1,280 research outputs found

    Exact Study of the Effect of Level Statistics in Ultrasmall Superconducting Grains

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    The reduced BCS model that is commonly used for ultrasmall superconducting grains has an exact solution worked out long ago by Richardson in the context of nuclear physics. We use it to check the quality of previous treatments of this model, and to investigate the effect of level statistics on pairing correlations. We find that the ground state energies are on average somewhat lower for systems with non-uniform than uniform level spacings, but both have an equally smooth crossover from the bulk to the few-electron regime. In the latter, statistical fluctuations in ground state energies strongly depend on the grain's electron number parity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figs, RevTe

    BOLLOCKS!! Designing pervasive games that play with the social rules of built environments

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    We propose that pervasive games designed with mechanics that are specifically in opposition with, or disruptive of, social rules of the environment in which they are played, have unique potential to provide interesting, provocative experiences for players. We explore this concept through the design and evaluation of an experimental game prototype, Shhh!, inspired by the juvenile game Bollocks, and implemented on Android mobile devices, which challenges players to make loud noises in libraries. Six participants played the game before engaging in semi-structured interviews, explored through inductive thematic analysis. Results suggest that the game provoked in players a heightened awareness of social rules, as well as a complex social dilemma of whether or not to act. We conclude by presenting a model for designing games that play with the social, as well as physical, rules of the environments in which they are set

    Collective behavior in nuclear interactions and shower development

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    The mechanism of hadronic interactions at very high energies is still unclear. Available accelerator data constrain weakly the forward rapidity region which determines the development of atmospheric showers. This ignorance is one of the main sources of uncertainty in the determination of the energy and composition of the primary in hadron-induced atmospheric showers. In this paper we examine the effect on the shower development of two kinds of collective effects in high-energy hadronic interactions which modify the production of secondary particles. The first mechanism, modeled as string fusion, affects strongly the central rapidity region but only slightly the forward region and is shown to have very little effect on the shower development. The second mechanism implies a very strong stopping; it affects modestly the profile of shower maximum but broadens considerably the number distribution of muons at ground. For the latter mechanism, the development of air showers is faster mimicking a heavier projectile. On the other hand, the number of muons at ground is lowered, resembling a shower generated by a lighter primary.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure

    Phases of QCD, Thermal Quasiparticles and Dilepton Radiation from a Fireball

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    We calculate dilepton production rates from a fireball adapted to the kinematical conditions realized in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions over a broad range of beam energies. The freeze-out state of the fireball is fixed by hadronic observables. We use this information combined with the initial geometry of the collision region to follow the space-time evolution of the fireball. Assuming entropy conservation, its bulk thermodynamic properties can then be uniquely obtained once the equation of state (EoS) is specified. The high-temperature (QGP) phase is modelled by a non-perturbative quasiparticle model that incorporates a phenomenological confinement description, adapted to lattice QCD results. For the hadronic phase, we interpolate the EoS into the region where a resonance gas approach seems applicable, keeping track of a possible overpopulation of the pion phase space. In this way, the fireball evolution is specified without reference to dilepton data, thus eliminating it as an adjustable parameter in the rate calculations. Dilepton emission in the QGP phase is then calculated within the quasiparticle model. In the hadronic phase, both temperature and finite baryon density effects on the photon spectral function are incorporated. Existing dilepton data from CERES at 158 and 40 AGeV Pb-Au collisions are well described, and a prediction for the PHENIX setup at RHIC for sqrt(s) = 200 AGeV is given.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures, final versio

    Lectures on Chiral Disorder in QCD

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    I explain the concept that light quarks diffuse in the QCD vacuum following the spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry. I exploit the striking analogy to disordered electrons in metals, identifying, among others, the universal regime described by random matrix theory, diffusive regime described by chiral perturbation theory and the crossover between these two domains.Comment: Lectures given at the Cargese Summer School, August 6-18, 200

    Deep Inelastic Scattering and Gauge/String Duality

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    We study deep inelastic scattering in gauge theories which have dual string descriptions. As a function of gNgN we find a transition. For small gNgN, the dominant operators in the OPE are the usual ones, of approximate twist two, corresponding to scattering from weakly interacting partons. For large gNgN, double-trace operators dominate, corresponding to scattering from entire hadrons (either the original `valence' hadron or part of a hadron cloud.) At large gNgN we calculate the structure functions. As a function of Bjorken xx there are three regimes: xx of order one, where the scattering produces only supergravity states; xx small, where excited strings are produced; and, xx exponentially small, where the excited strings are comparable in size to the AdS space. The last regime requires in principle a full string calculation in curved spacetime, but the effect of string growth can be simply obtained from the world-sheet renormalization group.Comment: 52 pages, 10 figure

    Enhanced Spin Dependent Shot Noise in Magnetic Tunnel Barriers

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    We report the observation of enhanced spin dependent shot noise in magnetic tunnel barriers, suggesting transport through localized states within the barrier. This is supported by the existence of negative magnetoresistance and structure in the differential conductance curves. A simple model of tunneling through two interacting localized states with spin dependent tunneling rates is used to explain our observations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physica E (proceedings of the seminar on Quantum Coherence, Noise and Decoherence in Nanostructures

    Magnetic Field Effect for Two Electrons in a Two Dimensional Random Potential

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    We study the problem of two particles with Coulomb repulsion in a two-dimensional disordered potential in the presence of a magnetic field. For the regime, when without interaction all states are well localized, it is shown that above a critical excitation energy electron pairs become delocalized by interaction. The transition between the localized and delocalized regimes goes in the same way as the metal-insulator transition at the mobility edge in the three dimensional Anderson model with broken time reversal symmetry.Comment: revtex, 7 pages, 6 figure

    Dynamics of the Hubbard model: a general approach by time dependent variational principle

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    We describe the quantum dynamics of the Hubbard model at semi-classical level, by implementing the Time-Dependent Variational Principle (TDVP) procedure on appropriate macroscopic wavefunctions constructed in terms of su(2)-coherent states. Within the TDVP procedure, such states turn out to include a time-dependent quantum phase, part of which can be recognized as Berry's phase. We derive two new semi-classical model Hamiltonians for describing the dynamics in the paramagnetic, superconducting, antiferromagnetic and charge density wave phases and solve the corresponding canonical equations of motion in various cases. Noticeably, a vortex-like ground state phase dynamics is found to take place for U>0 away from half filling. Moreover, it appears that an oscillatory-like ground state dynamics survives at the Fermi surface at half-filling for any U. The low-energy dynamics is also exactly solved by separating fast and slow variables. The role of the time-dependent phase is shown to be particularly interesting in the ordered phases.Comment: ReVTeX file, 38 pages, to appear on Phys. Rev.
