9,293 research outputs found

    The Persistence of Memory, or How the X-Ray Spectrum of SNR 0509-67.5 Reveals the Brightness of its Parent Type Ia Supernova

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    We examine the dynamics and X-ray spectrum of the young Type Ia supernova remnant 0509-67.5 in the context of the recent results obtained from the optical spectroscopy of its light echo. Our goal is to estimate the kinetic energy of the supernova explosion using Chandra and XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant, thus placing the birth event of 0509-67.5 in the sequence of dim to bright Type Ia supernovae. We base our analysis on a standard grid of one-dimensional delayed detonation explosion models, together with hydrodynamic and X-ray spectral calculations of the supernova remnant evolution. From the remnant dynamics and the properties of the O, Si, S, and Fe emission in its X-ray spectrum we conclude that 0509-67.5 was originated ~400 years ago by a bright, highly energetic Type Ia explosion similar to SN 1991T. Our best model has a kinetic energy of 1.4x10E51 erg and synthesizes 0.97 Msun of 56Ni. These results are in excellent agreement with the age estimate and spectroscopy from the light echo. We have thus established the first connection between a Type Ia supernova and its supernova remnant based on a detailed quantitative analysis of both objects.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, plus an exclusive astro-ph-only Appendix; ApJ in press, companion paper to Rest et al. 0

    Tratamiento de elementos rectos y curvos de sección variable por métodos matriciales

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    En este trabajo se presenta la formulación necesaria para el tratamiento de elementos de directriz recta o circunferencial con características geométricas e imerciales variables según la directriz, así como de las cargas equivalentes, dentro del ámbito del Análisis Matricial de Estructuras.Peer Reviewe

    Tratamiento de elementos rectos y curvos de sección variable por métodos matriciales

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    En este trabajo se presenta la formulación necesaria para el tratamiento de elementos de directriz recta o circunferencial con características geométricas e imerciales variables según la directriz, así como de las cargas equivalentes, dentro del ámbito del Análisis Matricial de Estructuras.Peer Reviewe

    Higher order correction to the neutrino self-energy in a medium and its astrophysical applications

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    We have calculated the 1/M^4 (M the vector boson mass) order correction to the neutrino self-energy in a medium. The possible application of this higher order contribution to the neutrino effective potential is considered in the context of the Early Universe hot plasma and of the cosmological Gamma Ray Burst fireball. We found that, depending on the medium parameters and on the neutrino properties (mixing angle and mass square difference) the resonant oscillation of active to active neutrinos is possible.Comment: 10 pages, revtex style, uses axodraw.sty, 1 figur

    Bolometric light curves of supernovae and post-explosion magnetic fields

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    The various effects leading to diversity in the bolometric light curves of supernovae are examined: nucleosynthesis, kinematic differences, ejected mass, degree of mixing, and configuration and intensity of the magnetic field are discussed. In Type Ia supernovae, a departure in the bolometric light curve from the full-trapping decline of 56^{56}Co can occur within the two and a half years after the explosion, depending on the evolutionary path followed by the WD during the accretion phase. If convection has developed in the WD core during the presupernova evolution, starting several thousand years before the explosion, a tangled magnetic field close to the equipartition value should have grown in the WD. Such an intense magnetic field would confine positrons where they originate from the 56^{56}Co decays, and preclude a strong departure from the full-trapping decline, as the supernova expands. This situation is expected to occur in C+O Chandrasekhar WDs as opposed to edge-lit detonated sub-Chandrasekhar WDs. If the pre-explosion magnetic field of the WD is less intense than 1058^{5-8}G, a lack of confinement of the positrons emitted in the 56^{56}Co decay and a departure from full-trapping decline would occur. The time at which it takes place can provide estimates of the original magnetic field of the WD, its configuration, and also of the mass of the supernova ejecta. In SN 1991bg, the bolometric light curve suggests absence of a significant tangled magnetic field (intensity lower than 10310^{3} G). Chandrasekhar-mass models do not reproduce the bolometric light curve of this supernova. For SN 1972E, on the contrary, there is evidence for a tangled configuration of the magnetic field and its light curve is well reproduced by a Chandrasekhar WD explosion.Comment: 54 pages, including 8 figures. To appear in Ap

    Type Ia Supernova Scenarios and the Hubble Sequence

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    The dependence of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate on galaxy type is examined for three currently proposed scenarios: merging of a Chandrasekhar--mass CO white dwarf (WD) with a CO WD companion, explosion of a sub--Chandrasekhar mass CO WD induced by accretion of material from a He star companion, and explosion of a sub--Chandrasekhar CO WD in a symbiotic system. The variation of the SNe Ia rate and explosion characteristics with time is derived, and its correlation with parent population age and galaxy redshift is discussed. Among current scenarios, CO + He star systems should be absent from E galaxies. Explosion of CO WDs in symbiotic systems could account for the SNe Ia rate in these galaxies. The same might be true for the CO + CO WD scenario, depending on the value of the common envelope parameter. A testable prediction of the sub--Chandrasekhar WD model is that the average brightness and kinetic energy of the SN Ia events should increase with redshift for a given Hubble type. Also for this scenario, going along the Hubble sequence from E to Sc galaxies SNe Ia events should be brighter on average and should show larger mean velocities of the ejecta. The observational correlations strongly suggest that the characteristics of the SNe Ia explosion are linked to parent population age. The scenario in which WDs with masses below the Chandrasekhar mass explode appears the most promising one to explain the observed variation of the SN Ia rate with galaxy type together with the luminosity--expansion velocity trend.Comment: 16 pages uuencoded compressed Postscript, 2 figures included. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Composition of the Innermost Core Collapse Supernova Ejecta

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    With presently known input physics and computer simulations in 1D, a self-consistent treatment of core collapse supernovae does not yet lead to successful explosions, while 2D models show some promise. Thus, there are strong indications that the delayed neutrino mechanism works combined with a multi-D convection treatment for unstable layers. On the other hand there is a need to provide correct nucleosynthesis abundances for the progressing field of galactic evolution and observations of low metallicity stars. The innermost ejecta is directly affected by the explosion mechanism, i.e. most strongly the yields of Fe-group nuclei for which an induced piston or thermal bomb treatment will not provide the correct yields because the effect of neutrino interactions is not included. We apply parameterized variations to the neutrino scattering cross sections and alternatively, parameterized variations are applied to the neutrino absorption cross sections on nucleons in the ``gain region''. We find that both measures lead to similar results, causing explosions and a Ye>0.5 in the innermost ejected layers, due to the combined effect of a short weak interaction time scale and a negligible electron degeneracy, unveiling the proton-neutron mass difference. We include all weak interactions (electron and positron capture, beta-decay, neutrino and antineutrino capture on nuclei, and neutrino and antineutrino capture on nucleons) and present first nucleosynthesis results for these innermost ejected layers to discuss how they improve predictions for Fe-group nuclei. The proton-rich environment results in enhanced abundances of 45Sc, 49Ti, and 64Zn as requested by chemical evolution studies and observations of low metallicity stars as well as appreciable production of nuclei in the mass range up to A=80.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures. Final versio

    Efficient low-power terahertz generation via on-chip triply-resonant nonlinear frequency mixing

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    Achieving efficient terahertz (THz) generation using compact turn-key sources operating at room temperature and modest power levels represents one of the critical challeges that must be overcome to realize truly practical applications based on THz. Up to now, the most efficient approaches to THz generation at room temperature -- relying mainly on optical rectification schemes -- require intricate phase-matching set-ups and powerful lasers. Here we show how the unique light-confining properties of triply-resonant photonic resonators can be tailored to enable dramatic enhancements of the conversion efficiency of THz generation via nonlinear frequency down-conversion processes. We predict that this approach can be used to reduce up to three orders of magnitude the pump powers required to reach quantum-limited conversion efficiency of THz generation in nonlinear optical material systems. Furthermore, we propose a realistic design readily accesible experimentally, both for fabrication and demonstration of optimal THz conversion efficiency at sub-W power levels

    Methodology for determining optimized traffic light cycles based on simulation

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    In large urbanized cities, a major problem that affects the economy and health of all citizens is vehicular congestion. This is because the traffic light cycles are not adequate. In the present study, we seek to optimize traffic light cycles based on simulation, in order to improve vehicle flow. For this, the PTV Vissim 9.0 software was used as a simulator and the Synchro 10.0 software to determine the initial optimal traffic light cycle. Through several runs and having as variables the length of queues, delay times and the average speed, the optimal traffic light cycle could be found for the study area. The results obtained reflect a 14% reduction in delay times and 10% in queue lengths. On the other hand, the average vehicle speed increased by 10.56%. All this represents an improvement in the service level of the study intersections

    Early-life stress induces persistent alterations in 5-HT1A receptor and serotonin transporter mRNA expression in the adult rat brain

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    Early-life experience plays a major role in the stress response throughout life. Neonatal maternal separation (MS) is an animal model of depression with an altered serotonergic response. We hypothesize that this alteration may be caused by differences in 5-HT(1A) receptor and serotonin transporter (SERT) mRNA expression in brain areas involved in the control of emotions, memory, and fear as well as in regions controlling the central serotonergic tone. To test this, Sprague–Dawley rats were subjected to MS for 3 h daily during postnatal days 2–12. As control, age matched rats were non-separated (NS) from their dams. When animals reached adulthood (11–13 weeks) brain was extracted and mRNA expression of 5-HT(1A) receptor in amygdala, hippocampus and dorsal raphé nucleus (DRN) and SERT in the DRN was analyzed through in situ hybridisation. Densitometric analysis revealed that MS increased 5-HT(1A) receptor mRNA expression in the amygdala, and reduced its expression in the DRN, but no changes were observed in the hippocampus in comparison to NS controls. Also, MS reduced SERT mRNA expression in the DRN when compared to NS rats. These results suggest that early-life stress induces persistent changes in 5-HT(1A) receptor and SERT mRNA expression in key brain regions involved in the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders. The reduction in SERT mRNA indicates an alteration that is in line with clinical findings such as polymorphic variants in individuals with higher risk of depression. These data may help to understand how early-life stress contributes to the development of mood disorders in adulthood