34 research outputs found

    Theoretical calculations of the proton affinities of n-alkylamines using the ONIOM method

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    The ONIOM method was used to calculate the proton affinities (PA) of n-alkylamines (CnH2n+1NH2, n = 3 to 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18). The calculations were carried out at several levels (HF, MP2, B3LYP, QCISD(T), ...) using Pople basis sets and at the QCISD(T) level using basis sets developed by the generator coordinate method (GCM) and adapted to effective core potentials. PAs were also obtained through the GCM and high level methods, like ONIOM[QCISD(T)/6-31+G(2df,p):MP2/6-31G+G(d,p))//ONIOM[MP2/6-31+G(d,p):HF/6-31G]. The average error using the GCM, with respect to experimental data, was 3.4 kJ mol-1.187193Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Descriptions of crystalline structures of zeolites

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    Crystalline structures of zeolites can be studied using different representations: the internal symmetry obtained by X-Ray or neutron diffraction crystallography techniques or a systematic analysis of the basic structural units which can be arranged to build the geometries of each kind of zeolite. In this work the basic concepts of three building units, SBU (Secondary Building Units), SSU (Structural SubUnits) and PBU (Periodic Building Units) are presented. The properties of the resulting crystalline structures are discussed (pores, cavities, channels), describing the influence of each one of these properties in processes of physical-chemical interest. Representative case studies of known zeolite crystalline structures are also discussed in terms of their space group classification.178188Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Mechanistic Studies on Gold-Catalyzed Direct Arene C–H Bond Functionalization by Carbene Insertion: The Coinage-Metal Effect

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    The catalytic functionalization of the Csp 2-H bond of benzene by means of the insertion of the CHCO2Et group from ethyl diazoacetate (N2=CHCO2Et) has been studied with the series of coinage metal complexes IPrMCl (IPr = IPr = 1,3-bis(diisopropylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene) and NaBArF 4 (BArF 4 = tetrakis(3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)borate). For Cu and Ag, these examples constitute the first of such metals toward this transformation, that also provides ethyl cyclohepta-2,4,6-trienecarboxylate as by-product from the so-called Buchner reaction. In the case of methyl-substituted benzenes, the reaction exclusively proceeds onto the aromatic ring, the Csp 3-H bond remaining unreacted. A significant coinage metal effect has been observed, since the gold catalyst favors the formation of the insertion product into Csp 2-H bond whereas copper and silver preferentially induce the formation of the cycloheptatriene derivative. Experimental studies and theoretical calculations have explained the observed selectivity in terms of the formation of a common Wheland intermediate, resembling an electrophilic aromatic substitution, from which the reaction pathway evolves into two separate routes to each product.We thank the Spanish MINECO for CTQ2014-52769-C3-1-R, CTQ2014-57761-R, RED INTECAT CTQ2014-52974-REDC and Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation 2014-2018 SEV-2013-0319 and the ICIQ Foundation for financial support

    Structural modulation of π-conjugated linkers in D–π–A dyes based on triphenylamine dicyanovinylene framework to explore the NLO properties

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    A donor–π–acceptor type series of Triphenylamine–dicyanovinylene-based chromophores (DPMN1–DPMN11) was designed theoretically by the structural tailoring of π-linkers of experimentally synthesized molecules DTTh and DTTz to exploit changes in the optical properties and their nonlinear optical materials (NLO) behaviour. Density functional theory (DFT) computations were employed to understand the electronic structures, absorption spectra, charge transfer phenomena and the influence of these structural modifications on NLO properties. Interestingly, all investigated chromophores exhibited lower band gap (2.22–2.60 eV) with broad absorption spectra in the visible region, reflecting the remarkable NLO response. Furthermore, natural bond orbital (NBO) findings revealed a strong push–pull mechanism in DPMN1–DPMN11 as donor and π-conjugates exhibited positive, while all acceptors showed negative values. Examination of electronic transitions from donor to acceptor moieties via π-conjugated linkers revealed greater linear (〈α〉 = 526.536–641.756 a.u.) and nonlinear (βtot = 51 313.8–314 412.661 a.u.) response. It was noted that the chromophores containing imidazole in the second p-linker expressed greater hyperpolarizability when compared with the ones containing pyrrole. This study reveals that by controlling the type of π-spacers, interesting metal-free NLO materials can be designed, which can be valuable for the hi-tech NLO applications

    Silanol-Assisted Carbinolamine Formation in an Amine-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Surface: Theoretical Investigation by Fragmentation Methods

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    The aldol reaction catalyzed by an amine-substituted mesoporous silica nanoparticle (amine-MSN) surface was investigated using a large molecular cluster model (Si392O958C6NH361) combined with the surface integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (SIMOMM) and fragment molecular orbital (FMO) methods. Three distinct pathways for the carbinolamine formation, the first step of the amine-catalyzed aldol reaction, are proposed and investigated in order to elucidate the role of the silanol environment on the catalytic capability of the amine-MSN material. The computational study reveals that the most likely mechanism involves the silanol groups actively participating in the reaction, forming and breaking covalent bonds in the carbinolamine step. Therefore, the active participation of MSN silanol groups in the reaction mechanism leads to a significant reduction in the overall energy barrier for the carbinolamine formation. In addition, a comparison between the findings using a minimal cluster model and the Si392O958C6NH361 cluster suggests that the use of larger models is important when heterogeneous catalysis problems are the target

    Cálculos teóricos de afinidades por próton de n-alquilaminas usando o método ONIOM

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    The ONIOM method was used to calculate the proton affinities (PA) of n-alkylamines (CnH2n+1NH2, n = 3 to 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18). The calculations were carried out at several levels (HF, MP2, B3LYP, QCISD(T), ...) using Pople basis sets and at the QCISD(T) level using basis sets developed by the generator coordinate method (GCM) and adapted to effective core potentials. PAs were also obtained through the GCM and high level methods, like ONIOM[QCISD(T)/6-31+G(2df,p):MP2/6-31G+G(d,p))//ONIOM[MP2/6-31+G(d,p):HF/6-31G]. The average error using the GCM, with respect to experimental data, was 3.4 kJ mol-1

    Descrições estruturais cristalinas de zeólitos

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