6 research outputs found

    Indagine sulla composizione del tessuto muscolare di chiocciole terrestri appartenenti al genere Helix

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    Allo scopo di migliorare le conoscenze sulla composizione biochimica e il valore nutritivo delle chiocciole terrestri, sono state raccolte cinque specie (H. lucorum, H. aspersa, H. pomatia, H. vermiculata e H. aperta) dalla popolazione selvatica di varie aree geografiche italiane nel corso dell'inverno. Le analisi relative alla composizione globale, agli acidi grassi e agli elementi minerali sono state effettuate sul muscolo pedale. I risultati hanno evidenziato un basso contenuto di grassi (al di sotto dell'1%), la cui composizione e' caratterizzata da una percentuale di acidi grassi polinsaturi superiore al 50%, e un contenuto di elementi minerali in cui calcio e microelementi, come il ferro, sono presenti in quantita' elevat

    Indagine sul valore dietetico-nutrizionale della lumaca. Confronto fra specie e fra soggetti raccolti in natura ed allevati

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    none5È stato effettuato uno studio comparativo sotto il profilo della com- posizione centesimale e della composizione in acidi grassi della parte edibile delle principali specie di chiocciole di interesse gastronomico in Italia (H. pomatia, H. aspersa, H. lucorum, H. aperta, H. vermiculata). Sono stati analizzati soggetti opercolati raccolti durante la fase di quiescenza invernale. La provenienza dei molluschi era, da un punto di vista geografico, variegata; sono stati inclusi nello studio anche soggetti provenienti da allevamento. I risultati ottenuti hanno messo in evidenza differenze nel contenuto in proteine e sali minerali soprattutto legate alla specie anima- le; H. lucorum aveva il contenuto proteico sul tal quale più elevato mentre H. vermiculata presentava il maggior contenuto in cenere. L’analisi della composizione in acidi grassi ha rivelato una ridotta presenza di acidi grassi saturi (mediamente inferiore al 25%) ed un elevato contenuto in polinsaturi soprattutto acido linoleico e acido arachidonico. Il confronto intra-specifico fra prodotto allevato e prodotto raccolto in natura non ha evidenziato sostanziali differenze né nella composizione centesimale né nella composizione in acidi grassi.noneNOVELLI E.; GIACCONE V.; BALZAN S.; GHIDINI S.; BRACCHI P.G.Novelli, Enrico; Giaccone, Valerio; Balzan, Stefania; Ghidini, S.; Bracchi, P. G

    Emergency Department and Out-of-Hospital Emergency System (112\u2014AREU 118) integrated response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 in a Northern Italy centre

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    Since December 2019, the world has been facing the life-threatening disease, named Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19), recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The response of the Emergency Medicine network, integrating \u201cout-of-hospital\u201d and \u201chospital\u201d activation, is crucial whenever the health system has to face a medical emergency, being caused by natural or human-derived disasters as well as by a rapidly spreading epidemic outbreak. We here report the Pavia Emergency Medicine network response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The \u201cout-of-hospital\u201d response was analysed in terms of calls, rescues and missions, whereas the \u201chospital\u201d response was detailed as number of admitted patients and subsequent hospitalisation or discharge. The data in the first 5 weeks of the Covid-19 outbreak (February 21\u2013March 26, 2020) were compared with a reference time window referring to the previous 5 weeks (January 17\u2013February 20, 2020) and with the corresponding historical average data from the previous 5 years (February 21\u2013March 26). Since February 21, 2020, a sudden and sustained increase in the calls to the AREU 112 system was noted (+ 440%). After 5 weeks, the number of calls and missions was still higher as compared to both the reference pre-Covid-19 period (+ 48% and + 10%, respectively) and the historical control (+ 53% and + 22%, respectively). Owing to the overflow from the neighbouring hospitals, which rapidly became overwhelmed and had to temporarily close patient access, the population served by the Pavia system more than doubled (from 547.251 to 1.135.977 inhabitants, + 108%). To minimize the possibility of intra-hospital spreading of the infection, a separate \u201cEmergency Department\u2014Infective Disease\u201d was created, which evaluated 1241 patients with suspected infection (38% of total ED admissions). Out of these 1241 patients, 58.0% (n = 720) were admitted in general wards (n = 629) or intensive care unit (n = 91). To allow this massive number of admissions, the hospital reshaped many general ward Units, which became Covid-19 Units (up to 270 beds) and increased the intensive care unit beds from 32 to 60. In the setting of a long-standing continuing emergency like the present Covid-19 outbreak, the integration, interaction and team work of the \u201cout-of-hospital\u201d and \u201cin-hospital\u201d systems have a pivotal role. The present study reports how the rapid and coordinated reorganization of both might help in facing such a disaster. AREU-112 and the Emergency Department should be ready to finely tune their usual cooperation to respond to a sudden and overwhelming increase in the healthcare needs brought about by a pandemia like the current one. This lesson should shape and reinforce the future

    Breakthrough Cancer Pain: Preliminary Data of The Italian Oncologic Pain Multisetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)

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    Introduction: An ongoing national multicenter survey [Italian Oncologic Pain multiSetting Multicentric Survey (IOPS-MS)] is evaluating the characteristics of breakthrough cancer pain (BTP) in different clinical settings. Preliminary data from the first 1500 cancer patients with BTP enrolled in this study are presented here. Methods: Thirty-two clinical centers are involved in the survey. A diagnosis of BTP was performed by a standard algorithm. Epidemiological data, Karnofsky index, stage of disease, presence and sites of metastases, ongoing oncologic treatment, and characteristics of background pain and BTP and their treatments were recorded. Background pain and BTP intensity were measured. Patients were also questioned about BTP predictability, BTP onset (≤10 or >10 min), BTP duration, background and BTP medications and their doses, time to meaningful pain relief after BTP medication, and satisfaction with BTP medication. The occurrence of adverse reactions was also assessed, as well as mucosal toxicity. Results: Background pain was well controlled with opioid treatment (numerical rating scale 3.0 ± 1.1). Patients reported 2.5 ± 1.6 BTP episodes/day with a mean intensity of 7.5 ± 1.4 and duration of 43 ± 40 min; 977 patients (65.1%) reported non-predictable BTP, and 1076 patients (71.7%) reported a rapid onset of BTP (≤10 min). Higher patient satisfaction was reported by patients treated with fast onset opioids. Conclusions: These preliminary data underline that the standard algorithm used is a valid tool for a proper diagnosis of BTP in cancer patients. Moreover, rapid relief of pain is crucial for patients’ satisfaction. The final IOPS-MS data are necessary to understand relationships between BTP characteristics and other clinical variables in oncologic patients. Funding: Molteni Farmaceutici, Italy