1,839 research outputs found

    Against determinism: A reassessment of Marcel Mauss’s essay on seasonal variations

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    Le célèbre «Essai sur les variations saisonnières des sociétés Eskimos» de Marcel Mauss est traditionnellement compris comme un texte sur la prééminence du monde social dans le fait de déterminer et d’imposer une organisation saisonnière au monde physique. De telles interprétations de la saisonnalité ne parviennent pas d’ordinaire à prendre correctement en compte les débats actuels sur la terre et sur la société dans l’Europe et l’Amérique du Nord contemporaines. En examinant attentivement le contexte historique de l’essai, on découvre la forte possibilité d’une lecture alternative: qu’il ait été rédigé dans un but polémique à l’encontre de la théorie anthropogéographique de l’école de Friedrich Ratzel. La cible première était Hans-Peder Steensby, disciple de Ratzel. En décrivant Steensby comme n’étant préoccupé exclusivement que de géographie physique, Mauss a réinterprété les données de celui-ci à l’intérieur de ses propres données contextuelles de morphologie sociale. Il en a conclu que le principe crucial qui gouvernait la vie saisonnière des Inuit était la symbiose entre le monde social et le monde physique, et non pas la détermination physique ou les adaptations technologiques identifiées par les anthropogéographes. Le fait de comprendre que Mauss cherchait à distancier sa propre sociologie/anthropologie de la géographie nous donne la possibilité de réfléchir à la divergence dans l’orientation théorique et le choix des questions de recherche dans la communauté des chercheurs en études inuit.The famous “Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo” by Marcel Mauss has traditionally been understood as a text about the dominance of the social world in determining and imposing seasonal organisation on the physical world. Such interpretations of seasonality typically fail to take adequate account of contemporary European and North American debates about land and society. Paying close attention to the historical context of the essay reveals strong evidence for an alternative reading: that it was written as a polemic against anthropogeographical theory from the school of Friedrich Ratzel. The prime target was Hans-Peder Steensby, an intellectual disciple of Ratzel. Depicting Steensby as exclusively concerned with physical geography, Mauss reinterpreted his evidence within his own evidential context of social morphology. He concludes that the crucial principle governing Inuit seasonal life is the symbiosis between the social and physical worlds—and not the physical determination or technological adaptations diagnosed by the anthropogeographers. Understanding that Mauss was seeking to distance his own sociology/anthropology from geography provides an opportunity to reflect on the divergence in theoretical orientation and choice of research problems amongst the community of Inuit studies

    Orientation Systems of the North Pacific Rim, by Michael Fortescue

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    Rationalising a volcanic crisis through literature: Montserratian verse and the descriptive reconstruction of an island

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    International audienceThis article discusses a selection of the literary output provoked and inspired by the eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano on Montserrat - notably poetry and prose written by Montserratians affected by the disaster. It argues that literature can be a source of local knowledge, and a window into a culture that is seeking to deal with a tragedy. It can also be used to assess outreach efforts and to investigate the impact of volcanic events - and of volcanological information - on local populations. The texts describe the process by which Montserratians moved from bewilderment and denial to renewal and re-identification, and even pride in the volcanic activity and their own ability to live with it - and to help prepare other Caribbean islands for future volcanic events. Literature looks both backwards and forwards, communicating the acts of experiencing and changing. On Montserrat, that applies both to colonialism and the role of the UK in Montserrat's political, economic and social life, and also to the importance of learning volcanology, and welcoming volcanologists, as a means of survival


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    All over the world, industrial mining is leaving contaminated areas and dumps that, although being full of valuable metals, have high concentrations of toxic heavy metals that pollute the environment. The development of sustainable alternative biomining and bioremediation processes offers the potential to fully exploit these unexploited mining sites

    Control interno contable al ciclo de ventas y la rentabilidad en la compañía ferretera Jimenezcorp del cantón Guayaquil, año 2018.

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    El control interno contable al ciclo de ventas ayuda a la empresa a examinar todas ventas netas, devoluciones, descuentos y notas de crédito consideradas dentro del periodo económico para la veracidad de los registros contables, fomentando la eficacia de las operaciones. Con base a lo descrito anteriormente el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el control interno contable del ciclo de ventas a través del componente del COSO I en la determinación de la efectividad de procesos de la Compañía Ferretera Jimenezcorp. La metodología que se aplicó fue una investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo, los métodos inductivo, deductivo y analítico. Además, se aplicaron las técnicas tales como: entrevista, encuestas y guía de observación que fueron efectuada al gerente, contador, clientes y empleados del proceso de ventas. Se concluyó que la entidad realiza un inadecuado tratamiento del movimiento de las mercaderías en las ventas que al momento de realizar devoluciones no se registran perdiendo credibilidad en la rentabilidad de la empresa

    Implementación de huerto de flores comestibles y brotes en las instalaciones de la USFQ

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    At the end of the Gastronomy degree, the students of the San Francisco de Quito University must complete a degree work, which is divided into two classes, which are; Preparation of degree and development of degree. These two classes are necessary to carry out our degree work at the end of the course. I think it is appropriate to mention this since within the first class of thesis preparation we can have different information about some products that occur within Ecuador...Al finalizar la carrera de Gastronomía, los estudiantes de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito deben realizar un trabajo de titulación, el cual se divide en dos clases las cuales son; Preparación de titulación y Desarrollo de titulación. Estas dos clases son necesarias para poder realizar nuestro trabajo de titulación al final de la carrera. Me parece apropiado mencionar esto ya que dentro de la primera clase de preparación de tesis podemos tener diversa información de algunos productos que se dan dentro del Ecuador..

    Post-Traumatic Stress and Marijuana outcomes: The Mediating Role of Marijuana Protective Behavioral Strategies

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    Background: The present study investigated the mediating role of protective behavioral strategies for marijuana (PBSM) on the relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and marijuana outcomes (i.e. marijuana use frequency, marijuana use quantity, cannabis use disorder (CUD) symptoms, and marijuana-related problems). Methods: Participants were 1,107 traditional age college students (Mage = 20.26, SD = 3.32; 66.5% White, non-Hispanic; 68.8% female), who reported consuming marijuana at least once in the last 30 days and completed measures of PTSD symptoms, PBSM, and marijuana-related outcomes. Results: PBSM significantly mediated the positive relationships between PTSD symptoms and both CUD symptoms and marijuana-related problems. More specifically, PTSD symptoms were negatively associated with PBSM, which in turn was negatively associated with marijuana use frequency and marijuana use quantity, which were in turn positively associated with CUD symptoms and marijuana-related problems. Conclusion: Taken together, the associations between higher PTSD symptoms and greater experience of CUD symptoms and marijuana-related problems may occur because students use fewer PBSM and thus engage in larger quantity and frequency of marijuana use. These findings lend support to the utility of targeting PBSM as a harm reduction effort for students with PTSD symptoms who use marijuana

    Energy Expenditure following Acute Cold Exposure

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    TACSM Abstract - Energy Expenditure following Acute Cold Exposure Stelly S, Bravo D, Hines N, Koehler L, Levi M and Fogt D Exercise Biochemistry & Metabolism Laboratory; Department of Kinesiology, Health & Nutrition; The University of Texas at San Antonio; San Antonio, TX Category: Masters Advisor / Mentor: Fogt, Donovan ([email protected]) ABSTRACT Whole body energy expenditure (i.e., RMR) increases during acute cold exposure. Whether this increase in energy expenditure persists in the post-cold term in humans due to non-shivering thermogenesis has not yet been evaluated. Therefore we tested the hypothesis that RMR would be different directly following acute cold exposure. RMR (kcal•min-1) was assessed via indirect calorimetry on eight (8) males and seven (7) females at six time points: prior to cold exposure (T1), at the end of 30 minutes of cold exposure (T2), immediately post-cold-post-shivering (T3), at 35 minutes post-cold (T4), at 75 minutes post-cold (T5), and at 115 minutes post-cold (T6). This RMR data for the aforementioned time points was analyzed using paired, dependent t-tests and one way ANOVA; the significance level was placed at p \u3c 0.05. The RMR data for each time point was as follows: T1 (1.19±0.21), T2 (2.30±0.94), T3 (1.37±0.25), T4 (1.12±0.19), T5 (1.14±0.22), and T6 (1.14±0.22). The analysis of the RMR data showed a significant difference between the cold (T2) data and all other time points (T1, T3, T4, T5, and T6). Additionally there was a significant difference between the pre-cold (T1) and the immediately post-cold (T3) data. However there was no significant difference between the pre-cold (T1) data when compared with the remaining post-cold data (T4 – T6). These results suggest that the human body is capable of returning RMR to baseline levels relatively immediately following the cessation of acute cold exposure