28 research outputs found

    Energy and Delay Efficient Computation Offloading Solutions for Edge Computing

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    This thesis collects a selective set of outcomes of a PhD course in Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technologies Engineering and it is focused on designing techniques to optimize computational resources in different wireless communication environments. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a novel and distributed computational paradigm that has emerged to address the high users demand in 5G. In MEC, edge devices can share their resources to collaborate in terms of storage and computation. One of the computational sharing techniques is computation offloading, which brings a lot of advantages to the network edge, from lower communication, to lower energy consumption for computation. However, the communication among the devices should be managed such that the resources are exploited efficiently. To this aim, in this dissertation, computation offloading in different wireless environments with different number of users, network traffic, resource availability and devices' location are analyzed in order to optimize the resource allocation at the network edge. To better organize the dissertation, the studies are classified in four main sections. In the first section, an introduction on computational sharing technologies is given. Later, the problem of computation offloading is defined, and the challenges are introduced. In the second section, two partial offloading techniques are proposed. While in the first one, centralized and distributed architectures are proposed, in the second work, an Evolutionary Algorithm for task offloading is proposed. In the third section, the offloading problem is seen from a different perspective where the end users can harvest energy from either renewable sources of energy or through Wireless Power Transfer. In the fourth section, the MEC in vehicular environments is studied. In one work a heuristic is introduced in order to perform the computation offloading in Internet of Vehicles and in the other a learning-based approach based on bandit theory is proposed

    A control and data plane split approach for partial offloading in mobile fog networks

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    Fog Computing offers storage and computational capabilities to the edge devices by reducing the traffic at the fronthaul. A fog environment can be seen as composed by two main classes of devices, Fog Nodes (FNs) and Fog-Access Points (F-APs). At the same time, one of the major advances in 5G systems is decoupling the control and the data planes. With this in mind we are here proposing an optimization technique for a mobile environment where the Device to Device (D2D) communications between FNs act as a control plane for aiding the computational offloading traffic operating on the data plane composed by the FN - F-AP links. Interactions in the FNs layer are used for exchanging the information about the status of the F-AP to be exploited for offloading the computation. With this knowledge, we have considered the mobility of FNs and the F-APs' coverage areas to propose a partial offloading approach where the amount of tasks to be offloaded is estimated while the FNs are still within the coverage of their F-APs. Numerical results show that the proposed approaches allow to achieve performance closer to the ideal case, by reducing the data loss and the delay

    Multi-Objective Computation Sharing in Energy and Delay Constrained Mobile Edge Computing Environments

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    In a mobile edge computing (MEC) network, mobile devices, also called edge clients, offload their computations to multiple edge servers that provide additional computing resources. Since the edge servers are placed at the network edge, transmission delays between edge servers and clients are shorter compared to those of cloud computing. In addition, edge clients can offload their tasks to other nearby edge clients with available computing resources by exploiting the Fog Computing (FC) paradigm. A major challenge in MEC and FC networks is to assign the tasks from edge clients to edge servers, as well as to other edge clients, so that their tasks are completed with minimum energy consumption and processing delay. In this paper, we model task offloading in MEC as a constrained multi-objective optimization problem (CMOP) that minimizes both the energy consumption and task processing delay of the mobile devices. To solve the CMOP, we design an evolutionary algorithm that can efficiently find a representative sample of the best trade-offs between energy consumption and task processing delay, i.e., the Pareto-optimal front. Compared to existing approaches for task offloading in MEC, we see that our approach finds offloading decisions with lower energy consumption and task processing delay

    On-demand Service Deployment Strategies for Fog-as-a-Service Scenarios

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    Service deployment at the network edge is a promising area that has been studied recently in the literature. In this work we have investigated a Fog-as-a-Service scenario, where multiple Server Fog Nodes (SFNs) can serve multiple Client Fog Nodes (CFNs) by exploiting different service deployment models, i.e., SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, in a flexible way. The system has been modeled as a Size-Constrained Weighted Set Cover Problem aiming at maximizing the amount of satisfied CFNs exploiting a heterogeneous service deployment architecture, while minimizing the service completion time in a computation offloading scenario. In the simulation results section, we analyze the performance of different methods in terms of percentage of CFNs’ offloading requests satisfaction and offloading delay

    An Evolutionary-Based Algorithm for Smart-Living Applications Placement in Fog Networks

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    Fog computing is an emerging model, complementing the cloud computing platform, introduced to support the Internet of Things (IoT) processing requests at the edge of the network. Smart-living IoT scenarios require the execution of multiple processing tasks at the edge of the network and leveraging on the Fog Computing approach results to be a worthwhile solution. Genetic Algorithms (GA) are a heuristic search and optimization class of techniques inspired by natural evolution. We propose two GA-based approaches for optimizing the processing task placement in a fog computing edge infrastructure aiming to support the Smart-living IoT nodes requests. The numerical results obtained in Matlab show that both GA-based approaches allow to maximize the covered areas while minimizing the resource wastage through the minimization of the overlapping area

    Computation Offloading Decision Bounds in SWIPT-Based Fog Networks

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    Computation sharing is one of the most promising services in fog computing allowing the Fog Nodes (FNs) to share among themselves data and tasks to be computed. In case of battery powered-FNs, energy consumption becomes an issue. Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer (SWIPT) is a recently introduced technology enabling data and power transfer through microwave links among different nodes. In this work, we have considered the presence of a battery powered FN able to simultaneously share data and harvest energy from a Fog Access Point (F-AP), supposed to be plugged to the electrical network. The aim of this work is to define two suitable bounds able to drive the offloading decision to be taken by the battery powered FN, based on the estimated packet generation time, with the aim of having a stable energy system. We have further studied the impact of bandwidth and packet size on the two bounds. Simulation results demonstrate the impact of SWIPT-based offloading decision algorithm on network in terms of latency and network lifetime

    Computation Offloading in Heterogeneous Vehicular Edge Networks:On-line and Off-policy Bandit Solutions

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    With the rapid advancement of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and vehicular communications, Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC) is emerging as a promising technology to support low-latency ITS applications and services. In this paper, we consider the computation offloading problem from mobile vehicles/users in a heterogeneous VEC scenario, and focus on the network and base station selection problems, where different networks have different traffic loads. In a fast-varying vehicular environment, computation offloading experience of users is strongly affected by the latency due to the congestion at the edge computing servers co-located with the base stations. However, as a result of the non-stationary property of such an environment and also information shortage, predicting this congestion is an involved task. To address this challenge, we propose an on-line learning algorithm and an off-policy learning algorithm based on multi-armed bandit theory. To dynamically select the least congested network in a piece-wise stationary environment, these algorithms predict the latency that the offloaded tasks experience using the offloading history. In addition, to minimize the task loss due to the mobility of the vehicles, we develop a method for base station selection. Moreover, we propose a relaying mechanism for the selected network, which operates based on the sojourn time of the vehicles. Through intensive numerical analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed learning-based solutions adapt to the traffic changes of the network by selecting the least congested network, thereby reducing the latency of offloaded tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that the proposed joint base station selection and the relaying mechanism minimize the task loss in a vehicular environment

    Mobile Edge Computing Partial Offloading Techniques for Mobile Urban Scenarios

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    Edge Computing refers to a recently introduced approach aiming to bring the storage and computational capabilities of the cloud to the proximity of the edge devices. Edge Computing is one of the main techniques enabling Fog Computing and Networking. Among several application scenarios, the urban scenario seems one of the most attractive for exploiting edge computing approaches. However, in an urban scenario, mobility becomes a challenge to be addressed, affecting the edge computing. By gaining from the the presence of two types of devices, Fog Nodes (FNs) and Fog-Access Points (F-APs), the idea in this paper is that of exploiting Device to Device (D2D) communications between FNs for assisting computation offloading requests between FNs and F-APs by exchanging status information related to the F-APs. With this knowledge, this paper proposes a partial offloading approach where the optimal tasks amount to be offloaded is estimated for minimizing the outage probability due to the mobility of the devices. In order to reduce the outage probability we have further considered a relaying approach among F-APs. Moreover, the impact of the number of tasks that each F-AP can manage is shown in terms of task processing delay. Numerical results show that the proposed approaches allow to achieve performance closer to the lower bound, by reducing the outage probability and the task processing delay

    Joint Security-vs-QoS Framework:Optimizing the Selection of Intrusion Detection Mechanisms in 5G networks

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    The advent of 5G technology introduces new - and potentially undiscovered - cybersecurity challenges, with unforeseen impacts on our economy, society, and environment. Interestingly, Intrusion Detection Mechanisms (IDMs) can provide the necessary network monitoring to ensure - to a big extent - the detection of 5G-related cyberattacks. Yet, how to realize the attack surface of 5G networks with respect to the detected risks, and, consequently, how to optimize the cybersecurity levels of the network, remains an open critical challenge. In respect, this work focuses on deploying multiple distributed Security Agents (SAs) that can run different IDMs over various network components and proposes a cybersecurity mechanism for optimizing the network’s attack surface with respect to the Quality of Service (QoS). The proposed approach relies on a new closed-form utility function to describe the trade-off between cybersecurity and QoS and uses multi-objective optimization to improve the selection of each SA detection level. We demonstrate via simulations that before optimization, an increase in the detection level of SAs brings a direct decrease in QoS as more computational, bandwidth and monetary resources are utilized for IDM processing. Thereby, after optimization, we demonstrate that our mechanism can strike a balance between cybersecurity and QoS while showcasing the impact of the importance of different objectives of the joint optimization