9 research outputs found

    Paper Session I-C - Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA and Design Parameters for a Zero-G Operable Unit

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    The International Space Station will finally provide the opportunity of a permanent zerog laboratory facility where researchers could conceivably analyze the results of experiments in situ. There are numerous advantages to the rapid turn around of answers provided by this environment. A team of researchers and students in cooperation with the Florida Space Institute have imaged DNA and other biological specimens in an attempt to define the basic design parameters of a succesful AFM and STM unit for use in a zero-g environment such as ISS (Express Rack), Shuttle (Middeck Locker) and KC-135 (reduced gravity program). Broward Community College and Stephen F. Austin State University have utilized the experiences with student flights aboard the KC-135 as a starting point for future instrumentation and experiment design in the area of microscopy. We present images of DNA in contact mode as evidence of the feasibility of this work without vacuum systems. Vibrational isolation issues, including accoustical shielding have been addressed in preliminary designs. Student designs for the automation of microscopy operations demonstrate the success of Research Based Science Education. The design study team believes that AFM and STM microscopy will be a vital part of many space missions as we move toward the goal of further exploring Mars

    Paper Session I-D - An Interdisciplinary Student Payload to Perform Space Based Remote Sensing and to Measure Microgravity and Radiation Effects

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    Broward Community College and Brevard Community College with support from the Boeing Company-KSC, the Florida Space Institute, Texas A&M University and the Association of Small Payload Researchers (ASPR) will fly 3 remote sensing, 3 microgravity 2 radiation measurement experiments and 1 genotoxicology experiment in a Get Away Special (GAS) container through NASA’s GAS payload program. Students from fields as diverse as Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Electrical, Computer and Mechanical Engineering, Astronomy, Marine Science, and Environmental Science will benefit from involvement in every level of design, fabrication, testing, calibration, and data analysis. Three earth viewing remote sensing experiments will include a hyperspectral imaging holographic Fourier transform spectrometer, a high radiometric accuracy narrow band 4 channel discrete radiometer, and a 3 channel high spatial resolution imager. Three microgravity experiments involve crystal growth: Calcium Tartrate crystals will be grown using a gel and diffusion method. Carbon dioxide will be combined with dimethylamine to form crystals. CuInSe thin films will be electro-deposited from aqueous solution. Three radiation experiments include: A genotoxicology experiment to determine the degree to which DNA from man, chicken, fish, and plants, is damaged by exposure to cosmic radiation. Cosmic ray background intensity will be monitored using a standard Geiger tube. A separate module will record the path and intensity of cosmic rays as they pass through shielded photographic emulsions. The importance of interdisciplinary training is fundamental to this payload and to the teaching of the natural sciences. This innovative student oriented project will payoff not only in new science data, but also in accomplishing training for the next generation of environmental and space scientists

    Paper Session II-B - High Efficiency Hyperspectral Imager for the Terrestrial and Atmospheric Multispectral Explorer

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    The Terrestrial and Atmospheric MultiSpectral Explorer1 (TAMSE) is a Space Shuttle Small Self- Contained Payload “Get-Away Special” (GAS) project, led by Principal Investigator Rolando Branly, and including remote sensing and microgravity experiments from Florida Space Institute member schools. One of these experiments is the High-Efficiency HyperSpectral Imager (HEHSI). The HEHSI project will provide a low-cost spaceflight demonstration of a novel type of imaging spectrometer with exceptional light gathering ability. HEHSI is also a demonstration of what can be achieved in space with a modest budget: 15KfromtheFloridaSpaceGrantConsortium(FSGC)and 15K from the Florida Space Grant Consortium (FSGC) and 10K from the Florida Space Institute (FSI). Education and workforce development are important goals of the project, with all of the mechanical, electronics, and software design and testing being carried out by an interdisciplinary team of FSI students. These six students, who are about to graduate with bachelor’s degrees in engineering (three computer, one electrical, and two aerospace), have worked on the project and received course credit for two semesters. The matching funds from FSI support the involvement of the mentor for the HEHSI experiment, Glenn Sellar, who is also responsible for the optical design. Environmental testing (thermal and vibration) will be carried out by the students at KSC’s Physical Testing Laboratory, under a cooperative Space Act Agreement. As this instrument is the first remote sensing payload constructed in Florida (to the authors knowledge), it also serves as a seed for diversification of the space industry in Florida. An overview of the project is presented in this paper, including the science objectives, and the optical, mechanical, electrical, and software designs

    Development of a Remote Sensing and Microgravity Student GAS Payload

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    The G-781 Terrestrial and Atmospheric Multi-Spectral Explorer payload (TAMSE) is the result of an educational partnership between Broward and Brevard Community Colleges with the Association of Small Payload Researchers (ASPR) and the Florida Space Institute, University of Central Florida. The effort focuses on flying nine experiments, including three earth viewing remote sensing experiments, three microgravity experiments involving crystal growth, and three radiation measurement experiments. The G-781 science team, composed of both student and faculty members, has been working on this payload since 1995. The dream of flying the first Florida educational GAS experiment led to the flight of a passive Radiation dosimetry experiment on STS-91 (ASPR-GraDEx-I), which will be reflown as part of TAMSE. This project has lead to the development of a mature space science program within the schools. Many students have been positively touched by direct involvement with NASA and the GAS program as well as with other flight programs e.g. the KC-135 flight program. Several students have changed majors, and selected physics, engineering, and other science career paths as a result of the experience. The importance of interdisciplinary training is fundamental to this payload and to the teaching of the natural sciences. These innovative student oriented projects will payoff not only in new science data, but also in accomplishing training for the next generation of environmental and space scientists. The details the TAMSE payload design are presented in this paper

    A Novel Technique for Performing Space Based Radiation Dosimetry Using DNA: Results from GRaDEx-I and the Design of GRaDEx-II

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    Because of the large amounts of cosmic radiation in the space environment relative to that on earth, the effects of radiation on the physiology of astronauts is of major concern. Doses of radiation which can cause acute or chronic biological effects are to be avoided, therefore determination of the amount of radiation exposure encountered during space flight and assessment of its impact on biological systems is critical. Quantifying the radiation dosage and damage to biological systems, especially to humans during repetitive high altitude flight and during long duration space flight is important for several reasons. Radiation can cause altered biosynthesis and long term genotoxicity resulting in cancer and birth defects, etc. Radiation damage to biological systems depends in a complex way on incident radiation species and their energy spectra. Typically non-biological, i.e. film or electronic monitoring systems with narrow energy band sensitivity are used to perform dosimetry and then results are extrapolated to biological models. For this reason it may be desirable to perform radiation dosimetry by using biological molecules e.g. DNA or RNA strands as passive sensors. A lightweight genotoxicology experiment was constructed to determine the degree to which in-vitro naked DNA extracted from tissues of a variety of vertebrate organisms is damaged by exposure to radiation in a space environment. The DNA is assayed by means of agarose gel electrophoresis to determine damage such as strand breakage caused by high momentum particles and photons, and base oxidation caused by free radicals. The length distribution of DNA fragments is directly correlated with the radiation dose. It is hoped that a low mass, low cost, passive biological system to determine dose-response relationship (increase in strand breaks with increase in exposure) can be developed to perform radiation dosimetry in support of long duration space flight, and to predict negative effects on biological systems (e.g. astronauts and greenhouses) in space. The payload was flown in a 2.5 cubic foot Get Away Special (GAS) container through NASA\u27s GAS program. It was subjected to the environment of the space shuttle cargo bay for the duration of the STS-91 mission (9 days). Results of the genotoxicology and radiation dosimetry experiment (GRaDEx-I) as well as the design of an improved follow on payload are presented