7 research outputs found

    Tetranychoidea (Acari) from a "cerrado" area of State of São Paulo

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    O presente trabalho visa um levantamento das espécies de ácaros fitófagos que ocorrem nas plantas de uma área de cerrado, no Município de Corumbataí, Estado de São Paulo. O material vegetal foi coletado semanalmente durante o ano de 1972 e foi identificado no Departamento de Botânica da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciência e Letras de Rio Claro; os ácaros foram processados e identificados nos Departamentos de Zoologia e Entomologia da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, da Universidade de São Paulo, em Piracicaba; as espécies descritas como novas para a Ciência foram confirmadas pelo Dr. Edward W. Baker do Departamento de Agricultura dos Estados Unidos. Do material coletado foram encontradas as seguintes espécies: Família Tetranychidae: Neotetranychus rhaphidoseta n.sp., Neotetranychus peniculus n.sp., Oligonychus (O.) yothersi (Mc Gregor,1914), Oligonychus (R.) melinis Flechtmann,1971, Oligonychus sp. 1 e sp. 2, Tetranychus (T.) desertorum Banks, 1900, Tetranychus (T.) mexicanus (Mc Gregor, 1950), Tetranychus (T .) urticae Koch, 1836. -Família Tenuipalpidae: Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), Tenuipalpus latiseta n.sp. São apresentados comentários em torno da possibilidade dessas espécies virem a infestar culturas que venham a ser estabelecidas em áreas de cerrado. É também apresentada uma breve revisão das espécies conhecidas do gênero NeotetranychusThis paper intends to present a survey of phytophagous mites present in plants in a "cerrado" area located in the Municipality of Corumbataí, State of São Paulo. Weekly collections of infested plant material were made in 1972; the plants were identified at the Department of Botany of the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Rio Claro. The mites were processed and studied at the Departments of Zoology and Entomology of the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz", University of São Paulo, Piracicaba. The manuscript of the descriptions of the new species were read by Dr. Edward w. Baker for whom we are very much indepted. The following species were found to occur in the above mentioned area: Family Tetranychidae: Neotetranychus rhaphidoseta n.sp., Neotetranychus peniculus n.sp., Oligonychus (O.) yothersi (Mc Gregor,1914), Oligonychus (R.) melinis Flechtmann,1971, Oligonychus sp. 1 e sp. 2, Tetranychus (T.) desertorum Banks, 1900, Tetranychus (T.) mexicanus (Mc Gregor, 1950), Tetranychus (T .) urticae Koch, 1836. -Family Tenuipalpidae: Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939), Tenuipalpus latiseta n.sp. Comments are presented on the possibility of these species to endanger crops which are eventually developed in the "cerrado" area. The common two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus ( T.) desertorum and T. (T.) mexicanus and Brevipalpus phoenicis. The latter occurs in many plants of the area. Large numbers of predatory mites were also found, main ly Phytoseiidae, Chaeyletidae and Stigmaeidae. Their large populations may by responsible for the low ·populations of phytophagous mites. Tarsonemid mites were wot found; since these mites only occur in considerable numbers during warm and, principally, humid periods, it is believed that xeromorphic conditions of the "cerrado" are unfavorable to their development. Two new species of Neotetranychus (Tetranychidae) and one of Tenuipalpus (Tenuipalpidae) are described. A brief revision of the genus Neotetranychus is presented, with a key to the known specie

    New palladium (II) complexes containing phosphine-nitrogen ligands and their use as catalysts in aminocarbonylation reaction

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    Aminocarbonylation of aryl halides, homogeneously catalysed by palladium, is an efficient method that can be employed for obtaining amides for pharmaceutical and synthetic applications. In this work, palladium (II) complexes containing P^N ligands were studied as catalysts in the aminocarbonylation of iodobenzene in the presence of diethylamine. Two types of systems were used: a palladium (II) complex formed in situ; and one prepared prior to the catalytic reaction. In general, the palladium complexes studied achieved high conversions in an average reaction time of less than 2 hr, which is less than that for the standard system (Pd (II)/PPh 3 ) used. The pre-synthesized complexes were faster than their in situ counterparts, as the latter require an induction time to form the Pd/P^N species. The structure and electronic properties of the ligand P^N can influence both the activity and the selectivity of the reaction, stabilizing the acyl-palladium intermed

    Protonation Sites, Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Computational Calculations of o-Carbonyl Carbazolequinone Derivatives

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    A series of a new type of tetracyclic carbazolequinones incorporating a carbonyl group at the ortho position relative to the quinone moiety was synthesized and analyzed by tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS-MS), using Collision-Induced Dissociation (CID) to dissociate the protonated species. Theoretical parameters such as molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), local Fukui functions and local Parr function for electrophilic attack as well as proton affinity (PA) and gas phase basicity (GB), were used to explain the preferred protonation sites. Transition states of some main fragmentation routes were obtained and the energies calculated at density functional theory (DFT) B3LYP level were compared with the obtained by ab initio quadratic configuration interaction with single and double excitation (QCISD). The results are in accordance with the observed distribution of ions. The nature of the substituents in the aromatic ring has a notable impact on the fragmentation routes of the molecules

    Luminescent bis-cyclometallated iridium(III) complexes containing phosphine-based ligands: Influence of the P^N bridge

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    Artículo de publicación ISIThree cationic bis-cyclometallated iridium complexes [Ir(C^N-ppyMe)2(P^N)][PF6](1–3) with 4-methyl- 2-phenylpyridine (ppyMe) as the C^N-cyclometallated ligands and 8-(diphenylphosphino)quinoline (Ph2Pqn, L1), 2-(diphenylphosphinoamino)pyridine (Ph2PNHpy, L2) or 2-(diphenylphosphinoamino) pyrimidine (Ph2PNHpym, L3) as P^N-ligands, were prepared, and their crystal structures and photoluminescence were investigated. The substitution of an ‘‘aromatic CAr’’ (of a quinolyl group) by an ‘‘NH’’ bridge between the phosphine and imine ligating units of the P^N ligand dramatically changes the luminescence characteristics of the resulting complexes. The complexes 2–3 featuring the P–NH–N ligand emit in the blue region, whereas complex 1 incorporating the P–CAr–N unit displays orange photoluminescence.LIA CNRS 836 Chili (MIF) and FONDECYT (# 1120149