2,204 research outputs found

    High-energy scale revival and giant kink in the dispersion of a cuprate superconductor

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    In the present photoemission study of a cuprate superconductor Bi1.74Pb0.38Sr1.88CuO6+delta, we discovered a large scale dispersion of the lowest band, which unexpectedly follows the band structure calculation very well. The incoherent nature of the spectra suggests that the hopping-dominated dispersion occurs possibly with the assistance of local spin correlations. A giant kink in the dispersion is observed, and the complete self-energy containing all interaction information is extracted for a doped cuprate in the low energy region. These results recovered significant missing pieces in our current understanding of the electronic structure of cuprates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on May 21, 200

    Experimental demonstration of a hyper-entangled ten-qubit Schr\"odinger cat state

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    Coherent manipulation of an increasing number of qubits for the generation of entangled states has been an important goal and benchmark in the emerging field of quantum information science. The multiparticle entangled states serve as physical resources for measurement-based quantum computing and high-precision quantum metrology. However, their experimental preparation has proved extremely challenging. To date, entangled states up to six, eight atoms, or six photonic qubits have been demonstrated. Here, by exploiting both the photons' polarization and momentum degrees of freedom, we report the creation of hyper-entangled six-, eight-, and ten-qubit Schr\"odinger cat states. We characterize the cat states by evaluating their fidelities and detecting the presence of genuine multi-partite entanglement. Small modifications of the experimental setup will allow the generation of various graph states up to ten qubits. Our method provides a shortcut to expand the effective Hilbert space, opening up interesting applications such as quantum-enhanced super-resolving phase measurement, graph-state generation for anyonic simulation and topological error correction, and novel tests of nonlocality with hyper-entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, comments welcom

    Flow batteries for energy management : novel algebraic modelling approaches to properly assess their value

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    Redox Flow Battery (RFB) systems are promising technologies for the multi-hour electrical energy storage that will be necessary for on-demand electricity supply based on wind and solar power. Deriving maximum value from a RFB requires optimisation of both the system design and its operation. In this work three novel algebraic modelling approaches are introduced to represent RFB operation more accurately while maintaining quick optimisation times. First the typical linear programming (LP) optimisation problem is re-posed in terms of current-density rather than power, allowing voltaic losses to be expressed as a quadratic function (QP). Secondly, it is then shown that the current-density framework supports a novel constraint for the avoidance of high cell voltage that may damage the stack. Thirdly, for the first time a binary variable (MIQP) to describe active/idle states is introduced. This allows coulombic leakage and pumping losses to be modelled as fixed terms without constantly draining the RFB, and it allows for the optimisation of pump rating in a VRFB. In a day-ahead energy management case study, it is found that the QP optimisation predicts an additional 19 % annual revenue when compared to the LP optimisation. This capture of the true flexibility of the RFB operation allows its full value to be assessed, and therefore advances the case for their deployment within the energy system. Furthermore, the formulations developed are not only applicable to RFBs but to the scheduling of other battery systems, particularly Li-ion, and balance of plant optimisation, such as the sizing of inverters and climate control systems in the context of parasitic losses

    Demon-like Algorithmic Quantum Cooling and its Realization with Quantum Optics

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    The simulation of low-temperature properties of many-body systems remains one of the major challenges in theoretical and experimental quantum information science. We present, and demonstrate experimentally, a universal cooling method which is applicable to any physical system that can be simulated by a quantum computer. This method allows us to distill and eliminate hot components of quantum states, i.e., a quantum Maxwell's demon. The experimental implementation is realized with a quantum-optical network, and the results are in full agreement with theoretical predictions (with fidelity higher than 0.978). These results open a new path for simulating low-temperature properties of physical and chemical systems that are intractable with classical methods.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, plus supplementarity material

    Generation of Three-Qubit Entangled States using Superconducting Phase Qubits

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    Entanglement is one of the key resources required for quantum computation, so experimentally creating and measuring entangled states is of crucial importance in the various physical implementations of a quantum computer. In superconducting qubits, two-qubit entangled states have been demonstrated and used to show violations of Bell's Inequality and to implement simple quantum algorithms. Unlike the two-qubit case, however, where all maximally-entangled two-qubit states are equivalent up to local changes of basis, three qubits can be entangled in two fundamentally different ways, typified by the states GHZ>=(000>+111>)/2|\mathrm{GHZ}> = (|000> + |111>)/\sqrt{2} and W>=(001>+010>+100>)/3|\mathrm{W}> = (|001> + |010> + |100>)/\sqrt{3}. Here we demonstrate the operation of three coupled superconducting phase qubits and use them to create and measure GHZ>|\mathrm{GHZ}> and W>|\mathrm{W}> states. The states are fully characterized using quantum state tomography and are shown to satisfy entanglement witnesses, confirming that they are indeed examples of three-qubit entanglement and are not separable into mixtures of two-qubit entanglement.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Version 2: added supplementary information and fixed image distortion in Figure 2

    Thermodynamic curvature and black holes

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    I give a relatively broad survey of thermodynamic curvature RR, one spanning results in fluids and solids, spin systems, and black hole thermodynamics. RR results from the thermodynamic information metric giving thermodynamic fluctuations. RR has a unique status in thermodynamics as being a geometric invariant, the same for any given thermodynamic state. In fluid and solid systems, the sign of RR indicates the character of microscopic interactions, repulsive or attractive. R|R| gives the average size of organized mesoscopic fluctuating structures. The broad generality of thermodynamic principles might lead one to believe the same for black hole thermodynamics. This paper explores this issue with a systematic tabulation of results in a number of cases.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, 78 references. Talk presented at the conference Breaking of Supersymmetry and Ultraviolet Divergences in extended Supergravity, in Frascati, Italy, March 27, 2013. v2 corrects some small problem

    Unicentric Castleman's disease approached as a pancreatic neoplasm: case report and review of literature

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    Castleman's disease is a rare lymphoproliferative disorder. Most cases occur in the mediastinum and the pancreatic localization is uncommon; currently there are only nine reported cases in the literature about peripancreatic localization. We report a case of a 62 years old man with a Castleman's disease mimicking a pancreatic neoplasm

    Profiling and Functional Analyses of MicroRNAs and Their Target Gene Products in Human Uterine Leiomyomas

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    Human uterine leiomyomas (ULM) are characterized by dysregulation of a large number of genes and non-coding regulatory microRNAs. In order to identify microRNA::mRNA associations relevant to ULM pathogenesis, we examined global correlation patterns between the altered microRNA expression and the predicted target genes in ULMs and matched myometria.Patterns of inverse association of microRNA with mRNA expression in ULMs revealed an involvement of multiple candidate pathways, including extensive transcriptional reprogramming, cell proliferation control, MAP kinase, TGF-beta, WNT, JAK/STAT signaling, remodeling of cell adhesion, and cell-cell and cell-matrix contacts. We further examined the correlation between the expression of the selected target gene protein products and microRNAs in thirty-six paired sets of leiomyomas and matched myometria. We found that a number of dysregulated microRNAs were inversely correlated with their targets at the protein level. The comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in eight ULM patients revealed that partially shared deletions of two distinct chromosomal regions might be responsible for loss of cancer-associated microRNA expression and could thus contribute to the ULM pathogenesis via deregulation of target mRNAs. Last, we functionally tested the repressor effects of selected cancer-related microRNAs on their predicted target genes in vitro.We found that some but not all of the predicted and inversely correlated target genes in ULMs can be directly regulated by microRNAs in vitro. Our findings provide a broad overview of molecular events underlying the tumorigenesis of uterine ULMs and identify select genetic and regulatory events that alter microRNA expression and may play important roles in ULM pathobiology by positively regulating tumor growth while maintaining the non-invasive character of ULMs

    Observation of eight-photon entanglement

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    Using ultra-bright sources of pure-state entangled photons from parametric down conversion, an eight-photon interferometer and post-selection detection, we demonstrate the ability to experimentally manipulate eight individual photons and report the creation of an eight-photon Schr\"odinger cat state with an observed fidelity of 0.708±0.0160.708 \pm 0.016.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    The association of the vanin-1 N131S variant with blood pressure is mediated by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and loss of function

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    High blood pressure (BP) is the most common cardiovascular risk factor worldwide and a major contributor to heart disease and stroke. We previously discovered a BP-associated missense SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)-rs2272996-in the gene encoding vanin-1, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane pantetheinase. In the present study, we first replicated the association of rs2272996 and BP traits with a total sample size of nearly 30,000 individuals from the Continental Origins and Genetic Epidemiology Network (COGENT) of African Americans (P=0.01). This association was further validated using patient plasma samples; we observed that the N131S mutation is associated with significantly lower plasma vanin-1 protein levels. We observed that the N131S vanin-1 is subjected to rapid endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) as the underlying mechanism for its reduction. Using HEK293 cells stably expressing vanin-1 variants, we showed that N131S vanin-1 was degraded significantly faster than wild type (WT) vanin-1. Consequently, there were only minimal quantities of variant vanin-1 present on the plasma membrane and greatly reduced pantetheinase activity. Application of MG-132, a proteasome inhibitor, resulted in accumulation of ubiquitinated variant protein. A further experiment demonstrated that atenolol and diltiazem, two current drugs for treating hypertension, reduce the vanin-1 protein level. Our study provides strong biological evidence for the association of the identified SNP with BP and suggests that vanin-1 misfolding and degradation are the underlying molecular mechanism