35 research outputs found


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    Intervencije u socijalnoj skrbi za djecu počivaju na procjenjivanju niza okolnosti relevantnih za djetetovu sigurnost i dobrobit unutar nekog životnog, najčešće obiteljskog, okruženja te analizi informacija i odlukama koje iz toga proizlaze. Donošenje stručnih mišljenja te odluka o intervencijama u skrbi za djecu smatra se jednim od najtežih zadataka u socijalnom radu te su u ovom radu opisane poteškoće odlučivanja, kao i sam proces i vrste odluka u zaštiti djece. Prikazane su specifičnosti analitičkog i intuitivnog mišljenja kao i značaj postupka procjenjivanja. S obzirom da se pogreške događaju unutar svake profesije te da upravo one ukazuju na mogućnost i potrebu unapređenja kvalitete rada, u ovom je radu posebna pozornost posvećena istraživanjima pogrešaka u zaštiti djece, a koje proizlaze iz načina provedbe navedenih postupaka. Posljedice pogrešnih odluka u skrbi za djecu gotovo uvijek su dalekosežne, a ponekad i tragične te su dane smjernice za unapređivanje odlučivanja i donošenja stručnih mišljenja. Jedan od značajnih načina za sustavnije donošenje odluka i minimaliziranje pogrešaka je uspostavljanje jedinstvenog načina procjenjivanja koji će, ne umanjujući značaj intuitivnog tradicionalnog načina, biti više utemeljen na analitičkom pristupu.Interventions in children’s social care are based on assessing a series of circumstances relevant for child safety and well-being within the living, usually family, surrounding and on the analysis of information and decisions derived from them. Issuing professional opinions and decisions on intervention in care for children is considered one of the most important tasks in social work and this paper describes difficulties in decision-making as well as the process itself and the types of decisions in child protection. The paper presents specificities of the analytical and the intuitive analysis as well as the importance of the assessment procedure. Since mistakes happen in all professions and indicate the possibilities and needs of improving quality of work, the paper especially focuses on the research of mistakes in child protection resulting from the implementation of the named processes. The consequences of wrong decisions in care for children are almost always far-reaching and sometimes tragic. Therefore, guidelines for improving the decision-making process and issuing professional opinions are provided. One of the important means of more systematic decision-making process and minimising mistakes is establishing a single assessment procedure that will, without disregarding the intuitive traditional approach, be more based on an analytical approach


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    Uvodno je opisana potreba za supervizijom obiteljskih medijatora i predstavljena su ključna obilježja edukativne i metodske supervizije te modela naukovanja kao suvremenih oblika supervizijskog praćenja stjecanja dodatnih profesionalnih kompetencija u kontekstu pomažućih zanimanja, osobito medijacije. U radu je prikazana supervizija koja je provedena s obiteljskim medijatorima koji rade u sustavu socijalne skrbi i to kroz dva supervizijska ciklusa. Ciljevi supervizije bili su pridonijeti integraciji njihovih znanja i vještina, pratiti i analizirati neposredan rad na medijacijskim slučajevima i poticati razvoj profesionalnog identiteta obiteljskih medijatora, sve u svrhu podizanja kvalitete rada s korisnicima prilikom primjene medijacije kao psihosocijalne intervencije i novije socijalne usluge. Sadržaji i teme supervizijskog rada prikazani su kroz pojedinačna supervizijska pitanja (osjećaji medijatora, radno mjesto, načela medijacije, uvjerenja i predrasude), zatim kroz stručna i edukativna pitanja značajna za sve supervizante (uloga medijatora, upotreba konkretnih vještina i intervencija, specifični oblici medijacije, provedba medijacije, posebne okolnosti, supervizijske kompetencije) i na koncu kroz organizacijske teškoće provedbe medijacije (upućivanje u obiteljsku medijaciju, zakonodavni okvir i propisi i doživljaj nerazumijevanja). Opisani su i specifični supervizijski izazovi u pogledu sastava grupe, načina rada i kompetentnosti supervizora za provedbu edukativne i/ili metodske supervizije u ovom području rada s obiteljima. Zaključno su raspravljene sličnosti i razlike edukativne i metodske supervizije te neki elementi modela naukovanja.In the introduction of the paper, the need for the supervision of family mediators is described, and the key characteristics of the educational and method supervision are presented, as well as the models of apprenticeship as modern forms of supervisory monitoring of the acquisition of additional professional competencies in the context of the helping professions, especially mediation. The paper presents supervision conducted with the family mediators who work within the social welfare system through two supervisory cycles. The aims of the supervision were to contribute to the integration of their knowledge and skills, to monitor and analyse the direct work on mediation cases and to promote the development of professional identity of family mediators in order to increase the quality of work with the clients during the application of mediation as a psychosocial intervention and a more recent social service. The contents and topics of the supervisory work have been presented through individual supervisory questions (feelings of mediators, workplace, principles of mediation, beliefs and prejudices), then through professional and educational questions significant for all supervisees (the role of mediators, usage of concrete knowledge and interventions, specific forms of mediation, implementation of mediation, special circumstances, supervisory competencies), and finally through organisational difficulties related to the implementation of mediation (introduction to family mediation, legislative framework and rules, the experience of a lack of understanding). Specific supervisory challenges with regard to the group composition, manners of work and competence of the supervisor for the implementation of the educational and/or method supervision in this area of work with the families have been described. In the conclusion, the similarities and differences between the educational and method supervision have been discussed, as well as some elements of the apprenticeship model


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    Nakon donošenja odluke o izdvajanju djeteta iz primarne obitelji stručnjaci u centrima za socijalnu skrb trebaju donijeti odluku o tome kamo smjestiti dijete da bi se na najbolji mogući način osigurao njegov pravilan psihosocijalni razvoj. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 112 stručnjaka zaposlenih u centrima za socijalnu skrb i dječjim domovima. Održano je devet fokusiranih grupa na temu «Odabir izvanobiteljskog smještaja djece», te su unutar njih provedene i rasprave o pomažućim i odmažućim čimbenicima u procesu izdvajanja djece i prijedlozima za unapređenje tog postupka. U rezultatima su najprije prikazani kriteriji odabira oblika izvanobiteljskog smještaja koji su od najboljeg interesa za djecu izdvojenu iz primarne obitelji i to prema mjestu rada stručnjaka. No, temeljni kriterij odabira smještaja u svakodnevnoj praksi je postojanje slobodnog mjesta u ustanovi, odnosno udomiteljske obitelji koja je spremna primiti dijete. Kako je odabir izvanobiteljskog smještaja temeljna pretpostavka kvalitetne skrbi za djecu izvan vlastite obitelji, nužno je stvoriti preduvjete za informirani izbor stručnjaka u postupcima izdvajanja djece, u prvom redu u smislu profilacije ustanova i većeg broja udomitelja.After reaching the decision to remove the child from the primary family, professionals in social welfare centres have to decide where to place the child in order to ensure in the best possible way its proper psychosocial development. In the research 112 experts participated employed in social welfare centres and children\u27s homes. Ten focus groups met and discussed the topic «Selection of out-of-family placement for children» with special attention to the advantageous and disadvantageous factors in the process of removing children and suggestions for improving this procedure.The results first present the selection criteria of the forms of out-of-family placement which are of the best interest for children removed from the primary family, according to the work place of the expert. However, the main criterion of selecting a form of residence in everyday practice is the existence of a vacancy in an institution or foster family ready to accept the child. Since the proper selection of out-of-family placement is the main prerequisite of good quality care for children outside their own family, it is necessary to create preconditions for an informed choice of the professionals in procedures of removing the children, first and foremost in the sense of differentiating institutions and a larger number of foster parents

    European Journal of Social Work, Vol.3,2000.

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    Kvalitetna socijalna podrška potrebna je tijekom cijelog života, a posebno je važna za pravilan psihosocijalni razvoj djece. Djeca koja su izdvojena iz primarne obitelji najčešće su živjela u socijalno izoliranim obiteljima s uskom socijalnom mrežom. Socijalna podrška kao posrednik u odnosu između životnih promjena i prilagodbe, značajna za razvoj samopoštovanja te mogući zaštitni faktor, posebno je važna za djecu koja žive u dječjim domovima i udomiteljskom obiteljima. U radu su prikazani rezultati percepcije socijalne podrške djece (N=375) u dobi od 10 do 14 godina, koja žive u dječjim domovima i udomiteljskim obiteljima. Prema analizi varijance, najmanje socijalne podrške percipiraju djeca koja žive u dječjim domovima, dok se percepcija socijalne podrške djece u udomiteljskim obiteljima ne razlikuje značajno od one koju iskazuju djeca koja žive u vlastitoj obitelj (N=200). U zaključku je obrazložena potreba za unapređivanjem socijalne podrške u dječjim domovima.High-quality social support is needed throughout life, especially for the normal psychosocial development of children. Children who are removed from the primary family have usually lived in socially isolated families with a narrow social network. Social support as a mediator in relations between life\u27s changes and adjustments, important for the growth of self-esteem and also a possible protective factor, is especially important for children living in children\u27s homes and foster families. The results of children\u27s perception of social support, (N=375) including examinees from ages 10 to 14 living in children\u27s homes and foster families, are presented in the paper. According to analysis of variance, the lowest social support is perceived by children living in children\u27s homes, while the perception of social support of children living in foster families does not vary significantly from the one expressed by children living in their own families (N=200). In conclusion, the authors explain the need for improving social support in children\u27s homes


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    Kvalitetna socijalna podrška potrebna je tijekom cijelog života, a posebno je važna za pravilan psihosocijalni razvoj djece. Djeca koja su izdvojena iz primarne obitelji najčešće su živjela u socijalno izoliranim obiteljima s uskom socijalnom mrežom. Socijalna podrška kao posrednik u odnosu između životnih promjena i prilagodbe, značajna za razvoj samopoštovanja te mogući zaštitni faktor, posebno je važna za djecu koja žive u dječjim domovima i udomiteljskom obiteljima. U radu su prikazani rezultati percepcije socijalne podrške djece (N=375) u dobi od 10 do 14 godina, koja žive u dječjim domovima i udomiteljskim obiteljima. Prema analizi varijance, najmanje socijalne podrške percipiraju djeca koja žive u dječjim domovima, dok se percepcija socijalne podrške djece u udomiteljskim obiteljima ne razlikuje značajno od one koju iskazuju djeca koja žive u vlastitoj obitelj (N=200). U zaključku je obrazložena potreba za unapređivanjem socijalne podrške u dječjim domovima.High-quality social support is needed throughout life, especially for the normal psychosocial development of children. Children who are removed from the primary family have usually lived in socially isolated families with a narrow social network. Social support as a mediator in relations between life\u27s changes and adjustments, important for the growth of self-esteem and also a possible protective factor, is especially important for children living in children\u27s homes and foster families. The results of children\u27s perception of social support, (N=375) including examinees from ages 10 to 14 living in children\u27s homes and foster families, are presented in the paper. According to analysis of variance, the lowest social support is perceived by children living in children\u27s homes, while the perception of social support of children living in foster families does not vary significantly from the one expressed by children living in their own families (N=200). In conclusion, the authors explain the need for improving social support in children\u27s homes


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    Izdvajanje djece iz vlastite obitelji i smještaj u drugu obitelj ili ustanovu jedna je od mjera zaštite djece ugroženog razvoja koju provodi centar za socijalnu skrb. U ovom je radu prikazana deskriptivna analiza obilježja izdvajanja 34 djece iz 19 obitelji u razdoblju od tri godine (2000. – 2002.), te praktične teškoće prilikom intervencija socijalne skrbi. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su djeca uglavnom izdvojena iz višestruko problematičnih obitelji koje nisu na vrijeme dobile odgovarajuću pomoć i podršku, te da se centar za socijalnu skrb u zaštiti djece suočava s nizom praktičnih teškoća. U zaključku je istaknuta potreba za poticanjem osnivanja privatnih službi za socijalnu skrb, posebno u području pružanja podrške i pomoći obiteljima u kojima je ugrožen pravilan razvoj djece.Removing children from families and placing them in another family or institution is one of the protective measures for children whose development has been threatened, and is carried out by centres for social welfare.In this paper the authors give a descriptive analysis of characteristics concerning the removal of 34 children from 19 families in a period of three years (2000 – 2002), as well as of the practical difficulties occurring during social welfare interventions. The results indicate that children have mostly been removed from repeatedly problematic families, which did not receive adequate help and support in time and that the centre for social welfare is confronted with a series of practical difficulties in dealing with child protection. In conclusion, the authors stress the need for encouraging the establishment of private social welfare services, especially in the field of providing support and aid for families in which children\u27s normal development has been threatened

    Kinder in kroatischen Kinderheimen und Pflegefamilien sowie eine Selbsteinschätzung zum eigenen Verhalten

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    U radu su ispitani problemi u pona{anju i osje}ajima djece koja `ive u dje~jim domovima i udomiteljskim obiteljima te njihovi korelati. U istra`ivanju je sudjelovalo 263 djece koja `ive u dje~jim domovima, 112 djece koja `ive u udomiteljskim obiteljima i 200 djece koja `ive u vlastitim obiteljima. Problemi u pona{anju i osje}ajima procijenjeni su me|unarodno poznatim upitnikom Youth Self-Report T. M. Achenbaha. Podaci su pokazali da nema statisti~ki zna~ajne razlike izme|u djece koja `ive u udomiteljskim i vlastitim obiteljima te da djeca koja `ive u dje~jim domovima o~ituju zna~ajno vi{e problema u pona{anju i osje}ajima u odnosu na druga dva subuzorka. Kod oba subuzorka djece izdvojene iz obitelji, `enski je spol zna~ajno povezan s ve}om razinom internaliziranih problema u pona{anju i osje}ajima (s povla~enjem, anksioznosti, depresijom i somatskim problemima). Promjene smje{taja nakon izdvajanja iz obitelji zna~ajno su povezane s ve}im intenzitetom internaliziranih pote{ko}a. Razina internaliziranih ili eksternaliziranih problema nije zna~ajno povezana s indeksom do`ivljenoga stresa prije izdvajanja iz obitelji, ali je povezana s aktualnom razinom do`ivljenoga svakodnevnog stresa, do`ivljenom slabijom socijalnom podr{kom, {kolskim neuspjehom i slabijom prilagodbom na {kolu. Dobiveni podaci idu u prilog tendenciji deinstitucionalizacije skrbi za djecu u sustavu socijalne skrbi.In this paper an analysis of problems and emotions of children who live in children\u27s homes and foster care as well as their correlates is presented. The research was carried out on 263 children who live in children\u27s homes, 112 children living in foster families and 200 children who live in their own families. Behavioral problems were assessed by the internationally recognized questionnaire Youth Self-Report by T. M. Achenbach. The data have shown that there is no statistically significant difference between children who live in foster families and those who live in biological families, but that the children who live in children\u27s homes show more behavioral and emotional problems in comparison with the other two subgroups. In both samples of children that have been removed from their families, the female sex is significantly related with a higher level of internalized problems in behavior and feelings (withdrawal, anxiety, depression and somatic disorders). Changing different residences after the removal from the family is also significantly correlated with a higher level of internalized difficulties. The level of internalized difficulties or externalized problems is not significantly related to the index of stress before removal from the family, but it is connected with current daily stress, perceived poor social support, school failure and poor adjustment. The data acquired here are in support of the tendency of deinstitutionalization of child care within the social system.Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Problemen im Verhalten und gefühlsmäßigen Erleben sowie deren Korrelaten bei Kindern, die in Kinderheimen und Pflegefamilien leben. An der Untersuchung nahmen 263 Kinder in Kinderheimen und 112 Kinder in Pflegefamilien teil sowie weitere 200 Kinder, die mit ihren eigenen Familien leben. Die Probleme im Verhalten und gefühlsmäßigen Erleben dieser Kinder wurden anhand des international anerkannten Youth Self-Report nach T. M. Achenbach ausgewertet. Die Untersuchung ergab, dass es zwischen Kindern, die in Pflegefamilien, und solchen, die in eigenen Familien leben, keine statistisch relevanten Unterschiede gibt; Heimkinder jedoch zeigen im Vergleich mit den genannten Kindergruppen wesentlich mehr Probleme im Verhalten und gefühlsmäßigen Erleben. Innerhalb der Gruppen von Kindern, die nicht mit der eigenen Familie leben, ist bei Mädchen ein weitaus größerer Umfang an internalisierten Problemen im Verhalten und Empfinden (begleitet von den Phänomenen des In-sich-Zurückziehens, der Anxiosität, Depression und somatischen Symptomen) zu beobachten. Bei Veränderungen des Aufenthaltsortes nach der Trennung von der Familie tritt stets eine erhöhte Intensität internalisierter Probleme in Erscheinung. Das Niveau internalisierter oder externalisierter Schwierigkeiten ist in nicht ausschlaggebender Weise verbunden mit dem Index von Stress-Situationen, die vor der Familientrennung erlebt wurden; es besteht jedoch ein Bezug zum aktuellen Ausmaß an erlebtem Alltagsstress, zu schwächer ausgeprägtem sozialem Rückhalt, schulischen Misserfolgen und einer geringeren Anpassung an die Schule. Die ermittelten Angaben sprechen für die Tendenz, die Kinderfürsorge innerhalb des Sozialwesens aus dem Rahmen von Institutionen herauszulösen (Deinstitutionalisierung)