36 research outputs found

    Roles of binding elements, FOXL2 domains, and interactions with cJUN and SMADs in regulation of FSHβ.

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    We previously identified FOXL2 as a critical component in FSHβ gene transcription. Here, we show that mice deficient in FOXL2 have lower levels of gonadotropin gene expression and fewer LH- and FSH-containing cells, but the same level of other pituitary hormones compared to wild-type littermates, highlighting a role of FOXL2 in the pituitary gonadotrope. Further, we investigate the function of FOXL2 in the gonadotrope cell and determine which domains of the FOXL2 protein are necessary for induction of FSHβ transcription. There is a stronger induction of FSHβ reporter transcription by truncated FOXL2 proteins, but no induction with the mutant lacking the forkhead domain. Specifically, FOXL2 plays a role in activin induction of FSHβ, functioning in concert with activin-induced SMAD proteins. Activin acts through multiple promoter elements to induce FSHβ expression, some of which bind FOXL2. Each of these FOXL2-binding sites is either juxtaposed or overlapping with a SMAD-binding element. We determined that FOXL2 and SMAD4 proteins form a higher order complex on the most proximal FOXL2 site. Surprisingly, two other sites important for activin induction bind neither SMADs nor FOXL2, suggesting additional factors at work. Furthermore, we show that FOXL2 plays a role in synergistic induction of FSHβ by GnRH and activin through interactions with the cJUN component of the AP1 complex that is necessary for GnRH responsiveness. Collectively, our results demonstrate the necessity of FOXL2 for proper FSH production in mice and implicate FOXL2 in integration of transcription factors at the level of the FSHβ promoter

    Cortisol interferes with the estradiol-induced surge of lutenizing hormone in the ewe

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    Two experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that cortisol interferes with the positive feedback action of estradiol that induces the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge. Ovariectomized sheep were treated sequentially with progesterone and estradiol to create artificial estrous cycles. Cortisol or vehicle (saline) was infused from 2 h before the estradiol stimulus through the time of the anticipated LH surge in the artificial follicular phase of two successive cycles. The plasma cortisol increment produced by infusion was &sim;1.5 times greater than maximal concentrations seen during infusion of endotoxin, which is a model of immune/inflammatory stress. In experiment 1, half of the ewes received vehicle in the first cycle and cortisol in the second; the others were treated in reverse order. All ewes responded with an LH surge. Cortisol delayed the LH surge and reduced its amplitude, but both effects were observed only in the second cycle. Experiment 2 was modified to provide better control for a cycle effect. Four treatment sequences were tested (cycle 1-cycle 2): vehicle-vehicle, cortisol-cortisol, vehicle-cortisol, cortisol-vehicle. Again, cortisol delayed but did not block the LH surge, and this delay occurred in both cycles. Thus, an elevation in plasma cortisol can interfere with the positive feedback action of estradiol by delaying and attenuating the LH surge.<br /

    Endotoxin inhibits the surge secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone via a prostaglandin-independent pathway

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    International audienceImmune/inflammatory challenges, such as bacterial endotoxin, disrupt gonadotropin secretion and ovarian cyclicity. We previously determined that endotoxin can block the estradiol-induced LH surge in the ewe. Here, we investigated mechanisms underlying this suppression. First, we tested the hypothesis that endotoxin blocks the estradiol-induced LH surge centrally, by preventing the GnRH surge. Artificial follicular phases were created in ovariectomized ewes, and either endotoxin or vehicle was administered together with a surge-inducing estradiol stimulus. In each ewe in which endotoxin blocked the LH surge, the GnRH surge was also blocked. Given this evidence that endotoxin blocks the estradiol-induced LH surge at the hypothalamic level, we began to assess underlying central mechanisms. Specifically, in view of the prior demonstration that prostaglandins mediate endotoxin-induced suppression of pulsatile GnRH secretion in ewes, we tested the hypothesis that prostaglandins also mediate endotoxin-induced blockade of the surge. The prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor flurbiprofen was delivered together with endotoxin and the estradiol stimulus. Although flurbiprofen abolished endotoxin-induced fever, which is a centrally generated, prostaglandin-mediated response, it failed to reverse blockade of the LH surge. Collectively, these results indicate endotoxin blocks the LH surge centrally, suppressing GnRH secretion via a mechanism not requiring prostaglandins. This contrasts with the suppressive effect of endotoxin on GnRH pulses, which requires prostaglandins as intermediates

    Regulation of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuron during stress

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    The effect of stress on reproduction and gonadal function has captivated investigators for almost 100 years. Following the identification of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) 50 years ago, a niche research field emerged fixated on how stress impairs this central node controlling downstream pituitary and gonadal function. It is now clear that both episodic GnRH secretion in males and females and surge GnRH secretion in females are inhibited during a variety of stress types. There has been considerable advancement in our understanding of numerous stress-related signaling molecules and their ability to impair reproductive neuroendocrine activity during stress. Recently, much attention has turned to the effects of stress on two populations of kisspeptin neurons: the stimulatory afferents to GnRH neurons that regulate pulsatile and surge-type gonadotropin secretion. Indeed, future work is still required to fully construct the neuroanatomical framework underlying stress effects, directly or indirectly, on GnRH neuron function. The present review evaluates and synthesizes evidence related to stress-related signaling molecules acting directly on GnRH neurons. Here, we review the evidence for and against the action of a handful of signaling molecules as inhibitors of GnRH neuron function, including corticotropin-releasing hormone, urocortins, norepinephrine, cortisol/corticosterone, calcitonin gene-related peptide and arginine-phenylalanine-amide-related peptide-3.The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuron is central to the orchestration of reproductive biology inmalesandfemales and a node of inhibition inresponsetostress.This review evaluates the evidence for and against the action of a handful of stress-induced signaling molecules as inhibitors of GnRH neuron function, including corticotropin-releasing hormone, urocortins, norepinephrine, cortisol/corticosterone, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and arginine-phenylalanine-amide-related peptide-3.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172953/1/jne13098.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/172953/2/jne13098_am.pd

    Role of estradiol in cortisol-induced reduction of luteinizing hormone pulse frequency

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    Precise control of pulsatile GnRH and LH release is imperative to ovarian cyclicity but is vulnerable to environmental perturbations, like stress. In sheep, a sustained (29 h) increase in plasma cortisol to a level observed during stress profoundly reducesGnRHpulse frequency in ovariectomized ewes treated with ovarian steroids, whereas shorter infusion (6 h) is ineffective in the absence of ovarian hormones. This study first determined whether the ovarian steroid milieu or duration of exposure is the relevant factor in determining whether cortisol reduces LH pulse frequency. Prolonged (29 h) cortisol infusion did not lower LH pulse frequency in ovariectomized ewes deprived of ovarian hormones, but it did so in ovariectomized ewes treated with estradiol and progesterone to create an artificial estrous cycle, implicating ovarian steroids as the critical factor. Importantly, this effect of cortisol was more pronounced after the simulated preovulatory estradiol rise of the artificial follicular phase. The second experiment examined which component of the ovarian steroid milieu enables cortisol to reduce LH pulse frequency in the artificial follicular phase: prior exposure to progesterone in the luteal phase, low early follicular phase estradiol levels, or the preovulatory estradiol rise. Basal estradiol enabled cortisol to decrease LH pulse frequency, but the response was potentiated by the estradiol rise. These findings lead to the conclusion that ovarian steroids, particularly estradiol, enable cortisol to inhibit LH pulse frequency. Moreover, the results provide new insight into the means by which gonadal steroids, and possibly reproductive status, modulate neuroendocrine responses to stress