
Izdvajanje djece iz vlastite obitelji i smještaj u drugu obitelj ili ustanovu jedna je od mjera zaštite djece ugroženog razvoja koju provodi centar za socijalnu skrb. U ovom je radu prikazana deskriptivna analiza obilježja izdvajanja 34 djece iz 19 obitelji u razdoblju od tri godine (2000. – 2002.), te praktične teškoće prilikom intervencija socijalne skrbi. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da su djeca uglavnom izdvojena iz višestruko problematičnih obitelji koje nisu na vrijeme dobile odgovarajuću pomoć i podršku, te da se centar za socijalnu skrb u zaštiti djece suočava s nizom praktičnih teškoća. U zaključku je istaknuta potreba za poticanjem osnivanja privatnih službi za socijalnu skrb, posebno u području pružanja podrške i pomoći obiteljima u kojima je ugrožen pravilan razvoj djece.Removing children from families and placing them in another family or institution is one of the protective measures for children whose development has been threatened, and is carried out by centres for social welfare.In this paper the authors give a descriptive analysis of characteristics concerning the removal of 34 children from 19 families in a period of three years (2000 – 2002), as well as of the practical difficulties occurring during social welfare interventions. The results indicate that children have mostly been removed from repeatedly problematic families, which did not receive adequate help and support in time and that the centre for social welfare is confronted with a series of practical difficulties in dealing with child protection. In conclusion, the authors stress the need for encouraging the establishment of private social welfare services, especially in the field of providing support and aid for families in which children\u27s normal development has been threatened

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