16 research outputs found

    On Measuring the Degree of Internationalisation

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    The paper critically reviews various definitions, parameters, and models of measuring the degree of internationalisation of companies. It suggests some new elements to be included in such studies in the future


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    Cilj ovog rada je istražiti učinke primjene modela koncesija u turizmu na slučaju turističkog zemljišta u hrvatskim obalnim destinacijama. Turističko zemljište je prije pretvorbe i privatizacije bilo sastavni dio nekretnina u bilancama državnih poduzeća. Turističko zemljište nije procijenjeno, niti privatizirano tijekom procesa tranzicije i privatizacije 1990-ih godina. Predmetna poduzeća nastavila su nakon privatizacije upravljati objektima na turističkom zemljištu, a koncesijski model uveden je 2010. godine. U radu se istražuju pokazatelji uspješnosti kampova na turističkom zemljištu predmetnih poduzeća i destinacija u usporedbi s drugim kampovima, poduzećima i destinacijama u 2011. i 2019. godini. U rad je uključena i studija slučaja jednog kampa na turističkom zemljištu prije i nakon ulaganja u smislu naplaćenih poreza i javnih naknada. Rezultati ukazuju na bolje performanse poduzeća koja upravljaju kampovima na turističkom zemljištu u usporedbi s drugim poduzećima, kao i na bolje performanse destinacija u kojima postoji turističko zemljište u odnosu na druge destinacije na hrvatskoj obali, te i na to da učinci koncesija na lokalne zajednice uvelike ovise o upravljanju, regulaciji i planiranju.This paper aims to investigate the effects of implementing a concession model of ‘state-owned tourist plots’ (hereafter SOTPs) on the tourism sector in Croatian coastal destinations. Prior to ownership transformation and privatization, an SOTP was an integral part of the real estate that was owned and operated by the state-owned companies. During the process of transition and privatisation in the 1990s SOTPs were neither evaluated nor privatised, but continued to be operated by the respective companies after privatisation when the concession model was introduced in 2010. The paper examines the performance indicators of the campsites on SOTPs, the respective companies and destinations in comparison to other camps, companies and destinations in 2011 and 2019, and presents a case study of an SOTP-based campsite prior to and post investment from the collected taxes and public charges. The findings suggest that both the companies and the destinations on SOTPs show better performance indicators compared to other destinations and companies on the Croatian coast, and that the effects of the concessions on local communities largely depend on governance, regulation, and planning

    Riječni upliv na termohalina svojstva, zamućenost i suspendirane tvari u plitkom zaljevu (Koparski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran)

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    The influence of river discharge on the spatial and temporal variability of thermohaline and turbidity conditions at the sea surface (0.5 m) was studied in the shallow Bay of Koper (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea) which is influenced mainly by the polluted Rižana River. Conductivity, temperature and turbidity were measured monthly at 36 sampling sites between June 2011 and June 2013. Empirical orthogonal function analysis (EOF) was applied to investigate the data and to study the spatial distribution of variability and their temporal variations of temperature, salinity, density and turbidity. The EOF results showed an area of high variance in the proximity of the Rižana River mouth for all variables. The high variations in the time series for all variables were shown to be related mainly to high variations in the time series of the river discharges. Coupled field analysis showed the area of low salinity and high turbidity. A strong relationship was found between turbidity and suspended solid (TSS) concentration data collected in the local rivers and near shore zone suggesting that turbidity can be used as a satisfactory surrogate of TSS estimation.Utjecaj riječnog upliva na prostorne i vremenske varijabilnosti, termohalina svojstva i mutnoće na morskoj površini (0,5 m) je istraživano u plitkom Koparskom zaljevu (Tršćanski zaljev, sjeverni Jadran), koji je pod utjecajem uglavnom zagađene rijeke Rižana. Vodljivost, temperatura i mutnoća su mjereni mjesečno na 36 postaja između lipnja 2011. i lipnja 2013. Primijenjena je analiza empirijske ortogonalne funkcije (EOF) kako bi se istražili podaci i utvrdio prostorni raspored varijabilnosti, te vremenske promjene temperature, slanosti, gustoće i zamućenosti. Rezultati dobiveni EOF metodom su pokazali visoka odstupanja za sve varijable u području blizu ušća rijeke Rižana. Visoke varijacije u vremenskoj seriji za sve varijable su pokazala da se uglavnom odnose na visoke varijacije u vremenskom nizu riječnog dotoka. Združena analiza terenskih istraživanja pokazala je da se radi o području niske slanosti i visoke zamućenosti. Jaka veza je pronađena između zamućenosti i koncentracije suspendiranih krutih tvari (TSS), dok podaci prikupljeni u lokalnim rijekama i u neposrednoj blizini obale upućuju na to da se zamućenost može koristiti kao zadovoljavajući surogat za TSS procjene

    Identifying the key risk factors of traffic accident injury severity on Slovenian roads using a non-parametric classification tree

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    From both a practical and economic point of view, road transport meets almost all the requirements of modern life, but it is also a source of numerous negative effects, including traffic accidents. In order to design a safe transport system and achieve the ‘zero vision’ goal – no serious injuries or fatalities in traffic accidents – there is a growing need for a systematic approach to this problem. Prior to the assessment of any accident prevention measure it is necessary to identify the most important factors and significant patterns which affect the severity of accidents and injuries. In this study, the crash data from Slovenia pertaining to the period 2005–2009 were analysed with a Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithm, one of the most widely applied data mining technique when analysing a large amount of data with several independent quantitative or qualitative variables. Before building a non-parametric classification tree, the data were split into three totally separate subsets, the training set, the testing set, and the evaluation set. Moreover, using the Variable Importance Measure (VIM) the factor of influence of nine independent variables on the target variables were calculated. The results confirm that traffic accidents and injuries on Slovenian roads are caused by a combination of factors, the most important of them being human error, or more precisely, speeding and driving in the wrong lane. First published online: 09 Jun 201

    The influence of the pricing strategies in hotel industry on the value chain and performance of tourist destinations

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je utjecaj hotelijerstva, prvenstveno udjela hotela u smještaju neke destinacije i prisutnosti globalnih hotelskih marki, na uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Dodatno je žarište na odnosu strategija cijena hotela u vremenu financijske i ekonomske krize na njihovu dugoročnu uspješnost, kao i uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Vezano uz predmet istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Prva je hipoteza da je udio hotela u ukupnom smještaju pozitivno statistički signifikantno koreliran s uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Druga je hipoteza da su uspješnije turističke destinacije u kojima postoje hoteli kojima upravljaju međunarodne menadžment kompanije ili su u marketinškim savezima. Treća je hipoteza da su u vremenu krize dugoročno bolje prošli oni hoteli koji su imali strategiju održanja cijene nasuprot održanja zauzetosti. Nakon definiranja osnovnih pojmova koji su u fokusu rada (turistička destinacija, modeli mjerenja poslovne uspješnosti, turistički lanac vrijednosti, konkurentnost turističke industrije, mjere uspješnosti u hotelijerstvu), moguće je bilo zaključiti da zbog kompleksnosti turističkog proizvoda zasad nema adekvatnog modela mjerenja uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Stoga je najveći metodološki korak unutar ovog rada bio kreirati takav model. Koristeći dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaje te metode kreiranja drugih kompozitnih indeksa u turizmu i ekonomiji, kreiran je model koji kombinira 8 indikatora u grupama ekonomskih, društvenih i okolišnih performansi turističke destinacije. Model je testiran na 30 najuspješnih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovu modela su Pearsonovim testom korelacije testirane hipoteze H1 i H2, pri čemu je jednoznačno dokazana hipoteza H1, no na temelju istraživanja nije bilo dokaza hipoteze H2. Zaključak je da hoteli imaju pozitivan učinak na uspješnost destinacija u kojima se nalaze, ali da njihova internacionalizacija za destinacije nije od presudnog značaja. Za potrebe testiranja hipoteze H3, napravljeno je dodatno istraživanje performansi 30 hotela (koji se nalaze u 30 destinacija iz prethodnog istraživanja). Korištene su različite metode testiranja, no nije nađena nikakva veza između odabira strategije održanja cijene ili zauzetosti i dugoročne uspješnosti hotela iz uzorka. Time na ovom uzorku nisu potvrđeni rezultati prethodnih istraživanja, a što se može pripisati osobitostima hrvatskog hotelijerstva.Performance measurement has been a focus of the business practice and theory, probably since the existence of business itself. In the last 30 years, many new paradigms and models in the field have appeared, such as the Value chain model (Porter, 1985) or the Balance Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996). However, such scientific and practical advancements,generally applicable for the production or the single service based industries, werenot applicable for tourism so far. Tourism service in its single product package includes variety of geographically dispersed suppliers that work in wide range of mutual relations. It is therefore very challenging to cover all of them within the single model that would successfully measure performance of a destination as a whole and of all its elements and provide results that would be comparable to a reasonable degree. Accommodation industry is the largest single participating industry (both by revenue and its significance for the consumer) within tourism. Due to its importance, it is frequently a subject of the scientific research and consequently hotel performance measurement methods are very well covered in the science, accepted and implemented in the practice. However, such performance measurement systems have rarely been scientifically examined for a tourism destinations, especially on regional or local level. There are composite indicators oriented for the evaluating competitiveness of countries in the tourism (World Economic Forum’s T&T competitiveness index), but there are no generally accepted methodological frameworks that could be applied on the destination level. Furthermore, as the majority of other economic sectors, tourism has recently suffered the effects of the major global economic crisis. Crisis has generally affected both the tourism destinations and the hotel industry. During the crisis, hotel managers could generally choose two of the possible market strategies. To defend the prices at the levels prior to crisis and thus preserve the desired price positioning, or to defend the hotel occupancy levels. Some research have so far provided a proof that maintaining prices is more justified long term strategic option (Enz et al, 2012), however with a notion that the choice largely depends on a local market conditions

    The influence of the pricing strategies in hotel industry on the value chain and performance of tourist destinations

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je utjecaj hotelijerstva, prvenstveno udjela hotela u smještaju neke destinacije i prisutnosti globalnih hotelskih marki, na uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Dodatno je žarište na odnosu strategija cijena hotela u vremenu financijske i ekonomske krize na njihovu dugoročnu uspješnost, kao i uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Vezano uz predmet istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Prva je hipoteza da je udio hotela u ukupnom smještaju pozitivno statistički signifikantno koreliran s uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Druga je hipoteza da su uspješnije turističke destinacije u kojima postoje hoteli kojima upravljaju međunarodne menadžment kompanije ili su u marketinškim savezima. Treća je hipoteza da su u vremenu krize dugoročno bolje prošli oni hoteli koji su imali strategiju održanja cijene nasuprot održanja zauzetosti. Nakon definiranja osnovnih pojmova koji su u fokusu rada (turistička destinacija, modeli mjerenja poslovne uspješnosti, turistički lanac vrijednosti, konkurentnost turističke industrije, mjere uspješnosti u hotelijerstvu), moguće je bilo zaključiti da zbog kompleksnosti turističkog proizvoda zasad nema adekvatnog modela mjerenja uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Stoga je najveći metodološki korak unutar ovog rada bio kreirati takav model. Koristeći dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaje te metode kreiranja drugih kompozitnih indeksa u turizmu i ekonomiji, kreiran je model koji kombinira 8 indikatora u grupama ekonomskih, društvenih i okolišnih performansi turističke destinacije. Model je testiran na 30 najuspješnih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovu modela su Pearsonovim testom korelacije testirane hipoteze H1 i H2, pri čemu je jednoznačno dokazana hipoteza H1, no na temelju istraživanja nije bilo dokaza hipoteze H2. Zaključak je da hoteli imaju pozitivan učinak na uspješnost destinacija u kojima se nalaze, ali da njihova internacionalizacija za destinacije nije od presudnog značaja. Za potrebe testiranja hipoteze H3, napravljeno je dodatno istraživanje performansi 30 hotela (koji se nalaze u 30 destinacija iz prethodnog istraživanja). Korištene su različite metode testiranja, no nije nađena nikakva veza između odabira strategije održanja cijene ili zauzetosti i dugoročne uspješnosti hotela iz uzorka. Time na ovom uzorku nisu potvrđeni rezultati prethodnih istraživanja, a što se može pripisati osobitostima hrvatskog hotelijerstva.Performance measurement has been a focus of the business practice and theory, probably since the existence of business itself. In the last 30 years, many new paradigms and models in the field have appeared, such as the Value chain model (Porter, 1985) or the Balance Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996). However, such scientific and practical advancements,generally applicable for the production or the single service based industries, werenot applicable for tourism so far. Tourism service in its single product package includes variety of geographically dispersed suppliers that work in wide range of mutual relations. It is therefore very challenging to cover all of them within the single model that would successfully measure performance of a destination as a whole and of all its elements and provide results that would be comparable to a reasonable degree. Accommodation industry is the largest single participating industry (both by revenue and its significance for the consumer) within tourism. Due to its importance, it is frequently a subject of the scientific research and consequently hotel performance measurement methods are very well covered in the science, accepted and implemented in the practice. However, such performance measurement systems have rarely been scientifically examined for a tourism destinations, especially on regional or local level. There are composite indicators oriented for the evaluating competitiveness of countries in the tourism (World Economic Forum’s T&T competitiveness index), but there are no generally accepted methodological frameworks that could be applied on the destination level. Furthermore, as the majority of other economic sectors, tourism has recently suffered the effects of the major global economic crisis. Crisis has generally affected both the tourism destinations and the hotel industry. During the crisis, hotel managers could generally choose two of the possible market strategies. To defend the prices at the levels prior to crisis and thus preserve the desired price positioning, or to defend the hotel occupancy levels. Some research have so far provided a proof that maintaining prices is more justified long term strategic option (Enz et al, 2012), however with a notion that the choice largely depends on a local market conditions

    The influence of the pricing strategies in hotel industry on the value chain and performance of tourist destinations

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    Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je utjecaj hotelijerstva, prvenstveno udjela hotela u smještaju neke destinacije i prisutnosti globalnih hotelskih marki, na uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Dodatno je žarište na odnosu strategija cijena hotela u vremenu financijske i ekonomske krize na njihovu dugoročnu uspješnost, kao i uspješnost turističkih destinacija u kojima se nalaze. Vezano uz predmet istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Prva je hipoteza da je udio hotela u ukupnom smještaju pozitivno statistički signifikantno koreliran s uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Druga je hipoteza da su uspješnije turističke destinacije u kojima postoje hoteli kojima upravljaju međunarodne menadžment kompanije ili su u marketinškim savezima. Treća je hipoteza da su u vremenu krize dugoročno bolje prošli oni hoteli koji su imali strategiju održanja cijene nasuprot održanja zauzetosti. Nakon definiranja osnovnih pojmova koji su u fokusu rada (turistička destinacija, modeli mjerenja poslovne uspješnosti, turistički lanac vrijednosti, konkurentnost turističke industrije, mjere uspješnosti u hotelijerstvu), moguće je bilo zaključiti da zbog kompleksnosti turističkog proizvoda zasad nema adekvatnog modela mjerenja uspješnosti turističkih destinacija. Stoga je najveći metodološki korak unutar ovog rada bio kreirati takav model. Koristeći dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaje te metode kreiranja drugih kompozitnih indeksa u turizmu i ekonomiji, kreiran je model koji kombinira 8 indikatora u grupama ekonomskih, društvenih i okolišnih performansi turističke destinacije. Model je testiran na 30 najuspješnih turističkih destinacija u Hrvatskoj. Na osnovu modela su Pearsonovim testom korelacije testirane hipoteze H1 i H2, pri čemu je jednoznačno dokazana hipoteza H1, no na temelju istraživanja nije bilo dokaza hipoteze H2. Zaključak je da hoteli imaju pozitivan učinak na uspješnost destinacija u kojima se nalaze, ali da njihova internacionalizacija za destinacije nije od presudnog značaja. Za potrebe testiranja hipoteze H3, napravljeno je dodatno istraživanje performansi 30 hotela (koji se nalaze u 30 destinacija iz prethodnog istraživanja). Korištene su različite metode testiranja, no nije nađena nikakva veza između odabira strategije održanja cijene ili zauzetosti i dugoročne uspješnosti hotela iz uzorka. Time na ovom uzorku nisu potvrđeni rezultati prethodnih istraživanja, a što se može pripisati osobitostima hrvatskog hotelijerstva.Performance measurement has been a focus of the business practice and theory, probably since the existence of business itself. In the last 30 years, many new paradigms and models in the field have appeared, such as the Value chain model (Porter, 1985) or the Balance Scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992, 1996). However, such scientific and practical advancements,generally applicable for the production or the single service based industries, werenot applicable for tourism so far. Tourism service in its single product package includes variety of geographically dispersed suppliers that work in wide range of mutual relations. It is therefore very challenging to cover all of them within the single model that would successfully measure performance of a destination as a whole and of all its elements and provide results that would be comparable to a reasonable degree. Accommodation industry is the largest single participating industry (both by revenue and its significance for the consumer) within tourism. Due to its importance, it is frequently a subject of the scientific research and consequently hotel performance measurement methods are very well covered in the science, accepted and implemented in the practice. However, such performance measurement systems have rarely been scientifically examined for a tourism destinations, especially on regional or local level. There are composite indicators oriented for the evaluating competitiveness of countries in the tourism (World Economic Forum’s T&T competitiveness index), but there are no generally accepted methodological frameworks that could be applied on the destination level. Furthermore, as the majority of other economic sectors, tourism has recently suffered the effects of the major global economic crisis. Crisis has generally affected both the tourism destinations and the hotel industry. During the crisis, hotel managers could generally choose two of the possible market strategies. To defend the prices at the levels prior to crisis and thus preserve the desired price positioning, or to defend the hotel occupancy levels. Some research have so far provided a proof that maintaining prices is more justified long term strategic option (Enz et al, 2012), however with a notion that the choice largely depends on a local market conditions

    Circulation in the Gulf of Trieste: Measurements and model results

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    The study presents seasonal variability of currents in the southern part of the Gulf of Trieste. A time series analysis of currents and wind stress for the period 2003-2006, which were measured by the coastal oceanographic buoy, was conducted..

    Jellyfish in the northern Adriatic: a 200 year story

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    A 200 year time series of scyphomedusae occurrence in the northern Adriatic was analysed using the wavelet technique to assess the major periodicities. The analysis of the historical time series revealed that four scyphomedusae, A. aurita, C. hysoscella, C. tuberculata and R. pulmo, have been present regularly in the northern Adriatic over the last 200 years, with two major periods of jellyfish proliferations. The first period in the years around 1910was characterised by common significant periodicity of 8 to 12 years. In the second period, from the late 1970\u27 onward, two common periodicities were revealed, those shorter than 8 years and a longer one of 20-30 years