177 research outputs found

    Tailored algorithms for anomaly detection in photovoltaic systems

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    Branco, P., Gonçalves, F., & Costa, A. C. (2020). Tailored algorithms for anomaly detection in photovoltaic systems. Energies, 13(1), [225]. https://doi.org/10.3390/en13010225The fastest-growing renewable source of energy is solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, which is likely to become the largest electricity source in the world by 2050. In order to be a viable alternative energy source, PV systems should maximise their efficiency and operate flawlessly. However, in practice, many PV systems do not operate at their full capacity due to several types of anomalies. We propose tailored algorithms for the detection of different PV system anomalies, including suboptimal orientation, daytime and sunrise/sunset shading, brief and sustained daytime zero-production, and low maximum production. Furthermore, we establish simple metrics to assess the severity of suboptimal orientation and daytime shading. The proposed detection algorithms were applied to a set of time-series of electricity production in Portugal, which are based on two periods with distinct weather conditions. Under favourable weather conditions, the algorithms successfully detected most of the time-series labelled with either daytime or sunrise/sunset shading, and with either sustained or brief daytime zero-production. There was a relatively low percentage of false positives, such that most of the anomaly detections were correct. As expected, the algorithms tend to be more robust under favourable rather than under adverse weather conditions. The proposed algorithms may prove to be useful not only to research specialists, but also to energy utilities and owners of small- and medium-sized PV systems, who may thereby effortlessly monitor their operation and performance.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterization of triacylglycerols in Madeira laurel oil by HPLC-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-MS

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    Madeira laurel oil was fractionated by liquid ex traction combined with TLC, and TAGs were analyzed by HPLC coupled with atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-MS (APCI-MS). Eluted molecular species compositions of the eluted TAG in the complex natural mixture were determined by GC identification of FAME and by LC-atmospheric pressure chemi cal ionization (APCI)-MS analysis of the lipid. The APCI-MS spectra of most TAG exhibited [M + H]+ and [M − RCOO]+ ions, which defined the M.W. and the molecular association of fatty acyl residues, respectively. Despite the relatively high de gree of saturation, with a saturated/unsaturated ratio of 0.70, no totally saturated TAG nor mixed asymmetric TAG with two sat urated FA (SSM or SSU, where S is saturated, M is monounsatu rated, and U is unsaturated) were found. This type of molecular structure provides a possible explanation for the relatively low m.p. (12–15°C) and also the high oxidative resistance observed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Papel da Resiliência no Recrutamento de Funções Executivas e de Gestão Intermédia

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    Numa conjuntura altamente competitiva, vertiginosa e disruptiva, as organizações procuram profissionais de elevado desempenho, capazes de prosperar no caos e de tornar as ameaças num trampolim para o crescimento. Para indivíduos mais passivos, esta realidade pode revelar-se stressante e disfuncional. A resiliência está associada ao desempenho, e os indivíduos resilientes têm uma visão objetiva da realidade, definem objetivos ambiciosos e sabem como alcançá-los, improvisando na adversidade e materializando resultados organizacionais superiores. Realizou-se um estudo transversal, essencialmente quantitativo mas também qualitativo, a um universo de 77 indivíduos, candidatos em nove processos de recrutamento de duas empresas de headhunting (uma no segmento executivo, outra de gestão intermédia), mediante aplicação de uma escala de resiliência para adultos, adaptada à população portuguesa. Procurou-se perceber se a resiliência seria preditora de sucesso em processos de recrutamento de posições executivas e de gestão intermédia. Com base nos resultados obtidos não foi possível provar a hipótese em estudo, por não existir uma relação forte entre as duas variáveis testadas.In a dizzying highly competitive and disruptive environment, organizations are looking for high-performing professionals, who may be able to thrive in chaos and turn threats into opportunities to growth. For more passive individuals, this reality may prove stressful and dysfunctional. Resilience is associated with performance, and resilient individuals have an unbiased understanding of reality, set ambitious goals and know how to achieve them, improvising through adversity and delivering superior organizational results. A cross-sectional study, essentially quantitative but also qualitative, was conducted on a universe of 77 individuals, candidates in nine recruitment processes of two headhunting companies (in both executive and middle management segments), by applying a resilience scale adapted to the Portuguese population. It was sought to understand if resilience would be a predictor of success in recruiting executive and management positions. Based on the results, it was not possible to prove the assumption under study, because the results do not suggest a relationship between the two measured phenomena

    What’s the Importance of Portable Tele-Monitoring Devices in Patient Therapeutic Adherence?

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    In the UK it is estimated the NHS spends almost £100 million every year in unused drugs. In addition, hospital admission costs attributed to patients not taking their prescribed medicine properly was estimated to be between £36m and £197m per year. In the U.S., medication non-adherence is estimated to lead to between 100and100 and 300 billion of avoidable healthcare costs annually, representing 3–10% of total U.S. healthcare costs. Studies show that improving medication adherence may have a greater influence on the health of the population than the discovery of any new therapy. Effective medicines are available for many conditions and yet patients are non-adherent 50% of the time. This can be critical point in certain disease states, such as asymptomatic conditions like hypertension, where the incidence may approach 80% non-compliance. It is proposed to create a therapeutic adherence monitoring device within a smart blister pack that is coupled to a device with the capacity to collect and send data to a common server. This would allow a clinician to know, with high certainty, if the patient is taking their medication as prescribed and on schedule. This paper gathers information to identify current technology to support integrated monitoring and control of therapeutic adherence

    Integrated valorization of Anona Cherimola Mill. seeds

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    Agricultural and agro-industrial residues are often considered both an environmental and an economical problem. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed, assuming residues as biorefinery feedstocks. In this work cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) seeds, which are lipid-rich (ca. 30%) and have a significant lignocellulosic fraction, were used as an example of a residue without any current valorization. Firstly, the lipid fraction was obtained by solvent extraction. Extraction yield varied from 13% to 28%, according to the extraction method and time, and solvent purity. This oil was converted into biodiesel (by base-catalyzed transesterification), yielding 76 g FAME/100 g oil. The obtained biodiesel is likely to be incorporated in the commercial chain, according to the EN14214 standard. The remaining lignocellulosic fraction was subjected to two alternative fractionation processes for the selective recovery of hemicellulose, aiming different products. Empirical mathematical models were developed for both processes, aiming future scale-up. Autohydrolysis rendered essentially oligosaccharides (10 gL-1) with properties indicating potential food/feed/pharmacological applications. The remaining solid was enzymatically saccharified, reaching a saccharification yield of 83%. The hydrolyzate obtained by dilute acid hydrolysis contained mostly monosaccharides, mainly xylose (26 gL-1), glucose (10 gL-1) and arabinose (3 gL-1), and had low content of microbial growth inhibitors. This hydrolyzate has proven to be appropriate to be used as culture media for exopolisaccharide production, using bacteria or microbial consortia. The maximum conversion of monosaccharides into xanthan gum was 0.87 g/g and kefiran maximum productivity was 0.07 g.(Lh)-1. This work shows the technical feasibility of using cherimoya seeds, and materials as such, as potential feedstocks, opening new perspectives for upgrading them in the biorefinery framework

    “O lar transformado em inferno”: o olhar dos literatos sobre os ressentimentos dentro do casamento

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    The studies that analyze the history of love relationships have made it possible to apprehend various views of experiences people have made at home, particularly those related to marriage. Thus, interest in marriage from the point of view of intellectuals of the state of Piauí has shown how that institution became problematic, revealing views that range from a romanticized concept that intensively valued love to a more polemic view involving a debate about divorce. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the topic of marriage and its dissolubility were dealt with by men of letters during the first decades of the 20th century. The main object of analysis are literary works by Clodoaldo Freitas, Abdias Neves, Cândido Gil Castelo Branco, Jônatas Batista and a legal essay by Luiz de Morais Correia on the regulation of divorce in Brazilian legislation through texts that referred to the valuing of marriage as well as to the threats to its indissolubility.Key words: gender, family, literature, divorce.Os estudos que contemplam uma análise acerca da história das relações amorosas têm oferecido a possibilidade de apreender diferentes visões construídas a respeito das vivências domésticas, especialmente aquilo que está relacionado ao casamento. Nesse sentido, o interesse sobre esta forma de união entre casais a partir do olhar de intelectuais piauienses permitiu perceber a forma como o casamento foi problematizado, revelando concepções que divergiam entre uma concepção romantizada, com a valorização cada vez mais intensa do amor, e ainda uma percepção mais polêmica, envolvendo o debate acerca do divórcio. A proposta deste artigo é analisar como o tema do casamento e da possibilidade de dissolução do matrimônio foi tratado na produção literária durante as primeiras décadas do século XX. O principal objeto de análise centra-se em algumas obras literárias de Clodoaldo Freitas, Abdias Neves, Cândido Gil Castelo Branco, Jônatas Batista e o ensaiojurídico de Luiz de Morais Correia acerca da possibilidade de regulamentação do divórcio na legislação brasileira através de textos que remetiam à valorização do casamento, bem como às ameaças que colocavam em risco a indissolubilidade deste.Palavras-chave: gênero, família, literatura, divórcio

    “O lar transformado em inferno”: o olhar dos literatos sobre os ressentimentos dentro do casamento

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    The studies that analyze the history of love relationships have made it possible to apprehend various views of experiences people have made at home, particularly those related to marriage. Thus, interest in marriage from the point of view of intellectuals of the state of Piauí has shown how that institution became problematic, revealing views that range from a romanticized concept that intensively valued love to a more polemic view involving a debate about divorce. The purpose of this article is to analyze how the topic of marriage and its dissolubility were dealt with by men of letters during the first decades of the 20th century. The main object of analysis are literary works by Clodoaldo Freitas, Abdias Neves, Cândido Gil Castelo Branco, Jônatas Batista and a legal essay by Luiz de Morais Correia on the regulation of divorce in Brazilian legislation through texts that referred to the valuing of marriage as well as to the threats to its indissolubility.Key words: gender, family, literature, divorce.Os estudos que contemplam uma análise acerca da história das relações amorosas têm oferecido a possibilidade de apreender diferentes visões construídas a respeito das vivências domésticas, especialmente aquilo que está relacionado ao casamento. Nesse sentido, o interesse sobre esta forma de união entre casais a partir do olhar de intelectuais piauienses permitiu perceber a forma como o casamento foi problematizado, revelando concepções que divergiam entre uma concepção romantizada, com a valorização cada vez mais intensa do amor, e ainda uma percepção mais polêmica, envolvendo o debate acerca do divórcio. A proposta deste artigo é analisar como o tema do casamento e da possibilidade de dissolução do matrimônio foi tratado na produção literária durante as primeiras décadas do século XX. O principal objeto de análise centra-se em algumas obras literárias de Clodoaldo Freitas, Abdias Neves, Cândido Gil Castelo Branco, Jônatas Batista e o ensaiojurídico de Luiz de Morais Correia acerca da possibilidade de regulamentação do divórcio na legislação brasileira através de textos que remetiam à valorização do casamento, bem como às ameaças que colocavam em risco a indissolubilidade deste.Palavras-chave: gênero, família, literatura, divórcio

    One millennium of historical freshwater fish occurrence data for Portuguese rivers and streams

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    The insights that historical evidence of human presence and man-made documents provide are unique. For example, using historical data may be critical to adequately understand the ecological requirements of species. However, historical information about freshwater species distribution remains largely a knowledge gap. In this Data Descriptor, we present the Portuguese Historical Fish Database (PHish–DB), a compilation of 2214 records (557 at the basin scale, 184 at the sub-basin scale and 1473 at the segment scale) resulting from a survey of 194 historical documents. The database was developed using a three-scale approach that maximises the inclusion of information by allowing different degrees of spatial acuity. PHish database contains records of 25 taxonomical groups and covers a time span of one millennium, from the 11th until the 20th century. This database has already proven useful for two scientific studies, and PHish further use will contribute to correctly assess the full range of conditions tolerated by species, by establishing adequate benchmark conditions, and/or to improve existing knowledge of the species distribution limits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fatigue crack growth in notched specimens: a numerical analysis: Fatigue crack growth in notched specimens

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    Fatigue crack growth (FCG) is linked to irreversible and non-linear processes happening at the crack tip, which explains different problems observed in the use of da/dN-DK curves. The replacement of DK by non-linear crack tip parameters, namely the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) is an interesting alternative. The objective in here is to study the effect of notches on FCG using the plastic CTOD range, dp. M(T) specimens with lateral notches of different radius (1, 2 4 and 8 mm were analysed numerically, keeping the total depth constant (8 mm). The increase of crack length increases dp and therefore FCG rate. For plane stress state, the formation of the residual plastic wake with crack propagation produces crack closure which compensates the effect of crack length and there is a stabilization of dp. The reduction of notch radius increases dp for all crack lengths, particularly for the shortest ones. For plane strain state there is almost no crack closure therefore dp is higher than for plane stress state, and the effect of crack length produces a relatively fast increase of d

    Useless or useful? - A literature review

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights reserved.Radiotherapy (RT) is the backbone of multimodality treatment of more than half of cancer cases. Despite new modern RT techniques, late complications may occur such as radiation proctitis (RP). The natural history of RP is unpredictable. Minor symptoms may resolve spontaneously or require conservative treatment. On the other hand, for similar and uncomplicated clinical contexts, symptoms may persist and can even be refractory to the progressive increase in treatment measures. Over the last decades, an enormous therapeutic armamentarium has been considered in RP, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Currently, the evidence regarding the impact of HBOT on RP and its benefits is conflicting. Additional prospective and randomised studies are necessary to validate HBOT's effectiveness in the 'real world' clinical practice. This article reviewed the relevant literature on pathophysiology, clinical presentation, different classifications and discuss RP management including a proposal for a therapeutic algorithm with a focus on HBOT.publishersversionpublishe