906 research outputs found

    The easy-to-please construction in Middle English

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    The aim of this article is to follow the changes that took place in the history of easy-to-please constructions. To fully apprehend that, we will begin by looking at Middle English infinitives and the change which affected them. Our attempt here is to prove that Early Middle English to was at its intermediate stage of development, i.e. it was neither a preposition nor inflection. In Late Middle English, to reached its final stage of a gradual evolution heading TR On account of the analysis of to and infinitives in Middle English, new constructions in which easv-to-please appear will be explained

    Field exposed water in a nanopore: liquid or vapour?

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    We study the behavior of ambient temperature water under the combined effects of nanoscale confinement and applied electric field. Using molecular simulations we analyze the thermodynamic causes of field-induced expansion at some, and contraction at other conditions. Repulsion among parallel water dipoles and mild weakening of interactions between partially aligned water molecules prove sufficient to destabilize the aqueous liquid phase in isobaric systems in which all water molecules are permanently exposed to a uniform electric field. At the same time, simulations reveal comparatively weak field-induced perturbations of water structure upheld by flexible hydrogen bonding. In open systems with fixed chemical potential, these perturbations do not suffice to offset attraction of water into the field; additional water is typically driven from unperturbed bulk phase to the field-exposed region. In contrast to recent theoretical predictions in the literature, our analysis and simulations confirm that classical electrostriction characterizes usual electrowetting behavior in nanoscale channels and nanoporous materials.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures + T.O.C. figure, in press in PCC

    Search versus Knowledge: An Empirical Study of Minimax on KRK

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    This article presents the results of an empirical experiment designed to gain insight into what is the effect of the minimax algorithm on the evaluation function. The experimentā€™s simulations were performed upon the KRK chess endgame. Our results show that dependencies between evaluations of sibling nodes in a game tree and an abundance of possibilities to commit blunders present in the KRK endgame are not sufficient to explain the success of the minimax principle in practical game-playing as was previously believed. The article shows that minimax in combination with a noisy evaluation function introduces a bias into the backed-up evaluations and argues that this bias is what masked the effectiveness of the minimax in previous studies

    Simple and Effective Visual Models for Gene Expression Cancer Diagnostics

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    In the paper we show that diagnostic classes in cancer gene expression data sets, which most often include thousands of features (genes), may be effectively separated with simple two-dimensional plots such as scatterplot and radviz graph. The principal innovation proposed in the paper is a method called VizRank, which is able to score and identify the best among possibly millions of candidate projections for visualizations. Compared to recently much applied techniques in the field of cancer genomics that include neural networks, support vector machines and various ensemble-based approaches, VizRank is fast and finds visualization models that can be easily examined and interpreted by domain experts. Our experiments on a number of gene expression data sets show that VizRank was always able to find data visualizations with a small number of (two to seven) genes and excellent class separation. In addition to providing grounds for gene expression cancer diagnosis, VizRank and its visualizations also identify small sets of relevant genes, uncover interesting gene interactions and point to outliers and potential misclassifications in cancer data sets

    VizRank: Data Visualization Guided by Machine Learning

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    Data visualization plays a crucial role in identifying interesting patterns in exploratory data analysis. Its use is, however, made difficult by the large number of possible data projections showing different attribute subsets that must be evaluated by the data analyst. In this paper, we introduce a method called VizRank, which is applied on classified data to automatically select the most useful data projections. VizRank can be used with any visualization method that maps attribute values to points in a two-dimensional visualization space. It assesses possible data projections and ranks them by their ability to visually discriminate between classes. The quality of class separation is estimated by computing the predictive accuracy of k-nearest neighbor classifier on the data set consisting of x and y positions of the projected data points and their class information. The paper introduces the method and presents experimental results which show that VizRank's ranking of projections highly agrees with subjective rankings by data analysts. The practical use of VizRank is also demonstrated by an application in the field of functional genomics

    Effect of Field Direction on Electrowetting in a Nanopore

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    We manifest a significant influence of field direction and polarity on surface wetting, when the latter is tuned by application of an external electric field. Thermodynamics of field-induced filling of hydrocarbon-like nanopores with water is studied by open ensemble molecular simulation. Increased field strength consistently results in water-filling and electrostriction in hydrophobic nanopores. A threshold field commensurate with surface charge density of about one elementary charge per 10 nm2 suffices to render prototypical paraffin surfaces hydrophilic. When a field is applied in the direction perpendicular to the confining walls, the competition between orientational polarization and angle preferences of interfacial water molecules relative to the walls results in an asymmetric wettability of opposing surfaces (Janus interface). Reduction of surface free energy observed upon alignment of confinement walls with field direction suggests a novel mechanism whereby the applied electric field can operate selectively on water-filled nanotubes while empty ones remain unaffected

    Rak dojke

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    Rak dojke je najčeŔća maligna bolest kod žena, a vrlo rijetko mogu oboljeti i muÅ”karci. Rak dojke manifestira se pojavom nove tvorbe. Tumorske stanice se mogu odvojiti od tumora u dojci te putem krvi ili limfe dospjeti do udaljenih dijelova tijela. Tamo počinju daljnji rast i razmnožavanje te stvaraju novi tumor. NajčeŔća mjesta metastaza raka dojke su jetra, pluća, kosti, mozak te limfni čvorovi. Skoro polovica žena koje obole od raka dojke razviju metastatsku bolest. Oko trećinu svih malignih tumora kod žena čini upravo rak dojke. Rak dojke je multifaktorska bolest koja ovisi o vanjskim i unutarnjim čimbenicima. Vanjski čimbenici kao Å”to su prehrana, navike i stil života osobe, ionizirajuće zračenje. Reproduktivna aktivnost, obiteljska sklonost i dob kao unutarnji čimbenici. Dijagnostika raka dojke sastoji se od samopregleda dojke i provođenjem redovitih dijagnostičkih metoda. Samopregledom se potiče liječenje i preživljavanje ovisi o stadiju bolesti pri otkivanju karcinoma dojke. Pojavnost raka dojke raste, dok je smrtnost konstantna Å”to nam govori na povećanje uspjeÅ”nosti u liječenju. Stoga je vrlo važno rano otkrivanje raka dojke kako bi se spriječilo te poboljÅ”alo liječenje i ozdravljenje
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