7 research outputs found

    Explaining the Auditory Cheesecake

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    Monopole Clustering and Color Confinement in the Multi-Instanton System

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    We study color confinement properties of the multi-instanton system, which seems to carry an essence of the nonperturbative QCD vacuum. Here we assume that the multi-instanton system is characterized by the infrared suppression of instantons as f(ρ)ρ5f(\rho)\sim \rho^{-5} for large size ρ\rho. We first investigate a monopole-clustering appearing in the maximally abelian (MA) gauge by considering the correspondence between instantons and monopoles. In order to clarify the infrared monopole properties, we make the ``block-spin'' transformation for monopole currents. The feature of monopole trajectories changes drastically with the instanton density. At a high instanton density, there appears one very long and highly complicated monopole loop covering the entire physical vacuum. Such a global network of long-monopole loops resembles the lattice QCD result in the MA gauge. Second, we observe that the SU(2) Wilson loop obeys an area law and the static quark potential is approximately proportional to the distance RR between quark and anti-quark in the multi-instanton system using the SU(2) lattice with a total volume of V=(10fm)4V=(10 fm)^4 and a lattice spacing of a=0.05fma=0.05 fm. We extract the string tension from the 5×1065 \times 10^{6} measurements of Wilson loops. With an instanton density of (N/V)=(1/fm)4(N/V)=(1/fm)^4 and a average instanton size of ρˉ=0.4fm\bar{\rho}=0.4 fm, the multi-instanton system provides the string tension of about 0.4GeV/fm0.4 GeV/fm

    Intelligent Design: The Argument from Beauty

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    Constant-depth halothane anesthesia in respiratory studies

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    Iako se u Dubrovniku 18. stoljeća osjetio izostanak intenzivnijih književnostvaralačkih poticaja, zahvaljujući marljivosti pojedinaca održava se tradicija pisane riječi i kazališne kulture. U tom smislu značajnu ulogu imao je prevodilački rad, naročito kad se u domaćem kazalištu osjeća sve jači utjecaj iz Francuske i Italije. Početak stoljeća u znaku je frančezarija, tj. utjecaja francuske kulture na dubrovačku dramsku književnost i kazalište, ali i općenito na modu i ostale društvene pojave. U užem značenju pojam frančezarija odnosi se na prijevode/preradbe komedijā najvećeg klasičnog francuskog komediografa Jean-Baptistea Poquelina Molièrea na hrvatski jezik. Molièreovom najpoznatijom komedijom smatra se salonska komedija Mizantrop koja govori o čovjekomrstvu, a u radu se uspoređuje kako je francuski izvornik prerađen u dubrovačkoj inačici s obzirom na tematsko-motivsku razinu, strukturna i prostorna obilježja, likove te jezik i stil. Premda je uspio zadržati Molièreov duh, dubrovački Mizantrop originalno je djelo jer se prilagođava domaćem mentalitetu i književnoj tradicij

    Constant-depth halothane anesthesia in respiratory studies

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    Introduction to Inhalation Anesthesia, Stages and Signs (1978)

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    Summary: This film was prepared primarily for the instruction of medical students with no clinical experience and has been warmly received by them. It is useful as an introduction to anesthesia for recovery room nurses, nurse anesthetist students, inhalation therapists and other para-medical personnel who need some understanding of the preoperative and postanesthetic care of the surgical patient. Note: Shown as part of the Audio-Visual Program at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologist in Chicago, October 1978.https://scholarsrepository.llu.edu/films/1028/thumbnail.jp