34 research outputs found

    Utilização do sistema modular na prótese total da articulação coxofemoral em cães

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    A prótese total da articulação coxofemoral consiste na substituição completa da articulação por componentes protéticos acetabular e femoral. Esse procedimento representa uma das técnicas mais eficientes para o tratamento cirúrgico da displasia coxofemoral severa em cães. No presente relato foi experimentalmente aplicada uma prótese total da articulação coxofemoral de fabricação nacional em dois cães. Foi utilizada uma prótese com o sistema modular, ou seja, componente femoral provido de um sistema de cambiamento da cabeça femoral, com o objetivo de estabelecer a sua aplicabilidade, vantagens e avaliar a evolução pós-operatória.  A prótese total modular da articulação coxofemoral foi aplicada em dois animais, da espécie canina ( Canis familiaris), sadios, sem raça definida, e sem alterações ao aparelho locomotor. O procedimento foi realizado sem complicações e o resultado foi satisfatório em a mbos os animais. A prótese total da articulação coxofemoral utilizando o sistema modular pode ser aplicada com sucesso em cães, desde que se tenha conhecimento prévio da técnica de aplicação, treinamento, e material específico. A principal vantagem da aplicação do sistema modular é a flexibilidade fornecida por este sistema, o qual permite escolher entre diferentes tamanhos de cabeça e comprimentos do colo femoral

    Digital Measurement of the Diameter of the Collagen Fibers by Transmission Electron Microscopy for Diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-Like in Small Animals

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    Background: Ehlers-Danlos-Like Syndrome (EDS) is a rare disease in small animals, whose diagnosis is based on the clinical findings and histopathological examination. The definitive diagnosis may require transmission electron microscopy. Despite this, the ultrastructural changes are poorly described in the literature. The aim of the present study is to describe the ultrastructural findings of collagen fibers and fibroblasts present in the dermis of two animals with EDS, and to evaluate the digital measurement of the diameter of the collagen fibers by transmission electron microscopic images.Cases: Two animals were evaluated with EDS by transmission electron microscopy. The first animal was an 1-year-old mixed breed female cat, due to spontaneous skin laceration, increased skin elasticity and an extensibility index corresponding to 25%. The second animal evaluated was a 5-month-old Golden Retriever female dog due to articular hypermobility, increased skin elasticity and an extensibility index corresponding to 16.6%. After a skin biopsy of the interscapular and lumbar regions, the samples were fixed in formalin 10% and glutaraldehyde for, respectively, histopathological examination by HE staining, and transmission electron microscopy. The histopathology of the affected cat revealed collagen fibers shortened and sometimes fragmented. The histopathology of the affected dog revealed disarranged and more eosinophilic staining collagen fibers. The collagen fibers were also of unequal sizes, shortened and slightly undulate. At the transmission electron microscopy of the affected cat was evidenced a greater spacing of the collagen fibers of variable diameters. Further this, the fibroblasts showed elongated nuclei with heterochromatic regions, which was surrounded externally by scant cytoplasm. The cytoplasm showed elongated and discrete organelles. At the transmission electron microscopy of the affected dog was evidenced a greater spacing of the collagen fibers of variable diameters. Further this, fibroblasts exhibited intense cytoplasmic vacuolization with similar appearance to that found in the dying process by autophagy. In addition, the images obtained by transmission electron microscopy were submitted to digital analysis to measure the diameter of the collagen fibers using the software Image J. For this purpose, it was obtained the average of the diameter of 10 collagen fibers in cross-section into four quadrants of 1μm each. The digital analysis of collagen fibers revealed significant alterations in the ultrastructure of collagen. In addition, it was verified cellular changes, such as the large amount of intracytoplasmic vesicles and the small amount of collagen fibers dispersed around the cells.Discussion: Microscopic abnormalities visualized by HE staining in this present study were compatible with the literature Transmission electron microscopy is fundamental to confirm the suspicion, since it revealed dermal alterations in the ultrastructure of collagen and fibroblasts. These findings indicate possible failure mechanisms of secretion and release of cellular products, as well as collagen. The digital measurement of the diameter of the collagen fibers contributed to the confirmation of the disease, since it was made randomly and reduced the subjectivity inherent of the evaluator. However, there are no studies using this method to allocate a range of significance for the diameter of collagen fibers that may be considered suggestive for the syndrome in small animals


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    Avaliação histológica e morfométrica do retalho axial oris angularis e da terapia por ondas de choque aplicados a defeito palpebral experimental em cães

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    Os retalhos de padrão axial têm como característica significativa vascularização intrínseca, considerada uma vantagem sobre outras técnicas. Considerando que complicações isquêmicas podem afetar os retalhos cutâneos, técnicas de salvamento são descritas, dentre estas, a terapia por ondas de choque extracorpóreas (TOCE), descrita como capaz de modular a vascularização e cicatrização dos retalhos. O presente estudo avaliou histológica e morfometricamente 21 amostras de pele; destas, 14 foram submetidas à confecção do retalho axial, sendo sete tratadas também pela TOCE, obtidas da região distal do retalho axial oris angularis, utilizado para a reconstrução de defeitos palpebrais experimentais extensos em cães. Foram avaliadas também sete amostras de pele normal da mesma região acima descrita (grupo controle). Não foram evidenciadas diferenças histológicas significativas no infiltrado inflamatório e atrofia epidérmica microscopicamente. Na análise morfométrica, o número de vasos, a área vascular total e a área média foram semelhantes entre os grupos experimentais. O retalho oris angularis associado ou não à TOCE não apresentou características microscópicas de complicações inflamatórias e atróficas significativas. Sinais de integridade tecidual e vascularização sanguínea adequados foram observados em ambos os grupos tratados, demonstrando efetividade do retalho oris angularis. A aplicação da TOCE no retalho oris angularis, em dose única de 2500 impulsos a 0,15 mJ/mm² no pós-operatório imediato, não promoveu efeitos colaterais deletérios.Considering that the cutaneous flap can be affected by isquemic complications the extra corporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) was described as rescue techniques. The present study was developed to analyze histological and with morfometry, twenty one skin samples treated or not with the shock wave therapy, obtained from flap's distal border, used in this study to repair eyelids' experimental defects in dogs. The flap with or without ESWT did not show any histological sign of inflammatory or atrophic alterations. Both group treated showed similar morphometrical characteristics. The ESWT with the protocol used in this study (2500 impulses at 0,15 mJ/mm²) did not demonstrate significant clinical outcomes as a rescue technique when applied over the oris angularis flap, however results showed no signals of collateral deleterious effects

    Use of biosynthetic cellulose membrane in the guided tissue regeneration/ <br> Uso de membrana biossintética a base de celulose na regeneração tecidual guiada

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    Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) is a regenerative treatment modality that requires the placement of a physical barrier over a bone defect in such a way that the proliferation of the surrounding soft tissues into the barrier-protected area is prevented. Thereby in the guided osseous regeneration allowing boneforming cells from the existent bone edges to invade the space and produce bone. The physical barriers should be biocompatible, allow cellular occlusion, maintain adequate space, tissue integration and facility in the application. They can be occlusive or permeable, absorbable or non-absorbable. Among various types of physical barriers in the market, the cellulose biosynthetic membrane is emphasizing by the necessary characteristics for GTR and to be a national product developed in low cost.A Regeneração Tecidual Guiada (RTG) consiste numa modalidade de tratamento regenerativo que requer a colocação de uma barreira física sobre o defeito ósseo, de modo que a proliferação de tecidos moles adjacentes para dentro da área protegida seja evitada. Assim, a regeneração óssea guiada permite que células com potencial osteogênico das margens ósseas existentes invadam o espaço criado e produzam osso. As barreiras físicas devem ser biocompatíveis, permitir a oclusão celular, manutenção do espaço, integração tecidual e facilidade de uso. Podem ser oclusivas ou permeáveis, absorvíveis ou nãoabsorvíveis. Dentre os vários tipos de barreiras físicas existentes no mercado, a membrana biossintética a base de celulose vem se destacando, pois, além de possuir as características necessárias para a RTG, trata-se de um produto nacional desenvolvido a baixos custos

    Artroplastia total não cimentada da articulação coxofemoral em cães

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    The total hip replacement is widely accepted for the treatment of severe hip dysplasia and other causes of pain or hip dysfunction in dogs. Cementless arthroplasty was developed in order to remove the durability limitations of the cemented system. The concept of this technique is based on the biological fixation. Acetabular and femoral implants are precisely fitted by pressure in a way to promote stability until the osteointegration has been completed. The success of this procedure involves the patient, the conformation of the hip joint, the precision of the implants and the quality of surgical technique. The complication rate is low, specially when it is compared to cemented procedures. Therefore, a number of considerations and care must be taken to obtain results corresponding with the high success rate of the technique. The goal of this study is to present a review of the available literature about the use of uncemented hip prosthesis in dogs. This technique is shown to be effective in the treatment of serious disorders of the canine hip with significant advantages compared to previously described methods.La artroplastia total coxofemoral es una opción ampliamente aceptada para el tratamiento quirúrgico de la displasia coxofemoral grave y otras causas de dolor o disfunción de la articulación de la cadera en perros. La artroplastia no cementada fue desarrollada para eliminar las limitaciones de la durabilidad del sistema cementado. La técnica se basa en el concepto de la fijación biológica y consiste en la sustitución de la articulación coxofemoral con los componentes acetabulares y femorales, que inicialmente están equipados por la presión en las camas preparadas precisamente con el fin de promover la estabilidad para completar la osteointegración del implante. El éxito del procedimiento implica en el paciente, la conformación, la calidad del implante y la precisión de la técnica desarrollada. Las tasas de complicaciones son bajas, especialmente en comparación con el procedimiento de cementado. Por lo tanto, se deben tomar una serie de consideraciones y cuidados para obtener los resultados correspondientes, con una alta tasa de éxito de la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar una revisión de literatura disponible sobre el uso de prótesis no cementadas de la articulación coxofemoral en perros. Esta técnica ha demostrado ser eficaz en el tratamiento de los trastornos graves de la articulación coxofemoral con ventajas significativas en comparación con los métodos descritos anteriormente.A artroplastia total da articulação coxofemoral é uma opção amplamente aceita no tratamento cirúrgico para displasia coxofemoral grave e outras causas de dor ou disfunção da articulação coxofemoral em cães. A artroplastia não cimentada foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de eliminar as limitações de durabilidade do sistema cimentado. A técnica baseia-se no conceito de fixação biológica e consiste na substituição da articulação coxofemoral com componentes acetabular e femoral, os quais são inicialmente encaixados por pressão em leitos preparados precisamente, de forma a promover estabilidade até a osteointegração completa do implante. O sucesso do procedimento envolve o paciente, a conformação e qualidade do implante e a precisão da elaborada técnica cirúrgica. Os índices de complicação são baixos, especialmente quando comparados aos do procedimento cimentado. Portanto, uma série de considerações e cuidados deve ser tomada para obterem-se resultados correspondentes com a alta taxa de sucesso da técnica. Objetiva-se com o presente trabalho apresentar uma revisão da literatura disponível sobre a utilização das próteses não cimentadas da articulação coxofemoral em cães. Esta técnica mostra-se efetiva no tratamento das disfunções graves da articulação coxofemoral com vantagens significativas quando comparada aos métodos anteriormente descritos

    Intrathoracic Axial Osteosarcoma

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    Background: Bone tumors have a challenging diagnosis and treatment. Osteosarcoma is the name given to a heterogeneous group of malignant, agressive and invasive tumors that often determine bone lysis. Almost all of the animals develop lung metastases, progressing to death. Usually affect the appendicular skeleton, but can also occurs in others areas, although these presentations are rare. Prognosis is always poor. The aim of this paper is to report a case of a dog with osteoblastic osteosarcoma of the sternum, which was diagnosed by computed tomography and histopathologic analysis after excisional biopsy.Case: A male Cocker Spaniel dog, weighing 25 kg, elderly, was examined at the Veterinary Hospital. As main complaint was reported soft swelling on the ventral cervical region causing dyspnea. The patient had previously been medicated with dexamethasone with a significant decrease in the swelling, however recurrence was observed with the cessation of the treatment. Due to the presence of heart murmur, patient underwent to chest radiography and eletrocardiography. Images showed a tumor in the sternal lymph node region, displacing the heart caudally, trachea and esophagus dorsally, causing cranial edema due to a compression of the venous return by the cranial vena cava and subsequent dyspnea. Furosemide (Lasix®) was administered during ambulatorial treatment and prescribed to home, with satisfactory results, with decreased edema and consequent improvement of respiratory symptoms. It was decided to perform computed tomography to better design of the chest structure. The structure located in cranial thoracic region measured about 10.5 cm long x 5.8 cm high x 8.4 cm wide. The patient was undergone to sternotomy to remove the mass that was closely adhered to the sternum and pericardium. The pericardectomy and sternum removal were not performed due to animal being old and present metabolic and cardiopulmonary conditions. Some samples were collected for histological examination resulting in osteoblastic osteosarcoma. After surgical treatment, the patient showed improvement of dyspnea, more active and no signs of pain at the surgical site. Due to the unfavorable result of the histopathological analysis, it was decided to star chemotherapy. The protocol chosen was carboplatin (Carboplatino®) as a single drug, every 21 days totalizing four applications as recommended by literature. Two cycles of carboplatin were done as adjuvant chemotherapy. The patient supported the treatment very well without any clinical or laboratory abnormality. Any radiographic signs of pulmonary metastasis or local recurrence was seen, however, after 18 months of survival, the patient died of non-related cause.Discussion: Osteosarcoma is the most commonly diagnosed bone tumor in dogs. Intense dyspnea and the swelling in the submandibular region was due to the compression of thoracic structures by the size of the tumor and the internal location within the chest. The cranial swelling is due to the syndrome caval that is rare in veterinary medicine and is describe in some specific conditions. Computed tomography was performed to better tumor delineation, as it is an important tool to assess the extent of the tumor and other characteristics, allowing optimal surgical planning for each case. Histophatological diagnosis of osteoblastic osteosarcoma is characterized by new bone formation that appears radiographically with increased radiopacity, as observed in all images. Gold standard treatment of neoplasms is the association of surgical excision followed by chemotherapy, which was effective in this case reported, since it provided quality of life during 18 months, three times higher than the majority of cases reported in the literature, being death due to causes unrelated to the tumor

    Urolitíase uretral em cão com quatro semanas de idade

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    The partial or complete urethral obstruction is one of the main emergencies seen in small animal practice. The disease may be caused by uroliths, neoplasia, granuloma and stricture developed after urethral trauma or penis fracture. The urethral obstruction induced by uroliths occurs more frequently in male dogs from 6 to 11 years of age. Since the disease is considered a rare condition in puppies, the aim of this report is to describe a case of a four week old male miniature poodle dog, submitted to scrotal urethrostomy witch removed two uroliths.La obstrucción uretral, parcial o total, es una de las principales emergencias en pequeños animales. La condición puede ser ocasionada por urólitos, neoplasia, granuloma y constricción después de un evento traumático o fractura de pene. La obstrucción uretral por urólitos se produce con mayor frecuencia en perros machos entre seis y once años de edad. Dado que la enfermedad es una condición extremamente rara en cachorros, este informe tiene el propósito de describir su aparición en un perro macho, de raza poodle miniatura, con cuatro semanas de edad y sometido a uretrostomía escrotal, a través del cual se han eliminados dos urólitos.A obstrução uretral, parcial ou total é uma das principais emergências em pequenos animais. A afecção pode ser ocasionada por urólitos, neoplasia, granuloma e constrição após evento traumático ou fratura do pênis. A obstrução uretral por urólitos ocorre mais frequentemente em cães machos entre seis e 11 anos de idade. Visto que a doença é condição extremamente rara em filhotes, o presente relato tem por objetivo descrever sua ocorrência em um cão macho, da raça poodle miniatura, com quatro semanas de idade e submetido à uretrostomia escrotal em que foram removidos dois urólitos