221 research outputs found

    The structure of atomic nitrogen adsorbed on Fe(100)

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    Nitrogen atoms adsorbed on a Fe(100) surface cause the formation of an ordered c(2 × 2) overlayer with coverage 0.5. A structure analysis was performed by comparing experimental LEED I–V spectra with the results of multiple scattering model calculations. The N atoms were found to occupy fourfold hollow sites, with their plane 0.27 Å above the plane of the surface Fe atoms. In addition, nitrogen adsorption causes an expansion of the two topmost Fe layers by 10% (= 0.14 Å). The minimum r-factor for this structure analysis is about 0.2 for a total of 16 beams. The resulting atomic arrangement is similar to that in the (002) plane of bulk Fe4N, thus supporting the view of a “surface nitride” and providing a consistent picture of the structural and bonding properties of this surface phase

    Mikrokutatás kikapcsolódásként

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    Biological control of invasive Dryocosmus kuriphilus with introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary

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    Background and purpose: Dryocosmus kuriphilus is considered as one of the major pests of sweet chestnut and the effective method of controlling its populations and damage is the biological control with its introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis. T. sinensis is a univoltine, host specific parasitoid, phenologically synchronized and morphologically adapted to D. kuriphilus. It has a good dispersal ability, it builds up populations quickly and it effectively controls the pest already few years after the release. In this paper we describe the first results of the introduction and release of T. sinensis for controlling the populations of invasive D. kuriphilus in sweet chestnut forests and orchards in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia. Materials and methods: Withered D. kuriphilus galls with T. sinensis larvae were collected in Torino vicinities, Italy, in March 2014 and March 2015. After emergence, males and females were put together, kept at 14°C and fed with liquid honey until the release. To confirm the establishment of the population of T. sinensis on release site from 2014 in Croatia morphological and DNA identification were used. Fresh galls from the release site of Pazin, Croatia were collected in spring 2015 and parasitism rates of T. sinensis were calculated. Results and conclusions: In total 10,590 females and 5,295 males of T. sinensis were released in sweet chestnut forests in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia in 2014 and 2015. The minimum release number of T. sinensis was 100 females/50 males and the maximum was 1,200 females per site. Subsequent releases with a larger number of females (1,200 and 800 in two years) resulted in a rapid establishment of the population of T. sinensis and parasitism rates of 76% only one year after the first release was done. The establishment of the population of T. sinensis was confirmed with molecular analyses and morphological identification. Obtained haplotype sequences of T. sinensis have shown similarities with Torymus beneficus. Prior to the release of T. sinensis, all advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of this alien biocontrol species into natural stands in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia have been considered

    New dating of the «mask» of La Roche-Cotard (Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France)

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    Le «masque» de la Roche-Cotard a été découvert au sein d’une couche contenant une industrie lithique de technologie et typologie caractéristiques du Paléolithique moyen. Après une première datation de la couche, supérieure à 32 ka BP et deux autres datations par le 14C attribuant à la couche un âge supérieur à 40 ka, une datation sur quartz par la méthode de la luminescence (OSL) donne un âge de 75,6 ± 5,8 ka au dépôt alluvial qui contient le «masque». Ce nouveau résultat confirme que les datations 14C par Spectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur (AMS) obtenues sur des fragments osseux de cette même couche sont au-delà de la limite de la validité de la méthode de datation par le radiocarbone. Nous exposons, en annexe, le principe de la méthode des datations OSL qui doivent être retenues pour dater l’occupation néandertalienne de La Roche Cotard II d’où provient le masque, et leurs implications.The "mask" of La Roche-Cotard was discovered in a layer containing a characteristic Middle Paleolithic lithic industry. After a first 14C result of 32 ka BP, two further 14C dates now assign the layer to more than 40 ka, but above all an OSL date obtained on quartz attributes to the layer containing the «mask» an age of 75.6 ± 5.8 ka. This new result confirms that 14C dates with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, obtained on bones of that layer are beyond the limit of validity of the radiocarbon dating method. We present the principle of the method of luminescence dating that should be retained for the Neanderthal occupation of the Roche Cotard II level 7 and its implications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cold hardening protects cereals from oxidative stress and necrotrophic fungal pathogenesis

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    The effects of cold hardening of cereals on their cross-tolerance to treatments leading to oxidative stress were investigated. Long-term exposure to low non-freezing temperatures provided partial protection to wheat and barley plants from the damage caused by paraquat and hydrogen peroxide treatments. It also conferred resistance in two barley cultivars to the necrotic symptoms and growth of the fungal phytopathogen Pyrenophora teres f. teres . Pathogen-induced oxidative burst was also reduced in cold hardened plants. The possible roles of host-derived redox factors and other signaling components in the observed forms of cereal cross-tolerance are discussed

    The Static and Dynamic Lattice Changes Induced by Hydrogen Adsorption on NiAl(110)

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    Static and dynamic changes induced by adsorption of atomic hydrogen on the NiAl(110) lattice at 130 K have been examined as a function of adsorbate coverage. Adsorbed hydrogen exists in three distinct phases. At low coverages the hydrogen is itinerant because of quantum tunneling between sites and exhibits no observable vibrational modes. Between 0.4 ML and 0.6 ML, substrate mediated interactions produce an ordered superstructure with c(2x2) symmetry, and at higher coverages, hydrogen exists as a disordered lattice gas. This picture of how hydrogen interacts with NiAl(110) is developed from our data and compared to current theoretical predictions.Comment: 36 pages, including 12 figures, 2 tables and 58 reference

    Effects of the Pentapeptide P33 on Memory and Synaptic Plasticity in APP/PS1 Transgenic Mice: A Novel Mechanism Presenting the Protein Fe65 as a Target

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    Regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) leads to the formation of fragments, among which the intracellular domain of APP (AICD) was also identified to be a causative of early pathological events. AICD-counteracting proteins, such as Fe65, may serve as alternative therapeutic targets of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The detection of elevated levels of Fe65 in the brains of both human patients and APP transgenic mice may further strengthen the hypothesis that influencing the interaction between Fe65 and APP may have a beneficial effect on the course of AD. Based on a PXP motif, proven to bind to the WW domain of Fe65, a new pentapeptide was designed and tested. The impedimental effect of P33 on the production of beta amyloid (A beta) (soluble fraction and aggregated plaques) and on the typical features of the AD pathology (decreased dendritic spine density, synaptic markers, elevated inflammatory reactions) was also demonstrated. Significant enhancements of both learning ability and memory function were observed in a Morris water maze paradigm. The results led us to formulate the theory that P33 acts by altering the conformation of Fe65 via binding to its WW domain, consequently hindering any interactions between Fe65 and key members involved in APP processing

    The integration of experiment and computational modelling in heterogeneously catalysed ammonia synthesis over metal nitrides

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    In this perspective we present recent experimental and computational progress in catalytic ammonia synthesis research on metal nitrides involving a combined approach. On this basis, it suggested that the consideration of nitrogen vacancies in the synthesis of ammonia can offer new low energy pathways that were previously unknown. We have shown that metal nitrides that are also known to have high activity for ammonia synthesis can readily form nitrogen vacancies on their surfaces. These vacancies adsorb dinitrogen much more strongly than the defect-free surfaces and can efficiently activate the strong N–N triple bond. These fundamental studies suggest that heterogeneously catalysed ammonia synthesis over metal nitrides is strongly affected by bulk and surface defects and that further progress in the discovery of low temperature catalysts relies on more careful consideration of nitrogen vacancies. The potential occurrence of an associative pathway in the case of the Co3Mo3N catalytic system provides a possible link with enzymatic catalysis, which will be of importance in the design of heterogeneous catalytic systems operational under process conditions of reduced severity which are necessary for the development of localised facilities for the production of more sustainable “green” ammonia
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