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    La imaginación en el sistema de Ramón Llull

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    The structure and differences between anthropological features of female and male pupils attending the first four grades of urban and rural schools in Lika

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    Stil života u gradskoj i seoskoj sredini, kao i mogućnost bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću učenika i učenica razredne nastave u školi i u slobodno vrijeme, ukazali su na potrebu da se utvrde razlike antropoloških obilježja učenika i razlike učenica razredne nastave gradskih i seoskih sredina Like. Cilj istraživanja bio je taj da se na uzorku od 800 sudionika (400 učenika i 400 učenica) razredne nastave, u dobi od 7. do 10. godina, u gradskim i seoskim školama, primjeni skup od 37 varijabli s ciljem da se utvrditi postoji li razlika u manifestnim i latentnim mjerama morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja i u testovima motoričkih sposobnosti između učenika i između učenica gradskih i seoskih sredina. Svrsishodnost rada jest ta da se na temelju dobivenih informacija na optimalan te što pravovremeniji i efikasniji način može provoditi modeliranje, dijagnosticiranje, planiranje, programiranje i kontroliranje tjelesnog vježbanja učenika i učenica razredne nastave u gradskim i seoskim sredinama. Skup mjera morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja upotrijebljenih u ovom istraživanju odabran je i mjeren prema postupcima propisanim Međunarodnim biološkim programom, IBP-Weiner i Lourie, 1969. Uzorak varijabli čini 19 mjera za procjenu morfoloških antropoloških obilježja. Longitudinalna dimenzionalnost skeleta procijenjena je pomoću pet mjera, a to su: visina tijela (ALDTV), dužina ruke (ALDDR), dužina noge (ALDDN) i dužina stopala (ALDDS), biakromijalni raspon (ALDBR). Volumen i masa tijela procijenjeni su pomoću pet mjera: tijela masa (AVMTM), središnjeg opseg prsnog koša (AVMSOK), opsega nadlaktice (AVMONA), opsega natkoljenice (AVMONAT) i opsega potkoljenice (AVMOPOT). Potkožno masno tkivo procijenjeno je pomoću četiriju mjera: kožnog nabora na leđima (APMLE), kožnog nabora na trbuhu (APMTR), kožnog nabora na nadlaktici (APMNAD) i kožnog nabora na potkoljenici (APMPOT). Transverzalna dimenzionalnost skeleta procijenjena je pomoću pet mjera: dijametra lakta (ATDLA), dijametra ručnog zgloba (ATDRZ), bikristalnog raspona (ATDBKR), dijametra koljena (ATDKO) i širine stopala (ATDST). Skup testova motoričkih sposobnosti čini 18 testova. Agilnost je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: koraci u stranu (MAGKUS), osmice sagibanjem (MAGOSS) i prenošenjem pretrčavanjem (MAGPRP). Eksplozivna snaga procijenjena je pomoću tri testa: skok u dalj s mjesta (MESSDM ), sprint iz visokog starta na 20 m (MESS20) i bacanje medicinke (1 kg) iz ležanja (MESBML). Fleksibilnost je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: pretklon raznožno (MFLPRR), pretklon na klupici (MFLPRK) i pretklon u uskom raznoženju (MFLPRU). Koordinacija je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: poligon natraške (MKOPLN), kotrljanje lopte nedominantnom rukom (MKOKLR) i poligon okretom (MKOPLO). Repetitivna snaga procijenjena je pomoću tri testa: podizanje trupa iz ležanja (MRSPTL), podizanje trupa -kratko (MRSPTK) i čučnjevi (MRSCUC). Ravnoteža je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: stajanje na jednoj nozi uzduž klupice za ravnotežu sa zatvorenim očima (MBAU1Z), stajanje na klupici za ravnotežu s otvorenim očima (MBAU20) i stajanje na obrnutoj klupici za ravnotežu s otvorenim očima (MBAOKO). U istraživanju dobiveni podaci obrađeni su metodama deskriptivne statistike, provjerene su metrijske karakteristike mjera morfoloških antropoloških obilježja i testova motoričkih sposobnosti. Faktorskom analizom metodom glavnih komponenata, primjenom GK-kriterija, ekstrahirani faktori transformirani su ortogonalnom rotacijom po varimax normalized kriteriju te je određen broj značajnih glavnih komponenta. S obzirom na mjesto stanovanja, spol i dob kanoničkom diskriminacijskom analizom, utvrđene su razlike između učenika i između učenica razredne nastave u prostoru manifestnih i latentnih dimenzija mjera morfoloških antropoloških obilježja kao i testova motoričkih sposobnosti. Učenici gradske sredine u prvom razredu značajno su viši te dužih i širih ekstremiteta kao i veće mase i volumena tijela do četvrtog razreda, a u trećem razredu dobivaju na potkožnom masnom tkivo što je značajno izraženo u četvrtom razredu. Učenici sela niži su, robusnije građe, što je posebno uočljivo od drugog razreda kad imaju veće vrijednosti transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta te veće vrijednosti potkožnog masnog tkiva do trećeg razreda, kad gube masno tkivo i dobivaju na voluminoznosti i masi tijela na osnovi povećanja mišićne mase. Učenice seoske sredine u prvom, drugom i trećem razredu robusnije su građe tijela, imaju veće vrijednosti visine, dužih su ekstremiteta, osim u drugom razredu. Također većih su vrijednosti transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta i potkožnog masnog tkiva. Učenice gradske sredine u prvom i drugom razredu imaju veću voluminoznost tijela, dok je to kod učenica seoske sredine naglašeno u trećem razredu. U četvrtom razredu učenice gradske sredine imaju značajan prirast u: visini, vrijednostima dužine i širine skeleta, mase tijela, voluminoznosti i potkožnom masnom tkivu. To može ukazivati na to da učenice ulaze u drugu fazu ubrzanog rasta. Rezultati testova motoričkih sposobnosti ukazuju na to da učenici seoske sredine u prvom i drugom razredu postižu bolje rezultate u agilnosti, fleksibilnosti, koordinaciji, repetitivnoj snazi i ravnoteži, dok učenici gradske sredine u eksplozivnoj snazi. U trećem razredu učenici seoske sredine uključuju se više u rad na obiteljskim gospodarstvima, manje vremena provode u igri i slabijih su rezultata osim kod ravnoteže. U četvrtom razredu, na osnovu veće mišićne mase, učenici seoske sredine značajno su bolji u svim rezultatima osim u testovima koraka u stranu, pretklona raznožno i čučnjevima. Učenice seoske sredine tijekom razredne nastave postižu bolje rezultate u većini testova, osim kod ravnoteže u prvom i trećem razredu, agilnosti u trećem i četvrtom razredu i koordinacije u četvrtom razredu. Učenice seoske sredine u slobodno vrijeme provode više vremena u igri ali su i umjereno opterećena radnim obvezama. Analizom razlika učenika i razlika učenica gradskih i seoskih sredina, u prostoru 19 mjera morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja i 18 testova motoričkih sposobnosti, utvrđeno je da su učenici i učenice seoske sredine, u odnosu na učenike i učenice gradske sredine, znatno robusnije građe; učenici seoske sredine većih su vrijednosti potkožnog masnog tkiva i transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, a učenice i longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta. Učenici seoske sredine postižu bolje rezultate u većini motoričkih testova osim kod učenika u trećem razredu. Učenici i učenice seoske sredine provode više slobodnog vremena igrajući se u prirodi ali i radnim obvezama. Dobivene razlike objašnjene su različitim uvjetima življenja, odrastanja učenika i učenica, uvjetima prehrane i stanovanja, rada, mogućnosti bavljenja sportom i igrom. Dobivene razlike ukazuju na to da je kod planiranja i programiranja nastavnog procesa u tjelesnom i zdravstvenom području bitno je uvažavati razlike koje definiraju različite sredine.Lifestyle and opportunities, for physical exercise at school and in free time, of female and male pupils attending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas, have indicated the need to establish the structure and the differences of anthropological features of male and female pupils in primary schools in urban and rural areas of Lika. The aim of this research was to apply the set of 37 variables and tests of motor and functional abilities on the subject sample of 800 participants (400 female and 400 male pupils) aged 7-10 attending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas in order to determine the differences in manifest and latent measures of anthropometric features between those two groups. The expediency of this work is to provide optimal, fast and effecient way to shape, diagnose, plan, programme and control physical activity among female and male pupils atttending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas. The set of morphological anthropometrical features used in this research was selected and measured according to the procedures prescribed by International biological programme, IBP-Weiner and Lourie, 1969. The sample of variables consists of 19 measures to estimate morphological measures. Longitudinal skeleton dimensionality was estimated by five measures: Body height (ALDTV), Arm length (ALDDR), Leg length (ALDDN), Foot length (ALDDS) and Biacromial range (ALDBR). Body volume and mass were estimated by five measures: Body weight (AVMTM), Central chest extent (AVMSOK), Upper arm extent (AVMONA), Upper leg extent (AVMONAT) and Lower leg extent (AVMOPOT). Subcutaneous fat tissue was estimated by four measures: Back skinfold (APMLE), Belly skinfold (APMTR), Upper arm skinfold (APMNAD) and Lower leg skinfold (APMPOT). Transversal skeleton dimensionality was estimated by five measures: Elbow diameter (ATDLA), Wrist diameter (ATDRZ), Bicristal range (ATDBKR) , Knee diameter (ATDKO) and Foot width (ATDST). The set of motor abilities' tests consists of 18 tests. Agility was estimated by three tests: Side steps (MAGKUS), Doing the 8 with bending (MAGOSS) and Carrying over by running (MAGPRP). Explosive strength was estimated by three tests: Standing long jump (MESSDM), High start 20 m sprint (MESS20) and Throwing medicine ball (1kg) from lying down (MESBML). Flexibilitiy was estimated by three tests: Forward bend with legs widely spread (MFLPRR), Forward bend on a bench (MFLPRK) and Forward bend with legs slightly spread (MFLPRU). Coordination was estimated by three tests: Ground practice backwards (MKOPLN), Rolling a ball by undominant hand (MKOKLR) and Ground practice with a turn (MKOPLO). Repetitive strenght was estimated by three tests: Lifting the upper body from lying down (MRSPTL), Lifting the upper body – short (MRSPTK) and Squats (MRSCUC). Balance was estimated by three tests: Standing on one leg on a balancing bench with eyes closed (MBAU1Z), Standing on a balancing bench with eyes open (MBAU20) and Standing on a turned over balancing bench with eyes open (MBAOKO). The collected data were processed by descriptive analysis; metric caracteristics of morphological features and motor abilities tests, were verified. Differences in manifest variables of morphological features and motor abilities tests, between female and male pupils attending the first four grades in rural and urban areas, were determined by discriminanat analysis. Defining latent dimensions of measures of morphological features and tests of motor and functional abilities of female and male pupils was conducted by factor analysis, the method of main components according to Guttman Kesir's criteria. The differences in latent dimensions, between female and male pupils in the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban area, were determined by dicriminant analysis. The results have shown the existance of significant difference among female and among male pupils in manifest measures of anthropometric features and tests of motor abilities. Based on the collected data in manifest measures of morphological antrhropometric features, the first grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function skeleton dimensionality and volume, and female pupils by subcutaneous fat tissue. The second grade male pupils are best determined by subcutaneous fat tissue, and female pupils by discriminant function of transversal skeleton dimensionality and volume. The third and the fourth grade male pupils differentiate in the function of transversal skeleton dimensionality, the third grade female pupils in the function of subcutaneous fat tissue and the fourth grade female pupils in soft tissues function. In the field of motor abilities the first grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function of side agility, and female pupils by discriminant function of repetitive trunk strenght and coordination. The second grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function of repetitive strenght and balance, and female pupils by upper extremities coordination and explosive leg strenght. There are not any significant differences between third grade male pupils, while female pupils show differences in repetitive trunk strenght. The fourth grade male pupils show differences in explosive strenght of lower extremities and agility, and female pupils in trunk strenght. By analysing latent dimensions in the field of morphological antrophometry, three basic components are extracted between the first grade female and male pupils, among which the first component is the biggest and the most explicable. The first basic component extracted among female and male pupils is subcutaneous fat tissue. The second extracted component among male pupils is longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality, and among female pupils longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. The third extracted component among female and male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and body volume. Three components were calculated in the second grade. The first basic component among male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and body volume and among female pupils it is the soft tissues component. The second and the third extracted components among male pupils are subcutaneous fat tissue and longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and among female pupils it is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality and transversal skeleton dimensionality. The first basic component of soft tissues and transversal skeleton dimensionality is extracted among the third grade male pupils and the components of subcutaneous fat tissue, transversal skeleton dimensionality and body mass among female pupils. The second component among female and male pupils is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. The third extracted component among male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and among female pupils body volume. Three basic components are extracted among fourth grade male pupils, and among female pupils, two. The first basic component among male pupils is soft tissues component and among female pupils in this grade there is also transversal skeleton dimensionality. The second and the third component among male pupils is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality and transversal skeleton dimensionality and among female pupils they are united in the second component. In the field of motor abilities of female and male pupils in the first grade, six i.e. five basic components were extracted. The first basic component extracted among male pupils is repetitive strenght, agility and explosive strenght of lower extremities, and among female pupils coordination and agility. Extracted components among male pupils are: lower back flexibility and back thigh flexibility, closed eyes balance, opened eyes balance, coordination, repetitive body strenght, body coordination and explosive leg strenght, upper extremities coordination. The first extracted component among male pupils in the second grade is agility and explosive leg strenght and among female pupils coordination and agility. Extracted components among male pupils are flexibility, balance, repetitive leg strenght and body coordination, closed eyes balance and among female pupils: flexibility, repetitive leg strenght, explosive leg strenght, balance, repetitive strenght and agility. The first basic components extracted among the third grade male pupils are agility, coordination and explosive leg strenght and among female pupils agility, explosive leg strenght and coordination. The extracted componenets among male pupils are: flexibility, explosive arm and shoulder strenght, balance, closed eyes balance and repetitive strenght. The extracted components among female pupils are: flexibility, closed eyes balance, opened eyes balance, explosive arm and shoulder strenght. The first basic component extracted among the fourth grade male pupils is body coordination and among female pupils in this grade the extracted components are agility, coordination and explosive leg strenght. The extracted components among male pupils are: flexibility, explosive leg strenght, repetitive leg strenght and agility, explosive arm and shoulder strenght and balance. The extracted components among female pupils are: flexibility, balance, repetitive trunk strenght, repetitive arm and shoulder strenght. Pupils from the first to the fourth grade are best determined by discriminant function of longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality in latent dimensions of morphological anthropometrical features. The first grade female pupils are best determined by discriminant function of subcutaneous fat tissue, the second grade female pupils are best determined by discriminant function of transversal skeleton dimensionality and the third grade female pupils by discriminant function of subcutaneous fat tissue and transversal skeleton dimensionality. The fourth grade female pupils are best determined by longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. Values of discriminant analysis in latent motor abilities of the first grade pupils indicate that there are not any statistically important differences. Pupils in the second grade are best defined by discriminative function of balance. There are not any statistically important differences between pupils in the third grade. In the third grade there are not any statistically significant differences among pupils in the defined latnent motor factors. In the fourth grade pupils are best defined by the discriminative function of explosive leg strength. In the first grade female pupils are best defined by the discriminative functions of coordination and agility and coordination of upper extremities, while in the second grade there are not any statistically significant differences. In the third grade female pupils are best defined by the discriminative function of opened eyes balance and in the fourth grade female pupils are best defined by agility, and explosive leg strength. Based on the given results, it can be concluded that primary school pupils attending the first four grades show statistically important differences in manifest measures of morphological features. The first grade male pupils are taller and show higher measures in values, while male pupils from rural areas are, in higher classes, shorter and more robust with more subcutaneous fat tissue. As far as motor abilities are concerned, the first grade male pupils from urban areas achieve better results in agility and explosive strenght tests, while higher grades male pupils from rural areas achieve better results in flexibility, repetitive and explosive strenght and agility tests. Female pupils from rural areas attending the first three grades are more robust and shorter with more subcutaneous fat tissue, while female pupils from urban areas suddenly step into the period of pre-puberty in the fourth grade. Female pupils from rural areas achieve better results in explosive and repetitive strenght and coordination tests, while female pupils from urban areas achieve better results in agility tests. Differences among female and male pupils are also confirmed in latent dimensions of morphological features and motor abilities. The first grade pupils show higher values of longitudinal and transversal skleton dimensionality, while in higher classes male pupils from urban areas show higher values of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality; pupils from rural areas show higher values of transversal skeleton dimensionality. Male pupils from urban areas achieve better results in latent dimensions of explosive strenght and coordination while male pupils from rural areas achieve better results in latent dimensions of balance, repetitive strenght and flexibility. Female pupils from rural areas attending the first four grades show higher values in latent dimensions of subcutaneous fat tissue and transversal skeleton dimensionality; and female pupils from urban areas attending the fourth grade show higher values in longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality. These female pupils show better results in latent dimensions of motor coordination tests, agility and closed eyes balance, in lower grades. Female pupils from rural areas attending the fourth grade show better results in agility tests, explosive and repetitive strenght and coordination

    Sistema de energía solar fotovoltaica conectado a red

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    [ES] La finalidad de este trabajo fin de grado es la elaboración de un sistema solar fotovoltaico que se conecte a la red y sea capaz de generar X KW cumpliendo con todas las condiciones exigidas por el reglamento vigente. La instalación únicamente utilizará la radiación solar como energía primaria mediante la tecnología fotovoltaica. También se realizará un estudio de la producción energética y de la rentabilidad económica de la instalación analizando la viabilidad del proyecto. Es una opción pero no es seguro el estudio acerca de esto debido a la nueva normativa española. Se va a diseñar la instalación con seguidores solares, por las razones que se justificarán en su momento, pero al estar situado en el hemisferio norte no tendría inconvenientes de que la instalación fuera fija.Braco Boix, D. (2016). Sistema de energía solar fotovoltaica conectado a red. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/72932.TFG

    La vivienda transformable: paralelismo de las claves estéticas relacionadas con el arte.

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    [ES] El presente trabajo centra su estudio en la relación constante, solapándose o superponiéndose, del arte y de la arquitectura. Se analiza desde un punto de vista técnico cómo las obras arquitectónicas tienen grandes similitudes con obras artísticas, centrando el análisis en aspectos fundamentales dentro del ámbito artístico-arquitectónico, como el volumen, el color, la materialidad, la forma, la intención, el objeto, el objetivo, el espacio, entre otros. El trabajo reúne el estudio de la relación entre 9 grupos de artistas y arquitectos y la importancia mutua que reciben . Se adopta un análisis teórico, crítico y descriptivo para enlazar las obras elegidas. Las semejanzas entre las obras arquitectónicas, escultóricas y pinturas van más allá de la técnica usada para su elaboración, en algunas ocasiones se podrían definir las pautas y aspectos comunes simplemente observando la obra y en otros casos se requiere de un análisis más profundo. Por ello, se citan ejemplos de distintos autores y estilos para extraer lo más esencial de su trabajo y destacar los puntos que hacen que algunos elementos artísticos y arquitectónicos pertenezcan a la misma categoría en el intervalo de tiempo desde los años 50 hasta los 80.[EN] This work focuses its study on the constant relationship, overlapping or superimposing, between art and architecture. It analyses from a technical point of view how architectural works have great similarities with artistic works, focusing the analysis on fundamental aspects within the artistic-architectural field, such as volume, colour, materiality, form, intention, object, objective, space, among others. The work brings together the study of the relationship between X groups of artists and architects and the importance among them . A theoretical, critical, and descriptive analysis is adopted to link the chosen works. The similarities between the architectural works, sculptures and paintings go beyond the technique used for their elaboration, on some occasions it would be possible to define the patterns and common aspects simply by observing the work and in other cases a deeper analysis is required. For this reason, examples of different authors and styles are cited to extract the most essential aspects of their work and to highlight the points that make some artistic and architectural elements belong to the same category in the time interval from the 1950s to the 1980s.[CA] Aquest treball centra el seu estudi en la relació constant, solapant-se o superposant-se, de l’art i de l’arquitectura. S’analitza des d’un punt de vista tècnic com les obres arquitectòniques tenen grans similituds amb obres artístiques, centrant l’anàlisi en aspectes fonamentals dins de l’àmbit artístic-arquitectònic, com el volum, el color, la materialitat, la forma, la intenció, l’objecte, l’objectiu, l’espai, entre altres. El treball reuneix l’estudi de la relació entre 9 grups d’artistes i arquitectes i la importància mutua que reben. S’adopta una anàlisi teòrica, crítica i descriptiva per a enllaçar les obres triades. Les semblances entre les obres arquitectòniques, escultòriques i pintures van més enllà de la tècnica usada per a la seua elaboració, en algunes ocasions es podrien definir les pautes i aspectes comuns simplement observant l’obra i en altres casos es requereix d’una anàlisi més profunda. Per això, se citen exemples de diferents autors i estils per a extraure el més essencial del seu treball i destacar els punts que fan que alguns elements artístics i arquitectònics pertanguen a la mateixa categoria en l’interval de temps des dels anys 50 fins als 80.Braco Reus, B. (2021). La vivienda transformable: paralelismo de las claves estéticas relacionadas con el arte. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/179716TFG

    The structure and differences between anthropological features of female and male pupils attending the first four grades of urban and rural schools in Lika

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    Stil života u gradskoj i seoskoj sredini, kao i mogućnost bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnošću učenika i učenica razredne nastave u školi i u slobodno vrijeme, ukazali su na potrebu da se utvrde razlike antropoloških obilježja učenika i razlike učenica razredne nastave gradskih i seoskih sredina Like. Cilj istraživanja bio je taj da se na uzorku od 800 sudionika (400 učenika i 400 učenica) razredne nastave, u dobi od 7. do 10. godina, u gradskim i seoskim školama, primjeni skup od 37 varijabli s ciljem da se utvrditi postoji li razlika u manifestnim i latentnim mjerama morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja i u testovima motoričkih sposobnosti između učenika i između učenica gradskih i seoskih sredina. Svrsishodnost rada jest ta da se na temelju dobivenih informacija na optimalan te što pravovremeniji i efikasniji način može provoditi modeliranje, dijagnosticiranje, planiranje, programiranje i kontroliranje tjelesnog vježbanja učenika i učenica razredne nastave u gradskim i seoskim sredinama. Skup mjera morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja upotrijebljenih u ovom istraživanju odabran je i mjeren prema postupcima propisanim Međunarodnim biološkim programom, IBP-Weiner i Lourie, 1969. Uzorak varijabli čini 19 mjera za procjenu morfoloških antropoloških obilježja. Longitudinalna dimenzionalnost skeleta procijenjena je pomoću pet mjera, a to su: visina tijela (ALDTV), dužina ruke (ALDDR), dužina noge (ALDDN) i dužina stopala (ALDDS), biakromijalni raspon (ALDBR). Volumen i masa tijela procijenjeni su pomoću pet mjera: tijela masa (AVMTM), središnjeg opseg prsnog koša (AVMSOK), opsega nadlaktice (AVMONA), opsega natkoljenice (AVMONAT) i opsega potkoljenice (AVMOPOT). Potkožno masno tkivo procijenjeno je pomoću četiriju mjera: kožnog nabora na leđima (APMLE), kožnog nabora na trbuhu (APMTR), kožnog nabora na nadlaktici (APMNAD) i kožnog nabora na potkoljenici (APMPOT). Transverzalna dimenzionalnost skeleta procijenjena je pomoću pet mjera: dijametra lakta (ATDLA), dijametra ručnog zgloba (ATDRZ), bikristalnog raspona (ATDBKR), dijametra koljena (ATDKO) i širine stopala (ATDST). Skup testova motoričkih sposobnosti čini 18 testova. Agilnost je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: koraci u stranu (MAGKUS), osmice sagibanjem (MAGOSS) i prenošenjem pretrčavanjem (MAGPRP). Eksplozivna snaga procijenjena je pomoću tri testa: skok u dalj s mjesta (MESSDM ), sprint iz visokog starta na 20 m (MESS20) i bacanje medicinke (1 kg) iz ležanja (MESBML). Fleksibilnost je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: pretklon raznožno (MFLPRR), pretklon na klupici (MFLPRK) i pretklon u uskom raznoženju (MFLPRU). Koordinacija je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: poligon natraške (MKOPLN), kotrljanje lopte nedominantnom rukom (MKOKLR) i poligon okretom (MKOPLO). Repetitivna snaga procijenjena je pomoću tri testa: podizanje trupa iz ležanja (MRSPTL), podizanje trupa -kratko (MRSPTK) i čučnjevi (MRSCUC). Ravnoteža je procijenjena pomoću tri testa: stajanje na jednoj nozi uzduž klupice za ravnotežu sa zatvorenim očima (MBAU1Z), stajanje na klupici za ravnotežu s otvorenim očima (MBAU20) i stajanje na obrnutoj klupici za ravnotežu s otvorenim očima (MBAOKO). U istraživanju dobiveni podaci obrađeni su metodama deskriptivne statistike, provjerene su metrijske karakteristike mjera morfoloških antropoloških obilježja i testova motoričkih sposobnosti. Faktorskom analizom metodom glavnih komponenata, primjenom GK-kriterija, ekstrahirani faktori transformirani su ortogonalnom rotacijom po varimax normalized kriteriju te je određen broj značajnih glavnih komponenta. S obzirom na mjesto stanovanja, spol i dob kanoničkom diskriminacijskom analizom, utvrđene su razlike između učenika i između učenica razredne nastave u prostoru manifestnih i latentnih dimenzija mjera morfoloških antropoloških obilježja kao i testova motoričkih sposobnosti. Učenici gradske sredine u prvom razredu značajno su viši te dužih i širih ekstremiteta kao i veće mase i volumena tijela do četvrtog razreda, a u trećem razredu dobivaju na potkožnom masnom tkivo što je značajno izraženo u četvrtom razredu. Učenici sela niži su, robusnije građe, što je posebno uočljivo od drugog razreda kad imaju veće vrijednosti transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta te veće vrijednosti potkožnog masnog tkiva do trećeg razreda, kad gube masno tkivo i dobivaju na voluminoznosti i masi tijela na osnovi povećanja mišićne mase. Učenice seoske sredine u prvom, drugom i trećem razredu robusnije su građe tijela, imaju veće vrijednosti visine, dužih su ekstremiteta, osim u drugom razredu. Također većih su vrijednosti transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta i potkožnog masnog tkiva. Učenice gradske sredine u prvom i drugom razredu imaju veću voluminoznost tijela, dok je to kod učenica seoske sredine naglašeno u trećem razredu. U četvrtom razredu učenice gradske sredine imaju značajan prirast u: visini, vrijednostima dužine i širine skeleta, mase tijela, voluminoznosti i potkožnom masnom tkivu. To može ukazivati na to da učenice ulaze u drugu fazu ubrzanog rasta. Rezultati testova motoričkih sposobnosti ukazuju na to da učenici seoske sredine u prvom i drugom razredu postižu bolje rezultate u agilnosti, fleksibilnosti, koordinaciji, repetitivnoj snazi i ravnoteži, dok učenici gradske sredine u eksplozivnoj snazi. U trećem razredu učenici seoske sredine uključuju se više u rad na obiteljskim gospodarstvima, manje vremena provode u igri i slabijih su rezultata osim kod ravnoteže. U četvrtom razredu, na osnovu veće mišićne mase, učenici seoske sredine značajno su bolji u svim rezultatima osim u testovima koraka u stranu, pretklona raznožno i čučnjevima. Učenice seoske sredine tijekom razredne nastave postižu bolje rezultate u većini testova, osim kod ravnoteže u prvom i trećem razredu, agilnosti u trećem i četvrtom razredu i koordinacije u četvrtom razredu. Učenice seoske sredine u slobodno vrijeme provode više vremena u igri ali su i umjereno opterećena radnim obvezama. Analizom razlika učenika i razlika učenica gradskih i seoskih sredina, u prostoru 19 mjera morfoloških antropometrijskih obilježja i 18 testova motoričkih sposobnosti, utvrđeno je da su učenici i učenice seoske sredine, u odnosu na učenike i učenice gradske sredine, znatno robusnije građe; učenici seoske sredine većih su vrijednosti potkožnog masnog tkiva i transverzalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta, a učenice i longitudinalne dimenzionalnosti skeleta. Učenici seoske sredine postižu bolje rezultate u većini motoričkih testova osim kod učenika u trećem razredu. Učenici i učenice seoske sredine provode više slobodnog vremena igrajući se u prirodi ali i radnim obvezama. Dobivene razlike objašnjene su različitim uvjetima življenja, odrastanja učenika i učenica, uvjetima prehrane i stanovanja, rada, mogućnosti bavljenja sportom i igrom. Dobivene razlike ukazuju na to da je kod planiranja i programiranja nastavnog procesa u tjelesnom i zdravstvenom području bitno je uvažavati razlike koje definiraju različite sredine.Lifestyle and opportunities, for physical exercise at school and in free time, of female and male pupils attending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas, have indicated the need to establish the structure and the differences of anthropological features of male and female pupils in primary schools in urban and rural areas of Lika. The aim of this research was to apply the set of 37 variables and tests of motor and functional abilities on the subject sample of 800 participants (400 female and 400 male pupils) aged 7-10 attending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas in order to determine the differences in manifest and latent measures of anthropometric features between those two groups. The expediency of this work is to provide optimal, fast and effecient way to shape, diagnose, plan, programme and control physical activity among female and male pupils atttending the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban areas. The set of morphological anthropometrical features used in this research was selected and measured according to the procedures prescribed by International biological programme, IBP-Weiner and Lourie, 1969. The sample of variables consists of 19 measures to estimate morphological measures. Longitudinal skeleton dimensionality was estimated by five measures: Body height (ALDTV), Arm length (ALDDR), Leg length (ALDDN), Foot length (ALDDS) and Biacromial range (ALDBR). Body volume and mass were estimated by five measures: Body weight (AVMTM), Central chest extent (AVMSOK), Upper arm extent (AVMONA), Upper leg extent (AVMONAT) and Lower leg extent (AVMOPOT). Subcutaneous fat tissue was estimated by four measures: Back skinfold (APMLE), Belly skinfold (APMTR), Upper arm skinfold (APMNAD) and Lower leg skinfold (APMPOT). Transversal skeleton dimensionality was estimated by five measures: Elbow diameter (ATDLA), Wrist diameter (ATDRZ), Bicristal range (ATDBKR) , Knee diameter (ATDKO) and Foot width (ATDST). The set of motor abilities' tests consists of 18 tests. Agility was estimated by three tests: Side steps (MAGKUS), Doing the 8 with bending (MAGOSS) and Carrying over by running (MAGPRP). Explosive strength was estimated by three tests: Standing long jump (MESSDM), High start 20 m sprint (MESS20) and Throwing medicine ball (1kg) from lying down (MESBML). Flexibilitiy was estimated by three tests: Forward bend with legs widely spread (MFLPRR), Forward bend on a bench (MFLPRK) and Forward bend with legs slightly spread (MFLPRU). Coordination was estimated by three tests: Ground practice backwards (MKOPLN), Rolling a ball by undominant hand (MKOKLR) and Ground practice with a turn (MKOPLO). Repetitive strenght was estimated by three tests: Lifting the upper body from lying down (MRSPTL), Lifting the upper body – short (MRSPTK) and Squats (MRSCUC). Balance was estimated by three tests: Standing on one leg on a balancing bench with eyes closed (MBAU1Z), Standing on a balancing bench with eyes open (MBAU20) and Standing on a turned over balancing bench with eyes open (MBAOKO). The collected data were processed by descriptive analysis; metric caracteristics of morphological features and motor abilities tests, were verified. Differences in manifest variables of morphological features and motor abilities tests, between female and male pupils attending the first four grades in rural and urban areas, were determined by discriminanat analysis. Defining latent dimensions of measures of morphological features and tests of motor and functional abilities of female and male pupils was conducted by factor analysis, the method of main components according to Guttman Kesir's criteria. The differences in latent dimensions, between female and male pupils in the first four grades of primary schools in rural and urban area, were determined by dicriminant analysis. The results have shown the existance of significant difference among female and among male pupils in manifest measures of anthropometric features and tests of motor abilities. Based on the collected data in manifest measures of morphological antrhropometric features, the first grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function skeleton dimensionality and volume, and female pupils by subcutaneous fat tissue. The second grade male pupils are best determined by subcutaneous fat tissue, and female pupils by discriminant function of transversal skeleton dimensionality and volume. The third and the fourth grade male pupils differentiate in the function of transversal skeleton dimensionality, the third grade female pupils in the function of subcutaneous fat tissue and the fourth grade female pupils in soft tissues function. In the field of motor abilities the first grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function of side agility, and female pupils by discriminant function of repetitive trunk strenght and coordination. The second grade male pupils are best determined by discriminant function of repetitive strenght and balance, and female pupils by upper extremities coordination and explosive leg strenght. There are not any significant differences between third grade male pupils, while female pupils show differences in repetitive trunk strenght. The fourth grade male pupils show differences in explosive strenght of lower extremities and agility, and female pupils in trunk strenght. By analysing latent dimensions in the field of morphological antrophometry, three basic components are extracted between the first grade female and male pupils, among which the first component is the biggest and the most explicable. The first basic component extracted among female and male pupils is subcutaneous fat tissue. The second extracted component among male pupils is longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality, and among female pupils longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. The third extracted component among female and male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and body volume. Three components were calculated in the second grade. The first basic component among male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and body volume and among female pupils it is the soft tissues component. The second and the third extracted components among male pupils are subcutaneous fat tissue and longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and among female pupils it is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality and transversal skeleton dimensionality. The first basic component of soft tissues and transversal skeleton dimensionality is extracted among the third grade male pupils and the components of subcutaneous fat tissue, transversal skeleton dimensionality and body mass among female pupils. The second component among female and male pupils is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. The third extracted component among male pupils is transversal skeleton dimensionality and among female pupils body volume. Three basic components are extracted among fourth grade male pupils, and among female pupils, two. The first basic component among male pupils is soft tissues component and among female pupils in this grade there is also transversal skeleton dimensionality. The second and the third component among male pupils is longitudinal skeleton dimensionality and transversal skeleton dimensionality and among female pupils they are united in the second component. In the field of motor abilities of female and male pupils in the first grade, six i.e. five basic components were extracted. The first basic component extracted among male pupils is repetitive strenght, agility and explosive strenght of lower extremities, and among female pupils coordination and agility. Extracted components among male pupils are: lower back flexibility and back thigh flexibility, closed eyes balance, opened eyes balance, coordination, repetitive body strenght, body coordination and explosive leg strenght, upper extremities coordination. The first extracted component among male pupils in the second grade is agility and explosive leg strenght and among female pupils coordination and agility. Extracted components among male pupils are flexibility, balance, repetitive leg strenght and body coordination, closed eyes balance and among female pupils: flexibility, repetitive leg strenght, explosive leg strenght, balance, repetitive strenght and agility. The first basic components extracted among the third grade male pupils are agility, coordination and explosive leg strenght and among female pupils agility, explosive leg strenght and coordination. The extracted componenets among male pupils are: flexibility, explosive arm and shoulder strenght, balance, closed eyes balance and repetitive strenght. The extracted components among female pupils are: flexibility, closed eyes balance, opened eyes balance, explosive arm and shoulder strenght. The first basic component extracted among the fourth grade male pupils is body coordination and among female pupils in this grade the extracted components are agility, coordination and explosive leg strenght. The extracted components among male pupils are: flexibility, explosive leg strenght, repetitive leg strenght and agility, explosive arm and shoulder strenght and balance. The extracted components among female pupils are: flexibility, balance, repetitive trunk strenght, repetitive arm and shoulder strenght. Pupils from the first to the fourth grade are best determined by discriminant function of longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality in latent dimensions of morphological anthropometrical features. The first grade female pupils are best determined by discriminant function of subcutaneous fat tissue, the second grade female pupils are best determined by discriminant function of transversal skeleton dimensionality and the third grade female pupils by discriminant function of subcutaneous fat tissue and transversal skeleton dimensionality. The fourth grade female pupils are best determined by longitudinal skeleton dimensionality. Values of discriminant analysis in latent motor abilities of the first grade pupils indicate that there are not any statistically important differences. Pupils in the second grade are best defined by discriminative function of balance. There are not any statistically important differences between pupils in the third grade. In the third grade there are not any statistically significant differences among pupils in the defined latnent motor factors. In the fourth grade pupils are best defined by the discriminative function of explosive leg strength. In the first grade female pupils are best defined by the discriminative functions of coordination and agility and coordination of upper extremities, while in the second grade there are not any statistically significant differences. In the third grade female pupils are best defined by the discriminative function of opened eyes balance and in the fourth grade female pupils are best defined by agility, and explosive leg strength. Based on the given results, it can be concluded that primary school pupils attending the first four grades show statistically important differences in manifest measures of morphological features. The first grade male pupils are taller and show higher measures in values, while male pupils from rural areas are, in higher classes, shorter and more robust with more subcutaneous fat tissue. As far as motor abilities are concerned, the first grade male pupils from urban areas achieve better results in agility and explosive strenght tests, while higher grades male pupils from rural areas achieve better results in flexibility, repetitive and explosive strenght and agility tests. Female pupils from rural areas attending the first three grades are more robust and shorter with more subcutaneous fat tissue, while female pupils from urban areas suddenly step into the period of pre-puberty in the fourth grade. Female pupils from rural areas achieve better results in explosive and repetitive strenght and coordination tests, while female pupils from urban areas achieve better results in agility tests. Differences among female and male pupils are also confirmed in latent dimensions of morphological features and motor abilities. The first grade pupils show higher values of longitudinal and transversal skleton dimensionality, while in higher classes male pupils from urban areas show higher values of longitudinal skeleton dimensionality; pupils from rural areas show higher values of transversal skeleton dimensionality. Male pupils from urban areas achieve better results in latent dimensions of explosive strenght and coordination while male pupils from rural areas achieve better results in latent dimensions of balance, repetitive strenght and flexibility. Female pupils from rural areas attending the first four grades show higher values in latent dimensions of subcutaneous fat tissue and transversal skeleton dimensionality; and female pupils from urban areas attending the fourth grade show higher values in longitudinal and transversal skeleton dimensionality. These female pupils show better results in latent dimensions of motor coordination tests, agility and closed eyes balance, in lower grades. Female pupils from rural areas attending the fourth grade show better results in agility tests, explosive and repetitive strenght and coordination

    Prolem sine matre creatam

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    Dans le texte, on s'efforce à présenter les liaisons existants entre les transformations de la nature du procédé pictural pendant la deuxième moitié du XVIIF siècle (celui-la se trouve, la transformation opérée, en fonction de l'expression et de la persuassion, c'est-à-dire, de l'éducation du coeur et de l'esprit, et non plus en fonction de présentation des traits emblématiques de l'objet de la figuration) et les autres événements et processus conduisant à la constitution de l'institution artistique moderne. Notre thèse majeure, c'est que la peinture a franchi la frontière de l'optique et de la géometrie cartésiennes et s'est transformé en un appareil expressivo-persuassif dans le moment historique même, où la culture receptive aristocratique se trouve submergée par la vague du vandalisme révolutionnaire, par le culte de la culture nationale et de l'Art universel.V besedilu članka skušamo predočiti povezavo med spremembami narave slikarskega postopka v 2. polovici XVIII. stoletja (ta je po spremembi v funkciji ekspresije in prepričevanja, se pravi vzgoje srca in duha, ne pa več v funkciji prezentiranja emblematičnih lastnosti predmeta upodabljanja) in drugimi dogodki in procesi, ki so privedli do konstituiranja moderne umetnostne institucije. Naša glavna teza je, da je slikarstvo prestopilo mejo kartezijanske optike in geometrije ter se spremenilo v ekspresivno-prepričevalno napravo v istem zgodovinskem momentu, ko je aristokratska receptivna kultura končala pod valom revolucijskega vandalizma, s kultom nacionalne kulture in svetovne umetnosti

    Plantas Acuáticas Eichhornia Crassipes Y Nelumbo Nucifera Para Minimizar La Contaminación De Aguas Residuales

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación describe el tratamiento de aguas residuales del centro poblado El Arenal en humedales artificiales, que estas aguas pese a que se estancan en un lugar no se le dan un debido tratamiento y afecta a la salud de los pobladores de centro poblado ya antes mencionado, Para realizar el presente trabajo se tuvo que crear unos humedales artificiales que fueron hechos en el suelo, con las siguientes características dos agujeros de 30 cm de profundidad, 70 cm de largo y 30 de ancho, para poder colocar una cantidad de 50 litros de agua y a la ves incorporar dos tipos de plantas Eichhornia crassipes y Nelumbo nucifera para posteriormente colocar las aguas residuales que se van a ser tratadas. Finalmente se llegó a determinar que Eichhornia crassipes es más eficiente en la minimización de aguas residuales que Nelumbo nucifera de acuerdo a los análisis que se han podido realizar encontrándose los siguientes resultados: un pH que inicio con ambas plantas 7.95 y disminuyó a 7.32 y la 7.61 respectivamente, su turbidez de 222 disminuyó a 94 y la otra a 134, conductividad eléctrica inició 2535 con ambas plantas y disminuyó 975 una y la otras 1282, DBO de ambas plantas era de 80 y terminó una con 15 y la otra con 35,DQO que se inició en ambas plantas de 196 y terminó 20.6 en una y en la otra 44.8,coliformes Termotolerantes se inició 1.70 X 10 4 y terminó con 6.80X 10 3 y la otra con 9.20 X 1

    Aplicación de nanomateriales en la conservación de piezas arqueológicas

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    [ES] Los conservadores-restauradores del Patrimonio están en constante búsqueda de nuevos materiales y procedimientos para mejorar la consolidación de las piezas bajo su cuidado. En los últimos años, algunas sustancias como suspensiones inocuas y acuosas con nanopartículas cerámicas, están siendo evaluadas como sustitutos de las convencionales, que suelen ser tóxicas y muy volátiles. El objetivo de este TFM es realizar un estudio sobre los diferentes tipos de materiales utilizados en las tareas de consolidación de piezas arqueológicas y de patrimonio histórico, más concretamente en casos reales donde se han utilizado nanomateriales. De este estudio se pretende, obtener una idea concisa del uso, evolución y posibilidades que ofrecen los nanometeriales, frente a las sustancias convencionales en el ámbito de la conservación arqueológica y de Patrimonio en general. Para cumplir con este fin, se pretende realizar una completa búsqueda bibliográfica, que servirá para ordenar los estudios existentes con el fin de generar un fondo documental ordenado. Además, se espera realizar visitas a Museos e Institutos de Conservación de la Comunidad Valenciana para poder mantener entrevistas con sus conservadores, además de información sobre casos reales de consolidación sobre piezas conservadas en los museos. La Información obtenida de este estudio, será analizada para obtener las conclusiones oportunas sobre el uso de nanomateriales en este ámbito de aplicación. Cabe decir que se trata de un trabajo de tipo 'estudio bibliográfico' que permitirá a Ester Braco; realizar una revisión sobre el Estado del Arte de la nanotecnología en los métodos de conservación y restauración del patrimonio. Se pretende que el esfuerzo documental no sea solo de tipo bibliográfico, sino de que aproveche la oportunidad para adquirir información mediante visitas a laboratorios de Museos e Institutos dedicados a la Conservación de Patrimonio. Se pretende programar entrevistas con profesionales restauradores-conservadores de diferentes especialidades para que registre y documente los procedimientos y métodos utilizados en la conservación mediante el uso de nanomateriales.[EN] The aim of this project is to carry out a study on the different types of substances that are used in the tasks of the consolidation of archaeological pieces and historical heritage, specifically in real cases where nanomaterials have been used. On the other hand, during this TFM an experimental work has been carried out in collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Valencia and the Materials Technology Institute of the UPV. The work consisted of a commercial product based on silica nanoparticles on pieces of clay and ceramics from the Bronze Age and Iberian, respectively. The research has focused on the results of the results. Through different material characterization techniques, the results obtained during the consolidation process are evaluated and compared. As an added value to this TFM has carried out a visit to the laboratories of the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia to make a magazine to Trinity Pasies Oviedo, responsible for conservation laboratories. As a result of this interview, an audiovisual document that will accompany the written document of the TFM has been generated.Braco Alborch, E. (2019). Nanomateriales aplicados en la conservación-restauración del Patrimonio. Casos de Estudio. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/129982TFG

    Morosidad y su impacto en la rentabilidad de Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Piura, periodo 2015-2021

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    Se consideró como objetivo general determinar el impacto que tiene la morosidad en la rentabilidad en Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Piura, periodos 2015- 2021. Además, se utilizó una investigación de tipo aplicada, con diseño no experimental de corte transversal, y con enfoque cuantitativo. Asimismo, se consideró como técnica el análisis documental de los estados financieros de los periodos 2015 al 2021 de la Caja Piura a nivel nacional y como instrumento fue la guía de análisis documental. Los resultados descriptivos revelaron que la cartera atrasada, la cartera pesada y la cartera de alto riesgo ha mermado la rentabilidad de la Caja Piura a nivel nacional en los últimos siete periodos contables (2015 al 2021), siendo el año que más afectado al ROA y ROE en el 2020 por razones de la paralización de la economía a nivel nacional. Se concluye que la morosidad impacta de manera directa y significativa en la rentabilidad de la Caja Municipal de Ahorro y Crédito de Piura, 2015-2021, dado que cuando la morosidad se encuentra en el nivel alto la caja obtiene pérdida en sus estados financiero