1,533 research outputs found

    Aerosol backscatter profiles from ceilometers: validation of water vapor correction in the framework of CeiLinEx2015

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    With the rapidly growing number of automated single-wavelength backscatter lidars (ceilometers), their potential benefit for aerosol remote sensing received considerable scientific attention. When studying the accuracy of retrieved particle backscatter coefficients, it must be considered that most of the ceilometers are influenced by water vapor absorption in the spectral range around 910 nm. In the literature methodologies have been proposed to correct for this effect; however, a validation was not yet performed. In the framework of the ceilometer intercomparison campaign CeiLinEx2015 in Lindenberg, Germany, hosted by the German Weather Service, it was possible to tackle this open issue. Ceilometers from Lufft (CHM15k and CHM15kx, operating at 1064 nm), from Vaisala (CL51 and CL31) and from Campbell Scientific (CS135), all operating at a wavelength of approximately 910 nm, were deployed together with a multiwavelength research lidar (RALPH) that served as a reference. In this paper the validation of the water vapor correction is performed by comparing ceilometer backscatter signals with measurements of the reference system extrapolated to the water vapor regime. One inherent problem of the validation is the spectral extrapolation of particle optical properties. For this purpose AERONET measurements and inversions of RALPH signals were used.Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda received funding from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Cofund 2016 EU project – Athenea3i under grant agreement no. 754446. Josef Gasteiger has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant no. 640458, A-LIFE)

    Continuous harmonic analysis and power quality measurements in three-phase systems

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    A virtual instrument, named Power Quality Meter, is presented for (a) measuring power consumption and harmonics in three-phase systems, under non-sinusoidal and imbalance conditions (b) detecting, classifying and organizes power disturbance events. Measurement of the power consumption follows the formulation proposed by the members of the IEEE Working Group on Nonsinusoidal Situations (1996). So, definitions are based on the analysis of functions in the frequency domain, separating the fundamental terms from the harmonic terms of the Fourier series. The virtual instrument has been developed too for monitoring and measuring power disturbances, which are automatically classified and organized in a database while they are being recorded. Software tools use the database structure to present summaries of power disturbances and locate an event by severity or time of occurrence. Records of actual measurements are included to demonstrate the versatility of the instrument

    Respuesta del crecimiento de fruto, calidad y productividad a la carga frutal en manzanas, CV. Ultra Red Gala/MM111

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    44 p.La tendencia en la producción frutícola de las últimas décadas está orientada hacia huertos de producción precoz, mediante la utilización de portainjertos enanizantes plantados en alta densidad, con el consecuente incremento de los costos de establecimiento. Este estudio se enmarca en una investigación iniciada por el Centro de Pomáceas el año 2006, que contempla tres temporadas de crecimiento, con miras a determinar el efecto de la carga frutal sobre la precocidad, calidad de la fruta y expresión vegetativa, en manzanos sobre portainjertos semiviogorosos. El ensayo esta ubicado en un huerto comercial de manzanos cv. Ultra Red Gala sobre portainjerto MM 111, en la Región del Maule, Chile, plantado el año 2003, con 1250 plantas ha-1. El cual consta de un total de veinte cuatro árboles uniformes, en los cuales se establecieron tres niveles de carga frutal. En el ajuste se dejaron no más de 4, 6 y 8 frutos por cm2 de área de sección transversal de rama (ASTR), para la carga baja, media y alta, respectivamente. La máxima tasa de crecimiento del fruto se alcanzó entre los 90 y 108 DDPF con valores superiores a los 2,6 g día-1. Los rendimientos acumulados desde la cuarta a la sexta hoja alcanzaron 123, 157 y 182 T ha-1 en la carga baja, media y alta, respectivamente. El peso medio de fruto disminuyó con el aumento de la producción. El incremento del rendimiento en función de la carga determinó que los kilogramos cosechados de fruta mayores a 194 g fueran similares, mientras la mayor carga superó a la menor en 20,3 y 36,2 T ha-1 de fruta con más de 172 y 154 g, respectivamente. Los rendimientos que superaron el 75 % de color rojo, no mostraron mayores diferencias, mientras en la fruta clasificada entre 50-75 % fue menor en la carga más baja. No se encontraron grandes diferencias en el crecimiento vegetativo en las distintas temporadas, ni en el tamaño de planta al final del estudio. La disminución del peso medio del fruto y del porcentaje de fruta de buen color es compensado por el aumento de los rendimientos, no resultando en una disminución efectiva de la calidad de la fruta cosechada. El desarrollo de la planta proporcionado con un portainjerto semivigoroso con altas cargas frutales permitió obtener elevados rendimientos de fruta de calidad precozmente./ABSTRACT: The tendency in the fruit production of the last decades is oriented towards orchards of early production, through the use of dwarfing rootstocks planted in high density, with consequent increase of the establishment costs. This study is framed in an investigation started by the Center of Pomáceas in 2006 that covers three growing seasons, directed to determine the effect of crop load on precociouness, fruit quality and vegetative expression, in apple trees on semivigorous rootstock. The test this located in a commercial orchard of apple trees cv. Ultra Red Gala on rootstock MM 111, in the Maule Region of Chile, planted in 2003, with 1250 plants ha-1. This consists of a total of twenty-four uniform trees, in which three levels of crop load were stablished. In the adjustement no more than 4, 6 and 8 fruits per cm2 of the cross-section of each branch of the tree (BCSA) were left, for low, medium and high load, respectively. The maximum fruit growth rate was reached between 90 and 108 DAFB, with values above 2.6 g day-1. Accumulated yields to the sixth leaf reached 123, 157 and 182 T ha-1 in the low, medium and high loads, respectively. The average fruit weight decreased with the rise of fruit load. The increased yield with load determined that the harvested kilos of fruit over 194 g were similar, while the highest load exceeded the lowest load by 20.3 and 36.2 T ha-1 of fruit, with more than 172 and 154 g, respectively. The yields of harvested fruit exceeding 75 % with red coloring did not show big differences, while fruit classified as 50-75 % with red coloring were less common in the low load. No big differences were found either at the end of the study in vegetative growth in the different seasons or differences in plant size. The reduction in average fruit weight and in the percentage of fruit with good coloring is compensated by the increase in yields, which didn`t mean an effective reduction in the quality of the harvested fruit. The level of plant development achieved with a semi-vigorous rootstock and high fruit loads, allowed to obtain a high yield of quality fruit prematurely

    Chapter Antidepressant Drugs and Pain

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    Computer modelling & simulatio

    Genomic survey sequencing and complete mitochondrial genome of the elkhorn coral crab Domecia acanthophora (Desbonne in Desbonne & Schramm, 1867) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Domeciidae)

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    The elkhorn coral crab Domecia acanthophora inhabits shallow-water coral reefs in the Western Atlantic. The species has a wide distribution and, although primarily associated with endangered Acropora corals, has been recorded from a myriad of hosts. Here we conducted the first genomic survey and complete mitochondrial assemblage and characterisation of any species of Domeciidae, as well as the first species within Trapezioidea. The estimated size of the nuclear genome ranged from 0.64 Gbp to 1.76 Gbp, revealing a small genome. Repetitive elements of the genome were estimated here at 66.4% and 74%, respectively, with the majority of the repetitive elements consisting of LINE, LTR, and satellite DNA. The assembled A-T rich mitochondrial genome consisted of 15,568 bp in length, with 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. A 619 bp long non-coding region was identified as the supposed D-loop/control region, containing eight microsatellites. The 22 tRNA genes, ranging from 65 to 71 bp in length, displayed a typical “cloverleaf” secondary structure, with the exception of tRNA-Ser1 which lacked part of the DHU arm and tRNA-Asp displayed a deletion of the TΨC loop but not the arm. Two transposition events of two tRNA genes were also found when comparing the gene order of D. acanthophora to that of the brachyuran basic gene order, which had not been reported before. Despite belonging to a widely distributed, well-known superfamily of coral-associated crabs, the Trapezioidea, very little was known about this species from a genetics perspective, which is remedied here by providing a new genomic resource for D. acanthophora

    Use of Phase Change Materials in Photovoltaic Modules with Solar Concentration Up to 2X

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    Permiso obtenido por la organización para la subida al repositorioModule efficiency depends of the irradiance level and its temperature. Module temperature depends of ambient temperature, irradiance, thermal characteristic of the module, surrounding of the module, and the direction and wind speed. A silicon photovoltaic module improves its efficiency when decreasing its temperature about 0,5%/K. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possibilities of using phase change materials PCM, to limit the temperature of photovoltaic modules without concentration and with concentration up to 2X and thus increase its performance. We carry out a theoretical study that discusses this potential improvement in different climatic zones characterized by 12 sites. The results show that the use of PCM is a technically feasible alternative to limit the temperature of a photovoltaic module in some climates


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    This article analyzes the musical habits of French Brittany university students, taking into account how they interact with music through new technologies (ICT) and their predominant learning styles. This allowed to study how personal characteristics and the use of some ICT tools can influence the acquisition of knowledge and learning of musical content after listening and sharing different types of music. The current research followed a quantitative approach with a non-experimental descriptive survey design. In order to find out the prevailing styles and patterns of music usage and consumption by means of ICT, two questionnaires were applied to a sample of 308 undergraduate students from the Schools of Education at the University of Western Brittany (Université de Bretagne-Occidentale). After analyzing the data, the results revealed the existence of statistically significant differences in musical uses in terms of learning styles and campus of origin, showing that the particular style of learning is a conditioning factor among the youth population when consuming music through new technologies.Este artículo analiza los usos y costumbres musicales de los universitarios bretones, teniendo en cuenta cómo emplean la música mediante las nuevas tecnologías (TIC) y sus estilos de aprendizaje predominantes. Para ello, se indagó en cómo influyen las características personales y el manejo de determinadas herramientas TIC en la adquisición de conocimientos y en el aprendizaje de contenidos musicales tras escuchar y compartir diferentes tipos de música. La investigación siguió un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo con un diseño no experimental descriptivo mediante encuesta. Con el fin de averiguar los estilos predominantes y los patrones de uso y consumo musical utilizando las TIC, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a una muestra formada por 308 estudiantes de las Facultades de Educación de la Universidad de la Bretaña Occidental. Tras analizar los datos, los resultados revelaron la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los usos musicales en cuanto a los estilos de aprendizaje y campus de procedencia, evidenciando que la forma particular de aprendizaje es un factor condicionante entre la población juvenil cuando consume música mediante las nuevas tecnologías.В данной статье анализируются музыкальные привычки и традиции студентов бретонских университетов с учетом того, как они используют музыку с помощью новых технологий (ИКТ) и их преобладающих стилей обучения. Для этого мы изучили, как личные характеристики и использование определенных инструментов ИКТ влияют на приобретение знаний и усвоение музыкального контента после прослушивания и совместного использования различных видов музыки. В исследовании использовался количественный подход с неэкспериментальным дескриптивным методом опроса. Для того чтобы выяснить преобладающие стили и модели использования и прослушивания музыки с помощью ИКТ, были заполнены две анкеты для 308 студентов педагогического факультета Университета Западной Бретани. После анализа данных были выявлены статистически значимые различия в использовании музыки в зависимости от стиля обучения и города происхождения, что свидетельствует о том, что конкретный способ обучения является определяющим фактором среди молодежи при потреблении музыки с помощью новых технологий.本文分析了布列塔尼大学学生间的音乐习俗及其用途,同时考虑了他们如何通过信息通讯技术 (ICT) 和他们主要的学习方式来使用音乐。为此,我们调查了在听和分享不同类型的音乐后,受试者的个人特征和某些 ICT 工具的使用如何影响知识的获取和对音乐内容的学习。该研究采用定量方法和描述性非实验性调查设计。为了找出使用 ICT 的音乐的主要风格和使用模式,我们对来自西布列塔尼大学教育学院的 308 名学生进行了两份问卷调查。分析数据后,结果显示,在学习方式和校区来源方面,音乐使用存在统计上的显着差异,证明特定的学习方式是年轻人通过新技术消费音乐时的决定性因素

    Diseño de un prototipo Analizador de Señales para la medida de la calidad de la potencia eléctrica de los regímenes no senoidales

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    Analizar la onda de la red eléctrica en tiempo real mediante algoritmos matemáticos, aplicando distintos regímenes de cargas y observando su comportamiento, creando un patrón, sobre el cual, en futuros estudios, poder actuar mitigando los efectos perjudiciales que las cargas no lineales que las nuevas tecnologías determinan sobre la red eléctrica. Para ello, se ha procedido a la creación de un prototipo que permite testar cualquier clase de carga ante la presencia de todo tipo de perturbaciones eléctricas, realizando la medida de la calidad de la potencia, utilizando diferentes técnicas de análisis

    Study of weight and body mass index on graft loss after transplant over 5 years of evolution

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    Antonio Liñán González conceived paper, oversaw data collection, conducted data analysis, wrote manuscript and approved final version. Raquel García Pérez participated in study design, data analysis and interpretation, critically revised manuscript and approved final version. Juan Bravo Soto participated in study design, data analysis, and interpretation of data and revision of manuscript and approved final version. Rafael Fernández Castillo participated in study design, interpretation of data and revision of manuscript and approved final version.Patients frequently experience a weight gain after organ transplantation. This increase in weight is the result of multiple factors, and is usually intensified by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive drugs. It can also delay graft function and cause serious health problems. The objective of this study was to study the obesity as well as its causes and consequences in kidney transplant patients. The sample population consisted of 282 renal transplant patients, 170 men and 112 women, 18-74 years of age, who were monitored over a period of five years. For the purposes of our research, the patients were divided into two groups: (1) normal weight 18.5 ≤ BMI <25; (2) overweight 25 ≤ BMI ≤30. The association between BMI as an independent variable and graft survival was determined by means of a Cox regression analysis. Overweight patients were characterized by a higher comorbidity prevalence. In the Cox multivariate analysis, the initial BMI, evaluated as a continuous variable continued to be an independent predictor of delayed graft function and chronic nephropathy. This study evaluated the BMI as a continuous value instead of a categorical value. In conclusion, our results suggest that an increase in BMI without categorical variation can be an independent risk factor for graft loss. Consequently, obesity prevention for renal transplant patients should include dietary counseling and management, moderate physical activity, and steroid minimization

    Considerations on the non-active power using geometric algebra

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    Several approaches have been developed to define the non-active power concept under nonsinusoidal situations in electrical systems. Nevertheless, these contributions do not provide a complete and satisfactory solution to the non-active power reversibility between frequency domain and time domain. This paper presents a non-active power multivector concept, based on an original vector space frequency-domain approach that bridges the gap between both domains. The suggested correspondence can provide a convenient descriptive language to reconcile Fryze’s instantaneous non-active power with Budeanu´s deactive-power