542 research outputs found

    Network of social groups or Let's have a party

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    We present a simple model for growing up and depletion of parties due to the permanent communication between the participants of the events. Because of the rapid exchange of information, everybody is able to evaluate its own and and all other parties by means of the list of its friends. Therefore the number of participants at different parties can be changed incessantly. Depending on the deepness of the social contacts, which will be characterized by a parameter α\alpha , a stable distribution of party members emerges. At a critical αc\alpha_c an abrupt depletion of almost all parties is observed and as the consequence all the peoples are assembled at a single party. The model is based on a hierarchical social network. The probability that a certain person is contacted to another one depends on the social distance introduced within the network and homophily parameter α\alpha .Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Absolute rate coefficients for photorecombination of berylliumlike and boronlike silicon ions

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    We report measured rate coefficients for electron-ion recombination for Si10+ forming Si9+ and for Si9+ forming Si8+, respectively. The measurements were performed using the electron-ion merged-beams technique at a heavy-ion storage ring. Electron-ion collision energies ranged from 0 to 50 eV for Si9+ and from 0 to 2000 eV for Si10+, thus, extending previous measurements for Si10+ [Orban et al. 2010, Astrophys. J. 721, 1603] to much higher energies. Experimentally derived rate coefficients for the recombination of Si9+ and Si10+ ions in a plasma are presented along with simple parameterizations. These rate coefficients are useful for the modeling of the charge balance of silicon in photoionized plasmas (Si9+ and Si10+) and in collisionally ionized plasmas (Si10+ only). In the corresponding temperature ranges, the experimentally derived rate coefficients agree with the latest corresponding theoretical results within the experimental uncertainties.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, 66 references, submitted to the J. Phys. B special issue on atomic and molecular data for astrophysicist

    Dielectronic Recombination of Fe XV forming Fe XIV: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations

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    We have measured resonance strengths and energies for dielectronic recombination (DR) of Mg-like Fe XV forming Al-like Fe XIV via N=3 -> N' = 3 core excitations in the electron-ion collision energy range 0-45 eV. All measurements were carried out using the heavy-ion Test Storage Ring at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We have also carried out new multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli (MCBP) calculations using the AUTOSTRUCTURE code. For electron-ion collision energies < 25 eV we find poor agreement between our experimental and theoretical resonance energies and strengths. From 25 to 42 eV we find good agreement between the two for resonance energies. But in this energy range the theoretical resonance strengths are ~ 31% larger than the experimental results. This is larger than our estimated total experimental uncertainty in this energy range of +/- 26% (at a 90% confidence level). Above 42 eV the difference in the shape between the calculated and measured 3s3p(^1P_1)nl DR series limit we attribute partly to the nl dependence of the detection probabilities of high Rydberg states in the experiment. We have used our measurements, supplemented by our AUTOSTRUCTURE calculations, to produce a Maxwellian-averaged 3 -> 3 DR rate coefficient for Fe XV forming Fe XIV. The resulting rate coefficient is estimated to be accurate to better than +/- 29% (at a 90% confidence level) for k_BT_e > 1 eV. At temperatures of k_BT_e ~ 2.5-15 eV, where Fe XV is predicted to form in photoionized plasmas, significant discrepancies are found between our experimentally-derived rate coefficient and previously published theoretical results. Our new MCBP plasma rate coefficient is 19-28% smaller than our experimental results over this temperature range

    Dielectronic Recombination in Photoionized Gas. II. Laboratory Measurements for Fe XVIII and Fe XIX

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    In photoionized gases with cosmic abundances, dielectronic recombination (DR) proceeds primarily via nlj --> nl'j' core excitations (Dn=0 DR). We have measured the resonance strengths and energies for Fe XVIII to Fe XVII and Fe XIX to Fe XVIII Dn=0 DR. Using our measurements, we have calculated the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX Dn=0 DR DR rate coefficients. Significant discrepancies exist between our inferred rates and those of published calculations. These calculations overestimate the DR rates by factors of ~2 or underestimate it by factors of ~2 to orders of magnitude, but none are in good agreement with our results. Almost all published DR rates for modeling cosmic plasmas are computed using the same theoretical techniques as the above-mentioned calculations. Hence, our measurements call into question all theoretical Dn=0 DR rates used for ionization balance calculations of cosmic plasmas. At temperatures where the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX fractional abundances are predicted to peak in photoionized gases of cosmic abundances, the theoretical rates underestimate the Fe XVIII DR rate by a factor of ~2 and overestimate the Fe XIX DR rate by a factor of ~1.6. We have carried out new multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock and multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli calculations which agree with our measured resonance strengths and rate coefficients to within typically better than <~30%. We provide a fit to our inferred rate coefficients for use in plasma modeling. Using our DR measurements, we infer a factor of ~2 error in the Fe XX through Fe XXIV Dn=0 DR rates. We investigate the effects of this estimated error for the well-known thermal instability of photoionized gas. We find that errors in these rates cannot remove the instability, but they do dramatically affect the range in parameter space over which it forms.Comment: To appear in ApJS, 44 pages with 13 figures, AASTeX with postsript figure

    Técnica microquirúrgica de anastomosis vascular sin sutura en el trasplante experimental de órganos

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    Las anastomosis vasculares para e! trasplante de órganos en pequeños animales se realizan habitualmente por sutura manual ya sea continua o discontinua, aunque en los últimos años se ha difundido una técnica sin sutura consistente en la utilización de «cuffs». En e! presente trabajo se describe la técnica de! cuff que nuestro equipo utilizó para la realización de las anastomosis vasculares en e! trasplante experimental de órganos. El cuff consta de un tubo o cuerpo, que se prolonga por una pestaña, y su tamaño es diferente según el calibre del vaso que se pretende anastornosar. Entre las ventajas que ofrece su utilización respecto de la sutura manual, destacan su sencillo aprendizaje, bajo coste y el reducido tiempo en que se realizan las anastomosis, que siempre son estancas. Se concluye que esta técnica constituye una alternativa a las ya clásicas técnicas de sutura manual y no aumenta al porcentaje de complicaciones, permitiendo además supervivencias a largo plazo en los modelos experimentales que fueron estudiados.Vascular anastornoses in organ transplants of small anirnals are usually performed with a manual suture using interrupted or continuous stitcbes, although over the last few years a suturefree technique has been deueloped consisting of the use of cuffs. In this paper, the cuff technique which our team used to perform vascular anastomoses in experimental organ transplants, is described. The cuff is made up oi a tube or body wich has a prolongation or up, tbe size varying according to the calibre of the blood vessel to be anastomosed. The advantages of this method in cornparison with manual sutures, is the ease with which the tecbnique is learnt, its low cost, and the speed with which the anastomoses are carried out, all of which are watertight. In conclusion, this technique constitutes an alternative to the classical manual suture techniques without increasing the percentage of cornplications, and allowing long-term suruiual rates in the experimental models studied

    Necropulpectomía : tratamiento conservador en necrosis pulpar de un canino en un pastor alemán

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    En este trabajo se pone en práctica la endodoncia en la especie canina, aplicada a una lesión traumática dental a nivel de un canino en un perro de adiestramiento. La terapéutica se realiza en dos fases: provisional y definitiva; en ambos casos encaminadas hacia el tratamiento conservador de la pieza. Se describe la técnica utilizada para la necropulpectomía y posterior obturación con amalgama de plata de la cavidad pulpar.An endodoncy was practiced to trained dog that had had a traumatic injury affecting a canine tooth. The therapy was carried out in two phases: provisional and definitive. In both cases the purpose was to preserve the tooth. The applied technique for necropulpectomy and following filling of the pulp cavity whit silver amalgam is described

    Electron-ion recombination measurements motivated by AGN X-ray absorption features: Fe XIV forming Fe XIII

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    Recent spectroscopic models of active galactic nuclei (AGN) have indicated that the recommended electron-ion recombination rate coefficients for iron ions with partially filled M-shells are incorrect in the temperature range where these ions form in photoionized plasmas. We have investigated this experimentally for Fe XIV forming Fe XIII. The recombination rate coefficient was measured employing the electron-ion merged beams method at the Heidelberg heavy-ion storage-ring TSR. The measured energy range of 0-260 eV encompassed all dielectronic recombination (DR) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3l 3l' 3l'' nl''' resonances associated with the 3p1/2 -> 3p3/2, 3s -> 3p, 3p -> 3d and 3s -> 3d core excitations within the M-shell of the Fe XIV 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p parent ion. This range also includes the 1s2 2s2 2p6 3l 3l' 4l'' nl''' resonances associated with 3s -> 4l'' and 3p -> 4l'' core excitations. We find that in the temperature range 2--14 eV, where Fe XIV is expected to form in a photoionized plasma, the Fe XIV recombination rate coefficient is orders of magnitude larger than previously calculated values.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table submitted to Ap

    Isotope shift in the dielectronic recombination of three-electron ^{A}Nd^{57+}

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    Isotope shifts in dielectronic recombination spectra were studied for Li-like ^{A}Nd^{57+} ions with A=142 and A=150. From the displacement of resonance positions energy shifts \delta E^{142,150}(2s-2p_1/2)= 40.2(3)(6) meV (stat)(sys)) and \delta E^{142,150}(2s-2p_3/2) = 42.3(12)(20) meV of 2s-2p_j transitions were deduced. An evaluation of these values within a full QED treatment yields a change in the mean-square charge radius of ^{142,150}\delta = -1.36(1)(3) fm^2. The approach is conceptually new and combines the advantage of a simple atomic structure with high sensitivity to nuclear size.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter