8 research outputs found

    Architectural and facies organization of slope channel fills : Upper Cretaceous Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico

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    This work comprised part of PL’s PhD study, which was funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), and a research consortium including BG Group, BP, DONG, RWE Dea, Petrochina, Statoil and Tullow Oil. The authors thank all the many people associated with the deepwater research group at the University of Aberdeen, for their contributions to the mapping, description and interpretation of the study area, which provide the basis for this manuscript. Coding of the sedimentary logs and Markov chain analysis of coded logs were carried out respectively using the Matlab code (https://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/Model:OptimalCycleID) of Peter Burgess, and by the program phpSediStat (http://phpsedistat.sourceforge.net/index.html) of Staňová Sidónia, Soták Ján and Hudec Norbert. We thank the reviewers …….. and ……. for their helpful and constructive comments.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Proveniência e estratigrafia dos reservatórios siliciclásticos : carbonáticos dos campos de Fazenda Santa Luzia e São Rafael, Bacia do Espírito Santo

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    Este trabalho discute a proveniência dos arenitos e sequências híbridas associadas ao Grupo Barra Nova (Formação Regência e São Mateus), nos campos de Fazenda Santa Luzia e Fazenda São Rafael, Bacia do Espírito Santo, utilizando minerais pesados (analise convencional e composição de granadas) na tentativa de detectar mudanças de proveniência e suas possíveis causas. Tenta-se também correlacionar as quebras na proveniência identificadas com as superfícies índice da Estratigrafia de Sequências. A correlação entre essas duas técnicas de pesquisa permite avançar no entendimento das propriedades deposicionais ocorridas nos campos estudados e assim ter melhor objetividade na locação de poços visando encontrar setores potencialmente mais favoráveis para rochas reservatórios e melhor produtividade dos poços. Com esse trabalho rochas reservatório com porosidade secundaria podem ser mais bem mapeadas e também os trabalhos de recuperação primaria e secundaria podem ter uma melhor resposta, já que seu entendimento interno é refinado. Baseando-se nestas técnicas foram identificados os terrenos potencialmente áreas-fonte dos sedimentos da Bacia, sendo eles o Complexo Kinzigítico (rochas metamórficas de alto grau) e alguns granitóides que ocorrem próximos ao local de deposição do sedimento, já que os mesmos possuem características de pouco transporte e pouca variação na área-fonte. Também foi criado um modelo deposicional onde o sistema siliciclástico seria misturado com material intrabacial proveniente de um alto localizado a sul que disponibilizaria sedimentos durante tempestades ocorrentes a sul, devido à conhecida deriva sedimentar de sul para norte nas porções sul sudeste do Brasil.The research discuss the provenance of the sandstone and hybrid sequences of the Barra Nova Group (Regencia and Sao Mateus Formations) of Sao Rafael and Santa Luzia Fields, Espirito Santo, using heavy minerals, conventional analysis and garnet composition, trying to detect changes of the provenance of the sediments and the possible causes. It also tries to correlate the identified changes of the provenance with the sequence stratigraphy surfaces. The correlation of these techniques allows advance of the uptake of the depositional pattern occurred at the studied fields and with it improve the objectivity in well location aiming the places potentially more favourable for reservoir rocks and better productivity of the wells. With this research reservoir rocks with secondary porosity can be better mapped and the primary and secondary recuperations can have a better response, since your inner understanding is refined. Based on these techniques, potentially terrains were identified to be the source rock of the sediments of the Basin. They are the Kinzigitic Complex (high grade metamorphic rock) and some granites occurring close to the place where the sediments were deposited, since they have short transport characteristics and very sensitive variation of the source-rock. Also, a depositional model was elaborated, where the siliciclastic system is mixed up with intrabasinal material from a high located southern which provides sediments during storms happening in the South, because is known a current in south and southeast that goes northern and is responsible for the sediment drift

    Predominance of wind-wave transport and resuspension of fine river sediments in a great lake: A Delft3D modelling study of lake Turkana, East African Rift

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    International audienceDepositional models for clastic sedimentation in large lakes, notably in rift lakes, emphasize on downslope river and gravity-driven processes. Wind-driven waterbodies (WWB), a recently-defined category of lakes, display features created by wave related processes and wind-induced water circulation such as beach ridges or spits along the coasts, as well as sediment drifts, sedimentary shelf progradation and erosional surfaces in deeper, offshore domains. A coupled hydrodynamic, wave and sediment transport three-dimensional Delft3D model was established for Lake Turkana, East Africa, one of the world's greatest lakes in order to test the WWB validity for fine sediments. Using available data, the model is forced for 1.5 years with river liquid and solid discharge, as well as wind data, in order to simulate cohesive sediment transport and resuspension. The model simulates stratification due to salinity, wave generation and dissipation, and sediment advection and resuspension by waves and currents, with multiple cohesive sediment fractions. Model results were compared with remote sensed imagery and with available in-situ sediment deposition rates, reproducing the general surface suspended sediment patterns, and agreeing with the mass deposition rates data from the literature.By creating scenarios in which certain processes were switched off, the contribution of waves resuspension, wind-induced currents, salinity-induced stratification, and river jet, in resuspending and transporting sediment along the lake could be investigated. With just the wind and/or the river influence, most of the sediment deposition occurs in the first 10 km from the river mouth and at depths from 0 to 10 m. When waves are switched on, significant quantities of sediments can be resuspended by waves, and most of the sediments are deposited in the first 30 km from the river mouth, at depths from 10 to 30 m. This study provides insights on sediment transport in the Lake Turkana, and similarly in great lakes in general, supporting waves as the main agent transporting fine sediments away from river mouths into deeper areas, as opposed to river-plume derived transport

    Building Brand Awareness in Chinese Chocolate Industry : case company, Dove chocolate

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    With the development of global trade, more multinational companies choose to enter the Chinese market. Therefore, Chinese domestic enterprises are facing greater opportunities and challenges. Regardless of the methods, techniques, strategies, foreign chocolate companies do better than domestic chocolate companies. Dove chocolate is the representative of many foreign brands which has absolute advantages in the Chinese chocolate industry. Hence the thesis chooses Dove as the case company, to find out how Dove succeeded to build brand awareness in China. In order to achieve the main aim, the following sub research problems based on theoretical study were separately set. Firstly, what is the chocolate marketing environment in China? Secondly, what factors will influence the purchasing behav-ior of Chinese customers for chocolate? Thirdly, what is the attitude of Chinese customers to Dove chocolates? And finally, how does Dove chocolate promote itself in an innovative way? The theoretical basis and empirical practice are close-ly connected to the research problems. The result is based on a questionnaire, which was delivered to the respondents over the Internet and the in-depth interview method. The research indicates current chocolate marketing environment in China, the Chinese purchasing behavior of chocolates and the SWOT analyzing of Dove. The available information can be used for the improvement of Dove. And meanwhile provide recommendations and suggestion to Chinese local chocolate brands how to build brand awareness. Alt-hough Chinese local chocolate brands are in an unfavorable position, however if they can take advantages of the two factors high quality with good taste and mod-erate price, then they will be able to change the current situation.Globaalin kaupankäynnin kehityksen myötä yhä useammat monikansalliset yhtiöt pyrkivät Kiinan markkinoille. Tämä kehitys luo kiinalaisille yrityksille samalla sekä suurempia mahdollisuuksia että suurempia haasteita. Metodeista, tekniikoista ja strategioista huolimatta, ulkomaiset suklaayhtiöt menestyvät paremmin kuin kiinalaiset. Doven suklaa edustaa useita ulkomaisia brändejä ja sillä on absoluuttinen etu kiinalaisilla suklaamarkkinoilla. Siksi tutkimuksen case -tapauksena on Dove-yhtiö. Tavoitteena on selvittää kuinka Dove onnistui luomaan merkkitietoisuutta Kiinassa. Päätavoitteen saavuttamiseksi asetettiin seuraavat osatutkimusongelmat: ensinnäkin, minkälainen markkinointiympäristo suklaalla on Kiinassa? Toiseksi, minkälaiset tekijät vaikuttavat kiinalaisten asiakkaiden kulutuspäätöksiin suklaan suhteen? Kolmanneksi, millainen asenne kiinalaisilla asiakkailla on Doven suklaata kohtaan? Ja viimeiseksi, kuinka Dove markkinoi itseään innovatiivisella tavalla? Teoreettinen pohja ja empiirinen tutkimus pohjustavat näitä tutkimusongelmia. Tulos perustuu internetin kautta välitettyyn kyselyyn ja syvällisempien haastatteluiden metodiin. Tulokset näyttävät vallitsevan suklaan markkinointiympäristön Kiinassa, kiinalaisen kulutuskäyttäytymisen suklaan suhteen ja Doven SWOT-analyysin. Tietoa voidaan käyttää Doven kehittämiseen. Samalla se tarjoaa suosituksia ja ehdotuksia paikallisille kiinalaisille suklaabrändeille merkkitietoisuuden luomiseen. Tällä hetkellä kiinalaiset brändit ovat huonommassa asemassa, mutta hyödyntämällä korkealaatuisen hyvän maun ja kohtalaisen hinnan, ne voivat muuttaa tilanteen

    The role of wind-wave related processes in redistributing river-derived terrigenous sediments in Lake Turkana: A modelling study

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    A complete annual cycle of the dynamics of fine-grained sediment supplied by the Omo and smaller rivers is simulated for Lake Turkana, one of the world’s large lakes, with the hydrodynamic, wave and sediment transport model Delft3D. The model is forced with river liquid and solid discharge and wind data in order to simulate cohesive sediment transport and resuspension. It simulates stratification due to salinity, wave generation and dissipation, and sediment advection and resuspension by waves and currents, with multiple cohesive sediment fractions. A comparison of the simulation results with remotely-sensed imagery and with available in-situ sediment deposition rates validates the model. By devising simulation scenarios in which certain processes were switched on or off, we investigated the contribution of waves, wind-induced surface and bottom currents, salinity-induced stratification and river jet, in resuspending and transporting fine sediments in the lake basin. With only the wind or river influence, most of the sediment deposition occurs in the first 10 km off the Omo River mouth and at a depth  30 m. This study sheds new light on sediment transport in Lake Turkana and in great lakes in general, favouring the view that wind-waves can be the main agent that transports sediment away from river mouths and to deeper areas, as opposed to river-plume or gravity-driven transport