728 research outputs found

    Electrostatic interactions between discrete helices of charge

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    We analytically examine the pair interaction for parallel, discrete helices of charge. Symmetry arguments allow for the energy to be decomposed into a sum of terms, each of which has an intuitive geometric interpretation. Truncated Fourier expansions for these terms allow for accurate modeling of both the axial and azimuthal terms in the interaction energy and these expressions are shown to be insensitive to the form of the interaction. The energy is evaluated numerically through application of an Ewald-like summation technique for the particular case of unscreened Coulomb interactions between the charges of the two helices. The mode structures and electrostatic energies of flexible helices are also studied. Consequences of the resulting energy expressions are considered for both F-actin and A-DNA aggregates

    A chemical contribution toward the composition, structure and origin of the crystalline rocks of south-east Missouri

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of ArtsText from page 1: "It is the purpose of a study undertaken by Mr. J.A. Gibson, of which this present paper is a part, to obtain complete data on the chemical composition of the rocks of this region, and to trace, if possible, a relationship between their chemical composition and their structure.

    An Overview of Space Exploration Simulation (Basis of Confidence) Documentation

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    Models and simulations (M&S) are critical resources in the exploration of space. They support program management, systems engineering, integration, analysis, test, and operations by providing critical information that supports key analyses and decisions (technical, cost and schedule). Consequently, there is a clear need to establish a solid understanding of M&S strengths and weaknesses, and the bounds within which they can credibly support decision making. In this presentation we will describe how development of simulation capability documentation will be used to form a Basis of Confidence (Basis of Confidence) for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) M&S. The process by which BOC documentation is developed will be addressed, as well as the structure and critical concepts that are essential for establishing credibility of NASA's Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD) legacy M&S. We will illustrate the significance of BOC documentation in supporting decision makers and Accreditation Authorities in M&S risk management

    Shaking Table Experiment of a Model Slope Subjected to a Pair of Repeated Ground Motions

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    This paper describes the third of a series of six shaking table experiments conducted as part of ongoing research to evaluate the accuracy and applicability of the Newmark (1965) procedure for computing seismically induced deformation in slopes. A cohesive model slope was shaken by two identical test motions in succession, mimicking a situation that commonly occurs when a preexisting landslide is subjected to strong earthquake shaking. Back analyses of the tests showed that the Newmark (1965) formulation provided moderately accurate estimates of the measured permanent deformations (within 40% to 85% of the maximum measured displacement). The accuracy of the Newmark (1965) formulation was greatest when displacement-dependent degrading yield acceleration was used to model the soil’s transition from peak to residual shear strength. The Newmark analyses were most reliable for the second test that experienced relatively large deformations, and thus where the sliding resistance was controlled by post-peak to residual strength

    Damage Patterns/Response of Deep Stiff Clay in Oakland

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    The 1985 Mexico City earthquake and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake provided well-documented evidence of the effect of local ground conditions on site response and damage patterns. Deep soft clay deposits, in particular, were often cited as the culprit of amplified ground motions. However, during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, ground accelerations in the downtown Oakland area were amplified by a factor of two to four and a significant number of structures were heavily damaged, despite the fact that much of the area is underlain by deposits of deep stiff clay. A preliminary review of damage patterns in the Oakland area and preliminary site response analyses were performed to investigate the influence of deep stiff clay deposits on the observed ground motions

    No Pasaran! An Interview on the History and Politics of Anti-fascism with Mark Bray

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    Mark Bray is a historian of human rights, terrorism, and political radicalism in Modern Europe as well as a political organizer. This interview outlines what fascism is, the history of anti-fascist resistance, the debate surrounding free-speech, anti-imperialism, World War II, and the Trump Era. Mark Bray is a political organizer and historian of human rights, terrorism, and political radical-ism in Modern Europe. He earned his BA in Philosophy from Wesleyan University in 2005 and his PhD in History from Rutgers University in 2016. He is the author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (Melville House 2017), Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street (Zero 2013), The Anarchist Inquisition: Terrorism and Human Rights in Spain and France, 1890-1910 (forthcoming), and the co-editor of Anarchist Education and the Modern School: A Francisco Ferrer Reader (PM Press 2018). His work has appeared in Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, Boston Review, and numerous edited volumes. He was a lecturer at Dartmouth College

    Fusion detection and quantification by pseudoalignment

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    RNA sequencing in cancer cells is a powerful technique to detect chromosomal rearrangements, allowing for de novo discovery of actively expressed fusion genes. Here we focus on the problem of detecting gene fusions from raw sequencing data, assembling the reads to define fusion transcripts and their associated breakpoints, and quantifying their abundances. Building on the pseudoalignment idea that simplifies and accelerates transcript quantification, we introduce a novel approach to fusion detection based on inspecting paired reads that cannot be pseudoaligned due to conflicting matches. The method and software, called pizzly, filters false positives, assembles new transcripts from the fusion reads, and reports candidate fusions. With pizzly, fusion detection from raw RNA-Seq reads can be performed in a matter of minutes, making the program suitable for the analysis of large cancer gene expression databases and for clinical use. pizzly is available at https://github.com/pmelsted/pizzly

    Social bonds provide multiple pathways to reproductive success in wild male chimpanzees

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    In most male mammals, fitness is strongly shaped by competitive access to mates, a non-shareable resource. How, then, did selection favor the evolution of cooperative social bonds? We used behavioral and genetic data on wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in Gombe National Park, Tanzania, to study the mechanisms by which male-male social bonds increase reproductive success. Social bonds increased fitness in several ways: first, subordinate males that formed strong bonds with the alpha male had higher siring success. Independently, males with larger networks of strong bonds had higher siring success. In the short term, bonds predicted coalition formation and centrality in the coalition network, suggesting that males benefit from being potential allies to numerous male rivals. In the long term, male ties influenced fitness via improved dominance rank for males that attain alpha status. Together, these results suggest that male bonds evolved in chimpanzees by affording both short- and long-term pathways to reproductive success
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