1,133 research outputs found

    Goldstone boson counting in linear sigma models with chemical potential

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    We analyze the effects of finite chemical potential on spontaneous breaking of internal symmetries within the class of relativistic field theories described by the linear sigma model. Special attention is paid to the emergence of ``abnormal'' Goldstone bosons with quadratic dispersion relation. We show that their presence is tightly connected to nonzero density of the Noether charges, and formulate a general counting rule. The general results are demonstrated on an SU(3)xU(1) invariant model with an SU(3)-sextet scalar field, which describes one of the color-superconducting phases of QCD.Comment: 10 pages, REVTeX4, 4 eps figures, v2: general discussion in Sec. IV expanded and improved, references added, other minor corrections throughout the tex

    Disentangle the price dispersion of residential solar photovoltaic systems: Evidence from Germany

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    Although Germany has the largest capacity of installed residential photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe, comprehensive evidence on transparent pricing information remains missing. This study disentangles why PV quote prices are subject to significant dispersion and analyzes which factors influence particularly low- and high-priced systems in Germany. We create a comprehensive cross-sectional dataset of 19 561 PV system quotes from 2011 to 2022 and use regression analyses to investigate the effects of system characteristics, installation scope, and location-related parameters on quoted prices. Our results reveal highly volatile annual price dispersion consistent over 11 years and large price differences despite similar system characteristics. Applying hedonic regression techniques, we reveal spatially fine-resolved price heterogeneity with up to 20 % difference in the German PV market. System characteristics such as battery usage, installation scope, and system capacity have the most significant effect sizes and are instead control variables. More insightful, the installer density shows price-lowering effects, whereas more PV installations per region, higher solar radiation, and higher labor wages cause price-increasing effects. Quantile regression results reveal that installer density promotes the price reduction of high-priced systems more. Scaffolding, AC installation, and elevation are significant price-increasing factors but with small effect sizes. Finally, DC optimizers affect the levels of high-priced systems more than low-priced ones

    Spontaneous breaking of continuous translational invariance

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    Unbroken continuous translational invariance is often taken as a basic assumption in discussions of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB), which singles out SSB of translational invariance itself as an exceptional case. We present a framework which allows us to treat translational invariance on the same footing as other symmetries. It is shown that existing theorems on SSB can be straightforwardly extended to this general case. As a concrete application, we analyze the Nambu-Goldstone modes in a (ferromagnetic) supersolid. We prove on the ground of the general theorems that the Bogoliubov mode stemming from a spontaneously broken internal U(1) symmetry and the longitudinal phonon due to a crystalline order are distinct physical modes.Comment: 14 pages, 4 pdf/jpg figures, REVTeX 4.1; v2: section IV expanded, new appendix and references added, numerous other minor modifications throughout the tex

    Die Wahrheit über den Revisionismus

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    Im Dezember 1997 wurde der Universität Erfurt von Herrn Dr. Helmut Teufel und seiner Ehefrau Helena Teufel deren gesamte Bibliothek geschenkt. Diese umfasste zum damaligen Zeitpunkt ca. 50.000 Bände. Geschenkt wurden der Universität auch jene Medien, die das Ehepaar zukünftig erwerben würde. Zur Abwicklung der Schenkung wurde ein Schenkungsvertrag unterzeichnet. Er definiert den Schenkungsgegenstand, die Auflagen und Gegenleistungen und die Übergabe. Da die Universität Erfurt seit ihrer Neugründung 1994 einen Schwerpunkt auf die Kultur- und Geisteswissenschaften legte, entsprach die Sammlung Teufel dem inhaltlichen Profil von Forschung und Lehre an der Philosophischen Fakultät und am Max-Weber-Kolleg. Weitere Informationen zur Sammlung Teufe

    Reaction behavior of iron and copper complexes towards dioxygen

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    To provide a better understanding of the reactions of iron and copper proteins with dioxygen, the corresponding reactions of small molecule model complexes with dioxygen were analysed using spectroscopic and kinetic methods. Special attention focused upon the binding and activation of dioxygen by iron proteins such as hemerythrin (Hr) and protocatechuat-3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD) and by copper proteins like hemocyanin (Hc) and tyrosinase. Iron complexes of the ligand tmpa (tmpa = tris[(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine, also known as tpa in literature) were synthesised and modifications of the tmpa ligand were made. Increasing as well as decreasing chelate ring sizes in the highly active complex [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 (dbc = 3,5-di-tert-butylcatecholate dianion), only resulted in decreased reactivity of the investigated compounds. A detailed low-temperature stopped-flow investigation of the reaction of dioxygen with [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 was performed and activation parameters of Delta H# = 23 +- 1 kJ mol-1 and Delta S# = -199 +- 4 J mol-1 K-1 were obtained. Crystal structures of bromo-(tetrachlorocatecholato-O,O\u27)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27)-iron(III) (2), (mu-oxo)-bis(bromo)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-diiron(III) (3), dichloro-((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-iron(III) (4) and (tetrabromocatecholato-O,O\u27)((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-iron(III) (5) are reported (Chapter 2). Besides altering the chelate ring size the influence of the donor atoms of the ligand on catechol dioxygenase reactivity was investigated. Two derivatives of the tmpa ligand (uns-penp and acetyl-uns-penp) were synthesised, where one aromatic nitrogen donor was replaced by an aliphatic nitrogen donor. The iron(III) complexes of the tripodal ligands N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamine (uns-penp), [Fe(uns-penp)Cl2]ClO4 x CH3CN, [{Fe(uns-penp)Cl}2O](ClO4)2 x 2CH3CN and the amide derivative N-Acetyl-N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamine (acetyl-uns-penp), [Fe2(acetyl-uns-penp)2O](ClO4)2 x H2O, [Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)Br] x (C2H5)2O and [{Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)}2O] x (C2H5)2O x CH3OH were synthesised and characterised. Catechol dioxygenase reactivity of in situ prepared complex solutions only showed slower reactions in comparison with the iron tmpa system (Chapter 3). Corresponding ligand system variations in the small molecule model complexes of copper proteins were made and analysed with respect to dioxygen reactivity. Intramolecular ligand hydroxylation was observed during the reactions of dioxygen with the dicopper(I) complexes of the ligands L3 (L3 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylene) and L5 (L5 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-amino]-m-xylene). The dinuclear copper(I) complex [Cu2L5](ClO4)2 and the dicopper(II) complex [Cu2(L3-O)(OH)(ClO4)]ClO4 were characterised by single-crystal X-ray structure analysis. Furthermore, phenolate-bridged complexes were synthesised with the ligand L4-OH and Me-L5-OH (structurally characterised: [Cu2(L4-O)Cl3] with L4 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-methyl-N-(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylene and [Cu2(Me-L5-O)(mu-X)](ClO4)2 x nH2O with Me-L5-OH = 2,6-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-4-methylphenol and X = C3H3N2- (prz), MeCO2- and N3-). Temperature-dependent magnetic studies revealed the antiferromagnetic coupling of the copper ions of these complexes (Chapter 4). The reactions of dioxygen with copper(I) complexes of the tridentate ligands 1,1,4,7,7-pentamethyldiethylethylenetriamine (Me5dien), 1,1,4,7,7-pentaethyldiethylethylenetriamine (Et5dien), N-methyl-[bis(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine (Me-bpa) and N-methyl-[(2-pyridyl)ethyl(2-pyridyl)methyl]amine (MeL) have been investigated using low-temperature stopped-flow techniques. The formation of a bis(mu-oxo) copper complex as a reactive intermediate could only be detected spectroscopically at low temperatures for [Cu(Me5dien)(CH3CN)]ClO4 and allowed a quantitative kinetic analysis to be performed. Crystal structures of the copper(II) complexes [(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)2], [{(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2], [{(MeL)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2] and [(MeL)Cu(NCS)2] are reported. (Chapter 5)Zum besseren Verständnis der Reaktionen von Eisen- und Kupferproteinen mit elementarem Sauerstoff wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit für Eisen- und Kupferproteine Modellkomplexe mit geringer Molekularmasse mit spektroskopischen oder kinetischen Methoden untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde hierbei der Bindung und der Aktivierung von elementarem Sauerstoff durch die Eisenproteine, wie z. B. Hämerythrin (Hr) und Protocatechuat-3,4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCD), und die Kupferproteine, wie z. B. Hämocyanin (Hc) und Tyrosinase, gewidmet. Bezüglich der Modelle für Eisenenzyme wurde der Ligand tmpa (tmpa = tris[(2-pyridyl)methyl]amin; in der Literatur auch mit tpa abgekürzt) untersucht und systematisch variiert. Die Vergrößerung und Verkleinerung der Chelatringgröße im hochreaktiven Komplex [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 (dbc = 3,5-Di-tert-butylcatecholat Dianion) führte nur zu einer verringerten Reaktivität der untersuchten Verbindungen. Die Reaktion von elementaren Sauerstoff mit [Fe(tmpa)(dbc)]B(C6H5)4 wurde mittels der Tieftemperatur-\u27stopped-flow\u27-Technik untersucht und ergab die Aktivierungsparameter Delta H# = 23 +- 1 kJ mol-1 und Delta S# = -199 +- 4 J mol-1 K-1. Weiterhin wurden die Kristallstrukturanalysen der Verbindungen bromo-(tetra-chlorocatecholato-O,O\u27)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27)-eisen(III) (2), (mü-oxo)-bis(bromo)(bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)-2-pyridylamine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-dieisen (III) (3), dichloro-((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl)amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-eisen (III) (4) und (tetrabromocatecholato-O,O\u27)((2-(2-pyridyl)ethyl)bis((2-pyridyl)methyl) amine-N,N\u27,N\u27\u27,N\u27\u27\u27)-eisen (III) (5) beschrieben (Kapitel 2). Neben der Änderung der Chelatringgröße wurde auch der Einfluss der Donoratome des Liganden untersucht. Dazu wurden abgeleitet vom tmpa zwei Liganden (uns-penp und acteyl-uns-penp) synthetisiert, bei denen ein aromatischer Stickstoff durch einen aliphatischen Stickstoff ersetzt wurde. Die Eisen(III)-Komplexe mit den tripodalen Liganden N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamin (uns-penp), [Fe(uns-penp)Cl2]ClO4 x CH3CN, [{Fe(uns-penp)Cl}2O](ClO4)2 x 2CH3CN und dem Amidderivat N-Acetyl-N\u27,N\u27-bis[(2-pyridyl)methyl]ethylenediamin (acetyl-uns-penp), [Fe2(acetyl-uns-penp)2O](ClO4)2 x H2O, [Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)Br] x (C2H5)2O und [{Fe(acetyl-uns-penp)(tcc)}2O] x (C2H5)2O x CH3OH wurden synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Untersuchungen zur Catecholdioxygenasereaktivität der in situ dargestellten Komplexlösungen zeigten nur langsamere Reaktionen im Vergleich zu dem Eisen-tmpa-System (Kapitel 3) Die Ligandensysteme für Modelle von Kupferproteinen wurden nach denselben Gesichtspunkten verändert wie bei den Modellen für die Eisenproteine. Intramolekulare Hydroxylierung des Liganden war bei der Reaktion von elementaren Sauerstoff mit Dikupfer(I)-Komplexen der Liganden L3 (L3 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylol) und L5 (L5 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)-amino]-m-xylol) zu beobachten. Der dinukleare Kupfer(I)-Komplex [Cu2L5](ClO4)2 und der Dikupfer(II)-Komplex [Cu2(L3-O)(OH)(ClO4)]ClO4 konnten durch Einkristallröntgenstrukturanalyse charakterisiert werden. Zusätzlich wurden Phenolatverbrückte Komplexe mit den Liganden L4-OH und Me-L5-OH synthetisiert (Strukturlösungen für [Cu2(L4-O)Cl3] mit L4 = alpha,alpha\u27-bis[N-methyl-N-(2-pyridylethyl)amino]-m-xylol und [Cu2(Me-L5-O)(mü-X)](ClO4)2 x nH2O (Me-L5-OH = 2,6-bis[N-(2-pyridylethyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)amino]-4-methylphenol und X = C3H3N2- (prz), MeCO2- und N3-). Temperaturabhängige magnetische Untersuchungen zeigten antiferromagnetische Kopplung der Kupferionen in diesen Komplexen (Kapitel 4). Die Reaktionen von elementaren Sauerstoff mit Kupfer(I)-Komplexen der dreizähnigen Liganden 1,1,4,7,7-pentamethyldiethylethylenetriamin (Me5dien), 1,1,4,7,7-pentaethyldiethylethylenetriamin (Et5dien), N-methyl-[bis(2-pyridyl) methyl]amin (Me-bpa) und N-methyl-[(2-pyridyl)ethyl(2-pyridyl)methyl]amin (MeL) mit Hilfe der Tieftemperatur-\u27stopped-flow\u27-Technik untersucht. Die Bildung eines bis(mü-oxo)-Kupferkomplexes konnte dabei bei tiefen Temperaturen nur für den Komplex [Cu(Me5dien)(CH3CN)]ClO4 spektroskopisch beobachtet und quantitativ kinetisch analysiert werden. Die Komplexe [(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)2], [{(Me-bpa)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2], [{(MeL)Cu(Cl)(ClO4)}2] und [(MeL)Cu(NCS)2] konnten kristallographisch charakterisiert werden. (Kapitel 5

    A Spatiotemporal Study and Location-Specific Trip Pattern Categorization of Shared E-Scooter Usage

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    This study analyzes the temporally resolved location and trip data of shared e-scooters over nine months in Berlin from one of Europe’s most widespread operators. We apply time, distance, and energy consumption filters on approximately 1.25 million trips for outlier detection and trip categorization. Using temporally and spatially resolved trip pattern analyses, we investigate how the built environment and land use affect e-scooter trips. Further, we apply a density-based clustering algorithm to examine point of interest-specific patterns in trip generation. Our results suggest that e-scooter usage has point of interest related characteristics. Temporal peaks in e-scooter usage differ by point of interest category and indicate work-related trips at public transport stations. We prove these characteristic patterns with the statistical metric of cosine similarity. Considering average cluster velocities, we observe limited time-saving potential of e-scooter trips in congested areas near the city center

    Serum neuron-specific enolase as early predictor of outcome after in-hospital cardiac arrest: a cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Outcome after cardiac arrest is mostly determined by the degree of hypoxic brain damage. Patients recovering from cardiopulmonary resuscitation are at great risk of subsequent death or severe neurological damage, including persistent vegetative state. The early definition of prognosis for these patients has ethical and economic implications. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the prognostic value of serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in predicting outcomes in patients early after in-hospital cardiac arrest. METHODS: Forty-five patients resuscitated from in-hospital cardiac arrest were prospectively studied from June 2003 to January 2005. Blood samples were collected, at any time between 12 and 36 hours after the arrest, for NSE measurement. Outcome was evaluated 6 months later with the Glasgow outcome scale (GOS). Patients were divided into two groups: group 1 (unfavorable outcome) included GOS 1 and 2 patients; group 2 (favorable outcome) included GOS 3, 4 and 5 patients. The Mann–Whitney U test, Student's t test and Fisher's exact test were used to compare the groups. RESULTS: The Glasgow coma scale scores were 6.1 ± 3 in group 1 and 12.1 ± 3 in group 2 (means ± SD; p < 0.001). The mean time to NSE sampling was 20.2 ± 8.3 hours in group 1 and 28.4 ± 8.7 hours in group 2 (p = 0.013). Two patients were excluded from the analysis because of sample hemolysis. At 6 months, favorable outcome was observed in nine patients (19.6%). Thirty patients (69.8%) died and four (9.3%) remained in a persistent vegetative state. The 34 patients (81.4%) in group 1 had significantly higher NSE levels (median 44.24 ng/ml, range 8.1 to 370) than those in group 2 (25.26 ng/ml, range 9.28 to 55.41; p = 0.034). CONCLUSION: Early determination of serum NSE levels is a valuable ancillary method for assessing outcome after in-hospital cardiac arrest

    Defense Mechanisms of Hepatocytes Against Burkholderia pseudomallei

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    The Gram-negative facultative intracellular rod Burkholderia pseudomallei causes melioidosis, an infectious disease with a wide range of clinical presentations. Among the observed visceral abscesses, the liver is commonly affected. However, neither this organotropism of B. pseudomallei nor local hepatic defense mechanisms have been thoroughly investigated so far. Own previous studies using electron microscopy of the murine liver after systemic infection of mice indicated that hepatocytes might be capable of killing B. pseudomallei. Therefore, the aim of this study was to further elucidate the interaction of B. pseudomallei with these cells and to analyze the role of hepatocytes in anti-B. pseudomallei host defense. In vitro studies using the human hepatocyte cell line HepG2 revealed that B. pseudomallei can invade these cells. Subsequently, B. pseudomallei is able to escape from the vacuole, to replicate within the cytosol of HepG2 cells involving its type 3 and type 6 secretion systems, and to induce actin tail formation. Furthermore, stimulation of HepG2 cells showed that IFNγ can restrict growth of B. pseudomallei in the early and late phase of infection whereas the combination of IFNγ, IL-1β, and TNFα is required for the maximal antibacterial activity. This anti-B. pseudomallei defense of HepG2 cells did not seem to be mediated by inducible nitric oxide synthase-derived nitric oxide or NADPH oxidase-derived superoxide. In summary, this is the first study describing B. pseudomallei intracellular life cycle characteristics in hepatocytes and showing that IFNγ-mediated, but nitric oxide- and reactive oxygen species-independent, effector mechanisms are important in anti-B. pseudomallei host defense of hepatocytes

    Open access decision support for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods: The nano energy system simulator NESSI

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    The urgency of climate change mitigation, rising energy prices and geopolitical crises make a quick and efficient energy transition in the building sector imperative. Building owners, housing associations, and local governments need support in the complex task to build sustainable energy systems. Motivated by the calls for more solution-oriented, practice-focused research regarding climate change and guided by design science research principles, we address this need and design, develop, and evaluate the web-based decision support system NESSI. NESSI is an open-access energy system simulator with an intuitive user flow to facilitate multi-energy planning for buildings and neighborhoods. It calculates the technical, environmental, and economic effects of 14 energy-producing, consuming, and storing components of the electric and thermal infrastructure, considers time-dependent effects, and accounts for geographic as well as sectoral circumstances. Its applicability is demonstrated with the case of a single-family home in Hannover, Germany, and evaluated through twelve expert interviews