor, self-evaluate and self-heal, making it a potential solution for managing the NGN dynamically. This study describes the major results of building a closed-loop Proof of Concept (PoC) for various AN use cases organized by the International Telecommunication Union Focus Group on Autonomous Networks (ITU FG-AN). The scope of this PoC includes the representation of closed-loop use cases in a graph format, the development of evolution/exploration mechanisms to create new closed loops based on the graph representations, and the implementation of a reference orchestrator to demonstrate the parsing and validation of the closed loops. The main conclusions and future directions are summarized here, including observations and limitations of the PoC

    Impact of common cardio-metabolic risk factors on fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease in Latin America and the Caribbean: an individual-level pooled analysis of 31 cohort studies

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    Background: Estimates of the burden of cardio-metabolic risk factors in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) rely on relative risks (RRs) from non-LAC countries. Whether these RRs apply to LAC remains un- known. Methods: We pooled LAC cohorts. We estimated RRs per unit of exposure to body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure (SBP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), total cholesterol (TC) and non-HDL cholesterol on fatal (31 cohorts, n = 168,287) and non-fatal (13 cohorts, n = 27,554) cardiovascular diseases, adjusting for regression dilution bias. We used these RRs and national data on mean risk factor levels to estimate the number of cardiovascular deaths attributable to non-optimal levels of each risk factor. Results: Our RRs for SBP, FPG and TC were like those observed in cohorts conducted in high-income countries; however, for BMI, our RRs were consistently smaller in people below 75 years of age. Across risk factors, we observed smaller RRs among older ages. Non-optimal SBP was responsible for the largest number of attributable cardiovascular deaths ranging from 38 per 10 0,0 0 0 women and 54 men in Peru, to 261 (Dominica, women) and 282 (Guyana, men). For non-HDL cholesterol, the lowest attributable rate was for women in Peru (21) and men in Guatemala (25), and the largest in men (158) and women (142) from Guyana. Interpretation: RRs for BMI from studies conducted in high-income countries may overestimate disease burden metrics in LAC; conversely, RRs for SBP, FPG and TC from LAC cohorts are similar to those esti- mated from cohorts in high-income countries

    Ecological modeling, biogeography, and phenotypic analyses setting the tiger cats’ hyperdimensional niches reveal a new species

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    Abstract Recently, the tiger-cat species complex was split into Leopardus tigrinus and Leopardus guttulus, along with other proposed schemes. We performed a detailed analysis integrating ecological modeling, biogeography, and phenotype of the four originally recognized subspecies—tigrinus, oncilla, pardinoides, guttulus—and presented a new multidimensional niche depiction of the species. Species distribution models used > 1400 records from museums and photographs, all checked for species accuracy. Morphological data were obtained from institutional/personal archives. Spotting patterns were established by integrating museum and photographic/camera-trap records. Principal component analysis showed three clearly distinct groups, with the Central American specimens (oncilla) clustering entirely within those of the Andes, namely the pardinoides group of the cloud forests of the southern Central-American and Andean mountain chains (clouded tiger-cat); the tigrinus group of the savannas of the Guiana Shield and central/northeastern Brazil (savanna tiger-cat); and the guttulus group in the lowland forests of the Atlantic Forest domain (Atlantic Forest tiger-cat). This scheme is supported by recent genetic analyses. All species displayed different spotting patterns, with some significant differences in body measurements/proportions. The new distribution presented alarming reductions from the historic range of − 50.4% to − 68.2%. This multidimensional approach revealed a new species of the elusive and threatened tiger-cat complex