154 research outputs found

    Competitive anxiety in athletes: Emotion regulation and personality matter

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    Competitive anxiety is an important issue in sport psychology since it is capable of influencing athletes’ performance. This study aims to examine the role of emotion regulation and personality in explaining individual differences in competitive anxiety of athletes, considering their sex and sport modality. A total of 101 athletes (50.5% males), aged between 18 and 69 years (M = 26.22; SD = 0.99), were included in this cross-sectional study. They filled out self-report scales on emotion regulation, personality, and competitive anxiety. Multiple regressions were used to analyze the data. Results partially supported our hypotheses. While sex differences were found in competitive anxiety, with women experiencing higher cognitive and somatic anxiety and lower self-confidence in comparison to men, no differences were found according to sport modality. Additionally, cognitive reappraisal was significantly associated with self-confidence, whereas neuroticism and extroversion were significantly associated with competitive anxiety dimensions

    Regulating lesbian motherhood: gender, sexuality and medically assisted reproduction in Portugal

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    This article analyses juridical discourses about Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) in Portugal, focusing specifically on the access of lesbians to this type of intervention. Empirical data refer to an exploratory research that combined the analysis of legislation with non-directive interviews to five judges from Family and Juvenile Courts of Law of the Northern Region of Portugal. One argues that the representation of motherhood present in the law reinforces and reproduces normative sexuality and femininity while simultaneously justifies the exclusion of lesbians from MAR. As such, although Portuguese legislation emerges as a mechanism of partial deregulation of the gender regime since it appears to weaken the practical and causal association between sexuality and procreation, in fact, it ends up reinforcing dominant ideas of femininity and family. As for the judges who were interviewed, their representations of motherhood are broad enough to encompass medically assisted motherhood and/or motherhood accomplished within a lesbian couple. This is achieved through a process of normalisation of the lesbian and/or of lesbian motherhood, which may resort to five different assumptions: (i) parenthood as a desire inherent to every human being; (ii) motherhood as a defining element of femininity; (iii) motherhood as a project framed by a stable conjugal relationship; (iv) lesbian motherhood as something that can be accomplished through “natural” means; (v) parenthood as a mechanism of social reproduction of the gender regime. These assumptions are differently combined and support different positions regarding lesbian motherhood: although some judges seem to concur with the preservation of heteronormativity, most favour legal changes to encompass other models of sexuality and family

    Learning styles determine different immigrant students’ results in testing settings: relationship between nationality of children and the stimuli of tasks.

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    Background: Literature presents little examination on the learning styles and sensorial preferences of immigrants during decoding of different tasks in testing contexts. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, non-native children (between 2nd and 12th grade) were divided into six groups determined by country of origin and examined on different stimuli, visual and auditory, associated with four tasks that measure cognitive and linguistic specific abilities. Results: The multivariate analysis confirmed that the children’s nationality significantly explained achievement variability regarding picture recognition and auditory discrimination. η 2 values indicated that there were moderate to larger effects for the nationality as a factor that explains the variance of performance. Conclusions: Results indicate that tasks’ stimuli can effectively assess and differentiate specific young minority groups in order to understand their actual level of preparation and their needs for further learning. The listening input, on the one hand, should be established as the main differentiator for all groups at the time of school entry, but, on the other hand, it should be avoided in Asian groups and Eastern European students during the first stages of second language (L2) learning in European contexts with romance languages as the target learning

    Academic stress, coping, emotion regulation, affect and psychosomatic symptoms in higher education

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    This study aimed to examine the associations between perceived stress, coping, emotion dysregulation, affect and psychosomatic symptoms in higher education. Participants were 183 first-year undergraduates (84% female) that completed the Perceived Stress Scale, the Brief-COPE, the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, the PANAS, and the Manifestations of Physical Discomfort Questionnaire. Significant gender differences were found in perceived stress and psychosomatic symptoms (both higher in women), and in coping (emotional vs. humour support strategies higher for women and men, respectively).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Processo integrado de produção de uma bebida destilada para a revalorização de drêche de uma microcervejeira

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em BiotecnologiaA drêche é o resíduo sólido obtido após a etapa de elaboração do mosto cervejeiro, representando 85 % do total de subprodutos gerados. É um material rico em polissacáridos e proteínas, o que o torna um substrato interessante em muitas aplicações biotecnológicas. Contudo, é maioritariamente utilizado como ração de gado. Face às elevadas quantidades produzidas anualmente e ao seu baixo valor de mercado torna-se crucial encontrar alternativas para o seu aproveitamento. Neste contexto, a presente tese focou-se na valorização da drêche cervejeira como substrato para a produção de uma bebida alcoólica destilada, com características aromáticas e sensoriais que a associem à cerveja. Seis tipos diferentes de drêche foram caracterizadas quimicamente e avaliadas quanto à suscetibilidade à sacarificação enzimática. O teor de glucano das drêches estudadas variou entre 26,5 % e 32,1 %, com base no qual foram selecionadas duas drêches. O pré-tratamento por autohidrólise foi avaliado a temperaturas moderadas (150 °C, 160 °C e 170 °C) e cargas de sólidos elevadas (20 % e 25 %, em massa). Autohidrólise a 160 °C durante 5 min com uma carga de sólidos de 25 % demonstrou ser o processo que permite maior extração de glucano presente na matéria-prima e a obtenção de licores mais ricos em glucose. A sacarificação da drêche pré-tratada, com uma carga sólidos de 20 % permitiu a obtenção de uma concentração de glucose de 43,7 g·L-1, equivalente a um rendimento de 85,9 %. O aumento da carga de sólidos para 25 % conduziu a um rendimento inferior (70,6 %), porém possibilitou um incremento notório da concentração de glucose obtida, para 57,7 g·L-1. A utilização de sólido pré-tratado lavado e de whole slurry foi investigada na produção de etanol por sacarificação e fermentação híbridas, utilizando duas leveduras com elevada tolerância ao etanol. A fermentação do whole slurry permitiu a obtenção de concentrações de etanol superiores ao sólido pré-tratado lavado, registando valores entre 28,7 g·L-1 e 42,3 g·L-1, com rendimentos mássicos de etanol situados entre os 59,5 % e os 94,0 % do teórico, dependendo da drêche e da levedura utilizada. O fermentado com maior teor de etanol foi submetido um processo de destilação seguido de aromatização. A caracterização dos compostos voláteis foi efetuada por GC-FID e GC-MS e a avaliação sensorial por um painel de provadores. Um total de quarenta e nove compostos voláteis foram identificados no destilado após aromatização com aparas de carvalho americano. O destilado revelou características de uma bebida agradável bem como uma qualidade organolética aceitável para consumo humano, demonstrando assim a viabilidade de produzir uma bebida destilada promissora a partir da fermentação de drêche cervejeira.Brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is the solid residue obtained after the separation of the wort during the brewing process, representing about 85 % of the total by-products generated. High polysaccharide and protein content makes BSG an interesting substrate in many biotechnological applications. However, it is mainly used as low-value cattle food. Due to the significant amount produced annually and its low market value, efforts should be increasingly focused on its reuse. In this context, this thesis focused on valorization of BSG as a substrate to produce a distilled alcoholic beverage, with aromatic and sensory characteristics that remind those of beer. Six different BSG were chemically characterized and evaluated for enzymatic susceptibility. Glucan content of the analyzed BSG varied between 26.5 and 32.1 g·100 g-1 of raw material, basis on which two BSG were selected. Hydrothermal autohydrolysis was evaluated at mild temperatures (150 °C, 160 °C and 170 °C) and high solid loadings (20 % and 25 %). Autohydrolysis at 160 °C, 5 min, at 25 % solids loading proved to be the process that allows the highest extraction of glucan present in the raw material and the attainment of glucose-richer liquors. Saccharification of the pretreated BSG at 20 % solids loading allowed to obtain a glucose concentration of 43.7 g·L-1, equivalent to 85.9 % of the theoretical yield. Increasing solid loading to 25 % led to a lower yield (70.6 %), but it enabled a remarkable increase in the glucose concentration to 57.7 g·L-1. The utilization of washed pretreated solid and the whole slurry from pretreatment was investigated as substrate for ethanol production by hybrid saccharification and fermentation, using two high gravity yeasts. The fermentation of the whole pretreated BSG fraction reached higher ethanol concentrations than the washed pretreated solid, with values ranging from 28.7 g·L-1 to 42.3 g·L-1, at yield of 59.5 % to 94.0 % of the theoretical, depending on BSG and yeast used. The fermented broth with the highest ethanol content was subjected to a distillation process, followed by flavoring. Characterization of volatile compounds was performed by GC-FID and GC-MS and the sensory evaluation by a panel of tasters. Forty-nine volatile compounds were identified in the distillate after flavoring with American oak wood chips. The distillate revealed characteristics of a pleasant beverage as well as an acceptable organoleptic quality for human consumption, thus demonstrating the viability of producing a distilled promising beverage by brewer’s spent grain fermentation.Esta dissertação foi suportada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Portuguesa no âmbito do fundo estratégico da unidade UID/BIO/04469/2013 e COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684), e co-financiada pelo projeto RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462)

    Psychological adjustment after breast cancer: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

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    Objectives Breast cancer (BC) can be a traumatic and stressful experience for women, but there are wide-ranging differences in the ways in which women respond and adapt to BC. This systematic review examines which sociodemographic, disease-related, and psychosocial factors near diagnosis predict later psychological adjustment to BC. Methods Database searches were conducted in 9 different health-related databases from 2000 to December 2015 using relevant search terms. Full-text, peer-reviewed articles in English that analyzed potential predictors of psychological adjustment in longitudinal studies were considered for inclusion. Results Of 1780 abstracts, 41 studies fulfilled inclusion criteria. Consistent sociodemographic and disease-related variable predictors of adjustment were income, fatigue, cancer stage, and physical functioning. Psychosocial factors, particularly optimism and trait anxiety, as well as perceived social support, coping strategies, and initial levels of psychological functioning, were found to be predictive of later depressive and anxiety symptoms, psychological distress, and quality of life for women with BC, in predictable ways. Other psychosocial variables, such as cognitive and body image factors, predicted psychological adjustment but were explored only by a few studies. Conclusions The majority of studies showed a significant relationship between psychosocial factors and psychological adjustment. These results point to specific sociodemographic, disease-related, and psychosocial factors that can help to identify women at the time of diagnosis who are at risk for long-term psychological challenges so they can be referred for psychological support that targets their specific needs and can improve their quality of life and mood and decrease indicators of anxiety, depression, and psychological distress

    Attachment orientations, emotion goals, and emotion regulation

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    While research has linked attachment to emotion regulation (ER), little is known about associations between attachment and what individuals want to feel (i.e., emotion goals), something that has been found to influence ER strategy choice. In this study, we examined the links between attachment, emotion goals, and emotion regulation. A total of 605 participants from the community were included. They filled out self-report scales on attachment, emotion goals, and ER strategies. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Direct effects showed a link between attachment avoidance and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more suppression and fewer emotion communication, and between attachment anxiety and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more pro-social, performance, and impression management goals, and more suppression and rumination. Indirect effects showed that attachment avoidance was associated with less emotion communication and positive reappraisal and more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals. Attachment anxiety was associated with more rumination and more suppression through fewer impression management goals; attachment anxiety was also associated with more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals and more performance goals. These findings highlight the role of attachment as an important antecedent of emotion goals.4317-C2CF-53B0 | Rute Sofia Ribeiro Brites Diasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Attachment orientations and family functioning: the mediating role of emotion regulation

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    Attachment insecurity has been found to be associated with poor family functioning. The mechanisms underlying this link, however, are less explored. This study examines the potential mediating role of emotion regulation in the association between attachment orientations and family functioning. Self-report scales measuring attachment, family functioning, and emotion regulation were administered to 132 adults (58% women; 57.63 years). Results showed that both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were associated with poor family functioning. Furthermore, emotion suppression, but not positive reappraisal, was found to partially mediate the association between attachment insecurity (both anxiety and avoidance) and perceived family functioning. Findings suggest that emotion regulation seems to play a role in the impact that attachment orientations may have on family functioning.4317-C2CF-53B0 | Rute Sofia Ribeiro Brites Diasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adaptation to breast cancer: exploring the role of attachment and emotion regulation processes

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    Tendo como base a teoria da vinculação e os processos de regulação emocional,foram conduzidos seis estudos que, recorrendo a diferentes metodologias, pretendemcontribuir para uma melhor compreensão acerca do papel das dinâmicas de apoio social eestratégias de regulação emocional no processo de adaptação ao cancro da mama. Nosestudos 1 e 2, foram realizadas duas revisões sistemáticas com o objetivo de melhorcompreender o processo de adaptação ao cancro da mama, focando o papel das dinâmicasde apoio social e os processos emocionais. No estudo 2, pretendeu-se ainda identificar osinstrumentos que têm sido utilizados para avaliar os processos de regulação emocional eexaminar as suas propriedades psicométricas. No estudo 3, testou-se a validade e afiabilidade do Questionário de Regulação Emocional (QRE; Gross & John, 2003) nocontexto do cancro, recorrendo à análise fatorial confirmatória e à teoria de resposta ao item.No estudo 4, explorámos o possível papel mediador de processos de evitamento emocionalna associação entre vinculação e qualidade de vida. Finalmente, nos estudos 5 e 6,explorámos, através de um estudo piloto, a viabilidade e a eficácia preliminar da terapia deapoio e expressividade emocional (TAEE; Classen et al., 1993) com mulheres com cancroda mama primário, recorrendo a uma abordagem de avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa. Nogeral, os resultados mostram que elevados níveis de apoio social percebido e que uma maiorcapacidade para expressar e identificar as emoções contribuem para uma melhor adaptaçãoao cancro, e que o QRE é um instrumento válido e fiável para avaliar os processosemocionais no contexto oncológico. Os resultados confirmaram parcialmente a hipótese deque processos de evitamento emocional, em específico a falta de consciência emocional,medeiam a relação entre a vinculação e a qualidade de vida. Finalmente, apesar de não seterem observado resultados significativos no estudo quantitativo relativamente à eficácia daTAEE, os resultados do estudo qualitativo indicam que esta é uma forma viável e eficaz deapoio as mulheres com cancro da mama primário. Em suma, no âmbito dos cuidados psico-oncológicos, devem ser avaliadas as necessidades individuais das pacientes e, se necessário,estas devem ser reencaminhadas para intervenções que foquem mecanismos psicossociaisque facilitem a adaptação ao cancro da mama e otimize a sua qualidade de vida

    Effect of online Kundalini Yoga mental health of university students during Covid-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial

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    University students were at an increased risk for psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using a randomized controlled trial, we examined the efficacy of an online Kundalini Yoga intervention on students’ psychological functioning. Healthy university students (N=106) were randomly assigned to a Kundalini Yoga group, an active control group, or a passive control group in a 1:1:1 ratio. The experimental group attended six Yoga sessions over 6weeks and the active control group attended to six autogenic relaxation sessions over 6weeks. All participants completed the study protocol, which involved answering questionnaires related to psychological distress, emotion regulation, self-compassion, self-concept, spiritual well-being, and subjective happiness at three different time points: baseline, at the end of the intervention, and at 1-month follow-up. Results showed that Yoga contributed to improving self-compassion, extrinsic affect improving, and personal and communal spiritual well-being, in comparison to the control groupsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio