466 research outputs found

    Searching for dark matter in X-rays: how to check the dark matter origin of a spectral feature

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    A signal from decaying dark matter (DM) can be unambiguously distinguished from spectral features of astrophysical or instrumental origin by studying its spatial distribution. We demonstrate this approach by examining the recent claim of 0912.0552 regarding the possible DM origin of the 2.5 keV line in Chandra observations of the Milky Way satellite known as Willman 1. Our conservative strategy is to adopt a relatively large dark mass for Willman 1 and relatively small dark masses for the comparison objects. We analyze archival observations by XMM-Newton of M31 and Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy (dSph) and Chandra observations of Sculptor dSph. By performing a conservative analysis of X-ray spectra, we show the absence of a DM decay line with parameters consistent with those of 0912.0552. For M31, the observations of the regions between 10 and 20 kpc from the center, where the uncertainties in the DM distribution are minimal, make a strong exclusion at the level above 10sigma. The minimal estimate for the amount of DM in the central 40 kpc of M31 is provided by the model of 0912.4133, assuming the stellar disk's mass to light ratio ~8 and almost constant DM density within a core of 28 kpc. Even in this case one gets an exclusion at 5.7sigma from central region of M31 whereas modeling all processed data from M31 and Fornax produces more than 14sigma exclusion. Therefore, despite possible systematic uncertainties, we exclude the possibility that the spectral feature at ~2.5 keV found in 0912.0552 is a DM decay line. We conclude, however, that the search for DM decay line, although demanding prolonged observations of well-studied dSphs, M31 outskirts and other similar objects, is rather promising, as the nature of a possible signal can be checked. An (expected) non-observation of a DM decay signal in the planned observations of Willman 1 should not discourage further dedicated observations.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; journal version; analysis of additional data from M31 outskirts and comments on arXiv:1001.4055 are adde

    Where to find a dark matter sterile neutrino?

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    We propose a strategy of how to look for dark matter (DM) particles possessing a radiative decay channel and derive constraints on their parameters from observations of X-rays from our own Galaxy and its dwarf satellites. When applied to the sterile neutrinos in keV mass range, it allows a significant improvement of restrictions to its parameters, as compared with previous works.Comment: 5 pp, revtex; v3: 1-sigma limits have been replaced by more conservative 3-sigma limits, a picture illustrating the data analysis methods has been ade

    Sterile neutrinos as subdominant warm dark matter

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    In light of recent findings which seem to disfavor a scenario with (warm) dark matter entirely constituted of sterile neutrinos produced via the Dodelson-Widrow (DW) mechanism, we investigate the constraints attainable for this mechanism by relaxing the usual hypothesis that the relic neutrino abundance must necessarily account for all of the dark matter. We first study how to reinterpret the limits attainable from X-ray non-detection and Lyman-alpha forest measurements in the case that sterile neutrinos constitute only a fraction fs of the total amount of dark matter. Then, assuming that sterile neutrinos are generated in the early universe solely through the DW mechanism, we show how the X-ray and Lyman-alpha results jointly constrain the mass-mixing parameters governing their production. Furthermore, we show how the same data allow us to set a robust upper limit fs < 0.7 at the 2 sigma level, rejecting the case of dominant dark matter (fs = 1) at the ~ 3 sigma level.Comment: Minor changes; added references; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Fermions in the harmonic potential and string theory

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    We explicitly derive collective field theory description for the system of fermions in the harmonic potential. This field theory appears to be a coupled system of free scalar and (modified) Liouville field. This theory should be considered as an exact bosonization of the system of non-relativistic fermions in the harmonic potential. Being surprisingly similar to the world-sheet formulation of c=1 string theory, this theory has quite different physical features and it is conjectured to give space-time description of the string theory, dual to the fermions in the harmonic potential. A vertex operator in this theory is shown to be a field theoretical representation of the local fermion operator, thus describing a D0 brane in the string language. Possible generalization of this result and its derivation for the case of c=1 string theory (fermions in the inverse harmonic potential) is discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e. v2 - minor correction

    Sterile Neutrino-Enhanced Supernova Explosions

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    We investigate the enhancement of lepton number, energy, and entropy transport resulting from active-sterile neutrino conversion νeνs\nu_e\to\nu_s deep in the post-bounce supernova core followed by re-conversion νsνe\nu_s\to\nu_e further out, near the neutrino sphere. We explicitly take account of shock wave and neutrino heating modification of the active neutrino forward scattering potential which governs sterile neutrino production. We find that the νe\nu_e luminosity at the neutrino sphere could be increased by between 10\sim 10 % and 100\sim 100 % during the crucial shock re-heating epoch if the sterile neutrino has a rest mass and vacuum mixing parameters in ranges which include those required for viable sterile neutrino dark matter. We also find sterile neutrino transport-enhanced entropy deposition ahead of the shock. This `` pre-heating\rq\rq can help melt heavy nuclei and thereby reduce the nuclear photo-dissociation burden on the shock. Both neutrino luminosity enhancement and pre-heating could increase the likelihood of a successful core collapse supernova explosion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    On the hadronic contribution to sterile neutrino production

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    Sterile neutrinos with masses in the keV range are considered to be a viable candidate for warm dark matter. The rate of their production through active-sterile neutrino transitions peaks, however, at temperatures of the order of the QCD scale, which makes it difficult to estimate their relic abundance quantitatively, even if the mass of the sterile neutrino and its mixing angle were known. We derive here a relation, valid to all orders in the strong coupling constant, which expresses the production rate in terms of the spectral function associated with active neutrinos. The latter can in turn be expressed as a certain convolution of the spectral functions related to various mesonic current-current correlation functions, which are being actively studied in other physics contexts. In the naive weak coupling limit, the appropriate Boltzmann equations can be derived from our general formulae.Comment: 28 pages. v2: small clarifications added, published versio

    Dark-matter sterile neutrinos in models with a gauge singlet in the Higgs sector

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    Sterile neutrino with mass of several keV can be the cosmological dark matter, can explain the observed velocities of pulsars, and can play an important role in the formation of the first stars. We describe the production of sterile neutrinos in a model with an extended Higgs sector, in which the Majorana mass term is generated by the vacuum expectation value of a gauge-singlet Higgs boson. In this model the relic abundance of sterile neutrinos does not necessarily depend on their mixing angles, the free-streaming length can be much smaller than in the case of warm dark matter produced by neutrino oscillations, and, therefore, some of the previously quoted bounds do not apply. The presence of the gauge singlet in the Higgs sector has important implications for the electroweak phase transition, baryogenesis, and the upcoming experiments at the Large Hadron Collider and a Linear Collider.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Microscopic construction of the chiral Luttinger liquid theory of the quantum Hall edge

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    We give a microscopic derivation of the chiral Luttinger liquid theory for the Laughlin states. Starting from the wave function describing an arbitrary incompressibly deformed Laughlin state (IDLS) we quantize these deformations. In this way we obtain the low-energy projections of local microscopic operators and derive the quantum field theory of edge excitations directly from quantum mechanics of electrons. This shows that to describe experimental and numeric deviations from chiral Luttinger liquid theory one needs to go beyond Laughlin's approximation. We show that in the large N limit the IDLS is described by the dispersionless Toda hierarchy.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, several clarifying comments adde

    Production of a sterile species via active-sterile mixing: an exactly solvable model

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    The production of a sterile species via active-sterile mixing in a thermal medium is studied in an exactly solvable model. The \emph{exact} time evolution of the sterile distribution function is determined by the dispersion relations and damping rates Γ1,2\Gamma_{1,2} for the quasiparticle modes. These depend on \wtg = \Gamma_{aa}/2\Delta E, with Γaa\Gamma_{aa} the interaction rate of the active species in absence of mixing and ΔE\Delta E the oscillation frequency in the medium without damping. \wtg \ll1,\wtg \gg 1 describe the weak and strong damping limits respectively. For \wtg\ll1, \Gamma_1 = \Gamma_{aa}\cos^2\tm ; \Gamma_{2}=\Gamma_{aa}\sin^2\tm where \tm is the mixing angle in the medium and the sterile distribution function \emph{does not} obey a simple rate equation. For \wtg \gg 1, Γ1=Γaa\Gamma_1= \Gamma_{aa} and \Gamma_2 = \Gamma_{aa} \sin^22\tm/4\wtg^2, is the sterile production rate. In this regime sterile production is suppressed and the oscillation frequency \emph{vanishes} at an MSW resonance, with a breakdown of adiabaticity. These are consequences of quantum Zeno suppression. For active neutrinos with standard model interactions the strong damping limit is \emph{only} available near an MSW resonance \emph{if} sinθαw\sin\theta \lesssim \alpha_w with θ\theta the vacuum mixing angle. The full set of quantum kinetic equations for sterile production for arbitrary \wtg are obtained from the quantum master equation. Cosmological resonant sterile neutrino production is quantum Zeno suppressed relieving potential uncertainties associated with the QCD phase transition.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on the Dark Matter Particle Mass from the Number of Milky Way Satellites

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    We have conducted N-body simulations of the growth of Milky Way-sized halos in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies. The number of dark matter satellites in our simulated Milky Ways decreases with decreasing mass of the dark matter particle. Assuming that the number of dark matter satellites exceeds or equals the number of observed satellites of the Milky Way we derive lower limits on the dark matter particle mass. We find with 95% confidence m_s > 13.3 keV for a sterile neutrino produced by the Dodelson and Widrow mechanism, m_s > 8.9 keV for the Shi and Fuller mechanism, m_s > 3.0 keV for the Higgs decay mechanism, and m_{WDM} > 2.3 keV for a thermal dark matter particle. The recent discovery of many new dark matter dominated satellites of the Milky Way in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey allows us to set lower limits comparable to constraints from the complementary methods of Lyman-alpha forest modeling and X-ray observations of the unresolved cosmic X-ray background and of dark matter halos from dwarf galaxy to cluster scales. Future surveys like LSST, DES, PanSTARRS, and SkyMapper have the potential to discover many more satellites and further improve constraints on the dark matter particle mass.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, replaced with final version published in Physical Review