236 research outputs found

    Propusti u sprovođenju higijenskih mera pri muži krava

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    Milk presents very convenient environment for multiplying of microorganisms from the surroundings or from udder itself. To obtain milk correct in hygienic sense, except health milk glands, environmental factors which could contribute to additional milk contamination are important too. Failures in hygiene of milk, milkmen, milking environment or milking machines, as well as their technical accuracy, have primary importance in occurrence of udder diseases and therefore in milk quality too. In this paper, the mentioned factors were examined on the farm with free keeping of cows, where they were milked in a milking parlour. Results obtained by the observation and estimation of corresponding procedures are satisfactory on the whole, but correction of the existing failures could contribute to better health condition of udder, better production results and improvement of hygienic quality of milk.Mleko predstavlja veoma povoljnu sredinu za razmnožavanje mikroorganizama poreklom iz spoljne sredine ili iz samog vimena. Za dobijanje higijenski ispravnog mleka, osim zdrave mlečne žlezde, važni su i faktori spoljne sredine, koji mogu da doprinesu naknadnoj kontaminaciji mleka. Propusti u higijeni muže, muzača, sredine u kojoj se obavlja muža i aparata za mužu kao i njihova tehnička ispravnost, imaju primaran značaj u nastanku oboljenja vimena a odatle i na kvalitet mleka. U ovom radu su pomenuti faktori ispitivani na farmi sa slobodnim držanjem krava, gde se muža obavlja u izmuzištu. Rezultati dobijeni posmatranjem i bodovanjem odgovarajućih postupaka su u celini zadovoljavajući, iako postoje propusti čijom bi se korekcijom moglo doprineti boljem zdravstvenom stanju vimena, boljim proizvodnim rezultatima i poboljšanju higijenske ispravnosti mleka

    Organic sheep production

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    The most important aspects of organic sheep production are given based of literature data, as well as implementation possibility of the production in mountainous regions of our country. Organic sheep farming is based on suitable crop rotations, animal manures, clover, low stocking rates and good animal husbandry. Organic sheep unit must be registered with an organic sector body and the production system adopted must meet the specified organic standards. The animals must normally be fed with organically produced feedstuffs and maximum use of grazing. Preventative management is always encouraged, as well as homoeopathic and herbal remedies. Veterinary drugs must not be used as a preventative medicine on a routine basis except to prevent distress of illness or injury

    Health-related quality of life of general practitioners - family physicians in South-eastern Europe

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    Introduction An insight into the health-related quality of life (HRQL) provides information on the extent of activities and everyday functioning restriction by deteriorated health. Objective The purpose of the paper was to analyze the HRQL of general practitioners-family physicians of the Southeastern Europe and compare it with HRQL of controls, the subjects of the same educational background, geographical area, sex and age, but different working activities. Method The study "Health-related quality of life of general practitioners-family physicians in the South-eastern Europe" (HERQUL study) was performed in Serbia, Republic of Srpska, Montenegro, Macedonia and Bulgaria during February- September 2004. Study instrument was a standardized generic questionnaire for the measurement of HRQL SF-36, which subject's health status assesses across eight different domains. Results The study included 1141 doctors (337 male and 804 female) and the same number of controls. The deteriorated physical health affected HRQL of controls, but more significantly of physicians. The deteriorated mental health affected HRQL of both physicians and controls regardless of age and sex. The lowest HRQL scores of physicians due to lowered vitality was reported in all studied countries, excluding subjects from Montenegro. Better social functioning HRQL domain was recorded in males regardless of profession. The deteriorated physical and mental health as well as social functioning mostly influenced HRQL of physicians aged 55-59, and in controls this applied to those older than 60, regardless of sex. Emotional health HRQL domain scores were better in the control group than in physicians, regardless of sex. Conclusion Studies of physicians' HRQL, particularly doctors of general practitioners-family physicians, are scarce. The results of the HERQUL study could be the impetus to obtain support for the improvement of HRQL of this important group of health professionals from the relevant government institutions

    Theoretical investigation of molecular properties of isomers of nitrodibenzofuran, nitrobenzantrone, dimethylnaphthalene and dimetylantracene and determination of their correlation with mutagenic activity and biodegradation rate of these molecules

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    Полициклични ароматични угљоводоници, ПAУ (енгл. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), представљају једне од најраспрострањенијих загађивача. Прерада и изливање нафте као и спаљивање органске материје и употреба фосилних горива представљају главне путеве којима ПAУ и њихови деривати доспевају у животну средину, где се путем хемијских реакција могу превести у окси-, нитро- и друге деривате. ПAУ су често мутагени и канцерогени, а неки од њих могу бити и тератогени. У литератури ипак постоји мало података о многим од ових молекула, међу којима су деривати нафталена, антрацена, дибензофурана и бензантрона. У овом раду приказани су резултати теоријског проучавања изомера нитродибензофурана (НДФ), динитродибензофурана (ДНДФ), нитробензантрона (НБА), диметилнафталена (ДМН) и диметилантрацена (ДМА)...Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs, are one of the most widespread class of the pollutants. Processing and spilling of the crude oil as well as the organic matter combustion and usage of the fossil fuels are major paths by which PAHs and their derivatives reach the environment where through chemical reactions can be converted into the oxy, nitro, and other derivatives. PAHs are often mutagens and carcinogens and some of them may be teratogenic. However, there is little data in the literature on many of these molecules among which are the derivatives of naphthalene, anthracene, dibenzofuran and benzanthrone. In this thesis the results of a theoretical investigation of nitrodibenzofurans (NDFs), dinitrodibenzofurans (DNDFs), nitrobenzanthrones (NBAs), dimethylnaphtalenes (DMNs) and dimethylantracenes (DMAs) isomers are presented..

    Freezing the boars semen: Some limitations and perspectives

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    Artificial insemination (AI) was the first great biotechnology applied to improve reproduction and genetics of farm animals. Next developed procedure to the cryopreservate semen made great step towards different possibilities almost unlimited preservation of pathogen free quality genotypes semen, its usage in different time and locations, making transport easier and manipulative fees more acceptable. Limitations of the technique consider biological traits of semen and difficulties to reproduce them. The knowledge gained from the AI and the cryopreservation experience was extremely helpful in stepwise development of each successive reproductive technology, such as superovulation, embryo transfer, and, eventually, cloning


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    Undoubtedly, one of the leading movements at the global level in the past few decades was the movement for the global and intensive protection of the human environment, that is, the affirmation of the right of man to a healthy environment, as a distinct right. Bearing in mind the importance of a healthy environment and the importance of its protection, which has grown from a social need into a legal imperative, it is certainly justified to establish the environment as an independent and primary collective object of protection within the domestic criminal legislation. Taking into account the tendencies on the international and comparative level regarding the regulation of the criminal law protection of the environment, the domestic legislator dedicates an entire chapter of the Criminal Code precisely to incriminations that have the environment as an object of protection, in various forms. As the first offense provided for in Chapter 24 i.e., Criminal offenses against the environment, the legislator defines the general and most significant criminal offense from the group of criminal offenses against the environment, namely, Environmental pollution. This paper is dedicated to the analysis of this criminal offense in domestic criminal legislation, with reference to individual solutions contained in the legislation of the Republic of Croatia and pointing out their differences

    Zdravstveni status i biosigurnosni planovi na farmama svinja

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    Preservation of necessary level of swine herd health status is the most important aspect of bio-security, farm production and successful welfare protection. It involves a list of bio-security measures which must be essential part of production technology, including good rearing conditions and other prophylactic measures appliance. According to previously performed investigations, a list of elements required to establish standards for bio-security for particular pig farm was created. The list includes elements related to assure spatial., microclimate and hygienic conditions for pigs rearing, care, nutrition and watering, surveillance, regrouping and transport of swine, disease outbreak control, barns equipment and production process organization which are performed by veterinarians and zootechnicians. Bio-security standards must concern necessary level of swine herd health status and organization, size and type of operation and anticipate all compulsory measures for health control and disease spreading prevention, particularly those whose outbreak must be reported. In bio-security plan structure present epidemiological situation, potential herd health and production threats, as well as possible solutions must be concerned.Očuvanje potrebnog nivoa zdravstvenog stanja populacije je najvažniji aspekt očuvanja biosigurnosti i uspeha proizvodnje, kao i dobrobiti svinja, i podrazumeva niz biosigurnosnih mera koje moraju biti sastavni deo proizvodne tehnologije, uključujući dobre uslove smeštaja i držanja i primenu profilaktičkih mera. Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja je sastavljena lista elemenata neophodnih za uspostavljanje standarda i izradu planova biosigurnosti za konkretnu farmu svinja. Lista sadrži elemente koji se odnose na obezbeđenja prostornih, mikroklimatskih i higijenskih uslova gajenja životinja, negu, ishranu i napajanje, nadzor, pregrupisavanje i transport životinja, mera za sprečavanje pojave bolesti, opremanje staja i organizacija tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje, koje sprovode odgajivači, veterinarski i zootehnički stručnjaci. Standardi biosigurnosti moraju uzeti u obzir neophodan nivo zdravstvenog stanja zapata svinja, organizaciju, obim i vid proizvodnje na farmi i predvideti sve neophodne mere za kontrolu zdravstvenog stanja zapata i sprečavanje unošenja i širenja infektivnih bolesti, posebno onih čije se postojanje mora prijaviti. Pri izradi konkretnih planova biosigurnosti mora se uzeti u obzir trenutna epizootiološka situacija, ali i predvideti potencijalne pretnje po zdravstveno stanje i proizvodnju na farmi i moguća rešenja

    Najznačajniji propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti životinja na farmama goveda i svinja

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    In this paper the most significant welfare oversights on two cattle and two pig farms with intensive breeding system, as well as on nine cattle and two pig farms on private breeding farms are discussed. The results concerning cattle and pig welfare were derived after calculating several indicator types (behavior of breeders towards animals, animal needs indicators, animal behavior, health condition, feeding and productivity indicators). Most frequent oversights were that, that there were no plans about providing welfare and resolving health condition, then spatial, microclimatic and hygienic conditions which lead to technopatia and etopathias and reduction of production results. Based on derived data we can conclude that it is necessary to define standards of welfare in cattle and pig breeding, and according to which create appropriate plans for securing welfare for this animal species, which will be improved in time.U ovom radu razmatrani su najznačajniji propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti životinja na dve farme goveda i dve farme svinja sa intenzivnim sistemom gajenja, kao i devet farmi goveda i tri farme svinja kod individualnih proizvođača. Rezultati koji se odnose na obezbeđenje dobrobiti goveda i svinja su dobijeni na osnovu sagledavanja indikatora odnosa odgajivača prema životinjama, zatim indikatora potreba životinja, ponašanja, zdravstvenog stanja, ishrane i produktivnosti. Najčešći propusti u obezbeđenju dobrobiti ovih vrsta životinja ogledaju se u nepostojanju plana obezbeđenja dobrobiti i zdravstvenog stanja, zatim prostornih, mikroklimatskih i higijenskih uslova, koji dovode do pojave tehnopatija i etopatija i smanjenja proizvodnih rezultata. Na osnovu utvrđenih rezultata zaključuje se da je potrebno definisati standarde dobrobiti u gajenju goveda i svinja u našoj zemlji i na osnovu njih odgovarajuće planove za obezbeđenje dobrobiti ovih vrsta životinja, koji bi se vremenom usavršavali

    Zdravstveno stanje teladi i krava holštajn frizijske rase u puerperijumu (pregled istraživanja)

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    Intensive cattle farming covers a wide range of technological processes that should enable continued production and optimal use of production capacity. In such circumstances newborn calves have to adapt to different environmental factors, including diet. The technology of growing calves diet was initially based exclusively on a diet of colostrum and then milk. After that, the food introduced other feed (hay, feed mixture), but after three months the milk completely excluded from the diet. For high - dairy cows metabolic disorders such as ketosis, fatty liver syndrome, puerperal paresis, rumen acidosis, laminitis, have been caused by many factors, such as non adequate nutrition nutrition, poor housing conditions and care. Prophylactic treatment of metabolic disorders is done with adequate nutrition that needs to be matched by production meal and product category with health control cows.Intenzivan uzgoj goveda obuhvata niz tehnoloških postupaka koji treba da omoguće kontinuiranu proizvodnju i optimalno korišćenje proizvodnih kapaciteta. U takvim uslovima novorođena telad moraju da se prilagode na različite činioce okoline, uključujući i način ishrane. U tehnologiji uzgoja teladi ishrana je u početku bazirana isključivo na ishrani kolostrumom, a potom mlekom. Nakon toga se u hranu uvode druga hraniva (seno, krmna smeša), da bi se posle tri meseca mleko potpuno isključilo iz ishrane. Kod visoko mlečnih kava metabolički poremećaji kao što su ketoza, sindrom masne jetre, puerperalna pareza, acidoza buraga, laminitis, su posledica uticaja mnogih činilaca, kao što su neizbalnsirana ishrana, loši usovi držanja i nege. Profilaksa metaboličkih poremećaja krava se obavlja ishranom koja treba da bude usklađena prema proizvodnom obroku i proizvodnoj kategoriji uz stalnu kontrolu zdravlja

    Klinička efikasnost miksture natrijum-perborata i vodonik-peroksida za intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba

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    Introduction/Objective the aim was to evaluate initial efficiency of sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture for intracoronal non-vital teeth bleaching ("walking bleach" technique). Methods Forty patients with discolored teeth were included in the study. Based on their history and clinical examination, causes of discoloration were classified as necrotic pulp, "endo-sealer" or unknown. The "walking bleach" technique was performed by applying sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture intracoronally to cavity dentin walls. The mixture was renewed in seven-day intervals. Tooth color was assessed visually before, during, and after the procedure using the Vita Classical shade guide (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany). Numerical values or shade guide units (SGU) were assigned to Vita shade tabs on a bright-dark scale. Analysis of variance, t-test, correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the data (p lt 0.05). Results on average, 26 ± 9 days or 3-4 appointments were required for intracoronal bleaching to achieve the desired or best possible shade. Better clinical efficiency was found in the necrotic pulp group (17 ± 6 days; 8 ± 3 SGU) than in the "endo-sealer" group (42 ± 13 days; 4 ± 2 SGU) (p lt 0.05). Age significantly influenced bleaching efficiency (p lt 0.05). There was no significant correlation between bleaching efficiency and initial shade (p > 0.05). Conclusion Intracoronal, non-vital teeth bleaching ("walking bleach" technique) using sodium perborate (tetrahydrate) and 30% hydrogen peroxide mixture showed satisfactory clinical efficiency. Discoloration caused by pulp necrosis was treated more efficiently than that caused by endodontic sealers. Younger age had a positive effect and discoloration intensity had no effect on bleaching efficiency.Cilj Cilj ovog rada je da ispita inicijalnu kliničku efikasnost miksture natrijum-perborata (tetrahidrata) i 30% vodonik-peroksida za intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba (,,šetajuća" tehnika). Metode U studiju je bilo uključeno 40 pacijenata sa prebojenim zubima. Na bazi anamneze i kliničkog pregleda, uzroci diskoloracije su klasifikovani kao "nekrotična pulpa", ,,endo-siler" ili ,,nepoznat". U intervalima od sedam dana mikstura natrijum-perborata i 30% vodonik-peroksida aplikovana je intrakoronarno na dentinske zidove kaviteta. Boja zuba je procenjivana vizuelnom metodom pre, tokom i posle tretmana primenom ključa boja Vita Classic (Vita Zahnfabrik, Nemačka). Numerička vrednost (jedinica nijanse) dodeljena je svakoj nijansi ključa Vita pomoću svetlo-tamne skale. Analiza varijanse, t-test, korelaciona i regresiona analiza su korišćene za statističku obradu podataka (p lt 0,05). Rezultati Prosečno 26 ± 9 dana ili 3-4 posete su bile neophodne da se intrakoronarnim izbeljivanjem postignu željena ili najsvetlija moguća nijansa. Bolja klinička efikasnost izbeljivanja zabeležena je u grupi ,,nekrotična pulpa" (17 ± 6 dana; 8 ± 3 nijansi) nego u grupi ,,endo-siler" (42 ± 13 dana; 4 ± 2 nijanse) (p lt 0,05). Uzrast pacijenta je značajno uticao na efikasnost izbeljivanja (p lt 0,05). Nije utvrđena značajna povezanost između efikasnosti izbeljivanja i početne nijanse (p > 0,05). Zaključak Intrakoronarno izbeljivanje depulpisanih zuba odnosno "šetajuća" tehnika izbeljivanja primenom miksture natrijum-perborata (tetrahidrata) i 30% vodonik-peroksida pokazala je zadovoljavajuću kliničku efikasnost. Diskoloracija usled nekroze pulpe je uspešnije izbeljena nego diskoloracija izazvana endodontskim pastama. Efikasnije izbeljivanje je zabeleženo kod mlađih pacijenata, dok intenzitet početne diskoloracije nije značajno uticao na efikasnost izbeljivanja