1,340 research outputs found

    Photogrammetric Maps of a Volcanic Eruption Area, Deception Island, Antarctica

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    On cover: "RF 3861."The volcanic Deception Island, Antarctica, has erupted three times since 1967. Three maps are presented which display topographic changes of the most affected part of the island. The fourth map represents a crater in the terminus of a cirque glacier which has been recently examined. Procedures used in preparing the maps are discussed.Office of Polar Programs, National Science Foundation, Grant No. GV-41368

    Derived Bedrock Elevations, Strain Rates and Stresses from Measured Surface Elevations and Velocities - Jakobshavns-Isbrae, Greenland

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    Jakobshavns Isbrae (69 degrees 10\u27N, 49 degrees 5\u27W) drains about 6.5% of the Greenland ice sheet and is the fastest ice stream known. The Jakobshavns Isbrae basin of about 10 000 km(2) was mapped photogrammetrically from four sets of aerial photography, two taken in July 1985 and two in July 1986. Positions and elevations of several hundred natural features on the ice surface were determined for each epoch by photogrammetric block-aerial triangulation, and surface velocity vectors were computed from the positions. The two flights in 1985 yielded the best results and provided most common points (716) for velocity determinations and are therefore used in the modeling studies. The data from these irregularly spaced points were used to calculate ice elevations and velocity vectors at uniformly spaced grid paints 3 km apart by interpolation. The field of surface strain rates was then calculated from these gridded data and used to compute the field of surface deviatoric stresses, using the flow law of ice, for rectilinear coordinates, X, Y pointing eastward and northward. and curvilinear coordinates, L, T pointing longitudinally and transversely to the changing ice-flow direction. Ice-surface elevations and slopes were then used to calculate ice thicknesses and the fraction of the ice velocity due to basal sliding. Our calculated ice thicknesses are in fair agreement with an ice-thickness map based on seismic sounding and supplied to us by K. Echelmeyer. Ice thicknesses were subtracted from measured ice-surface elevations to map bed topography. Our calculation shows that basal sliding is significant only in the 10-15 km before Jakobshavns Isbrae becomes afloat in Jakobshavns IsfJord

    Анализ принципиальных схем отклонителей

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    Closed timelike curves and geodesics of Godel-type metrics

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    It is shown explicitly that when the characteristic vector field that defines a Godel-type metric is also a Killing vector, there always exist closed timelike or null curves in spacetimes described by such a metric. For these geometries, the geodesic curves are also shown to be characterized by a lower dimensional Lorentz force equation for a charged point particle in the relevant Riemannian background. Moreover, two explicit examples are given for which timelike and null geodesics can never be closed.Comment: REVTeX 4, 12 pages, no figures; the Introduction has been rewritten, some minor mistakes corrected, many references adde

    An Exact String Theory Model of Closed Time-Like Curves and Cosmological Singularities

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    We study an exact model of string theory propagating in a space-time containing regions with closed time-like curves (CTCs) separated from a finite cosmological region bounded by a Big Bang and a Big Crunch. The model is an non-trivial embedding of the Taub-NUT geometry into heterotic string theory with a full conformal field theory (CFT) definition, discovered over a decade ago as a heterotic coset model. Having a CFT definition makes this an excellent laboratory for the study of the stringy fate of CTCs, the Taub cosmology, and the Milne/Misner-type chronology horizon which separates them. In an effort to uncover the role of stringy corrections to such geometries, we calculate the complete set of alpha' corrections to the geometry. We observe that the key features of Taub-NUT persist in the exact theory, together with the emergence of a region of space with Euclidean signature bounded by time-like curvature singularities. Although such remarks are premature, their persistence in the exact geometry is suggestive that string theory theory is able to make physical sense of the Milne/Misner singularities and the CTCs, despite their pathological character in General Relativity. This may also support the possibility that CTCs may be viable in some physical situations, and may be a natural ingredient in pre-Big-Bang cosmological scenarios.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures. V2: discussion of computation of metric refined, references adde

    Boundary States for Supertubes in Flat Spacetime and Godel Universe

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    We construct boundary states for supertubes in the flat spacetime. The T-dual objects of supertubes are moving spiral D1-branes (D-helices). Since we can obtain these D-helices from the usual D1-branes via null deformation, we can construct the boundary states for these moving D-helices in the covariant formalism. Using these boundary states, we calculate the vacuum amplitude between two supertubes in the closed string channel and read the open string spectrum via the open closed duality. We find there are critical values of the energy for on-shell open strings on the supertubes due to the non-trivial stringy correction. We also consider supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in order to use them as probes of closed timelike curves. This universe is the T-dual of the maximally supersymmetric type IIB PP-wave background. Since the null deformations of D-branes are also allowed in this PP-wave, we can construct the boundary states for supertubes in the type IIA Godel universe in the same way. We obtain the open string spectrum on the supertube from the vacuum amplitude between supertubes. As a consequence, we find that the tachyonic instability of open strings on the supertube, which is the signal of closed time like curves, disappears due to the stringy correction.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: explanations added, references added, v3: explanations adde

    Supertube domain-walls and elimination of closed time-like curves in string theory

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    We show that some novel physics of supertubes removes closed time-like curves from many supersymmetric spaces which naively suffer from this problem. The main claim is that supertubes naturally form domain-walls, so while analytical continuation of the metric would lead to closed time-like curves, across the domain-wall the metric is non-differentiable, and the closed time-like curves are eliminated. In the examples we study the metric inside the domain-wall is always of the G\"odel type, while outside the shell it looks like a localized rotating object, often a rotating black hole. Thus this mechanism prevents the appearance of closed time-like curves behind the horizons of certain rotating black holes.Comment: 22 pages, JHEP3 class. V2: Some corrections and clariffications, references added. V3: more corrections to formulas, results unchanged. V4: minor typos, as published in PR