48 research outputs found

    Interactions of C+(2PJ) with rare gas atoms: incipient chemical interactions, potentials and transport coefficients

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    Accurate interatomic potentials were calculated for the interaction of a singly charged carbon cation, C+, with a single rare gas atom, RG (RG = Ne–Xe). The RCCSD(T) method and basis sets of quadruple-ζ and quintuple-ζ quality were employed; each interaction energy was counterpoise corrected and extrapolated to the basis set limit. The lowest C+(2P) electronic term of the carbon cation was considered, and the interatomic potentials calculated for the diatomic terms that arise from these: 2Π and 2Σ+. Additionally, the interatomic potentials for the respective spin-orbit levels were calculated, and the effect on the spectroscopic parameters was examined. In doing this, anomalously large spin-orbit splittings for RG = Ar–Xe were found, and this was investigated using multi-reference configuration interaction calculations. The latter indicated a small amount of RG → C+ electron transfer and this was used to rationalize the observations. This is taken as evidence of an incipient chemical interaction, which was also examined via contour plots, Birge–Sponer plots and various population analyses across the C+-RG series (RG = He–Xe), with the latter showing unexpected results. Trends in several spectroscopic parameters were examined as a function of the increasing atomic number of the RG atom. Finally, each set of RCCSD(T) potentials was employed, including spin-orbit coupling to calculate the transport coefficients for C+ in RG, and the results were compared with the limited available data

    Microscopic Realization of the Kerr/CFT Correspondence

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    Supersymmetric M/string compactifications to five dimensions contain BPS black string solutions with magnetic graviphoton charge P and near-horizon geometries which are quotients of AdS_3 x S^2. The holographic duals are typically known 2D CFTs with central charges c_L=c_R=6P^3 for large P. These same 5D compactifications also contain non-BPS but extreme Kerr-Newman black hole solutions with SU(2)_L spin J_L and electric graviphoton charge Q obeying Q^3 \leq J_L^2. It is shown that in the maximally charged limit Q^3 -> J_L^2, the near-horizon geometry coincides precisely with the right-moving temperature T_R=0 limit of the black string with magnetic charge P=J_L^{1/3}. The known dual of the latter is identified as the c_L=c_R=6J_L CFT predicted by the Kerr/CFT correspondence. Moreover, at linear order away from maximality, one finds a T_R \neq 0 quotient of the AdS_3 factor of the black string solution and the associated thermal CFT entropy reproduces the linearly sub-maximal Kerr-Newman entropy. Beyond linear order, for general Q^3<J_L^2, one has a finite-temperature quotient of a warped deformation of the magnetic string geometry. The corresponding dual deformation of the magnetic string CFT potentially supplies, for the general case, the c_L=c_R=6J_L CFT predicted by Kerr/CFT.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    New instability of non-extremal black holes: spitting out supertubes

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    We search for stable bound states of non-extremal rotating three-charge black holes in five dimensions (Cvetic-Youm black holes) and supertubes. We do this by studying the potential of supertube probes in the non-extremal black hole background and find that generically the marginally bound state of the supersymmetric limit becomes metastable and disappears with non-extremality (higher temperature). However near extremality there is a range of parameters allowing for stable bound states, which have lower energy than the supertube-black hole merger. Angular momentum is crucial for this effect. We use this setup in the D1-D5 decoupling limit to map a thermodynamic instability of the CFT (a new phase which is entropically dominant over the black hole phase) to a tunneling instability of the black hole towards the supertube-black hole bound state. This generalizes the results of ArXiv:1108.0411 [hep-th], which mapped an entropy enigma in the bulk to the dual CFT in a supersymmetric setup.Comment: 28 pages + appendix, 15 figures, v2: References added, typos corrected. Version published in JHE

    Perceptions about hemodialysis and transplantation among African American adults with end-stage renal disease: inferences from focus groups

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    BACKGROUND: Disparities in access to kidney transplantation (KT) remain inadequately understood and addressed. Detailed descriptions of patient attitudes may provide insight into mechanisms of disparity. The aims of this study were to explore perceptions of dialysis and KT among African American adults undergoing hemodialysis, with particular attention to age- and sex-specific concerns. METHODS: Qualitative data on experiences with hemodialysis and views about KT were collected through four age- and sex-stratified (males <65, males ≥65, females <65, and females ≥65 years) focus group discussions with 36 African American adults recruited from seven urban dialysis centers in Baltimore, Maryland. RESULTS: Four themes emerged from thematic content analysis: 1) current health and perceptions of dialysis, 2) support while undergoing dialysis, 3) interactions with medical professionals, and 4) concerns about KT. Females and older males tended to be more positive about dialysis experiences. Younger males expressed a lack of support from friends and family. All participants shared feelings of being treated poorly by medical professionals and lacking information about renal disease and treatment options. Common concerns about pursuing KT were increased medication burden, fear of surgery, fear of organ rejection, and older age (among older participants). CONCLUSIONS: These perceptions may contribute to disparities in access to KT, motivating granular studies based on the themes identified

    A neuroscientist's guide to lipidomics

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    Nerve cells mould the lipid fabric of their membranes to ease vesicle fusion, regulate ion fluxes and create specialized microenvironments that contribute to cellular communication. The chemical diversity of membrane lipids controls protein traffic, facilitates recognition between cells and leads to the production of hundreds of molecules that carry information both within and across cells. With so many roles, it is no wonder that lipids make up half of the human brain in dry weight. The objective of neural lipidomics is to understand how these molecules work together; this difficult task will greatly benefit from technical advances that might enable the testing of emerging hypotheses