55 research outputs found

    Guidance and Navigation Design Trades for the Lunar Pallet Lander

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    This paper provides an overview of a series of design trades in support of the NASA Lunar Pallet Lander (LPL) project. The vehicle is being designed to enable a high mass landing capability on the Lunar surface with a high precision. In order to provide clear requirements definition and preliminary design, the Guidance and Navigation Teams are assessing areas such as algorithm development, sensor architectures, and system-level sensitivities. These trades are enabled by the de-tailed six degree of freedom analysis tools. This mature simulation with the capability for closed- and open-loop simulation modes allows for high fidelity modeling and understanding of the system under design. The results show the feasibility and performance of the current vehicle to meet high accuracy landing requirements

    Entry, Descent, and Landing Performance for a Mid-Lift-to-Drag Ratio Vehicle at Mars

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    In an effort to mature the design of the Mid-Lift-to-Drag ratio Rigid Vehicle (MRV) candidate of the NASA Evolvable Mars Campaign (EMC) architecture study, end-to-end six-degree-of-freedom (6DOF) simulations are needed to ensure a successful entry, descent, and landing (EDL) design. The EMC study is assessing different vehicle and mission architectures to determine which candidate would be best to deliver a 20 metric ton payload to the surface of Mars. Due to the large mass payload and the relatively low atmospheric density of Mars, all candidates of the EMC study propose to use Supersonic Retro-Propulsion (SRP) throughout the descent and landing phase, as opposed to parachutes, in order to decelerate to a subsonic touchdown. This paper presents a 6DOF entry-to-landing performance and controllability study with sensitivities to dispersions, particularly in the powered descent and landing phases

    Rapid Mars transits with exhaust-modulated plasma propulsion

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    The operational characteristics of the Exhaust-Modulated Plasma Rocket are described. Four basic human and robotic mission scenarios to Mars are analyzed using numerical optimization techniques at variable specific impulse and constant power. The device is well suited for 'split-sprint' missions, allowing fast, one-way low-payload human transits of 90 to 104 days, as well as slower, 180-day, high-payload robotic precursor flights. Abort capabilities, essential for human missions, are also explored

    Altair Descent and Ascent Reference Trajectory Design and Initial Dispersion Analyses

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    The Altair Lunar Lander is the linchpin in the Constellation Program (CxP) for human return to the Moon. Altair is delivered to low Earth orbit (LEO) by the Ares V heavy lift launch vehicle, and after subsequent docking with Orion in LEO, the Altair/Orion stack is delivered through translunar injection (TLI). The Altair/Orion stack separating from the Earth departure stage (EDS) shortly after TLI and continues the flight to the Moon as a single stack. Altair performs the lunar orbit insertion (LOI) maneuver, targeting a 100-km circular orbit. This orbit will be a polar orbit for missions landing near the lunar South Pole. After spending nearly 24 hours in low lunar orbit (LLO), the lander undocks from Orion and performs a series of small maneuvers to set up for descending to the lunar surface. This descent begins with a small deorbit insertion (DOI) maneuver, putting the lander on an orbit that has a perilune of 15.24 km (50,000 ft), the altitude where the actual powered descent initiation (PDI) commences. At liftoff from Earth, Altair has a mass of 45 metric tons (mt). However after LOI (without Orion attached), the lander mass is slightly less than 33 mt at PDI. The lander currently has a single descent module main engine, with TBD lb(sub f) thrust (TBD N), providing a thrust-to-weight ratio of approximately TBD Earth g's at PDI. LDAC-3 (Lander design and analysis cycle #3) is the most recently closed design sizing and mass properties iteration. Upgrades for loss of crew (LDAC-2) and loss of mission (LDAC-3) have been incorporated into the lander baseline design (and its Master Equipment List). Also, recently, Altair has been working requirements analyses (LRAC-1). All nominal data here are from the LDAC-3 analysis cycle. All dispersions results here are from LRAC-1 analyses

    Linear Covariance Analysis for a Lunar Lander

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    A next-generation lunar lander Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GNC) system, which includes a state-of-the-art optical sensor suite, is proposed in a concept design cycle. The design goal is to allow the lander to softly land within the prescribed landing precision. The achievement of this precision landing requirement depends on proper selection of the sensor suite. In this paper, a robust sensor selection procedure is demonstrated using a Linear Covariance (LinCov) analysis tool developed by Draper

    Hyperhomocysteinemia, anticardiolipin antibody status, and risk for vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients

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    Hyperhomocysteinemia, anticardiolipin antibody status, and risk for vascular access thrombosis in hemodialysis patients.Background. Vascular access failure is an important cause of morbidity in end-stage renal failure patients on hemodialysis. Currently, little is known about risk factors that predispose certain hemodialysis patients to recurrent access thrombosis. Hyperhomocysteinemia (common in patients with renal failure) predisposes people with normal renal function to recurrent and early-onset venous thrombosis, although the effect on vascular access thrombosis is currently unknown. Previous studies have suggested that high titers of IgG anticardiolipin antibody (IgG-ACA) predispose hemodialysis patients to access thrombosis. This cross sectional study was designed to assess for an association between two predictive variables, hyperhomocysteinemia and elevated titers of IgG-ACA, and vascular access thrombosis in patients undergoing chronic hemodialysis.Methods. Risk factors for vascular access thrombosis were documented, and the number of episodes of access thrombosis was recorded for the previous three years in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Midweek predialysis total homocysteine and IgG-ACA levels were measured in all subjects.Results. Of the 118 patients who were enrolled, 75.4% had a native arteriovenous fistula. Episodes of vascular access thrombosis were recorded for the previous three years; 34 (28.8%, 95% CI 20.9 to 37.9%) patients had 72 episodes of access thrombosis over the period of risk. Mean homocysteine levels were not significantly different between these 34 patients (28.6 μmol/liter, 95% CI 24.5 to 32.7) and the patients who had no episodes of graft thrombosis (29.8 μmol/liter, 95% CI 26.7 to 32.9). Sixty-seven unselected patients had IgG-ACA levels drawn for analysis, and all assays were negative. The only variable that was associated with a higher risk for graft thrombosis was the type of vascular access placed (odds ratio 4.0, 95% CI 1.6 to 9.6 for patients with a synthetic graft compared with those with an arteriovenous fistula).Conclusions. No association was found between homocysteine levels or anticardiolipin antibody and vascular access thrombosis in our patient population

    Guidance, Navigation, and Control for NASA Lunar Pallet Lander

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    The NASA Lander Technology project is leading the development and integration of the Lunar Pallet Lander (LPL) concept. The objective is to demonstrate precision landing by delivering a payload to the lunar surface within 100 meters of a landing target. Potential landing sites are selected near the lunar pole where water may be present in permanently shadowed regions that could enable future in-situ resource utilization. The LPL is part of a sequence of missions aimed at maturing the necessary technologies, such as lunar precision landing sensors, that will enable the next generation of multi-ton lunar payloads and human landers. This paper provides an overview of the Mission Design, Guidance Navigation and Control (GNC) algorithms, and sensor suite. The results show the LPL simulated trajectory and landing precision performance under nominal and dispersed conditions. The landing precision simulation confirms the need to rely on high-accuracy navigation techniques and sensors such as Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) and the Navigation Doppler Lidar (NDL), currently being developed for space applications. The results also demonstrate the ability of the guidance and control system to perform a soft lunar touchdown by combining thrust vector control during the solid rocket motor deceleration phase, and pulse engine control, for the liquid powered descent phase

    A History of the Book: Disrupting Society from Tablet to Tablet

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    The written word is arguably one of the most powerful tools available to mankind. This book analyzes the history and social impact of written language from the oldest known writing systems to the rise of electronic media.https://digitalcommons.wou.edu/history_of_book/1015/thumbnail.jp
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