224 research outputs found

    Nachhaltigkeit zu Mehrwert machen : die Herausforderung von indischen Kaffeebauern

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    Die Swissnex-Reise einer Delegation von ZHAW-Dozierenden im August 2012 nach Südindien hat gefruchtet. Entstanden ist eine Projektzusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Chemie, der IUNR Forschungsgruppe «Geography of Food» sowie der Universität of «Agricultural Sciences Bangalore» in Indien. Ziel dieser interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit ist es, die Nachhaltigkeit des Kaffeeanbaus und das Wohlbefinden der Kleinbauern in einem Dorf im Südindischen Bundesstaat Karnataka zu fördern

    Disc galaxies with multiple triaxial structures. II. JHK surface photometry and numerical simulations

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    We present detailed JHK surface photometry with ellipse fits of 13 galaxies selected from previous optical observations as likely candidates for having a secondary bar or a triaxial bulge within the primary bar. We have found 7 double-barred galaxies, 3 double-barred galaxies with an additional intermediate structure with twisted isophotes, and 3 galaxies with a bar and central twisted isophotes. A global analysis of the structural parameter characteristics in the I- and K-bands is presented. Various numerical models of galaxies with bars within bars are also analysed using the ellipse fitting technique and compared to the observations. A thorough review of the possible hypotheses able to explain this phenomenon is given with emphasis on the most likely ones.Comment: 12 pages, AATEX. Accepted for publication in A&A. Large color postscript figures omitted (Figs. 1), figures 2-9 included; gzip'ed postscript files of the paper and Figs. 1 available via anonymous ftp at ftp://obsftp.unige.ch/pub/fri/aasjhk/ , files fri_aasjhk.ps.gz and ngc*.ps.g

    Discovery of host lipid biomarkers for tuberculosis infection in mice

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    Das Gesetz befiehlt, die „Botschaft“ erklärt. Arbeitsteilung zwischen zwei Textsorten

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    Beitrag 5. Europäisches Symposium zur Verständlichkeit von Rechtsvorschriften des Bundesministeriums der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. Gesetz und Gesetzesbegründung werden üblicherweise getrennt. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt dies anhand der beiden Textsorten „Gesetz“ und „Botschaft“ aus dem Schweizer Gesetzgebungsverfahren und illustriert das Verhältnis dieser beiden Textsorten anhand von Beispielen

    Red MARCA de cooperación y movilidad académica en Agronomía

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    O CONGRESSO DE INTERNACIONALIZAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO SUPERIOR – CIES 2019 é um evento in- ternacional, que reúne professores, pesquisadores e estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação para divulgar a produção científica no campo da Internacionalização do Ensino Superior e fortalecer a cooperação internacional entre diferentes instituições de ensino e grupos de pesquisa no âmbito do MERCOSUL. A iniciativa é fruto de uma parceria entre pesquisadores da Universidade Federal da Integra- ção Latino-Americana (UNILA - Brasil), a Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL - Argentina), a Uni- versidad Nacional de Asunción (UNA - Paraguay) e a Universidad de la República (UDeLaR - Uru- guay), que atuam em projetos vinculados ao Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL, no Núcleo de Estudos e Investigações em Educação Superior. O evento será realizado nos dias 4, 5 e 6 de Setembro de 2019 no campus PTI da UNILA, dentro do Parque Tecnológico da Usina Hidrelétrica de Itaipu, na cidade de Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brasil. A UNILA, sede do evento, é uma universidade temática criada em 2010 pelo governo federal do Brasil com a missão institucional de formar recursos humanos aptos a contribuir com a integra- ção latino-americana, com o desenvolvimento regional e com o intercâmbio cultural, científico e educacional da América Latina, especialmente no MERCOSUL. Sua finalidade, portanto, é conver- ter-se em um espaço de encontros, de trocas e de aprendizagem mútua, que reforçam o compro- misso em prol da pertinência, da excelência e da construção sustentável de um mundo melhor.La acreditación regional de carreras realizada en el MERCOSUR a partir de 2004, dio origen al Programa de Movilidad Académica Regional para las Carreras Acreditadas - MARCA - que desde 2006 ha facilitado el intercambio de estudiantes y docentes entre nuestras Universidades. En este artículo se realiza un balance de la experiencia desarrollada dentro del MARCA, desde su origen hasta la actualidad, centrado en las carreras de ingeniería agronómica de la región, en especial de las participantes en la Red denominada “Cooperación internacional en carreras de Ingeniería Agronómica del MERCOSUR: mejora de la enseñanza, de los proyectos académicos y de las capacidades de las universidades” (en adelante, Red-Agro). El Programa MARCA emerge del Plan Estratégico 2001-2005 del Sector Educativo del MERCOSUR. Las primeras carreras evaluadas fueron Agronomía, Ingeniería y Medicina; totalizando luego siete titulaciones principales. Los procesos de internacionalización y movilidad académica, impactan en forma positiva en diversas dimensiones de la vida universitaria, la cooperación interinstitucional y la contribución de la educación en la integración regional (2). Por nuestra parte, entendemos a la cooperación internacional como un medio para el desarrollo institucional y un modo de complementación de las capacidades de las universidades, permitiendo la integración y la realización de actividades conjuntas con fines de mutuo beneficio (1), (4).Núcleo de Estudios e Investigaciones en Educación Superior del Mercosur - NUCLEO Grupo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em Educação na América Latina – EducAL/UNILA Instituto Mercosul de Estudos Avançados – IMEA/UNILA Pró-Reitoria de Relações Institucionais e Internacionais – PROINT/UNIL

    IUNR Campus-Tag der Biodiversität : erste "Volkszählung der Biodiversität" auf dem Campus Grüental der ZHAW Wädenswil

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    Jagen, fangen, pflücken, bestimmen, auflisten – das war die Devise am IUNR Campus-Tag Biodiversität, der am 6. Juni 2019 erstmals stattfand. Und zwar alles, was auf dem Gelände des Campus Grüental der ZHAW in Wädenswil an Pflanzen und Tieren an diesem Tag zu finden war. Die rund 80 Teilnehmenden, je zur Hälfte UI-Studierende und IUNR-Mitarbeitende, hatten die Qual der Wahl zwischen 11 verschiedenen Artengruppen, bei denen sie mitmachen konnten

    Examination of Gay Pride as a Collective Identity for Gay Males Within the Gay and Lesbian Social Movement

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    Geographic distribution, age pattern and sites of lesions in a cohort of buruli ulcer patients from the mapé basin of cameroon

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    Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical disease of the skin, caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, occurs most frequently in children in West Africa. Risk factors for BU include proximity to slow flowing water, poor wound care and not wearing protective clothing. Man-made alterations of the environment have been suggested to lead to increased BU incidence. M. ulcerans DNA has been detected in the environment, water bugs and recently also in mosquitoes. Despite these findings, the mode of transmission of BU remains poorly understood and both transmission by insects or direct inoculation from contaminated environment have been suggested. Here, we investigated the BU epidemiology in the Mapé basin of Cameroon where the damming of the Mapé River since 1988 is believed to have increased the incidence of BU. Through a house-by-house survey in spring 2010, which also examined the local population for leprosy and yaws, and continued surveillance thereafter, we identified, till June 2012, altogether 88 RT-PCR positive cases of BU. We found that the age adjusted cumulative incidence of BU was highest in young teenagers and in individuals above the age of 50 and that very young children (>5) were underrepresented among cases. BU lesions clustered around the ankles and at the back of the elbows. This pattern neither matches any of the published mosquito biting site patterns, nor the published distribution of small skin injuries in children, where lesions on the knees are much more frequent. The option of multiple modes of transmission should thus be considered. Analyzing the geographic distribution of cases in the Mapé Dam area revealed a closer association with the Mbam River than with the artificial lake