92 research outputs found

    Professionals' perceptions of factors affecting implementation and continuation of a physical activity promotion programme in rehabilitation: A qualitative study

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    Objective: To describe professionals’ perceptions of factors that facilitate or hamper the implementation and continuation of a physical activity promotion programme in rehabilitation. Design: This study used a qualitative design. Methods: Semi-structured interviews (n = 22) were conducted with rehabilitation professionals (n = 28) involved in the implementation of a physical activity promotion programme. Two additional interviews were conducted with the programme coordinators (n = 2). The study involved 18 rehabilitation organizations implementing the programme that targets people with disabilities or chronic diseases. Organizations were supported in the implementation process by the programme coordinators. Results: Commonly perceived facilitating factors were: involvement of committed and enthusiastic professionals; agreement with their organizations’ vision/wishes; the perceived additional value of the programme; and opportunities to share knowledge and experience with professionals from other organizations. Commonly perceived hampering factors were: uncertainty about continuing the programme; limited flexibility; and lack of support from physicians and therapists to implement the programme. Conclusion: Professionals perceived a heterogeneous set of factors that facilitate and/or hamper the implementation and continuation of a physical activity promotion programme in rehabilitation. Based on these findings, recommendations were formulated to enhance embedding of physical activity promotion during and after rehabilitation

    Из истории гидроархеологических исследований на озере Иссык-Куль

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    Статья посвящена истории археологических исследований на озере Иссык-Куль. На основе архивных данных реконструируются первые попытки изучения дна озера русскими путешественниками и учеными в середине ХIХ века; описывается проект Г.А.Колпаковского по доставке на озеро водолазного оборудования (1871); оцениваются результаты работ экспедиций Д.Ф.Винника и современное состояние дел по изучению подводных памятников озера.Стаття присвячена історії археологічних досліджень на озері Іссик-куль. На основі архівних даних реконструюються перші спроби вивчення дна озера російськими мандрівниками і ученими в середині ХIХ століття; описується проект Г.А.Колпаковського з доставки на озеро водолазного обладнання (1871); оцінюються результати робіт експедицій Д.Ф.Вінника і сучасний стан справ по вивченню підводних пам'ятників озера.The article is devoted to the history of archaeological researches at lake Issik Kul. On the basis of the archived documents the first attempts to investigate the lake bottom by Russian travelers and scientists in the middle of ХIХ age are reconstructed; the G.A.Kolpakovskiy’s project concerning the delivery of diving equipment (1871) to the lake is described; the work results of D.F.Vinnik’s expeditions and modern researches of archaeological artefacts of the lake are assessed

    Walking the walk: a phenomenological study of long distance walking

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    Evidence suggests that regular walking can elicit significant psychological benefits although little evidence exists concerning long distance walking. The purpose of this study was to provide detailed accounts of the experiences of long distance walkers. Phenomenological interviews were conducted with six long distance walkers. Data were transcribed verbatim before researchers independently analyzed the transcripts. Participants reported a cumulative effect with positive feelings increasing throughout the duration of the walk. Long distance walking elicited positive emotions, reduced the effects of life-stress, and promoted an increased sense of well-being and personal growth. Results are aligned to theories and concepts from positive psychology

    Infrared Measurements of Energy Release and Flame Temperatures of Forest Fires

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    The infrared measurements of energy release and flame temperature of forest fires in th

    Feasibility of a patient-centred network approach to guideline development

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    ARC: A camcopter based mine field detection system

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    The area affected with antipersonnel land mines in 56 infested countries is estimated to be 1 Mio km. This represents a serious threat to the human lives and a major obstacle for the development of the polluted region. The objective of ARC is to develop, demonstrate and promote a new system for performing the UN Level 2 surveys allowing a quick reduction of suspected mine-polluted areas and post- cleaning quality control. The ARC-system is based on a Camcopter UAV, optical, infrared and hyperspectral sensors and a Mine Information System supported by a Geographical Information System. The sensor data will be processed to extract mine field indicators. The sensor fusion module will combine the mine field indicators with the GIS information to achieve optimal minefield delineation. It is our intention to have the ARC system as soon as possible operational in the field which is supported by early field tests and an evolutionary development path. The project will lead to a demonstration of the system in a mine affected area in Croatia showing its usefulness to potential end users