40 research outputs found


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    The cagaita is a native fruit of the cerrado, of high perishability, and for postharvest conservation of the fresh fruit, methods are used to increase its life cycle. In the present study, edible coatings are used, a technique that aims to control the loss of mass through transpiration reduces gas exchange, increases the shelf-life, improves the appearance, preserves the structural integrity and mechanical properties. The study aims to evaluate the influence of coatings based on biopolymers on the maturation of cagaita during storage. The factorial scheme 3 x 4 was used, with three treatments - without coating, polysaccharide coating and protein coating, four evaluation points - with an interval of 2 days, stored at 25 ºC. The fruits were submitted to weight loss, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, and ascorbic acid evaluations. There was no influence of the time factor in the present study, and for titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, soluble solids, and pH, there was no significant difference between treatments. Observing the content of soluble solids, the main indicator of ripeness, which varies from 5 to 7 ºBrix, it was concluded that the fruits did not ripen

    Avaliação da motivação de escolares à participação de jogos interclasse de escola pública municipal em Fortaleza – CE

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    The objective was to identify motivating factors on the importance of interclass games for students after an intervention project at school. This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach. The total sample consisted of 108 students of both sexes, between an age range of 11 to 16 years of elementary school in a public school. Data collection instruments, the socioeconomic questionnaire and the Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ) were used. The results showed that "Technical Competence" is the main motivational factor for students, followed by the aspects "Physical Fitness", "Competition" and "Fun". In the process of interpreting the data obtained, it was highlighted that some factors may be related to such result, among them, the short time of intervention of the project, the school environment itself.  Objetivou-se identificar fatores de motivação sobre a importância dos jogos interclasse para os alunos após um projeto de intervenção na escola. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório e de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra total foi composta por 108 alunos de ambos os sexos, entre uma faixa etária de 11 a 15 anos do Ensino Fundamental Anos Finais de uma escola pública. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de coleta de dados um questionário socioeconômico e o Participation Motivation Questionnaire (PMQ). Os resultados mostraram que a “Competência Técnica” é o principal fator motivacional dos alunos, seguido dos aspectos “Aptidão Física”, “Competição” e “Diversão”. No processo de interpretação dos dados obtidos destacou-se que alguns fatores podem estar relacionados a tal resultado, entre eles, o pouco tempo de intervenção do projeto e o próprio ambiente escolar

    Avaliação da motivação à prática de atividade física de escolares após torneio esportivo

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    The objective was to assess students' motivation to practice physical activity after an intervention project at school. This is a descriptive and exploratory study, with a quantitative approach. The sample consisted of 144 students of both sexes, aged between 11 and 16 years of the final grades of elementary school in a public school. The instruments used for data collection were a socioeconomic questionnaire and the Inventory of Motivation for Regular Physical Activity (IMPRAF-54). The results showed that the highest motivational factors were competitiveness, sociability, and health. In the interpretative process of the data obtained, the existence of extrinsic and intrinsic aspects in the motivation process of individuals was highlighted, in addition to the socioeconomic aspects, conditions, and opportunities that are also strong influencers in the motivation and permanence to the regular practice of physical activity.Objetivou-se avaliar a motivação dos alunos à prática de atividade física após um projeto de intervenção na escola. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por 144 estudantes de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária entre 11 e 16 anos das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola pública. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram um questionário socioeconômico e o Inventário de Motivação à Prática Regular de Atividade Física (IMPRAF-54). Os resultados mostraram que os fatores motivacionais mais elevados foram competitividade, sociabilidade e saúde. No processo interpretativo dos dados obtidos destacou-se a existência de aspectos extrínsecos e intrínsecos no processo de motivação dos indivíduos, além de que aspectos socioeconômicos, condições e oportunidades também são fortes influenciadores na motivação e permanência à prática regular de atividade física

    Diagnóstico tardio de Transtorno do Espectro Autista e seus impactos sociais e clínicos

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    Este artigo buscou, por meio de uma revisão narrativa de literatura, descrever os fatores associados ao diagnóstico tardio do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) e a repercussão social e clínica deste atraso na população adulta. O autismo é definido como um distúrbio complexo de desenvolvimento comportamental, com diversas etiologias e manifestações de gravidade diferentes. Devido a esses e outros fatores, o diagnóstico do transtorno é um processo complicado, o que leva muitas vezes a uma detecção tardia. A realização do diagnóstico precoce do TEA é importante pois favorece a orientação e aceitação dos pais e a implantação de medidas intervencionistas precoces, que auxiliam na diminuição das consequências do transtorno, sendo que o menor tempo para adoção dessas medidas relaciona-se a um melhor prognóstico. Dessa forma, a detecção tardia desencadeia inúmeros prejuízos cognitivos e maior incidência de transtornos de humor e ansiedade. Portanto, devido aos impactos negativos de um diagnóstico tardio, reforça-se a importância do desenvolvimento de novos métodos para detecção precoce associados a maior capacitação profissional, a fim de tornar o diagnóstico mais eficiente, melhorando o prognóstico e fornecendo maior qualidade de vida ao indivíduo

    Câncer de esôfago e seus aspectos clínicos e terapêuticos: um relato de caso / Esophageal cancer and its clinical and therapeutic aspects: a case report

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    O presente artigo objetivou apresentar o caso clínico de um paciente transferido para centro terciário de atenção à saúde com queixas de disfagia, perda ponderal expressiva e rouquidão, sendo, posteriormente, diagnosticado com câncer de esôfago. Trata-se, então, de estudo descritivo, do tipo relato de caso, que visou analisar as principais características clínicas referidas pelo paciente em questão e o manejo terapêutico, além de traçar comparativos com a literatura. O câncer de esôfago (CE) é uma displasia de alta malignidade e ocupa o sétimo lugar entre as neoplasias mais incidentes e, dentre estas, a que detém o sexto lugar em termos de mortalidade. Sintomas como rouquidão, odinofagia, dor retroesternal, náuseas, vômitos, perda ponderal, sensação de empachamento e disfagia são observados em certos casos, sendo que perda do apetite, fadiga e mal-estar são considerados os de maior gravidade por alguns estudos. Diversos estudos são realizados com o intuito de estabelecer o melhor tratamento para o CE. Nessa perspectiva, e observando-se a conduta empregada neste relato de caso, ressalta-se o estudo CROSS, pautado pelo emprego de terapia neoadjuvante, seguida da cirurgia para a ressecção da neoplasia, que apontou uma maior sobrevida global dos doentes, além de incutir em uma menor mortalidade por CE na população analisada. Frente à agressividade do tumor, há perspectivas de que o cuidado do doente seja cada vez mais pautado pelas evidências científicas, trazendo benefícios potenciais para a qualidade de vida do paciente

    Manufacturing processes for polymeric micro and nanoparticles and their biomedical applications

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    Polymeric materials have been widely investigated for biomedical applications as micro- and nanoparticles, for drug delivery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The manufacturing processes employed utilise an array of different techniques, including electrospray, atomisation, emulsion cross-linking, precipitation, microfluidics and 3D printing amongst others. Technique selection and process parameters enable the production of a wide range of particles with different morphologies, porosities and size distributions. Currently, researchers are investigating varying the parameters to enhance particle profiles and morphologies including for example, ultrasound waves, particle surface charge and chemical attraction between the materials interfaces. Furthermore, the size of the particles produced can strongly influence the specific biomedical applications applied. Moreover, particles can be made with multilayer features enabling loading of multiple compounds into the particles, and can be used to prevent interaction between different drugs. Micro and nanoparticles can also exhibit different levels of porosity between core and shell, which can further influence cell attachment and elimination from the body. This review compares the essential features of the above manufacturing processes highlighted for polymeric micro and nanoparticles and highlights some of the applications related to their morphology and size

    Preparation and characterisation of polymer microparticles with varying morphologies with application in drug delivery

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    Polymer-based particles of varied porosity, roughness and morphology have been prepared by many different methods towards biomedical applications. One of their most important applications is as degradable and targeted drug delivery systems, with reduced toxicity and side effects compared to their solid counterparts. Polymeric carriers loaded with chemotherapeutic agents have been applied in the treatment of glioblastoma (brain cancer, GBM) in an attempt to overcome the systemic toxicity, low drug solubility and poor efficacy of current treatments. In this work, polymeric microparticles (MPs) of poly(lactide) (PLA) and poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) of various controlled morphologies have been developed with the capability to deliver a sustained release system loaded with cancer therapeutics against GBM cell proliferation and growth. In experimental Chapter 2 a family of different porous polymeric microparticles with controlled size were produced via single emulsion processing, incorporating a porogen. The produced porous PLA and PLGA particles were determined to be in the size range 34 to 320 m and exhibited homogeneous pore distribution throughout their particle structures. Particles encapsulated with dye exhibited encapsulation efficiency (EE) up to 21.6 + 5.4%, whereas particles encapsulated with drug exhibited EE up to 56 + 41%. Highly porous PLA particles (particle type C in this work) encapsulated with sodium chloride methotrexate and non-porous PLA particles (particle type A) and non-porous PLGA particles (particle type A’) encapsulated with docetaxel showed a significant difference in terms of therapeutic release in comparison to the other morphologies due the difference in the particle morphology and hydrophicility of the drug entrapped in the polymeric matrix(p>0.05). Particles alone and free drug were subsequently tested in vitro to test their toxicity at 24h. Particles alone exhibited a lack of toxicity and drugs alone showed a limited specificity for GBM cells (U87 cell line). The multi-therapy paste formulations including therapy 2 (PLGA MPs, PLGA-PEG matrix and DTX) and therapy 5 (PLA MPS and ETP, PLGA-PEG matrix and DTX) showed a significant difference when compared with control 1(PLA MPs alone), control 2 (PLGA MPs alone) and control 3 (PLGA-PEG matrix alone) over the 30-day investigation period (p<0.0001). In experimental Chapter 3, polymeric tablets were developed by mixing spherical PLA and PLGA MPs with non-spherical PLGA/polyethylene glycol (PEG) particles to achieve controlled and sustained release, and prolong the treatment against U87 cells. Mid porous PLA particles (particle type B) loaded with Nile Blue (NB) showed significant difference compared to non-porous PLA particles (particle type A), non-porous PLGA particles (particle type A’) and mid porous PLGA particles (particle type B’) (p<0.0001). Furthermore, these PLA and PLGA particles mentioned above exhibited controlled and sustained release over time, whereas the PLGA-PEG matrix exhibited burst release. U87 cells were subsequently treated with therapy 5 (tablet formulations), which demonstrated continuous reduction in cell viability over a 30-day period (p<0.0001). In conclusion, it is shown that polymeric MPs varying in their morphology have different surface areas and degradation rates, strongly influenced by the level of particle porosity. The release rate of active components is correlated with polymeric matrix composition and drug hydrophobicity. Porous polymeric carriers are a useful strategy for the controlled sustained release of active components such as chemotherapeutic drugs promoted by the slow release of dye and drugs. The development of polymeric paste and tablets herein prolonged the drug release from a PLGA-PEG matrix. Importantly, the tablet formulations (therapy 5) developed in this work can potentially control the proliferation and growth of U87 cells

    Preparation and characterisation of polymer microparticles with varying morphologies with application in drug delivery

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    Polymer-based particles of varied porosity, roughness and morphology have been prepared by many different methods towards biomedical applications. One of their most important applications is as degradable and targeted drug delivery systems, with reduced toxicity and side effects compared to their solid counterparts. Polymeric carriers loaded with chemotherapeutic agents have been applied in the treatment of glioblastoma (brain cancer, GBM) in an attempt to overcome the systemic toxicity, low drug solubility and poor efficacy of current treatments. In this work, polymeric microparticles (MPs) of poly(lactide) (PLA) and poly (lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) of various controlled morphologies have been developed with the capability to deliver a sustained release system loaded with cancer therapeutics against GBM cell proliferation and growth. In experimental Chapter 2 a family of different porous polymeric microparticles with controlled size were produced via single emulsion processing, incorporating a porogen. The produced porous PLA and PLGA particles were determined to be in the size range 34 to 320 m and exhibited homogeneous pore distribution throughout their particle structures. Particles encapsulated with dye exhibited encapsulation efficiency (EE) up to 21.6 + 5.4%, whereas particles encapsulated with drug exhibited EE up to 56 + 41%. Highly porous PLA particles (particle type C in this work) encapsulated with sodium chloride methotrexate and non-porous PLA particles (particle type A) and non-porous PLGA particles (particle type A’) encapsulated with docetaxel showed a significant difference in terms of therapeutic release in comparison to the other morphologies due the difference in the particle morphology and hydrophicility of the drug entrapped in the polymeric matrix(p>0.05). Particles alone and free drug were subsequently tested in vitro to test their toxicity at 24h. Particles alone exhibited a lack of toxicity and drugs alone showed a limited specificity for GBM cells (U87 cell line). The multi-therapy paste formulations including therapy 2 (PLGA MPs, PLGA-PEG matrix and DTX) and therapy 5 (PLA MPS and ETP, PLGA-PEG matrix and DTX) showed a significant difference when compared with control 1(PLA MPs alone), control 2 (PLGA MPs alone) and control 3 (PLGA-PEG matrix alone) over the 30-day investigation period (p<0.0001). In experimental Chapter 3, polymeric tablets were developed by mixing spherical PLA and PLGA MPs with non-spherical PLGA/polyethylene glycol (PEG) particles to achieve controlled and sustained release, and prolong the treatment against U87 cells. Mid porous PLA particles (particle type B) loaded with Nile Blue (NB) showed significant difference compared to non-porous PLA particles (particle type A), non-porous PLGA particles (particle type A’) and mid porous PLGA particles (particle type B’) (p<0.0001). Furthermore, these PLA and PLGA particles mentioned above exhibited controlled and sustained release over time, whereas the PLGA-PEG matrix exhibited burst release. U87 cells were subsequently treated with therapy 5 (tablet formulations), which demonstrated continuous reduction in cell viability over a 30-day period (p<0.0001). In conclusion, it is shown that polymeric MPs varying in their morphology have different surface areas and degradation rates, strongly influenced by the level of particle porosity. The release rate of active components is correlated with polymeric matrix composition and drug hydrophobicity. Porous polymeric carriers are a useful strategy for the controlled sustained release of active components such as chemotherapeutic drugs promoted by the slow release of dye and drugs. The development of polymeric paste and tablets herein prolonged the drug release from a PLGA-PEG matrix. Importantly, the tablet formulations (therapy 5) developed in this work can potentially control the proliferation and growth of U87 cells

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