55 research outputs found


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    U radu se prikazuje odluka Zadarske sinode od 4. prosinca 1460. na kojoj je nadbiskup Mafej Vallaresso pokušao suzbiti upotrebu liturgije na crkvenoslavenskom jeziku hrvatske redakcije (lingua sclava). Sinodalni akti nisu danas sačuvani već je dostupan samo jedan dio sinodalnog kanona u dvije verzije. Originalnu verziju donosi Carlo F. Bianchi, dok je drugu, neznatno izmijenjenu, pribilježio Ivan Zanotti – Tanzlingher. Poslije interpretcije i konzultacije mjerodavnih vrela zaključuje se kako sinodalna odredba nije posve dokidala liturgijska slavlja na hrvatskom jeziku nego je samo na sinodi poduzet pothvat prostornog i vremenskog suzbijanja »glagoljaške liturgije«. Zadarski su nadbiskupi pokušavali tijekom XVI. stoljeća suzbiti glagoljicu na teritoriju nadbiskupije, ali – kako to pokazuju dostupna vrela – nisu imali znatnijeg uspjeha.In this short discussion author analyzes decisions of the Zadar synod that was held on 4th December 1460. At this diocese council archbishop Mafeo Vallaresso tried to suppress local custom of having the holy service in Church-Slavonic language. The acts from this synod unfortunately are not completely preserved but only one article De celebratione missarum et elebrandi divina official today is known in two versions. The first, and presumably original, version was brought to us by Carlo F. Bianchi, and the second one, just slightly modified, was noted by Ivan Zanotti-Tanzlingher. The both notes deliver basically the same information, and differ only regarding the beginning of this act. Archbishop Vallaresso deeply influenced ecclesiastical life of his diocese at his time: he renovated archbishopric palace, ordered a new bell for the cathedral’s bell tower, and restored organ in the cathedral of St. Anastasia. Still, even though he was a typical renaissance man, he did not care much about the specific local tradition of Zadar and deeply rooted Croatian language. Moreover, through the synod he tried to restrain Glagolitic liturgy only to two town churches: St. Donatus (Holy Trinity) and St. Mary the Great. Similarly, a century later, archbishops of the sixteenth century also tried to suppress Glagolitic script in Zadar, for example on the synods of 1566 and 1594. However, in spite of their endeavors, as it is clearly visible from the extant sources, they did not have much success, and Church Slavonic remained an integral part of local liturgy until the reform of the Second Vatican Council.In dieser kleinen Abhandlung wird die synodale Entscheidung über die Einschränkung der Liturgie in der kirchenslavischen Sprache (der kroatischen Redaktion) analysiert. Der venezianische Patrizier und der Erzbischof von Zadar, Maphäus Vallaresso (1450-1496) hat am 4. Dezember 1460 die Synode in Zadar einberufen; ihre Akten oder Entscheidungen sind nicht erhalten, nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt aus dem Kanon »De celebratione missarum et celebrandi divina officia«. Dieser ist heute in zwei Versionen zugänglich, die sich sprachlich nur geringfügig voneinander unterscheiden. Die Originalversion hat schon Carlo F. Bianchi veröffentlicht und die zweite hat Johannes Zanotti – Tanzlingher in seinem Werk Epitome synodorum dioecesis Iadrensis vermerkt. Die synodale Entscheidung versucht die Liturgie in der kirchenslavischen Sprache der kroatischen Redaktion für bestimmte Zeit nur auf zwei Kirchen in Zadar zu reduzieren: Die Kirche der Hl. Dreifaltigkeit (heute hl. Donat) und die Kirche der hl. Maria. Diese Entscheidung ließ sich nicht verwirklichen, da die Liturgie in lingua slava (d. h. in kroatischer Sprache) eine lange Tradition hat und in allen Pfarreien verbreitet war. Die Erzbischöfe von Zadar, Mutius Callinus (1555-1566) und auch Aloysius Molinus (1592-1595) haben diese Entscheidung auf den Synoden 1566 und 1594 noch einmal verbindlich erklärt; die Versuche sind gescheitert. Erzbischof Oktavian Garzzadoro (1623-1644), der aus gesundheitlichen Gründen Papst Urban VIII. um die Entbindung von den Pflichten bat, fügte seiner Begründung hinzu, dass er die Sprache der Gläubigen seines Bistums nicht versteht. Dies ist ein klarer Beweis dafür, dass in Zadar die Bevölkerung kroatisch gesprochen hat und die Liturgie bis zur Reform des II. Vatikanischen Konzils in der Landessprache gefeiert wurde

    Colour and cloud structure in the atmospheres of the giant planets

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    For decades, the origin of colour-carrying compounds ('chromophores') in Jupiter and Saturn's atmospheres has remained elusive. Changes in colour are often associated with cyclical meteorological events ('upheavals') on Jupiter. Multiple datasets were obtained from the VLT/MUSE instrument between 2014 and 2018, each containing spatially-resolved spectra of Jupiter and Saturn between 0.48um and 0.93um. We describe the analysis of these datasets to characterise Jovian and Saturnian chromophores and to retrieve abundance profiles of aerosol and gaseous ammonia. Through limb-darkening analysis of Jupiter's NEB, we retrieved chromophore optical constants similar to the laboratory chromophore of (Carlson et al. [2016] Icarus 274, 106-115). These also provided a good fit to spectra of the Great Red Spot, but not to spectra of Jupiter's zones. We applied these chromophore optical constants to other regions of Jupiter, and found that red haze in the NTBs was initially associated with elevated aerosol abundances, but remained in the atmosphere long after upwelling had subsided. We verified previous findings of colour and haze structure changes relating to the shrinkage of the Great Red Spot, where we retrieved the altitude of the chromophore layer at the tropopause. We found no evidence of changes to the cloud structure of Oval BA to explain its fade in colour in 2018. An equivalent retrieval of chromophore optical constants from Saturn's NEB resulted in an absorption spectrum similar to the laboratory chromophore of (Noy et al. [1981] JGR:Oceans 86, 11985-11988), which we located just above Saturn's tropospheric haze. However, we found considerable variability in Saturn spectra that was not entirely consistent with a single chromophore compound. We believe that this work provides a significant contribution to our understanding of both colour and tropospheric aerosol structure on Jupiter and Saturn, and sheds light on the origin of spatial and temporal changes in the visible appearance of the two planets.</p

    Colour and cloud structure in the atmospheres of the giant planets

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    For decades, the origin of colour-carrying compounds ('chromophores') in Jupiter and Saturn's atmospheres has remained elusive. Changes in colour are often associated with cyclical meteorological events ('upheavals') on Jupiter. Multiple datasets were obtained from the VLT/MUSE instrument between 2014 and 2018, each containing spatially-resolved spectra of Jupiter and Saturn between 0.48um and 0.93um. We describe the analysis of these datasets to characterise Jovian and Saturnian chromophores and to retrieve abundance profiles of aerosol and gaseous ammonia. Through limb-darkening analysis of Jupiter's NEB, we retrieved chromophore optical constants similar to the laboratory chromophore of (Carlson et al. [2016] Icarus 274, 106-115). These also provided a good fit to spectra of the Great Red Spot, but not to spectra of Jupiter's zones. We applied these chromophore optical constants to other regions of Jupiter, and found that red haze in the NTBs was initially associated with elevated aerosol abundances, but remained in the atmosphere long after upwelling had subsided. We verified previous findings of colour and haze structure changes relating to the shrinkage of the Great Red Spot, where we retrieved the altitude of the chromophore layer at the tropopause. We found no evidence of changes to the cloud structure of Oval BA to explain its fade in colour in 2018. An equivalent retrieval of chromophore optical constants from Saturn's NEB resulted in an absorption spectrum similar to the laboratory chromophore of (Noy et al. [1981] JGR:Oceans 86, 11985-11988), which we located just above Saturn's tropospheric haze. However, we found considerable variability in Saturn spectra that was not entirely consistent with a single chromophore compound. We believe that this work provides a significant contribution to our understanding of both colour and tropospheric aerosol structure on Jupiter and Saturn, and sheds light on the origin of spatial and temporal changes in the visible appearance of the two planets.</p

    The RISOTTO radiative transfer and retrieval pipeline for the analysis of occultation spectra

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    International audienceWe present a new radiative transfer and retrieval pipeline, referred to as RISOTTO, designed for observations made in occultation geometry. RISOTTO can retrieve accurate vertical profiles of the constituents of a planetary atmosphere using a Bayesian approach while simultaneously correcting for instrumental artefacts and uncertainties. The algorithm makes use of a rapid Abel integration scheme involving matrix multiplication, using pre-calculated gaseous cross-section data to calculate the integration along the line of sight, while also separating out any effects of transmission baseline variation. We assess its accuracy using synthetic solar occultation spectra of Mars and comparing it with the older more established NEMESIS radiative transfer and retrieval pipeline (Irwin et al. 2008, J. Quant. Spec. Radiat. Transf. 109, 1136-1150), and show that it can match its accuracy while also being able to more easily retrieve gases with substantial continuum absorption

    Colour and tropospheric cloud structure of Jupiter from MUSE/VLT: Retrieving a universal chromophore

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    International audienceRecent work by Sromovsky et al. (2017) suggested that all red colour in Jupiter’s atmosphere could be explained by a single colour-carrying compound, a so-called ‘universal chromophore’. We tested this hypothesis on ground-based spectroscopic observations in the visible and near-infrared (480–930 nm) from the VLT/MUSE instrument between 2014 and 2018, retrieving a chromophore absorption spectrum directly from the North Equatorial Belt, and applying it to model spatial variations in colour, tropospheric cloud and haze structure on Jupiter. We found that we could model both the belts and the Great Red Spot of Jupiter using the same chromophore compound, but that this chromophore must exhibit a steeper blue-absorption gradient than the proposed chromophore of Carlson et al. (2016). We retrieved this chromophore to be located no deeper than 0.2 &plusmn 0.1bars in the Great Red Spot and O.7 &plusmn 0.1bars elsewhere on Jupiter. However, we also identified some spectral variability between 510 nm and 540 nm that could not be accounted for by a universal chromophore. In addition, we retrieved a thick, global cloud layer at 1.4 &plusmn 0.3 bars that was relatively spatially invariant in altitude across Jupiter. We found that this cloud layer was best characterised by a real refractive index close to that of ammonia ice in the belts and the Great Red Spot, and poorly characterised by a real refractive index of 1.6 or greater. This may be the result of ammonia cloud at higher altitude obscuring a deeper cloud layer of unknown composition

    Modelling the sulphur cycle on early Mars

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    International audienceThe presence of sulphate deposits, covering approximately 5-10% of the Martian surface (McSween, 2010), indicates significant volcanic outgassing of sulphur during Mars' early history, starting from the mid-Noachian era (Gaillard and Scallet, 2013). The resulting sulphur cycle would have had a strong influence on the Martian climate and geology, affecting the planet's ability to maintain liquid water on its surface. Previous analyses of the early Mars sulphur cycle have mostly relied on photochemical lifetimes from one-dimensional photochemical models (e.g., Johnson et al., 2009; Tian et al., 2010). Here, we make use of the Generic Planetary Climate Model, consisting of a 3D dynamical core which we have coupled, for the first time, with a complete model of SO2 and H2S photochemistry in the atmosphere of early Mars. Our model also takes into account the formation, precipitation and deposition of H2SO4 and SO2 aerosols. We provide preliminary model results on geographical variations in the surface deposition of sulphates, and on local greenhouse warming induced by volcanic SO2 emission

    Modelling the sulphur cycle on early Mars

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    International audienceThe presence of sulphate deposits, covering approximately 5-10% of the Martian surface (McSween, 2010), indicates significant volcanic outgassing of sulphur during Mars' early history, starting from the mid-Noachian era (Gaillard and Scallet, 2013). The resulting sulphur cycle would have had a strong influence on the Martian climate and geology, affecting the planet's ability to maintain liquid water on its surface. Previous analyses of the early Mars sulphur cycle have mostly relied on photochemical lifetimes from one-dimensional photochemical models (e.g., Johnson et al., 2009; Tian et al., 2010). Here, we make use of the Generic Planetary Climate Model, consisting of a 3D dynamical core which we have coupled, for the first time, with a complete model of SO2 and H2S photochemistry in the atmosphere of early Mars. Our model also takes into account the formation, precipitation and deposition of H2SO4 and SO2 aerosols. We provide preliminary model results on geographical variations in the surface deposition of sulphates, and on local greenhouse warming induced by volcanic SO2 emission