31 research outputs found

    Utilisation des drĂȘches de brasserie dessĂ©chĂ©es dans l'alimentation du poulet de chair en rĂ©gions tropicales

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    L'auteur, dans le but de prĂ©ciser les conditions d'utilisation pour l'alimentation du poulet de chair des drĂȘches de brasserie dessĂ©chĂ©es produites au Cameroun, a conduit un essai sur 6 lots de 100 poussins qui ont reçu 3 rĂ©gimes diffĂ©rents Ă  partir du 4e jour. La proportion de drĂȘches de brasserie incorporĂ©es dans les rations a Ă©tĂ© selon les lots de: 0 p. 100, 20 p. 100 et 40 p. 100. Les rĂ©sultats sont analysĂ©s statistiquement. L'efficience du rĂ©gime Ă  20 p. 100 de drĂȘches dessĂ©chĂ©es est supĂ©rieure au lot tĂ©moin. Par contre, le lot alimentĂ© avec une ration contenant 40 p. 100 de drĂȘches dessĂ©chĂ©es a eu un dĂ©veloppement ralenti et mĂȘme inhibĂ©, cependant que l'on notait une augmentation significative de l'indice de consommatio

    Utilisation des drĂȘches de brasserie dessĂ©chĂ©es dans l'alimentation animale en rĂ©gions Ă©quatoriales et tropicales. III - Le porc

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    La race ovine Djallonké au Cameroun. Potentialités zootechniques, conditions d'élevage, avenir

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    Les auteurs ont poursuivi pendant neuf ans l'Ă©tude et la sĂ©lection du mouton DjallonkĂ© Ă  la station de Nkolbisson situĂ©e Ă  10 km de YaoundĂ© (Cameroun) et Ă  travers de multiples enquĂȘtes dans de nombreuses rĂ©gions de l'Ouest et du Centre Cameroun. Les informations et rĂ©sultats obtenus, tant aux plans zootechnique et vĂ©tĂ©rinaire que dans le domaine socio-Ă©conomique, laissent entrevoir les grandes possibilitĂ©s d'amĂ©lioration recĂ©lĂ©es par cette race. Cependant, compte tenu des conditions Ă©conomiques actuelles, l'Ă©levage intensif du mouton DjallonkĂ© ne s'avĂšre guĂšre rentable. Par ailleurs, il conviendrait d'amĂ©liorer le potentiel laitier des brebis et ceci pourrait, Ă  l'avenir, ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ© par l'infusion de sang exotique provenant d'une race prolifique et laitiĂšre, telle la race Romano

    Rations sans protéines animales, formule d'avenir pour les régions tropicales. I. La poule pondeuse

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    Compte tenu de la difficulté toujours croissante à se procurer des farines animales - spécialement dans les pays en voie de développement - les auteurs ont expérimenté pendant deux ans des rations pour poules pondeuses, à protéines exclusivement végétales, et supplémentées en acides aminés de synthÚse. L'efficacité de ces régimes expérimentaux s'est révélée en tous points comparable à celle des régimes témoins tandis que le prix de revient de l'oeuf est significativement inférieu

    Small-scale poultry and food security in resource-poor settings: A review

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    Small-scale poultry production systems are mostly found in rural, resource-poor areas that often also experience food insecurity. They are accessible to vulnerable groups of society, and provide households with income and nutritionally-rich food sources. However, they also improve food security in indirect ways, such as enhancing nutrient utilisation and recycling in the environment, contributing to mixed farming practices, contributing to women's empowerment, and enabling access to healthcare and education. Further, they may contribute to several of the Sustainable Development Goals, and to future food security through maintaining biodiverse genomes. In extensive small-scale poultry production systems, significant impediments to achieving these contributions are disease and predation, which can be reduced through improved agricultural and livestock extension and community animal health networks. For small-scale intensive systems, feed price fluctuations and inadequate biosecurity are major constraints

    Participatory evaluation of chicken health and production constraints in Ethiopia

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    Chicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard production is particularly important to women. Several programmes, in Ethiopia and elsewhere, have attempted to improve chicken production as a means to reduce poverty. A key constraint to chicken production identified by farmers is disease. This study used participatory rural appraisal methods to work with chicken-keepers in order to prioritise chicken diseases, place these within the context of other production constraints, and to explore perceptions of disease risk factors and biosecurity measures. The study, focused on Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, included 71 poultry keepers (41 backyard and 30 semi-intensive chicken producers). Although women played an important role in backyard production systems, semi-intensive farms were more likely to be controlled by men. Participants identified 9 constraints to production: 7 of 8 groups of backyard producers and 15/31 semi-intensive producers ranked diseases as the most important constraint to chicken production. In contrast to previous reports, farmers in both groups had considerable knowledge of diseases and of factors affecting disease risk. Both groups, but particularly semi-intensive producers, highlighted access to feed as a constraint. Many of the challenges faced by both groups were associated with difficulty accessing agricultural and veterinary inputs and expertise. Whilst many of the constraints identified by farmers could be viewed as simply technical issues to be overcome, we believe it is important to recognise the social factors underpinning what are, in reality, relatively modest technical challenges. The low involvement of women in semi-intensive production needs to be recognised by poultry development schemes. Provision needs to be made to allow access to inputs for a wide range of business models, particularly for those, such as women, who have limited access to the capital to allow them to make the jump from backyard to semi-intensive producer, and require support to slowly build up a flock into a profitable venture

    La race ovine Djallonke au Cameroun. Potentialites zootechniques, conditions d'elevage, avenir

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    Studies the breed characteristics of Djallonke sheep in Cameroon. Discussions on morphology, reproduction, selection and socio-economic evaluation details given. Performance in terms of prolificacy, fecundity, birth weight, milk yield as measured by lamb daily gain and mortality included. Recommendations on future ovine rearing targeted at marketing, animal disease and disease control included

    Recherches sur l'embouche intensive de Wakwa et de métis N'Dama x Wakwa utilisant des drÚches de brasserie sÚches en zones de savannes au Cameroun

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